Update change log for next version

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2016-08-28 23:15:06 -04:00
parent 89137bb482
commit 64a0cc265d
1 changed files with 605 additions and 70 deletions

View File

@ -2,9 +2,11 @@
This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
* Release 0.106.x
** 0.106.0 (no date)
* Release 0.200.x
** 0.200.0 (September 2016)
*** IMPORTANT: Breaking changes
- The support for Emacs 24.3 has been dropped, Spacemacs needs at least Emacs
24.4 to work correctly.
- =extensions= are deprecated as announced in previous releases, if you still
have =extensions= directories you must rename them to =local= and move
the contents of the =extensions.el= files to the =packages.el= files adding
@ -17,8 +19,8 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
If you want to revert to the old ~SPC :~ key binding set the new
variable =dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key= to ":".
- Key binding ~SPC f e h~ is now ~SPC h SPC~
- Delete things key bindings are now more consistent using the ~d~ key, we
had to move ~SPC w c~ and ~SPC w C~ to ~SPC w d~ and ~SPC w D~.
- Key bindings to delete things are now more consistent and use the ~d~ key.
We had to move ~SPC w c~ and ~SPC w C~ to ~SPC w d~ and ~SPC w D~.
- ~SPC j~ prefix has been modified to include =jump= commands:
- =avy= commands are now behind the prefix ~SPC j~ for =jump=:
- ~SPC j j~ to jump to a character in the buffer (works as an evil motion)
@ -30,53 +32,141 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- ~SPC J~ to split a string or sexp has been moved to ~SPC j s~
- All helm related key bindings under ~SPC h~ that are not about help have
moved to different key bindings:
been moved to different key bindings:
- ~SPC h b~ for =helm-filetered-bookmarks~is now ~SPC f b~
- ~SPC h l~ for =helm-resume= is now ~SPC r l~
- ~SPC h L~ for =helm-locate-library= is now ~SPC f e l~
- Refactor ~SPC w~ and ~SPC b~ regarding deletion to clean redundent actions
and bring more consistency between the two prefixes (see
=Distribution layer changes= section in change log for more information)
- Git key bindings under ~SPC g~ have been reorganised to free up some keys
amd capitalize on =Magit= dipatch menu to keep things consistent (see
=git= section in change log for more information)
- Spacemacs layouts scope has been changed, now ~SPC b b~ lists the buffers of
the current layout, use ~SPC B b~ to list all the opened buffers.
- =org-indent= is now turned off by default
- Micro states are now called transient states
- Micro states are now called transient states, the macro
=spacemacs|define-micro-state= is deprecated, it is replaced by the new
=hydra= powered macro =spacemacs|define-transient-state=.
- Spacemacs layouts and workspaces transient states now exit when a layout or
workspace is selected, use ~C-0~ ... ~C-9~ to switch to a layout and keep
the transient state open.
- Remove support for =all= value for =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers=
variable. To install all the packages supported by Spacemacs there is a new
variable =dotspacemacs-install-packages=.
- Remove layer variable =colors-enable-rainbow-identifiers= in =colors= layer,
You have to replace it by =colors-colorize-identifiers 'all=.
- The =bépo= layer has been replaced by the new layer =keyboard-layout=, see the
readme of the layer for more info.
*** Hot new features
- Add lazy installation of layers based on =auto-mode-alist=.
- Support for Ivy, add the =ivy= layer to your dotfile and
restart to replace =Helm= by =Ivy= (thanks to justbur and contributors)
- New micro states powered by =Hydra=. Micro states are now called transient
states (thanks to justbur)
- Refactor of the layer system which should improve startup time by 20~25%.
- New option to lazy install layers based on =auto-mode-alist= (similar to
=Prelude= lazy install of packages but for layers) via the variable
- Add support for Ivy via the new layer =ivy=, when used it replaces =helm=
(thanks to justbur, d12frosted, lszekeres, nixmaniack, ralesi, TheBB,
- Add support for different keyboard layouts via the new layer
=keyboard-layout=, currently supported layouts are =bépo= and =dvorak=
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- New transient states powered by =Hydra=, they replace the deprecated
micro states (thanks to justbur)
- New =jump to definition= abstraction to handle multiple jump backends like
tags, dumb-jump etc... (thanks to TheBB)
- Global access to all available REPLs with ~SPC a '~ and `SPC m '~ (thanks to
AlejandroCatalina and TheBB)
- New debugging tools, press ~SPC q d~ to restart Emacs in debug mode setting
=--debug-init=, press ~SPC q D~ to restart Emacs with Spacemacs disabled and
with a list of selected packages to load. (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Improved =emacs= and =hybrid= editing styles which should fix inconsistencies
- New debugging tools:
- press ~SPC q d~ to restart Emacs in debug mode with command line parameter
- press ~SPC q D~ to restart Emacs without Spacemacs but with a list of
selected packages to load.
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- New way to install all the supported packages by Spacemacs via the variable
- Improved =emacs= and =hybrid= editing styles to fix configuration
- the =spacemacs= layer has been split into multiple layers to allow better
modularity (these layers are in =+spacemacs= sub-directory):
- spacemacs-completion
- spacemacs-editing
- spacemacs-editing-visual
- spacemacs-evil
- spacemacs-language
- spacemacs-layouts
- spacemacs-misc
- spacemacs-org
- spacemacs-ui
- spacemacs-ui-visual
(thanks to justbur)
*** New Layers
- asm in =+lang= (thanks to thudo)
- bibtex in =+lang= (thanks to JP-Ellis)
- csv in =+lang= (thanks to jb55)
- cfengine in =+tools= (thanks to nickanderson)
- helm in =completion= (moved from spacemacs-base) (thanks to justbur)
- imenu-list in =+tools= (thanks to bmag)
- ivy in =completion= (thanks to justbur)
- keyboard-layout (replaces the bépo layer) (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- nlinum in =+misc= (thanks to CodeFalling)
- pdf-tools in =+tools= (thanks to Andre0991)
- plantuml in =+lang= (thanks to robbyoconnor)
- rebox in =+tools= (thanks to choppsv1)
- ivy in =completion= (thanks to justbur)
- helm in =completion= (moved from spacemacs-base) (thanks to justbur)
- shaders in =+lang= (thanks to Ell)
- slack in =+chat= (thanks to kostajh)
- systemd in =+config-files= (thanks to StreakyCobra)
*** Dotfile changes
- The editing style value can now be a list. Like layers the keyword
=:variables= allows to define some variables to modify the editing style.
The following variables are available for the hybrid style:
**** Changes for variable values and keywords
- Add new keyword =:packages= for the list of layers in variable
=dotspacemacs-configuration-layer=, =:packages= allow to select or exclude
packages from a layer.
- The value of =dotspacemacs-editing-style= can now be a list containing the
keyword =:variables= (similar to =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers=) to
define addtional variables to modify the behavior of the editing syle. This
new keyword is useful for =hybrid= style which supports these variables:
- =hybrid-mode-enable-evilified-state=, if non nil then buffer are evilified,
- =hybrid-mode-enable-hjkl-bindings=, if non nil navigation on ~hjkl~ keys is
enabled (for instance in =helm= buffers),
- =hybrid-mode-default-state=, the default state when opening a new buffer,
by default it is =normal=.
- The variable =dotspacemacs-command-key= has been renamed to
=dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key= (the old name is still valid though).
- New variable =dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key= which is the key to
press after the leader key to execute =M-x=.
- The value of =dotspacemacs-default-font= can now be a list (thanks to TheBB)
- New supported values for =dotspacemacs-startup-lists=:
- agenda
- todos
(thanks to tonyday567)
- Change default value of =dotspacemacs-startup-lists= to =nil=
- Change default value of =dotspacemacs-check-for-update= to =nil=
- Remove support for value =all= in variable =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers=
- Remove variable =dotspacemacs-startup-recent-list-size= which has been replaced
by adding support for cons cells in variable =dotspacemacs-startup-list=
(thanks to ralesi)
**** New variables
- New variable =dotspacemacs-enable-lazy-installation= to install a layer only
when a file with a supported type by this layer is opened. Possible values
are =all=, =unused= and =nil=:
- =unused= will lazy install only unused layers
- =all= will lazy install any layer that support lazy installation even the
used layers
- =nil= disable the lazy installation feature
Default value is =unused=
- New variable =dotspacemacs-frozen-packages=. It is a list of packages, these
packages cannot be updated or rollbacked.
- New variable =dotspacemacs-install-packages= which replaces the variable
=dotspacemacs-delete-orphan-packages=. This new variable defines the behavior
of Spacemacs for installed packages.
Possible values are =used-only=, =used-but-keep-unused= and =all=.
- =used-only= installs only explicitly used packages and uninstall any
unused packages as well as their unused dependencies.
- =used-but-keep-unused= installs only the used packages but won't uninstall
them if they become unused.
- =all= installs *all* packages supported by Spacemacs and never uninstall
Default value is =used-only=.
- New variable =dotspacemacs-emacs-command-key= which replaces the variable
=dotspacemacs-command-key=. This variable represents the key to press after
the leader key to execute =M-x=. Default value is ~SPC~.
- New variable =dotspacemacs-folding-method= to allow choosing between
different code folding methods. Currently supported are =evil= and =origami=.
Default value is =evil=. (thansk to ralesi)
- New variable =dotspacemacs-ex-substitute-global=, if non-nil then
the behavior of the =g= flag in =:subsitute= ex-command is inverted.
Default value is nil (thanks to fbergroth)
@ -85,23 +175,46 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
added closing parenthesis, bracket, quote, etc...
This can be temporary disabled by pressing ~C-q~ before ~)~
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- New values for =dotspacemacs-startup-lists=: =agenda= and =todos=
(thanks to tonyday567)
- New variable =dotspacemacs-retain-visual-mode-on-shift=, If non nil ~>~ is
remapped to ~>gv~ and ~<~ is remapped to ~<gv~ in visual mode, default
value is nil to keep Vim defaults (thanks to Stebalien)
- New variable =dotspacemacs-visual-line-move-text=, if non-nil, ~J~ and ~K~
move lines up and down when in visual mode. Default value is nil.
(thanks to Stebalien)
- New variable =dotspacemacs-helm-use-fuzzy=. It controls fuzzy matching in
helm. If set to =always=, force fuzzy matching in all non-asynchronous
sources. If set to =source=, preserve individual source settings. Else,
disable fuzzy matching in all sources. Default value is =always=
(thanks to quicknir)
- New variable =dotspacemacs-elpa-subdirectory=. Can be =nil= or a form that
evaluates to a package directory. For example, to use different package
directories for different Emacs versions, set this to =emacs-version=
(thanks to bmag, TheBB and emacs18)
*** Distribution layer changes
- Add =evil-ediff= package (thanks to justbur)
- Add =evil-visual-mark-mode= package (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Add =link-hint= package:
- Add package =evil-ediff= (thanks to justbur)
- Add package =evil-visual-mark-mode= (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Add package =origmai= (used only if new variable =dotspacemacs-folding-method=
is set to =origami=) (thanks to ralesi)
- Add package =link-hint=:
- ~SPC x o~ to use avy to select a link in the frame and open it
- ~SPC x O~ to use avy to select multiple links in the frame and open them
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Add =uuidgen= package:
- ~SPC i U 1~ to insert UUIDv1 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
- ~SPC i U 4~ to insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
- ~SPC i U U~ to insert UUIDv4 (use universal argument to insert with CID format)
- Add package =uuidgen=:
- ~SPC i U 1~ to insert UUIDv1 (use universal arg. to insert w/ CID format)
- ~SPC i U 4~ to insert UUIDv4 (use universal arg. to insert w/ CID format)
- ~SPC i U U~ to insert UUIDv4 (use universal arg. to insert w/ CID format)
- Add local package =centered-buffer-mode= on ~SPC w c~ (thanks to JAremko)
- Remove =evil-jumper= package, it is now integrated in =evil=
(thanks to justbur)
- Remove =smooth-scrolling= package and replace it by an Emacs built-in
- Move =unimpaired= layer to =spacemacs= layer
- ~C-i~ in GUI now execute =evil-jump-forward= (thanks to justbur)
- New variable =spacemacs-large-file-modes-list= to disable large file check
for some major modes (thanks to myrjola)
- New variable =spacemacs-spaceline-additional-segments= to set additional
segments for the Spaceline mode-lune. They are inserted between =global= and
=buffer-position= segments (thanks to riccardomurri)
- New key bindings to restart Emacs and restore Spacemacs layouts:
- ~SPC q r~ to restart Emacs and restore layouts
- ~SPC q R~ to restart Emacs without restoring layouts
@ -119,6 +232,21 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- ~SPC b r~ to remove a buffer from the current layout
- ~SPC B b~ to list all the buffers in all layouts
(thanks to CestDiego)
- Refactor ~SPC w~ and ~SPC b~ regarding deletion to clean redundent actions
and bring more consistency between the two prefixes:
- ~SPC b k~ has been removed since the functionality is
available directly in Helm by selecting the kill buffer action
- ~SPC b m~ (buffer move) has been removed because the functionality
is available via ~SPC w~ with ~SPC w h/j/k/l~, ~SPC w H/J/K/L~ and
~SPC w M~.
- ~SPC b K~ (kill other buffers) is now ~SPC b m~ to map with ~SPC w m~
(kill other window or maximize). Using the universal prefix argument
~SPC u SPC b m~ will also kill the windows.
- ~SPC b C-k~ (kill buffer matching regexp) is now simply on ~SPC b k~
- ~SPC b D~ now kills a buffer using =ace-window=.
- ~SPC b d~ and ~SPC b D~ now accept an universal prefix argument to
also delete the window. So ~SPC u SPC b d~ and ~SPC u SPC b D~ delete
the buffer and the window.
- Command prefix ~SPC j~ is now also for =jumping=, introduced key bindings are:
- ~SPC j 0~ to go to the beginning of line (and set a mark at the previous
location in the line)
@ -130,13 +258,16 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- ~SPC j f~ to jump to the definition of the function around point
- ~SPC j i~ to jump to a definition in buffer (imenu)
- ~SPC j j~ to jump to a character in the buffer (works as an evil motion)
- ~SPC j J~ to jump to a suite of two characters in the buffer (works as an evil motion)
- ~SPC j J~ to jump to a suite of two characters in the buffer
(works as an evil motion)
- ~SPC j I~ to jump to a definition in any buffer (imenu)
- ~SPC j k~ to jump to next line and indent it using auto-indent rules
- ~SPC j l~ to jump to a line with avy (works as an evil motion)
- ~SPC j n~ to split the current line at point, insert a new line and auto-indent
- ~SPC j n~ to split the current line at point, insert a new line and
- ~SPC j s~ to split a quoted string or s-expression in place
- ~SPC j S~ to split a quoted string or s-expression, insert a new line and auto-indent
- ~SPC j S~ to split a quoted string or s-expression, insert a new line and
- ~SPC j u~ to jump to a URL in the current buffer
- ~SPC j v~ to jump to the definition/declaration of the variable around point
- ~SPC j w~ to jump to a word in the current buffer (works as an evil motion)
@ -157,7 +288,10 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- ~SPC x j r~ to set the justification to right
(thanks to StreakyCobra)
- New key binding ~SPC w f~ to toggle =follow= mode (thanks to JAremko)
- New key binding ~SPC w F~ to create new frame (thanks to JP-Ellis)
- New key binding ~SPC w R~ to rotate windows backward (thanks to Dominionized)
- New key bindings ~r~ and ~R~ in =windows= transient state to rotate windows
forward and backward (thanks to TheBB)
- New key binding ~SPC x a \~ to align backslashes (thanks to nocash)
- New key binding ~SPC h d d~ for =helm-apropos= (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- New key bindings ~[ f~ and ~] f~ to go to the next or previous file in current
@ -165,15 +299,44 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- New key binding ~gr~ in =helm-ag= buffers to update saved results
(thanks to darkfeline)
- New key binding ~SPC f b~ for =bookmark-jump= (thanks to darkfeline)
- New key binding ~SPC t W~ to toggle whitespace cleanup (thansk to TheBB)
- Implement generalized next-error API (called =GNE=) and a new transient state
to navigate through errors on key binding ~SPC e .~ (thanks to TheBB)
- Add support for GNE to =ivy= and =helm= result buffers (thanks to TheBB)
- ~ESC~ now quits =help= buffers (thanks to olivierverdier)
- ~=~ can now be used to increase transparency in the transparency transient
state (thanks to sooheon)
- ~SPC b d~ now always kill buffers (thanks to toupeira)
- ~SPC f o~ can now open directories as well using the universal prefix
argument (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Refactor useful/useless buffer functions for better readability,
better detection of buffers and more contained side effects (thanks to bmag)
- Generalize version control key bindings for =evil-unimpaired=
(thanks to iurifq)
- Support hybrid editing style in =iedit-insert= state (thanks to madand)
- Evilify =tar-mode= (thanks to fbergroth)
- Evilify =image-mode=
- Evilify =indent-rigidly= (thanks to TheBB)
- Evilify =archive-mode= (thanks to lislon)
- Evilify =occur-mode= (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Add ~p~ for previous match to =auto-highlight-symbol= transient state
(thanks to microamp)
- Add numerical prefix argument support for ~G~ in =doc-view= to go to a page
(thansk to TheBB)
- Add =smartparens= to =comint-mode= (thanks to CestDiego)
- Allow =align-repeat= to work with empty regexps (thanks to TheBB)
- Enable volatile highlights for evil and =undo-tree= (thanks to ohspite)
- Remove ~ESC~ re binding in visual state (thanks to sooheon)
- Remove =leuven= theme
- Fix bug where running =dotspacemacs/sync-configuration-layers= ~SPC-f-e-R~
resets all the layouts (thanks to bmag)
- Fix bug where hooks are run too late when setting
=dotspacemacs-auto-resume-layouts= to t (thanks to cpaulik)
- Fix duplication of custom layouts sharing the same key binding
(thanks to d12frosted)
- Fix ~SPC b b~ potentially not restricted to layout-local buffers
(thanks to aroig)
- Fix display on Emacs fringe symbols (thansk to cpaulik)
- Fix =rainbow-delimiter-mode= in various modes (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Fix =neotree= window number assigment (thanks to bmag)
- Fix =neotree= losing track of its window when changing workspaces or
@ -181,43 +344,117 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- Fix ~SPC s e~ for emacs style users, the binding now call =iedit= instead of
=evil-iedit-state= (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)
- Fix ~SPC s c~ to work with =evil-search-module= (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Fix ~SPC i j~ (insert new line below) and ~SPC i k~ (insert new line above)
(thanks to TheBB)
- Fix move up and down selected text in Vim style.
- Fix =dotspacemacs-remap-Y-to-y$= which had no effect (thanks to TheBB)
- Fix usage of deprecated function =avy--with-avy-keys= (thanks to NJBS)
- Fix key bindings bug with =visual-line= toggle (thanks to TheBB)
- Fix tramp history file path (thanks to kallelindqvist)
- Fix hs-minor-mode activation in prog modes.
- Fix startup crash if powerline is excluded (thanks to ksjogo)
- Fix jumping backwards after calling =spacemacs/evil-smart-goto-definition=
(thanks to Stebalien)
- Set =ffap-machine-p-known= to =reject= to prevent =find-file-at-point= from
pinging what looks like domains (thanks to mineo)
- Automatically unfold buffers with =ediff= (thanks to mazinbokhari)
- Improve toggle =highlight-long-lines= to support prefix argument to set
the column where to start the highlight (thanks to dcluna)
- Colorize compilation buffers by processing ANSI color sequences
(thanks to deb0ch)
- Disable tilde fringe in shell/comint modes (thanks to russell)
- Disable tilde fringe in =messages= and =which-key= buffers (thanks to sooheon)
- Diminish =visual-mode= to " Ⓛ" or " L" to match key binding
(thanks to xiaohanyu)
- Diminish =evil-mc= when there is no cursor.
- Move =org= base configuration from the =org= layer to the =spacemacs=
distribution (thanks to d12frosted)
- Move =pcre2el= key bindings to ~SPC x r~ prefix
- Restrict =iedit= region to =auto-highlight-symbol= range (thansk to bmag)
- Various =google-translate= fixes (thanks to TheBB)
- Prevent =auto-highlight-symbol= from setting up its own default map
(thanks to bling)
- Delay =vi-tilde-fringe= loading after display init, fixes missing tildes
when using Emacs daemon (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Start to partition =spacemacs= layers into sub-layers (thanks to justbur)
- Use two different sets of workspaces for each Spacemacs layout: one set for
graphical frames, and one set for terminal frames (thanks to bmag)
*** Layer changes
**** Agda
- Make it possible to use the layer without =agda-mode= executable
(thanks to FreeSalad)
**** Ansible
- Add =jinja2-mode= package
- Add package =jinja2-mode=
- Add support for =host_vars= and =group_vars= files (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Change key binding ~SPC m a ?~ to ~SPC m h a~
**** Assembler
- Properly deactivate electric mode locally instead of globally
(thansk to TheBB)
**** Auto-completion
- New layer variable =auto-completion-complete-with-key-sequence-delay= to
set the delay in second between the keys of sequence used to select
the auto-completion candidate (thanks to MadAnd)
- Add package =org-download= to insert images from an URL:
- ~SPC m i s~ to Take screenshot
- ~SPC m i y~ to Yank image url
(thanks to krakapwa)
- Enable ~C-p~ (hippie-expand) only in vim style (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Add support for emacs style for navigation in =company=
- Fix =smartparens= integration with =yasnipet= and =hippie-expand=
(thanks to TheBB)
- Remap =evil-complete-previous= to =hippie-expand= (thanks to justbur)
**** Bépo
- Treat emacs-state the same as insert-state (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Add support for =org-agenda= (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Fix =elfeed= remapping (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Fix =evil-magit= remapping (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Fix =flycheck-error-list= remapping (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Reduce =yasnippet= loading warning (thanks to bixuanzju)
**** AutoHotKey
- Replace key binding ~SPC m h~ by ~SPC m h h~ (thanks to ralesi)
- New key binding ~SPC m h H~ to lookup documentation locally in =.chm=
(thanks to ralesi)
**** Better defaults
- Add "smart move end of line" behaviour and add two layer variables
allow for tweaking C-a and C-e behaviours:
- =better-defaults-move-to-beginning-of-code-first=
- =better-defaults-move-to-end-of-code-first=
(thanks to deb0ch)
**** BibTeX
- Fix key bindings loading and add more navigation options:
- ~gj~ or ~C-j~ for =org-ref-bibtex-next-entry=
- ~gk~ or ~C-k~ for =org-ref-bibtex-previous-entry=
(thanks to cpaulik)
**** C/C++
- Activate =ycmd-mode= in C files (thanks to deb0ch)
**** Chinese
- Remove windows checking when using =fcitx= (thanks to zilongshanren)
**** Clojure
- Add =clojure-snippets= package (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)
- Add package =clojure-snippets= (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)
- New key binding ~SPC m s o~ for switching between REPL connections
(thanks to mahinshaw)
- New key binding ~SPC m h a~ for cider apropos (thanks to birdspider)
- New key binding ~SPC m h a~ for =cider= apropos (thanks to birdspider)
- New key bindings for =cider=:
- ~SPC m g C~ to browse classpath
- ~SPC m g n~ to browse namespaces
- ~SPC m g N~ to browse all namespaces
- ~SPC m T e~ to toggle englighten mode
- ~SPC m T t~ to toggle auto test mode
(thanks to kalouantonis)
- Remove indentation rules (thanks to ernestas)
- Start =cider-debug= in normal state for hybrid style (thanks to sooheon)
- Fix cider tests functions (thanks to sooheon)
- Enable =smartparens= in cider (thanks to TheBB)
**** Colors
- New package =color-identifiers-mode= (thanks to ralesi)
- New layer variable =colors-colorize-identifiers= supporting the following
- =variables= (key binding ~SPC t C v~) colorizes only variables via
=color-identifiers= mode
- =all= (key binding ~SPC t C a~) colorizes all identifiers
- =nil= for no additional colorisation at all
(thanks to ralesi and curtmack)
- Fix override of theme values for =rainbow-identifiers= (thanks to ksjogo)
**** Common-Lisp
- Add =common-lisp-snippets= package (thanks to thudo)
- Add package =common-lisp-snippets= (thanks to thudo)
- Add support for =auto-highlight-symbol= (thanks to AlejandroCatalina)
- New key binding ~SPC m s I~ to choose lisp implementation with =helm=
(thanks to kr5x)
- Fix =slime-eval-last-sexp= is not defined (thanks to 111lll1l1l)
**** CSharp
- New key bindings
- ~SPC m g c~ to go to member in current file
@ -225,16 +462,41 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- ~SPC m g U~ to find usages of symbol under cursor using ido
- ~SPC m r M~ to rename symbol under cursor interactively
(thanks to retran)
- Enable =evil-matchit= for C-like tags such as preprocessor definitions
(thanks to andschwa)
**** Dash
- Rename layer variable =dash-helm-dash-docset-path= to
=helm-dash-docset-newpath= with default value =~/.docsets= (thanks to nhenezi)
**** Deft
- Fix create new file with filter text (thanks to andschwa)
**** Docker
- Add package =docker-tramp= which provides TRAMP access to running docker
containers (thanks to cpaulik)
- Add package =docker= which provides basic management of docker images and
containers (thanks to cpaulik)
**** Elixir
- Add package =flycheck-mix= (thanks to tomekowal)
- Remove =ruby-end-mode= and use =smartparens= instead (thanks to mmainz)
**** Elfeed
- New key binding ~o~ to open links with =ace-jump= (thanks to nixmaniack)
**** Elm
- New key binding ~SPC m r i~ for =elm-sort-imports= (thanks to tko)
- New key binding ~SPC m = b~ to format buffer (thanks to AetherLorde)
- New key binding ~SPC m h h~ to open doc around point (thanks to obmarg)
- Remove ~n~ and ~p~ key bindings from package list mode since they are not
useful and shadows ~n~ to repeat last search (thanks to tko)
- Fix auto-complete (thanks to benansell)
**** Emacs Lisp
- New key binding ~SPC m g G~ to go to definition in other window
- Fix key binding ~SPC m =~ (thanks to NJBS)
**** ERC
- New layer variable =erc-server-list= (thanks to jhenahan)
- Enable lazy loading.
**** ESS
- Add support for =org-babel= (thanks to cpaulik)
**** Extra languages
- Add =thrift= package (thanks to secwang)
- Add =faust-mode= package (thanks to magnetophon)
- Add package =thrift= (thanks to secwang)
- Add package =faust-mode= (thanks to magnetophon)
- Make =matlab-mode= run =prog-mode-hook= (thanks to TheBB)
**** Games
- Add package =typit=.
@ -242,23 +504,80 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- Rewrite of the layer, see its =README.org= for more info
(thanks to usharf and declanqian)
**** Git
- New key binding ~SPC g A~ for =magit-cherry-pick-popup=
(thanks to robbyoconnor)
- New key binding ~SPC g r~ for =magit-rebase-popup= (thanks to C089)
- New key binding ~SPC g x~ for =magit-reset-popup= (thanks to magthe)
+ Revamp key bindings to leverage =Magit= dispatch popup and free up some keys
to be used for other commands:
- removed the following key bindings:
- ~SPC g >~ magit-submodule-popup
- ~SPC g A~ magit-cherry-pick-popup
- ~SPC g c~ magit-commit-popup
- ~SPC g C~ magit-checkout
- ~SPC g d~ magit-diff-popup
- ~SPC g D~ spacemacs/magit-diff-head
- ~SPC g e~ magit-ediff-compare
- ~SPC g E~ magit-ediff-show-working-tree
- ~SPC g f~ magit-fetch-popup
- ~SPC g F~ magit-pull-popup
- ~SPC g i~ magit-init
- ~SPC g l~ magit-log-popup
- ~SPC g L~ magit-log-buffer-file
- ~SPC g r~ magit-rebase-popup
- ~SPC g P~ magit-push-popup
- ~SPC g U~ magit-unstage-file
- ~SPC g x~ magit-reset-popup
- the above key bindings have been replaced by only one key binding ~SPC g m~
displaying the =Magit= dispatch popup
+ =git-link= key bindings have been moved from ~SPC g h~ to ~SPC g l~ since
it provides support for other Git hosting services (not only GitHub)
- ~SPC g l c~ on a commit hash, browse to the current file at this commit
- ~SPC g l C~ on a commit hash, create link to the file at this commit
and copy it
- ~SPC g l l~ on a region, browse to file at current lines position
- ~SPC g l L~ on a region, create a link to the file highlighting the
selected lines
+ New key binding ~SPC g f h~ to get the commit history of the current file
**** Github
- Add support for =git-link= in =git-timemachine=, this allow to copy
the SHA-1 or selected lines links for the current commit (thanks to dcluna)
- Move clone commands under ~SPC g h c~:
- ~SPC g h c /~ search for a repository to clone it
- ~SPC g h c c~ clone and optionally fork repository
- ~SPC g h c r~ add a remote that is an existing fork of selected remote
- ~SPC g h c f~ fork remote in current user namespace
- ~SPC g h c u~ add upstream as remote
**** Go
- New layer variable =go-tab-width= (thanks to microamp)
- New key binding ~SPC m g c~ to open a clone of the current buffer with a
coverage info (thanks to JAremko)
- Add support for =gometalinter= via new layer variable
=go-use-gometalinter= (thanks to JAremko)
- Improve indentation (thanks to bogdanteleaga)
- Show function signatures (thanks to carlosgaldino)
**** Graphviz
- Add support for =org-babel= (thanks to choppsv1)
**** Gtags
- Refactoring of the layer to support more languages (thanks to choppsv1 and
- New layer variable =gtags-enable-by-default= to control whether =gtags-mode=
should be enabled by default or not (thanks to TheBB)
- New key binding ~SPC m g D~ to navigate to definition in another window
(thanks to NJBS)
- Remove =helm-gtags= lighter from mode line (thanks to NJBS)
**** Haskell
- New =helm-hoogle= package under ~SPC m h f~ (thanks to jb55)
- New layer variable =haskell-completion-backend= to select the desired
completion backend (thanks to d12frosted)
- Add package =intero= (based on cydparser layer) (thanks to d12frosted)
- Add package =helm-hoogle= under ~SPC m h f~ (thanks to jb55)
- Add package =hlint-refactor= (thanks to cydparser)
- Add package =company-ghci= (thanks to dysinger)
- Add all =haskell-mode= key bindings to =literate-haskell-mode=
(thanks to jb55)
- Swap key bindings ~SPC m F~ and ~SPC m f~ (thanks to ljli)
- Evilify =haskell-debug-mode= (thanks to d12frosted)
- Fix ~SPC m h i~ and ~SPC m h t~ key bindinds (thanks to d12frosted)
- Disable =haskell-tags-on-save= by default (thanks to bgamari)
- Remove =structured-haskell-mode= because of poor integration (thanks to
- Remove =ghci-ng= support (thanks to d12frosted)
**** Helm
- Rename action =Add layer= to =Install layer= in =helm-spacemacs-help=
(thanks to CestDiego)
@ -266,19 +585,41 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
(thanks to ghoot)
- Enable fuzzy matching in all Helm sources (thanks to bling)
**** Html
- Add prefix command names (thanks to shanavas786)
- Use built-in =web-mode= pairing (disable =smartparens=) (thanks to TheBB)
- Enable =emmet-mode= in sass and scss modes (thanks to utkarshkukreti)
- Make =pug= files use =jade-mode= since Jade is now called Pug
(thanks to robbyoconnor)
- Fix =emmet= expansion if =yasnippet= isnt turned on (thanks to TheBB)
**** Idris
- New key binding ~SPC m l~ for extracting lemma (thanks to bixuanzju)
- New key binding ~SPC m c~ for =idris-case-dwim= (thanks to bixuanzju)
- New key binding ~SPC m s q~ to quit the Idris process (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Register Idris REPL for ~SPC a '~ (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Add basic auto-completion (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Add prefix command names (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Enhance =auto-completion= support for Idris layer, now =auto-completion=
will ask Idris process for completions (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Enable =auto-completion= in REPL (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Disable =golden-ratio= in holes buffer (thanks to houli)
**** IPython-notebook
- Move transient state key binding to ~SPC m .~
- Evilify notebooklist buffer
- Fix loading of keymap (thanks to TheBB)
**** Jabber
- Add support for evilified key bindings (thanks to mssun)
- Don't overwrite mini-buffer when active (thanks to toshism)
**** Java
- Add support for =eclimd= with new key bindings:
- ~SPC m d s~ to start daemon
- ~SPC m d k~ to stop daemon
(thanks to elken)
**** Javascript
- Add REPL via =skewer-mode= and =livid-mode= (thanks to dcluna)
- Fix offset detection in js2-mode (thans to TheBB)
- Diminish =tern= and =skewer= modes (thanks to cpaulik)
**** LaTeX
- Add prefix command names (thanks to NJBS)
- New key bindings for fill and uncomment:
- ~SPC m %~ to comment or uncomment a paragraph
- ~SPC m ;~ to comment or uncomment a region
@ -289,11 +630,14 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
(thanks to kccai)
- New key binding ~SPC m a~ for =TeX-command-run-all= (thanks to kccai)
**** Markdown
- New layer variable =markdown-live-preview-engine=, Possibe values are =eww=
(built-in browser) or =vmd= (installed with =npm=)
- Add package =vmd-mode= (thanks to bixuanzju)
- New key binding ~SPC m c P~ to live preview in Emacs' built-in browser
(thanks to lunaryorn)
**** mu4e
- Add =mu4e-maildirs-extension= package (thanks to choppsv1)
- Add =mu4-alert= package (thanks to zakkak)
- Add package =mu4e-maildirs-extension= (thanks to choppsv1)
- Add package =mu4-alert= (thanks to zakkak)
- New key bindings:
- ~J~ to go to next unread thread marking other mail read on the way
- ~C-j~ to go to next header
@ -302,8 +646,24 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- Enable =org-mu4e= (thanks to choppsv1)
- Use =helm--completing-read-default= (thanks to jeizsm)
- Improve set account by "to" field (thanks to sorpaas)
**** OCaml
- New key binding ~SPC m = ~ to indent buffer with =ocp-indent= (thanks to NJBS)
- New key binding ~SPC m g o~ to list occurrences for identifier under point
(thanks to NJBS)
- Add support for =ocamllex= , =ocamlyacc= files (thanks to YasuharuIida)
- Remove key binding =merlin-refresh=, this function is obsolete since merlin
2.0 (thanks to bixuanzju)
- Remove unused =flycheck= config, merlin is capable of doing it
(thanks to bixuanzju)
- Fix override of =exec-path= by =utop= configuration (thanks to bixuanzju)
**** Org
- Add package =org-reveal= (thanks to knl)
- Add local package =space-doc-mode= to improve org files readability
(thanks to JAremko)
- Add support for =org-babel=
- Replace =org-repo-todo= by =org-projectile= (thanks to TheBB)
- New layer variable =org-projectile-file= to set the filename where you want
to store project-specific TODOs.
- New key bindings for =org-agenda=:
- ~RET~ for =org-agenda-goto=
- ~M-RET~ for =org-agenda-show-and-scroll-up=
@ -326,34 +686,94 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- ~M-H~ One month backward
- ~M-J~ One year forward
- ~M-K~ One year backward
- New key binding ~SPC h s~ for =org-insert-subheading= (thanks to jgertm)
- =org-indent= is now turned off by default because of the numerous glitches
(thanks to TheBB)
- Add code blocks support for =evil-surround= using ~:~ and ~#~
(thanks to TheBB)
- Set =org-imenu-depth= to 8 (thanks to justbur)
- set =org-image-actual-width= to nil which allows to resize images in an org
- Follow the confirm and abort conventions (thanks to myrjola)
**** OSX
- Add package =osx-dictionary= (thanks to nixmaniack)
- New layer variable =osx-use-dictionary-app= to use OS X dictionary app
instead of wordnet. Default value is =t=. (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Support pasting text with ~s-v~ in terminals (thanks to lyallcooper)
**** NixOS
- Add =nix-mode= to variable =spacemacs-indent-sensitive-modes= to disable
automatic indentation on pasting text (thanks to Profpatsch)
**** Pdf-tools
- New key bindings ~0~ and ~$~ to full left and right scroll
(thanks to Andre0991)
- New key binding ~zr~ to reset zoom factor (thanks to Andre0991)
**** Puppet
- Use =ruby-mode= for Puppetfile support (thanks to nwolfe)
**** Purescript
- Add package =flycheck-purescript= (thanks to diogob)
- New key binding ~SPC m g g~ (thanks to kRITZCREEK)
- Incorporate new functionality from =psc-ide=:
- New layer variable =purescript-add-import-on-completion= to add imports on
completion. Default value is =t=.
- New layer variable =purescript-enable-rebuild-on-save= to get a popup buffer
showing you your current warnings/errors one at a time. This is primarily
meant as an alternative to using flycheck. Default value is =nil=.
- New =psc-ide= key bindings:
- ~SPC m m b~ to rebuilds the current file and displays any warnings or
- ~SPC m m i a~ to add an import for the identifier at the current cursor
- ~SPC m m i s~ to inserts a suggestion for the warning/error at the current
cursor position
- ~SPC m m t~ to add a new clause for the function signature at point
- ~SPC m m c s~ to casesplits on the identifier at the current cursor
- ~SPC m m q~ to quit the current psc-ide-server
- ~SPC m m L~ to load a specific module
(thanks to kRITZCREEK)
- Fix org layout if there is no agenda files and display an error message
(thanks to TheBB)
**** Python
- Add =live-py-mode= package (thanks to cpaulik)
- Add package =live-py-mode= (thanks to cpaulik)
- Add package =py-isort= to sort the imports (thanks to swaroopch)
- Add support for =org-babel=
- Replace package =py-yapf= with =yapfify=. =Yapfify= uses project settings
applicable to the file that yapf is called on. Also it shows an error if
=yapf= fails (thanks to JorisE)
- New layer variable =python-sort-imports-on-save=, if non-nil, automatically
sort imports on save. Default value is =nil= (thanks to swaroopch)
- New key binding ~SPC m r I~ to sort imports with =isort= python package
(thanks to TheBB)
- New key bindings to manage virtual environments:
- ~SPC m V a~ to activate a virtual environment in any directory
- ~SPC m V d~ to deactivate the active virtual environment
- ~SPC m V w~ to work on virtual environment in ~WORKON_HOME~
(thanks to cpaulik)
- New key binding ~SPC m g b~ for =anaconda-mode-go-back= (thanks to jluttine)
- Add support for a lisp REPL in =hy= buffers (thanks to dannyfreeman)
- Add support for =pyenv= in =hy= buffers (thanks to dannyfreeman)
- Add support for =smartparens= in =hy= buffers (thanks to dannyfreeman)
- Fix =pylookup= key binding ~SPC m h H~ (thanks to darkfeline)
- Fix IPython 5 integration and make it work with =pyenv= (thanks to cpaulik)
- Make =pylookup= use std =completing-read= function (thanks to darkfeline)
- Make =pylookup.py= compatible with Python 2 and 3 (thanks to hemcsec)
- Enable lazy loading of =py-yapf=.
- Only disable =semantic-idle-summary= if =anaconda-mode= is used
(thanks to cpaulik)
- Set =comment-inline-offset= to 2 for =python-mode= Since python's PEP8
recommends two spaces for inline spaces (thanks to xiaohanyu)
- Set breakpoints correctly when =pyenv= is used (thanks to cpaulik)
**** React
- Add support for =smartparens= (thanks to axyz)
- Add "^import React" to =magic-mode-alist= (thanks to axyz)
- Add =javascript-standard= as a =flycheck= checker (thanks to shahinism)
- Use node_modules version of eslint or global if not available (thanks axyz)
**** Restclient
- Add =ob-http= package.
- Add package =ob-http=.
- New key binding ~SPC m y~ to copy the query around point as a =curl= command
(thanks to d1egoaz)
**** Ruby
- Add =rake= package with key bindings:
- Add package =rake= with key bindings:
- ~SPC m k k~ to runs rake
- ~SPC m k r~ to re-runs the last rake task
- ~SPC m k R~ to regenerates the rake cache
@ -363,9 +783,16 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
=rspec-toggle-spec-and-target-find-example= (thanks to asok)
- New =rspec= key binding ~SPC m t TAB~ for =rspec-toggle-spec-and-target=
(thanks to asok)
- New =rspec= key binding ~SPC m t d~ to run rspec in a specified directory
(thanks to dcluna)
- New key binding ~SPC b o~ to run bundle open (thanks to asok)
- Add =popwin= configuration to =*rake-compilation*= (thanks to nixmaniack)
- Add support for =Appraisals= files (thanks to jcf)
- Fix =chruby= configuration to find out the ruby version to use (thanks to asok)
- Enter automatically =inf-ruby-mode= when an =rspec= compilation hits a
breakpoint (thanks to dcluna)
**** Ruby on Rails
- Add =which-key= prefixes (thanks to ralesi)
**** Rust
- Remove layer variable =rust-enable-racer=, now =racer= is always used
(thanks to fbergroth)
@ -382,72 +809,180 @@ This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
- Add support for =Cargo.lock= and =.cargo/config= files for =toml-mode=
(thanks to Stebalien)
**** Scala
- Add support for =org-babel= (thanks to tonylotts)
- New layer variable =scala-use-unicode-arrows= to replace ASCII arrows
with unicode ones (thanks to moonranger)
- Enable lazy loading of =sbt-mode=.
- Disable Ensime autostart (thanks to d1egoaz)
- Use scala-mode instead of scala-mode-2 which is deprecated
(thanks to j-martin)
- Fix dot completion bug (thanks to gilbertw1)
**** Search-engine
- Denote all search functions as autoloadable (thanks to TheBB)
**** Shell
- New =eshell-z= package (thanks to CestDiego)
- New layer variable =shell-default-full-span=, if non-nil, the shell buffers
span full width of a window (thanks to dubnde)
- New key binding ~SPC p '~ for =projectile-shell-pop= (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- ~C-d~ is now bound to =eshell-delchar-or-maybe-eof= which checks if there is
a char after the point. If so, it performs the normal delete-char,
otherwise if quit eshell (thanks to microamp)
- Add support for the universal prefix argument to open a shell/term buffer in
the current window instead of a new window (i.e. ~SPC u SPC '~)
- Add support for =org-babel=
- Fix first =eshell= with no color (thanks to TheBB)
- Enable =shell= language for =org-babel=.
- Fix =projectile-multi-term-in-root= (~SPC p $ t~) (thanks to TheBB)
- Enable auto-jump to end of buffer in hybrid style (thanks to TheBB)
- Disable =global-hl-line-mode= in =shell-like= buffers (thanks to TheBB)
**** Shell-scripts
- Add =company-shell= package (thanks to joehillen)
- Add package =company-shell= (thanks to joehillen)
- Enable =flycheck= in =sh-mode= (thanks to fbergroth)
- New key binding ~SPC m \~ for =sh-backslash-region= to add a backslash at
end of lines (thanks to fbergroth)
**** SML
- Improve indentation by binding ~RET~ to =reindent-then-newline-and-indent=
(thanks to cpaulik)
**** Spell-checking
- Use package =flyspell-correct= instead of =helm-flyspell=
(thanks to d12frosted)
- Add package =flyspell-popup= (thanks to usharf)
**** Spotify
- Enable lazy loading
**** Syntax-checking
- New key binding ~SPC e L~ to open the errors buffer and switch to it.
- Improve =flycheck= loading process (thanks to TheBB)
- Enable lazy loading of =flycheck=.
- Don't switch to =error-list= window if already on it (thanks to bmag)
- Fix bug where errors are not filtered correctly when setting
=flycheck-navigation-minimum-level= (thanks to maxigit)
**** Themes-megapack
- Add theme =Darkokai= (thanks to ekmecic)
**** Typescript
- Rewrite of the layer, see its =README.org= for more info (thanks to JAremko)
- Add typescript format (thanks to JAremko)
- New key binding ~SPC m s p~ to send region or buffer to the web playground
(thanks to JAremko)
- Add typescript format and make tide formatter the default (thanks to JAremko)
- Add support for =evil-shift-width= (thanks to TheBB)
- Allow =tsfmt= to use the local project's configuration (thanks to overminder)
- Swap ~C-j~ and ~C-k~ in tide reference mode (thanks to zilongshanren)
**** Version-control
- Fix git gutter toggle (thanks to ralesi)
**** Vim-unimpaired
- Keep the point at the same location when calling
=evil-unimpaired/insert-space-above= and =evil-unimpaired/insert-space-below=
(thanks to jschaf)
- New key bindings ~] q~ and ~[ q~ for =spacemacs/next-error= and
=spacemacs/previous-error= (thanks to bling)
**** Windows-scripts
- Add support for =.cmd= and =.psm1= files (thanks to ralesi)
**** Yaml
- Fix auto-completion (thanks to perfectayush)
*** Core Changes
- Refactor layer system to allow a 20~25% perfomance boost on startup.
- Move bootstrap packages from =core-spacemacs.el= to a new layer called
- New minor mode =space-doc-mode= to improve org files readability
(thanks to JAremko)
- Checking for new version on startup behavior has been tweaked to lower the
frequency on the checks and reduce the number of operations made:
- reduce number of required git commands per check from 3 to 1
- remove recurrent version check every 6 hours, i.e. the check happens only
at startup
- rate limit the checks to once per day
- change default value of variable =dotspacemacs-check-for-update= to =nil=
- make function =spacemacs/check-for-new-version= interactive so checking
for a new version can be done on demand.
- New macro =spacemacs|define-jump-handlers= to define jump backends for a given
mode (thanks to TheBB)
- Implement an API for =local-vars-hook= which allows to read some directory
local variables before executing an hooked function (thanks to d12frosted)
- Make function =spacemacs/get-last-version= interactive
- New file in layers called =layers.el=, this file is reponsible to declare
layer dependencies.
- New variable =spacemacs-start-directory=. With this new variable, user can
easily load spacemacs anywhere (thanks to exaos)
- New variable =spacemacs-default-company-backends= which allow the user to
fine tune the default company backends inherited by all the modes
(thanks to izahn)
- New command line parameters =--no-layer= and =--distribution=
- =--no-layer= desactives all the layers except the distribution layer
- =--distribution= allows to change temporarily the distribution
- New funtion =spacemacs/report-issue= to create GitHub issues from within
Emacs based on a template (thanks to dwang20151005)
- New functions =configuration-layer/remove-layer= and
- New function =spacemacs/describe-package= giving useful information on a
package in the Spacemacs layers context
- New package keyword =:toggle= which can be a symbol or a list. A package is
considered to be used if the toggle evaluates to non nil. By default =:toggle=
is =t=.
package in the Spacemacs layers context (key binding ~SPC h d P~)
- New keyword =:toggle= for package lists =<layer>-packages=. Its value can be a
symbol or a list. A package is considered to be used if the toggle evaluates
to non nil. By default =:toggle= is =t=.
- New keyword =:min-version= for package lists =<layer>-packages=. Providing a
min-version allows to fetch the elpa version of a built-in package.
- New value =bootstrap= for package =:step= keyword, it is used for bootstrap
- New value =site= for package =:location= keyword, a site package is a package
installed on the host by a third party (ie. =mu4e= which is installed by =mu=)
- New documentation formatting tool =doc-fmt= (thanks to JAremko)
- New keywords for =spacemacs|add-toggle= macro:
- =:prefix= a symbol that is bound to the raw prefix argument
(as in =(interactive "P")= forms).
- =:on-message= an expression overriding the default 'on' toggle
message (useful to document a toggle's argument)
- =:mode= a minor mode, when provided, =:on=, =:off= and =:status= are
automatically defined to support the minor mode.
(thanks to dcluna and TheBB)
- Print toggles messages only when the toggle functions are used interactively
(thanks to bmag)
- Add =Quelpa= support for local packages which means that local packages can be
installed like any other ELPA package (thanks to d12frosted)
- Add footer in home buffer
- Add support for functions for =:status= in =spacemacs|add-toggle=
(thanks to TheBB)
- Add support for themes =omtose-darker= and =omtose-softer= (thanks to Cifer-Y)
- Update base16 themes to match new list (thanks to belak)
- Add emojis to issue template (thanks to CestDiego)
- Remove variable =user-dropbox-directory=
- Center spacemacs banner in window at startup (thanks to ralesi)
- Center ascii banners in window at startup (thanks to deb0ch)
- Display warning buffer at the bottom of the screen when installing packages.
- Display more information about the number of loaded packages in the home
- =e= elpa
- =r= recipe
- =l= local
- =b= built-in
- Display a numerical progression in mode-line representing the number of
packages to configure.
- Display a warning message when a non-excluded package has no pre-init, init
or post-init function in a layer.
- Merge version strings into one string displayed in the left-hand side:
=spacemacs-version@emacs-version (distribution)=
- Improve =spacemacs|diminish= function (thanks to TheBB)
- Use =$SPACEMACDIR/init.el= instead of =~/.spacemacs= when both exist
(thanks to bmag)
- Fix font definition for first frame in daemon mode (thanks to StreakyCobra)
- Fix message format in =init.el= (thanks to YasuharuIida)
- Fix home buffer random banner choice (thanks to deb0ch)
- Fix =.gitignore= file to enable submodule update (thanks to jgmize)
- Optimize function =spacemacs//get-package-directory= (thanks to ivanbrennan)
- Improving performance by avoiding to visite dump files in function
=spacemacs/dump-vars-to-file= (thansk to bmag)
*** Other fixes and improvements
- Fix all documentation links on GitHub (thanks to JAremko)
- Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to adrsta, andreas-h,
balajisivaraman, cpaulik, johankj, microamp, pablooliveira, robert-m-johnson,
TheBB, StreakyCobra, voidlily, xiaohanyu, xfq, zifeo)
- Improve Spacemacs themes readibility of highlight-persist and smartparens
overlays when there is an active region (thanks to nashamri)
- Typos and documentation improvements (thanks to adrsta, Andre099, 1andreas-h,
axyz, balajisivaraman, benansell, bmag, brettcannon, cpaulik, d12frosted,
d1egoaz, darkfeline, dathinaios, Dominionized, duianto, eareese, jfchevrette,
gilch, hasufell, ivanbrennan, jgertm, jkrmr, johankj, Johnstone-Tech,
jonboiser, jpfairbanks, jschnurr, kalouantonis, krobelus, li-xinyang, loxaxs,
lzhoucs, madand, Marlin-Na, mathcass, maxigit, microamp, nashamri, NJBS,
ohspite, pablooliveira, padi, rbanffy, robbyoconnor, robert-m-johnson, royxue,
sbdchd, sebastianpoeplau, shanavas786, sooheon, splaspood, StreakyCobra,
svanburen, taheris, TheBB, tj64, tko, tonylotts, trenpixster, voidlily,
WillianPaiva, WuTheFWasThat, xiaohanyu, xfq, zifeo, zjyjer)
- Other contributions (thanks to hujianxin, nixmaniack)
*** Core team members
- Sylvain Benner (syl20bnr)
- Boris (d12frosted)
- Eivind Fonn (TheBB)
- Fabien Dubosson (StreakyCobra)
- Justin Burkett (justbur)