clojure: use cljr--all-helpers for refactorings

clj-refactor defines a list of all available refactorings, along with
the standard two-letter keybindings. Use it, so that spacemacs will get
any added refactorings for free, with no code-change needed in the
clojure layer.
This commit is contained in:
Chris Perkins 2015-11-26 08:36:21 -07:00 committed by Eivind Fonn
parent 4ce11551ec
commit 57fd8b2504

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@ -305,49 +305,11 @@ If called with a prefix argument, uses the other-window instead."
(cljr-add-keybindings-with-prefix "C-c C-f")
(dolist (m '(clojure-mode clojurec-mode clojurescript-mode clojurex-mode))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode m
"r?" 'cljr-describe-refactoring
"rad" 'cljr-add-declaration
"rai" 'cljr-add-import-to-ns
"ram" 'cljr-add-missing-libspec
"rap" 'cljr-add-project-dependency
"rar" 'cljr-add-require-to-ns
"ras" 'cljr-add-stubs
"rau" 'cljr-add-use-to-ns
"rcc" 'cljr-cycle-coll
"rci" 'cljr-cycle-if
"rcn" 'cljr-clean-ns
"rcp" 'cljr-cycle-privacy
"rdk" 'cljr-destructure-keys
"rec" 'cljr-extract-constant
"red" 'cljr-extract-def
"ref" 'cljr-extract-function
"rel" 'cljr-expand-let
"rfe" 'cljr-create-fn-from-example
"rfu" 'cljr-find-usages
"rhd" 'cljr-hotload-dependency
"ril" 'cljr-introduce-let
"ris" 'cljr-inline-symbol
"rmf" 'cljr-move-form
"rml" 'cljr-move-to-let
"rpc" 'cljr-project-clean
"rpf" 'cljr-promote-function
"rrd" 'cljr-remove-debug-fns
"rrf" 'cljr-rename-file-or-dir
"rrl" 'cljr-remove-let
"rrr" 'cljr-remove-unused-requires
"rrs" 'cljr-rename-symbol
"rru" 'cljr-replace-use
"rsc" 'cljr-show-changelog
"rsn" 'cljr-sort-ns
"rsp" 'cljr-sort-project-dependencies
"rsr" 'cljr-stop-referring
"rtf" 'cljr-thread-first-all
"rth" 'cljr-thread
"rtl" 'cljr-thread-last-all
"rua" 'cljr-unwind-all
"rup" 'cljr-update-project-dependencies
"ruw" 'cljr-unwind))
(dolist (r cljr--all-helpers)
(let* ((binding (car r))
(func (car (cdr r))))
(when (not (string-prefix-p "hydra" (symbol-name func)))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode m (concat "r" binding) func)))))
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'cider-repl-mode
"r?" 'cljr-describe-refactoring