idris layer: rename the layer to idris-lang, update bindings and doc

Rename the layer to idris-lang because idris-packages variable is used
by the package
Update key bindings to better fit spacemacs conventions
Convert markdown README to org
This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2015-07-03 20:10:27 -04:00
parent c55c7c74a4
commit 2ccea679da
5 changed files with 196 additions and 212 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
# Idris contribution layer for Spacemacs
* Table of Contents :TOC@4:
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#layer][Layer]]
- [[#idris][Idris]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key bindings]]
- [[#shorthands][Shorthands]]
- [[#interactive-editing][Interactive editing]]
- [[#documentation][Documentation]]
- [[#repl][REPL]]
- [[#active-term-manipulations][Active term manipulations]]
- [[#build-system][Build system]]
* Description
This layer adds support for the [[][Idris]] language.
* Install
** Layer
To use this layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(idris))
** Idris
Idris can be installed using =Haskell's cabal=:
cabal install idris
Binaries are also available for some platforms at
* Key bindings
** Shorthands
Several (but not all) of the evil-leader shorthands that =idris-mode= provides
are reproduced under the local leader.
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m c~ | Case split the pattern variable under point. |
| ~SPC m d~ | Create an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration. |
| ~SPC m p~ | Attempt to solve a metavariable automatically. |
| ~SPC m r~ | Load current buffer into Idris. |
| ~SPC m t~ | Get the type for the identifier under point. |
| ~SPC m w~ | Add a with block for the pattern-match clause under point. |
** Interactive editing
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m i a~ | Attempt to solve a metavariable automatically. |
| ~SPC m i c~ | Case split the pattern variable under point. |
| ~SPC m i e~ | Extract a metavariable or provisional definition name to an explicit top level definition. |
| ~SPC m i m~ | Add missing pattern-match cases to an existing definition. |
| ~SPC m i r~ | Refine by name, without recursive proof search. |
| ~SPC m i s~ | Create an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration. |
| ~SPC m i w~ | Add a with block for the pattern-match clause under point. |
** Documentation
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m h a~ | Search the documentation for a string. |
| ~SPC m h d~ | Search the documentation for the name under point. |
| ~SPC m h s~ | Search the documentation regarding a particular type. |
| ~SPC m h t~ | Get the type for the identifier under point. |
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m s b~ | Load the current buffer into Idris. |
| ~SPC m s B~ | Load the current buffer into Idris and switch to REPL in insert state |
| ~SPC m s i~ | Start Idris inferior process |
| ~SPC m s n~ | Extend the region to be loaded one line at a time. |
| ~SPC m s N~ | Extend the region to be loaded one line at a time and switch to REPL in insert state |
| ~SPC m s p~ | Contract the region to be loaded one line at a time |
| ~SPC m s P~ | Contract the region to be loaded one line at a time and switch to REPL in insert state |
| ~SPC m s s~ | Switch to REPL buffer |
** Active term manipulations
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m m c~ | Show the core language for the term at point. |
| ~SPC m m i~ | Show implicits for the term at point. |
| ~SPC m m h~ | Hide implicits for the term at point. |
| ~SPC m m n~ | Normalize the term at point. |
** Build system
| Key Binding | Description |
| ~SPC m b c~ | Build the package. |
| ~SPC m b C~ | Clean the package, removing =.ibc= files |
| ~SPC m b i~ | Install the package to the user's repository, building first if necessary. |
| ~SPC m b p~ | Open package file. |
When inside a package file, you can insert a field with ~SPC m f~.

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@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
;;; packages.el --- Idris Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2015 Timothy Jones
;; Author: Timothy Jones <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; We name this layer idris-lang instead of idris because
;; the variable `idris-packages' is already used by `idris-mode'
(setq idris-lang-packages '(idris-mode))
(defun idris-lang/init-idris-mode ()
(use-package idris-mode
:defer t
(defun spacemacs/idris-load-file-and-focus (&optional set-line)
"Pass the current buffer's file to the REPL and switch to it in
`insert state'."
(interactive "p")
(idris-load-file set-line)
(defun spacemacs/idris-load-forward-line-and-focus ()
"Pass the next line to REPL and switch to it in `insert state'."
(defun spacemacs/idris-load-backward-line-and-focus ()
"Pass the previous line to REPL and switch to it in `insert state'."
(evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'idris-mode
;; Shorthands: rebind the standard evil-mode combinations to the local
;; leader for the keys not used as a prefix below.
"mc" 'idris-case-split
"md" 'idris-add-clause
"mp" 'idris-proof-search
"mr" 'idris-load-file
"mt" 'idris-type-at-point
"mw" 'idris-make-with-block
;; ipkg.
"mbc" 'idris-ipkg-build
"mbC" 'idris-ipkg-clean
"mbi" 'idris-ipkg-install
"mbp" 'idris-open-package-file
;; Interactive editing.
"mia" 'idris-proof-search
"mic" 'idris-case-split
"mie" 'idris-make-lemma
"mim" 'idris-add-missing
"mir" 'idris-refine
"mis" 'idris-add-clause
"miw" 'idris-make-with-block
;; Documentation.
"mha" 'idris-apropos
"mhd" 'idris-docs-at-point
"mhs" 'idris-type-search
"mht" 'idris-type-at-point
;; Active term manipulations.
"mmn" 'idris-normalise-term
"mmi" 'idris-show-term-implicits
"mmh" 'idris-hide-term-implicits
"mmc" 'idris-show-core-term
"msb" 'idris-load-file
"msB" 'spacemacs/idris-load-file-and-focus
"msi" 'idris-ensure-process-and-repl-buffer
"msn" 'idris-load-forward-line
"msN" 'spacemacs/idris-load-forward-line-and-focus
"msp" 'idris-load-backward-line
"msP" 'spacemacs/idris-load-backward-line-and-focus
"mss" 'idris-pop-to-repl))))

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@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
# Idris contribution layer for Spacemacs
<!-- markdown-toc start - Don't edit this section. Run M-x markdown-toc/generate-toc again -->
**Table of Contents**
- [Idris contribution layer for Spacemacs](#idris-contribution-layer-for-spacemacs)
- [Description](#description)
- [Install](#install)
- [Layer](#layer)
- [Idris](#idris)
- [Key bindings](#key-bindings)
- [Shorthands](#shorthands)
- [Interactive editing](#interactive-editing)
- [Documentation](#documentation)
- [File loading](#file-loading)
- [Active term manipulations](#active-term-manipulations)
- [Build system](#build-system)
- [REPL](#repl)
<!-- markdown-toc end -->
## Description
This layer adds support for the [Idris][] language.
*This layer is in construction, it needs your contributions and bug reports.*
## Install
### Layer
To use this layer, add it to your `~/.spacemacs`
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(idris))
### Idris
Idris can be installed using Haskell's cabal:
cabal install idris
Binaries are also available for some platforms at
## Key bindings
All Idris specific bindings are prefixed with the major-mode leader <kbd>SPC
### Shorthands
Several (but not all) of the evil-leader shorthands that `idris-mode` provides
are reproduced under the local leader.
Key Binding | Description
<kbd>SPC m r</kbd> | Load current buffer into Idris.
<kbd>SPC m t</kbd> | Get the type for the identifier under point.
<kbd>SPC m d</kbd> | Create an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration.
<kbd>SPC m c</kbd> | Case split the pattern variable under point.
<kbd>SPC m w</kbd> | Add a with block for the pattern-match clause under point.
<kbd>SPC m p</kbd> | Attempt to solve a metavariable automatically.
### Interactive editing
Interactive editing commands are prefixed by <kbd>SPC m i</kbd>.
Key Binding | Description
<kbd>SPC m i s</kbd> | Create an initial pattern match clause for a type declaration.
<kbd>SPC m i m</kbd> | Add missing pattern-match cases to an existing definition.
<kbd>SPC m i a</kbd> | Attempt to solve a metavariable automatically.
<kbd>SPC m i e</kbd> | Extract a metavariable or provisional definition name to an explicit top level definition.
<kbd>SPC m i c</kbd> | Case split the pattern variable under point.
<kbd>SPC m i w</kbd> | Add a with block for the pattern-match clause under point.
<kbd>SPC m i r</kbd> | Refine by name, without recursive proof search.
### Documentation
Documentation commands are prefixed by <kbd>SPC m h</kbd>.
Key Binding | Description
<kbd>SPC m h d</kbd> | Search the documentation for the name under point.
<kbd>SPC m h a</kbd> | Search the documentation for a string.
<kbd>SPC m h s</kbd> | Search the documentation regarding a particular type.
<kbd>SPC m h t</kbd> | Get the type for the identifier under point.
### File loading
File loading commands are prefixed by <kbd>SPC m l</kbd>.
Key Binding | Description
<kbd>SPC m l b</kbd> | Load the current buffer into Idris.
<kbd>SPC m l n</kbd> | Extend the region to be loaded, if such a region exists, one line at a time.
<kbd>SPC m l p</kbd> | Contract the region to be loaded, if such a region exists, one line at a time.
<kbd>SPC m l N</kbd> | Contract the region to be loaded, if such a region exists, one line at a time.
### Active term manipulations
Active term manipulations are prefixed by <kbd>SPC m m</kbd>.
Key Binding | Description
<kbd>SPC m m n</kbd> | Normalize the term at point.
<kbd>SPC m m i</kbd> | Show implicits for the term at point.
<kbd>SPC m m h</kbd> | Hide implicits for the term at point.
<kbd>SPC m m c</kbd> | Show the core language for the term at point.
### Build system
Commands for `ipkg` are prefixed by <kbd>SPC m b</kbd>.
Key Binding | Description
<kbd>SPC m b c</kbd> | Clean the package, removing `.ibc` files.`
<kbd>SPC m b b</kbd> | Build the package.
<kbd>SPC m b i</kbd> | Install the package to the user's repository, building first if necessary.
When inside a package file, you can insert a field with <kbd>SPC m f</kbd>.
### REPL
You can pop to the corresponding Idris REPL with <kbd>SPC m s</kbd>.

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@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
;;; packages.el --- Idris Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2015 Timothy Jones
;; Author: Timothy Jones <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(setq idris-packages '(idris-mode))
(defun idris/init-idris-mode ()
(use-package idris-mode
:defer t
;; Ensure that the idris-define-evil-keys function has been defined, but
;; not used, so that it can be overridden below.
(require 'idris-keys)
;; Replace Idris' existing evil bindings with Spacemacs-style bindings.
(defun idris-define-evil-keys ()
"Define Spacemacs-style keys for evil-mode."
(evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'idris-mode
;; Shorthands: rebind the standard evil-mode combinations to the local
;; leader for the keys not used as a prefix below.
"mc" 'idris-case-split
"md" 'idris-add-clause
"mp" 'idris-proof-search
"mr" 'idris-load-file
"mt" 'idris-type-at-point
"mw" 'idris-make-with-block
;; Interactive editing.
"mia" 'idris-proof-search
"mic" 'idris-case-split
"mie" 'idris-make-lemma
"mim" 'idris-add-missing
"mir" 'idris-refine
"mis" 'idris-add-clause
"miw" 'idris-make-with-block
;; Documentation.
"mha" 'idris-apropos
"mhd" 'idris-docs-at-point
"mhs" 'idris-type-search
"mht" 'idris-type-at-point
;; File loading.
"mlb" 'idris-load-file
"mln" 'idris-load-forward-line
"mlp" 'idris-load-backward-line
"mlN" 'idris-load-backward-line
;; Active term manipulations.
"mmn" 'idris-normalise-term
"mmi" 'idris-show-term-implicits
"mmh" 'idris-hide-term-implicits
"mmc" 'idris-show-core-term
;; ipkg.
"mbb" 'idris-ipkg-build
"mbc" 'idris-ipkg-clean
"mbi" 'idris-ipkg-install
"mbp" 'idris-open-package-file
;; Inferior mode switch.
"ms" 'idris-pop-to-repl)
(evil-leader/set-key-for-mode 'idris-ipkg-mode
"mf" 'idris-ipkg-insert-field)))
;; Idris also uses the idris-packages variable, so we clear it out in Idris
;; buffers with a hook.
(add-hook 'idris-mode-hook (lambda () (setq idris-packages nil)))))