Add doc for neotree VCS integration and evil text objects

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syl20bnr 2015-09-06 19:52:23 -04:00
parent 3c2475d4aa
commit 2692332b64
1 changed files with 19 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -69,6 +69,7 @@
- [[#escaping][Escaping]]
- [[#executing-vim-and-emacs-exm-x-commands][Executing Vim and Emacs ex/M-x commands]]
- [[#leader-key][Leader key]]
- [[#additional-text-objects][Additional text objects]]
- [[#reserved-prefix-command-for-user][Reserved prefix command for user]]
- [[#helm][Helm]]
- [[#c-z-and-tab-switch][C-z and Tab switch]]
@ -1142,6 +1143,19 @@ special key called the leader key which once pressed gives a whole new keyboard
layer. The leader key is by default ~SPC~ (space). It is possible to change this
key with the variable =dotspacemacs-leader-key=.
*** Additional text objects
Additional text objects are defined in Spacemacs:
| Object | Description |
| ~a~ | an argument |
| ~g~ | the entire buffer |
| ~$~ | text between =$= |
| ~*~ | text between =*= |
| ~8~ | text between =/*= and =*/= |
| ~%~ | text between =%= |
| ~\vert~ | text between =\vert= |
** Reserved prefix command for user
~SPC o~ and ~SPC m o~ are reserved for the user. Setting key bindings behind
these is *guaranteed* to never conflict with =Spacemacs= default key bindings.
@ -1613,6 +1627,11 @@ NeoTree with the root set to the projectile project root).
The NeoTree window always has the number =0= so it does not shift the current
number of the other windows. To select the NeoTree window you then use ~SPC 0~.
VCS integration is supported, the file color will change depending on its
current state. With default =spacemacs-dark= theme:
- green: new file
- purple: modified file
**** NeoTree navigation
Navigation is centered on the ~hjkl~ with the hope to provide a fast navigation
experience like in [[][ranger]]: