ipython layer

You asked for it :) This is very trivial still ;_;
This commit is contained in:
Diego Berrocal 2015-06-05 19:20:15 -05:00 committed by syl20bnr
parent a4b5a22fb3
commit 1b0b7371a5
5 changed files with 225 additions and 0 deletions

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@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
* iPython contribution layer for Spacemacs (WIP)
** Description
This layer adds support for the package =emacs-ipython-notebook=.
Do not hesitate to check the original package README [[https://github.com/millejoh/emacs-ipython-notebook][here]]. Also the wiki has
lots of informative stuff.
** Features
- Micro-State with "evilified" keybindings
- Lazy-loading
** TODO List
- Maybe it'd be better if there was a state for this
- Make more keybinding to =connect= to a python buffer.
- Deleting visual regions don't work, find out why.
- This is a WIP, feel free to collaborate.
** Install
*** Layer
#+begin_src emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(ipython))
*** Dependencies
Install iPython > 3
#+begin_src sh
pip install ipython
*** What needs to be run
Have an iPython notebook running
#+begin_src sh
ipython notebook
** Key Bindings
*** Open Notebook List
This layer is lazy loaded so the micro-state will only work after you summon the
command =ein:notebooklist-open= which is bound to =SPC a i n=
*** Micro-state: =ipython-notebook=
Once you are in the ipython notebook you can activate the micro-state with
=SPC a i n=
| Key | Function |
| =h= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-prev-or-last |
| =j= | ein:worksheet-goto-next-input |
| =k= | ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input |
| =l= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-next-or-first |
| =H= | ein:notebook-worksheet-move-prev |
| =J= | ein:worksheet-move-cell-down |
| =K= | ein:worksheet-move-cell-up |
| =L= | ein:notebook-worksheet-move-next |
| =t= | ein:worksheet-toggle-output |
| =d= | ein:worksheet-kill-cell |
| =R= | ein:worksheet-rename-sheet |
| =y= | ein:worksheet-copy-cell |
| =p= | ein:worksheet-yank-cell |
| =o= | ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below |
| =O= | ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above |
| =RET= | ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-goto-next |
| =C-l= | ein:worksheet-clear-output |
| =C-S-l= | ein:worksheet-clear-all-output |
| =C-o= | ein:console-open |
| =C-k= | ein:worksheet-merge-cell |
| =C-j= | spacemacs/ein:worksheet-merge-cell-next |
| =C-s= | ein:notebook-save-notebook-command |
| =C-r= | ein:notebook-rename-command |
| =1= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-1th |
| =2= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-2th |
| =3= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-3th |
| =4= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-4th |
| =5= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-5th |
| =6= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-6th |
| =7= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-7th |
| =8= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-8th |
| =9= | ein:notebook-worksheet-open-last |
| =+= | ein:notebook-worksheet-insert-next |
| =-= | ein:notebook-worksheet-delete |
| =x= | ein:notebook-close |
** Screenshots
*** Light
*** Dark
** Bonus
If you want to have a matplotlibrc that looks good with a dark background try
using [[file:matplotlibrc][this]] =matplotlibrc=. Plot background is always transparent by default so
it will look okay for most dark themes out there.

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 313 KiB

Binary file not shown.


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 348 KiB

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@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
# -*- conf-unix -*-
text.color : dcdccc
patch.facecolor : 8cd0d3 # blue
patch.edgecolor : eeeeee
axes.facecolor : 383838 # axes background color
axes.edgecolor : bcbcbc # axes edge color
axes.grid : True # display grid or not
axes.labelcolor : dcdccc
axes.color_cycle : 8cd0d3, 7f9f7f, cc9393, 93e0e3, dc8cc3, f0dfaf, dcdccc
# (system default) blue, green, red, cyan, magenta, yellow, black
xtick.color : dcdccc # color of the tick labels
xtick.direction : in # direction: in or out
ytick.color : dcdccc # color of the tick labels
ytick.direction : in # direction: in or out
legend.fancybox : True # if True, use a rounded box for the
figure.facecolor : 3f3f3f # figure facecolor; 0.75 is scalar gray
figure.edgecolor : 383838 # figure edgecolor
# See also:
# * Sane color scheme for Matplotlib
# http://www.huyng.com/posts/sane-color-scheme-for-matplotlib/

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@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
;;; packages.el --- ipython Layer packages File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2014 Sylvain Benner
;; Copyright (c) 2014-2015 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <sylvain.benner@gmail.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; List of all packages to install and/or initialize. Built-in packages
;; which require an initialization must be listed explicitly in the list.
(setq ipython-packages
(defun ipython/init-ein ()
(use-package ein
:commands ein:notebooklist-open
"ain" 'ein:notebooklist-open)
(defun spacemacs/ein:worksheet-merge-cell-next ()
(ein:worksheet-merge-cell (ein:worksheet--get-ws-or-error) (ein:worksheet-get-current-cell) t t))
(defvar spacemacs--ipython-notebook-ms-doc-toggle 0
"Display a short doc when nil, full doc otherwise.")
(defun spacemacs//ipython-notebook-ms-doc ()
(if (equal 0 spacemacs--ipython-notebook-ms-doc-toggle)
"[?] for help"
[?] display this help
[k,j]: [prev,next] cell [K,J]: move cell [up,down]
[h,l]: prev,next worksheet [H,L]: move worksheet [left,right]
[d,y,p,RET]: [kill,copy,paste, execute] cell [t,C-l,C-S-L]: [toggle,clear,clear all] output
[o,O]: insert cell [bellow,above]
[C-o]: open console [C-k,C-j]: merge cell [above,bellow]
[1,2,...,8,9]: open [1st,2nd,..,8th,last] worksheet
[C-s, C-r]: [save, rename] notebook
[+,-]: [create,delete] worksheet
[x]: close notebook
[q] quit"))
(defun spacemacs//ipython-notebook-ms-toggle-doc ()
(setq spacemacs--ipython-notebook-ms-doc-toggle
(logxor spacemacs--ipython-notebook-ms-doc-toggle 1)))
(spacemacs|define-micro-state ipython-notebook
:doc (spacemacs//ipython-notebook-ms-doc)
:use-minibuffer t
:evil-leader "ein"
("q" nil :exit t)
("?" spacemacs//ipython-notebook-ms-toggle-doc)
("h" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-prev-or-last)
("j" ein:worksheet-goto-next-input)
("k" ein:worksheet-goto-prev-input)
("l" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-next-or-first)
("H" ein:notebook-worksheet-move-prev)
("J" ein:worksheet-move-cell-down)
("K" ein:worksheet-move-cell-up)
("L" ein:notebook-worksheet-move-next)
("t" ein:worksheet-toggle-output)
("d" ein:worksheet-kill-cell)
("R" ein:worksheet-rename-sheet)
("y" ein:worksheet-copy-cell)
("p" ein:worksheet-yank-cell)
("o" ein:worksheet-insert-cell-below)
("O" ein:worksheet-insert-cell-above)
("RET" ein:worksheet-execute-cell-and-goto-next)
;; Output
("C-l" ein:worksheet-clear-output)
("C-S-l" ein:worksheet-clear-all-output)
("C-o" ein:console-open)
;; Merge cells
("C-k" ein:worksheet-merge-cell)
("C-j" spacemacs/ein:worksheet-merge-cell-next)
;; Notebook
("C-s" ein:notebook-save-notebook-command)
("C-r" ein:notebook-rename-command)
("1" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-1th)
("2" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-2th)
("3" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-3th)
("4" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-4th)
("5" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-5th)
("6" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-6th)
("7" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-7th)
("8" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-8th)
("9" ein:notebook-worksheet-open-last)
("+" ein:notebook-worksheet-insert-next)
("-" ein:notebook-worksheet-delete)
("x" ein:notebook-close)
;; Often the body of an initialize function uses `use-package'
;; For more info on `use-package', see readme:
;; https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package