Fix lots of errors in change log

This commit is contained in:
syl20bnr 2015-09-24 00:34:05 -04:00
parent 952a848738
commit 0775d86923

View file

@ -1,60 +1,56 @@
* Release 0.104.x (next)
** 0.104.0
*** IMPORTANT: Breaking changes
- The =bookmark= save file has been moved to the =.cache= directory, if
- The =bookmark= saved file has been moved to the =.cache= directory, if
you have a bookmark file =~/.emacs.d/bookmarks= then you'll have to move it
to file =~/.emacs.d/.cache/bookmarks=
to =~/.emacs.d/.cache/bookmarks=
- =Ruby on Rails= framework has now its own layer called =ruby-on-rails=,
be sure to add this layer to your dotfile if you use RoR.
- =Django= framework has now its own layer called =django=,
be sure to add this layer to your dotfile if you use it.
- =guide-key= has been replaced by =which-key=, you may encounter issues
if you have =guide-key= custom configurations, remove any =guide-key=
if you have some =guide-key= custom configuration, remove any =guide-key=
configuration and check the options offered by =which-key=.
- =salt= layer requires the new =yaml= layer, be sure to add the =yaml=
layer to your dotfile if you use =salt=.
*** Other important notes:
- All layers have been moved from =contrib= to =layers= directory
- All category folders have been remove from =!...= to =+...=
- =spacemacs= layer has been moved to new directory =layers= in the
subfolder =+distribution=
- All =extensions= directory in layers have been renamed to =local=.
=extensions= directories will be deprecated in 0.105.0.
- All layers have been moved to =layers= directory
- Category folder prefix has been changed to =+= (was =!=)
- =spacemacs= layer has been moved to the =layers= directory in the
category =+distribution=
- All =extensions= directories have been renamed to =local=. =extensions=
directories will be deprecated in 0.105.0.
*** Hot new features:
- Whole new package list used in the file =packages.el= of a layer. Packages
can now be a list with keyword properties, the currently supported
properties are =:location=, =:step= and =:excluded=. =extensions.el= files
and =<layer>-excluded-packages= variables are now optional and will be
deprecated in the next version 0.105.0.
- New =distribution= concept, you can now choose between two distribution
layers: =spacemacs= and =spacemacs-base=. =spacemacs-base= contains only
a minimal set of packages. Use =spacemacs= distribution to get the full
Spacemacs experience.
- Add support for =Quelpa= which allows to use =Melpa= to install packages
directly from source (i.e. one can now install a package from a Github
- Enhanced layer package lists which merge old extension lists and package
lists. Keywords can be associated with packages. The supported keywords
are =:location=, =:step= and =:excluded=.
=extensions.el= files and =<layer>-excluded-packages= variables are now
optional and will be deprecated in the next version 0.105.0.
- New =distribution= concept: you can now choose between two distributions:
=spacemacs= or =spacemacs-base=. =spacemacs-base= contains only
a minimal set of packages whereas =spacemacs= is the full Spacemacs
experience. Set the distribution with =dotspacemacs-distribution= variable.
- Add support for =Quelpa= which allows to use =Melpa= recipes to install
packages directly from source (i.e. one can now install a package directly
from a Github repository).
- New editing style: =hybrid=. This style is similar to Vim style except that
all Emacs key bindings are available in hybrid (insert) state instead of Vim
key bindings. Also in this state, the buffers are evilified like in Vim style.
- The default theme of Spacemacs is now =spacemacs-dark=. The Spacemacs themes
(=spacemacs-dark= and =spacemacs-light=) becomes the official themes of
Spacemacs, official screenshots should be taken with one of these themes.
(thanks to nashamri)
(=spacemacs-dark= and =spacemacs-light=) become the official themes of
Spacemacs (thanks to nashamri)
- Add support for dotdirectory =~/.spacemacs.d= which behaves like the Emacs
dotdirectory (i.e. =~/.spacemacs.d/init.el= is evaluated instead of
=~/.spacemacs= if the former exists and the latter does not) (thanks to
- Guide-key is replaced by =which-key= which provides a enhanced and better
live key bindings browsing experience.
(thanks to justbur)
- Whole new API to manage the =powerline= mode-line. It is now possible to
easily define segments and arrange them (thanks to TheBB)
- New web gallery to browse themes in =themes-megapack=,
URL: [[][theme gallery]] (thanks to robmerrell)
- Guide-key is replaced by =which-key= which provides an enhanced and better
live key bindings browsing experience. (thanks to justbur)
- New API to manage the =powerline= mode-line. It is now possible to easily
define segments and arrange them (thanks to TheBB)
- New web gallery to browse themes in =themes-megapack=, URL: [[][theme gallery
]] (thanks to robmerrell)
- New test framework supporting layer specific tests (thanks to TheBB)
- New interactive function =dotspacemacs/test-dotfile= testing the integrity
of the =.spacemacs= file. This function will detect any unknown layers and
bad values for dotspacemacs variable (thanks to justbur)
bad dotspacemacs variable values (thanks to justbur)
*** New Layers
- asciidoc (thanks to hijarian)
- chinese (thanks to andyque)
@ -84,6 +80,7 @@
- New function =dotspacemacs/user-init=. Now =dotspacemacs/init= function
is reserved for dotspacemacs variable exclusively.
- New value =any= for =dotspacemacs-highlight-delimiters=, when set to
=any=, all the delimiters are highlighted via =rainbow-mode=.
- New variable =dotspacemacs-helm-resize=. If non nil then =helm= windows
will be automatically resized depending on the number of candidates (thanks
to ralesi)
@ -97,7 +94,6 @@
both org and git layers.
- Rename function =dotspacemacs/config= to =dotspacemacs/user-config=. The
old function =dotspacemacs/config= will be deprecated in 0.105.0.
=any=, all the delimiters are highlighted via =rainbow-mode=.
*** Distribution layer changes
**** Spacemacs-base
- Add =copy file= key binding on ~SPC f c~ (thanks to cpaulik)