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2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
# Scala contribution layer for Spacemacs
2014-12-24 06:03:49 +00:00
2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
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**Table of Contents**
2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
- [Description](#description)
- [Install](#install)
- [Ensime](#ensime)
- [Installation](#installation)
- [Usage](#usage)
- [Scalastyle](#scalastyle)
2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
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## Description
This layer adds support for the Scala language using the excellent [ENSIME][]
## Install
2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
Add this contribution to your `~/.spacemacs`.
2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(scala)
"List of contribution to load."
2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
## Ensime
[ENSIME][] provides IDE-like features, such as refactoring, incremental
compilation and project-wide type-checking.
ENSIME requires a configuration file at the root of each Scala project. It
provides an SBT plugin to generate these files.
### Installation
1. Configure the ENSIME sbt plugin by adding the following to
resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")
addSbtPlugin("org.ensime" % "ensime-sbt" % "0.1.5-SNAPSHOT")
2. Run `sbt` at the shell to download and install the plugin.
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2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
See the [ENSIME quickstart][] guide for further information.
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2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
### Usage
2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
1. Create a `.ensime` file at the root of your Scala project using `sbt
gen-ensime` at the shell.
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2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
2. Run `M-x ensime` within Emacs to start an ENSIME session.
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2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
Each Scala project uses a dedicated ENSIME session, so you only need to run `M-x
ensime` once per project. Any Scala files you create or visit within the project
will automatically use ENSIME for the remainder of your editing session.
## Scalastyle
[Scalastyle][] provides style-checking and linting. The Emacs functionality is
provided by Flycheck.
To use scalastyle,
1. Download the [scalastyle jar][] and put it somewhere sensible
2. Customise the `flycheck-scalastyle-jar` variable and set it to the path of
the jar.
See the [flycheck documentation][] for up-to-date configuration instructions.
[ENSIME quickstart]:
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2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
[flycheck documentation]:
2014-12-14 04:29:23 +00:00
2014-12-29 21:35:11 +00:00
[scalastyle jar]: