;;; config.el --- Ivy Layer Configuration File for Spacemacs
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2017 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <sylvain.benner@gmail.com>
;; URL: https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
;; Variables
(defvar spacemacs--counsel-commands
'(;; --line-number forces line numbers (disabled by default on windows)
;; no --vimgrep because it adds column numbers that wgrep can't handle
;; see https://github.com/syl20bnr/spacemacs/pull/8065
("rg" . "rg --smart-case --no-heading --color never --line-number --max-columns 150 %s %S .")
("ag" . "ag --nocolor --nogroup %s %S .")
("pt" . "pt -e --nocolor --nogroup %s %S .")
("ack" . "ack --nocolor --nogroup %s %S .")
("grep" . "grep -nrP %s %S ."))
"An alist of search commands and their corresponding commands
with options to run in the shell.")
(defvar spacemacs--counsel-search-max-path-length 30
"Truncate the current path in counsel search if it is longer
than this amount.")
(defvar spacemacs--counsel-initial-number-cand 100)
(defvar spacemacs--ivy-file-actions
'(("f" find-file-other-frame "other frame")
("j" find-file-other-window "other window")
("v" spacemacs/find-file-vsplit "in vertical split")
("s" spacemacs/find-file-split "in horizontal split")
("l" find-file-literally "literally")
("d" spacemacs/delete-file-confirm "delete file")
("r" spacemacs/rename-file "rename file"))
"Default ivy actions for files.")
(defvar spacemacs--ivy-grep-actions
(loop for j in spacemacs--ivy-file-actions
for key = (nth 0 j)
for func = (nth 1 j)
for desc = (nth 2 j)
collect `(,key (lambda (x) (spacemacs//counsel-with-git-grep (quote ,func) x)) ,desc))
"Default ivy actions to be used with git-grep output.")