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#+TITLE: Chinese layer
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
[[file:img/China.png]] [[file:img/Chinese.png]]
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
* Table of Contents :TOC_4_gh:noexport:
2017-05-22 14:16:12 +00:00
- [[#description][Description]]
- [[#features][Features:]]
2017-05-22 14:16:12 +00:00
- [[#install][Install]]
- [[#layer][Layer]]
- [[#configuration][Configuration]]
- [[#configure-the-default-input-method配置默认中文输入法][Configure the Default Input Method(配置默认中文输入法)]]
- [[#configure-the-chinese-pyim-input-method配置中文拼音输入法][Configure the =Chinese-pyim= Input Method(配置中文拼音输入法)]]
- [[#configure-chinese-conv-配置简繁转换][Configure =chinese-conv= (配置简繁转换)]]
2017-05-22 14:16:12 +00:00
- [[#enable-fcitx][Enable fcitx]]
- [[#requirement][Requirement]]
- [[#enable-youdao有道-dictionary激活有道字典][Enable YouDao(有道) Dictionary(激活有道字典)]]
- [[#set-monospaced-font-size设置等宽字体][Set monospaced font size(设置等宽字体)]]
- [[#enabledisable-ace-pinyin-in-avy-goto-char][Enable/Disable ace-pinyin in =avy-goto-char=]]
- [[#key-bindings][Key Bindings]]
- [[#youdao-dictionary][Youdao Dictionary]]
- [[#find-by-pinyin-dired][Find-by-pinyin-dired]]
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
* Description
This layer adds support for traditional Chinese script to Spacemacs.
** Features:
- Support for the [[][Pinyin(拼音)]] input method via [[][chinese-pyim]].
- Support for the [[][Wubi(五笔)]] input method via [[][chinese-wbim]].
- Integration of the native input method framework [[][fcitx]] via [[][cute-jumper/fcitx.el]].
- Integration of the [[][Youdao(有道) Dictionary]] via [[][youdao-dictionary]].
- Support for file searches in =dired= using Chinese Pinyin characters via [[][find-by-pinyin-dired]].
- Support for jumping to Chinese Pinyin characters with =ace-jump-mode= via [[][ace-pinyin]].
- Support for conversion between simplified and traditional Chinese texts via [[][chinese-conv]].
- Automatic visual separation of Chinese and Latin characters via [[][coldnew/pangu-spacing]].
- Automatic joining of consecutive Chinese lines into a single long line without unwanted space when exporting org-mode to html.
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
* Install
** Layer
To use this configuration layer, add it to your =~/.spacemacs=. You will need to
add =chinese= to the existing =dotspacemacs-configuration-layers= list in this
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
** Configuration
*** Configure the Default Input Method(配置默认中文输入法)
The default Chinese input method is =Chinese-pyim=, if you are a Wubi(五笔) user,
2015-11-08 08:59:51 +00:00
you could set the variable =chinese-default-input-method= to =wubi=:
2018-07-10 10:57:25 +00:00
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '(
(chinese :variables chinese-default-input-method 'wubi)))
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
*** Configure the =Chinese-pyim= Input Method(配置中文拼音输入法)
The first time you use =Chinese-pyim=, you need to install the lexicon(词库)
file. Call =pyim-dicts-manager= to open up the settings buffer and
press =i e= to install the default lexicon. The lexicon is about 20MB, so you
should be patient when downloading starts. After the lexicon file is downloaded,
just press =s= to save and =R= to restart configuration.
*** Configure =chinese-conv= (配置简繁转换)
The =chinese-conv= package requires either [[][opencc]] or [[][cconv]] installed.
By default, =opencc= will be used as the backend, set
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((chinese :variables
chinese-conv-backend "cconv")))
to use =cconv= as the backend.
There is no default key binding for the conversions. Run
=M-x chinese-conv=
to replace arbitrary input, or
=M-x chinese-conv-replace=
to replace the current selection in-place.
2015-11-17 00:23:02 +00:00
*** Enable fcitx
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((chinese :variables
chinese-enable-fcitx t)))
2018-07-10 10:57:25 +00:00
If you dont need to type Chinese in minibuffer, you can temporarily disable fcitx in the minibuffer
2015-11-17 00:23:02 +00:00
with the following configuration.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
**** Requirement
***** Linux
You need to install =fcitx= and =fcitx-remote= on your machine.
***** Mac OS X
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
We dont have a =fcitx= in OS X yet but we already added an emulation called
=fcitx-remote= to make you happy with other Chinese input-methods.
2015-11-17 00:23:02 +00:00
You can install [[][fcitx-remote-for-osx]] from homebrew.
#+BEGIN_SRC shell
brew install fcitx-remote-for-osx --with-input-method=baidu-pinyin
=--with-input-method=baidu-pinyin= means install for Baidu-pinyin Input Method.
You can use =brew info fcitx-remote-for-osx= to get more options info for input
method support.
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
Select input method: baidu-pinyin(default), baidu-wubi, sogou-pinyin, qq-wubi, squirrel-rime, osx-pinyin
***** Windows
2016-07-07 05:38:26 +00:00
In order to use =fcitx.el= in Windows, you should install [[][fcitx-remote-for-windows]].
*** Enable YouDao(有道) Dictionary(激活有道字典)
The YouDao Dictionary is disabled by default, if you want enable it.
2015-11-08 08:59:51 +00:00
You should set =chinese-enable-youdao-dict= to =t=.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((chinese :variables
chinese-enable-youdao-dict t)))
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
*** Set monospaced font size(设置等宽字体)
If you are mixing Chinese script with Latin script, the text is not perfectly
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
aligned in org table. Thats because normally the Chinese font size is not equal
to the Latin font size. You could call =spacemacs//set-monospaced-font= with
your own Chinese font name in =dotspacemacs/user-config= function.
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
Example configuration:
2018-07-10 10:57:25 +00:00
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
;; Note: The Hiragino Sans GB is bundled with MacOS X.
;; If you are not using MacOS X, you should change it to another Chinese font name.
(spacemacs//set-monospaced-font "Source Code Pro" "Hiragino Sans GB" 14 16)
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
2015-11-08 08:59:51 +00:00
*** Enable/Disable ace-pinyin in =avy-goto-char=
You can use =avy-goto-char= with pinyin supported by default, if you want to
disable it. You can set =chinese-enable-avy-pinyin= to =nil=.
2015-11-08 08:59:51 +00:00
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(setq-default dotspacemacs-configuration-layers '((chinese :variables
chinese-enable-avy-pinyin nil)))
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
* Key Bindings
Currently, there are no built-in key bindings for this layer. You could define
your own preference.
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
Here are a few suggested key bindings (remember that ~SPC o~ is reserved for
personal usage, spacemacs won´t put any binding under this prefix):
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
** Youdao Dictionary
2018-09-19 03:54:47 +00:00
Bind ~SPC o y~ to =youdao-dictionary-search-at-point+=.
2015-06-27 15:12:43 +00:00
** Find-by-pinyin-dired
Bind ~SPC o d~ to =find-by-pinyin-dired=