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;;; packages.el --- Spacemacs Editing Layer packages File
2021-03-22 20:11:29 +00:00
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2021 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
;; (at your option) any later version.
;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.
;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with this program. If not, see <>.
(setq spacemacs-editing-packages
(bracketed-paste :toggle (version<= emacs-version "25.0.92"))
(clean-aindent-mode :toggle dotspacemacs-use-clean-aindent-mode)
2017-05-19 09:43:29 +00:00
(hexl :location built-in)
2016-02-01 03:50:19 +00:00
(origami :toggle (eq 'origami dotspacemacs-folding-method))
(persistent-scratch :toggle dotspacemacs-scratch-buffer-persistent)
(smartparens :toggle dotspacemacs-activate-smartparens-mode)
(evil-swap-keys :toggle dotspacemacs-swap-number-row)
(spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup :location local)
2021-02-17 02:22:13 +00:00
(unkillable-scratch :toggle dotspacemacs-scratch-buffer-unkillable)
(vimish-fold :toggle (eq 'vimish dotspacemacs-folding-method))
(evil-vimish-fold :toggle (eq 'vimish dotspacemacs-folding-method))
2020-12-01 08:25:34 +00:00
(evil-easymotion :toggle (memq dotspacemacs-editing-style '(vim hybrid)))
;; Initialization of packages
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-aggressive-indent ()
(use-package aggressive-indent
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle aggressive-indent
:mode aggressive-indent-mode
:documentation "Always keep code indented."
:evil-leader "tI")
(spacemacs|add-toggle aggressive-indent-globally
:mode global-aggressive-indent-mode
:documentation "Always keep code indented globally."
:evil-leader "t C-I"))
(add-hook 'diff-auto-refine-mode-hook 'spacemacs/toggle-aggressive-indent-off)
(spacemacs|diminish aggressive-indent-mode "" " I"))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-avy ()
(use-package avy
:defer t
lsp-layer configuration and building blocks for derived layers. See for details <<amendment 1>> Updated some keybindings based on CONVENTIONS doc Corrected file headers Incorporated some immediate feedback from MaskRay <<amendment 2>> Corrected keybindings in <<amendment 3>> Eliminated stray org-mode tag at table foot in Eliminated new 'l' prefix and moved bindings under 'g' <<amendment 4>> Updated defaults in config.el based on feedback from sebastiencs (lsp/lsp-ui dev) - lsp-ui-sideline enabled by default - lsp-ui-peek-expand-by-default disabled <<amendment 5 09/04/18>> Removed 'spacemacs/' prefix from lsp-format-buffer binding <<amendment 6 09/04/18>> Moved lsp-ui-peek bindings under j (jump) Added goto bindings for new lsp-mode functions goto type definition and goto implementation <<amendment 7 31/05/18>> Corrected layer title in file headers Rebased on dev tip (390462e) <<amendment 8 03/07/18>> Added keybindings for lsp-describe-thing-at-point, lsp-workspace-restart, lsp-execute-code-action suggested by Yyoncho (LSP Java) Added avy keyboard navigation function provided by MaskRay Reverted lsp-ui-peek to expand by default after an upstream change that restricts expansion to current document, addressing the previous performance issue. <<amendment 9 04/07/18>> Corrected keybinding for lsp-describe-thing-at-point <<amendment 10 19/07/18>> Rebound lsp-restart-workspace under mlq Declared 'lsp' prefix (myrgy) Added evil-set-command-property fix suggested by Yyoncho Moved lsp-c-c++ layer from private branch to this PR after spending too many hours of my life rebasing after circle CI picks up a formatting error :) <<amendment 11 25/07/18>> Rebased Bound cquery-freshen-index under lf Bound cquery-preprocess-file under lp <<amendment 12 01/08/18>> Rebased (c-c++ layer) moved semantic refactor refactor-at-point binding from mr to mrp to prevent key binding error when semantic layer enabled <<amendment 13 17/08/18>> Added option to select ccls or cquery backend based on work by myrgy Rebased on current upstream develop <<amendment 14 20/08/18>> Incorporated feedback from myrgy and maskray. Corrected some duplication/inconsistencies. Rebased. <<amendment 15 21/08/18>> Reduced duplication in backend config <<amendment 16 22/08/18>> Removed lsp-c-c++ layer example -- to be merged with c-c++ layer once this PR is sorted <<amendment 17 23/08/18>> Added CHANGELOG.develop entry as per updated contribution guidelines. <<amendment 18 24/08/18>> Moved some keybindings as per feedback from sdwolfz
2018-03-16 00:38:24 +00:00
:commands (spacemacs/avy-open-url spacemacs/avy-goto-url avy-pop-mark avy-with)
(setq avy-all-windows 'all-frames)
(setq avy-background t)
"jb" 'avy-pop-mark
"jj" 'evil-avy-goto-char-timer
"jl" 'evil-avy-goto-line
"ju" 'spacemacs/avy-goto-url
"jU" 'spacemacs/avy-open-url
"jw" 'evil-avy-goto-word-or-subword-1
"xo" 'spacemacs/avy-open-url))
(defun spacemacs/avy-goto-url ()
"Use avy to go to an URL in the buffer."
(avy-jump "https?://"))
(defun spacemacs/avy-open-url ()
"Use avy to select an URL in the buffer and open it."
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-bracketed-paste ()
(use-package bracketed-paste
:defer t
;; Enable bracketed-paste for tty
(add-hook 'tty-setup-hook 'bracketed-paste-enable)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-clean-aindent-mode ()
(use-package clean-aindent-mode
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook 'spacemacs//put-clean-aindent-last t))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-dired-quick-sort ()
(use-package dired-quick-sort
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-transient-hook dired-mode-hook
(lambda ()
(let ((dired-quick-sort-suppress-setup-warning 'message))
(evil-define-key 'normal dired-mode-map "s" 'hydra-dired-quick-sort/body)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-drag-stuff ()
(use-package drag-stuff
:defer t
(spacemacs|diminish drag-stuff-mode)
(drag-stuff-mode t)
(spacemacs|define-transient-state drag-stuff
:title "Drag Stuff Transient State"
:doc "
[_k_/_K_] up [_h_/_H_] left [_q_] quit
[_j_/_J_] down [_l_/_L_] right"
("j" drag-stuff-down)
("J" drag-stuff-down)
("<down>" drag-stuff-down)
("k" drag-stuff-up)
("K" drag-stuff-up)
("<up>" drag-stuff-up)
("h" drag-stuff-left)
("H" drag-stuff-left)
("<left>" drag-stuff-left)
("l" drag-stuff-right)
("L" drag-stuff-right)
("<right>" drag-stuff-right)
("q" nil :exit t))
"x." 'spacemacs/drag-stuff-transient-state/body
"xK" 'spacemacs/drag-stuff-transient-state/drag-stuff-up
"xJ" 'spacemacs/drag-stuff-transient-state/drag-stuff-down))))
2017-05-19 09:43:29 +00:00
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-editorconfig ()
(use-package editorconfig
(spacemacs|diminish editorconfig-mode)
(editorconfig-mode t)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-eval-sexp-fu ()
2018-06-11 03:24:44 +00:00
(use-package eval-sexp-fu
:commands eval-sexp-fu-flash-mode))
;; ;; ignore obsolete function warning generated on startup
;; (let ((byte-compile-not-obsolete-funcs (append byte-compile-not-obsolete-funcs '(preceding-sexp))))
;; (require 'eval-sexp-fu)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-expand-region ()
(use-package expand-region
:defer t
:init (spacemacs/set-leader-keys "v" 'er/expand-region)
;; add search capability to expand-region
(when (configuration-layer/package-used-p 'helm-ag)
(defadvice er/prepare-for-more-expansions-internal
(around helm-ag/prepare-for-more-expansions-internal activate)
(let ((new-msg (concat (car ad-return-value)
", / to search in project, "
"f to search in files, "
"b to search in opened buffers"))
(new-bindings (cdr ad-return-value)))
'("/" (lambda ()
'("f" (lambda ()
'("b" (lambda ()
(setq ad-return-value (cons new-msg new-bindings)))))
(setq expand-region-contract-fast-key "V"
expand-region-reset-fast-key "r"))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-hexl ()
(use-package hexl
:defer t
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "fh" 'hexl-find-file)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-major-mode 'hexl-mode
"d" 'hexl-insert-decimal-char
"c" 'hexl-insert-octal-char
"x" 'hexl-insert-hex-char
"X" 'hexl-insert-hex-string
"g" 'hexl-goto-address)
(evil-define-key 'motion hexl-mode-map
"]]" 'hexl-end-of-1k-page
"[[" 'hexl-beginning-of-1k-page
"h" 'hexl-backward-char
"l" 'hexl-forward-char
"j" 'hexl-next-line
"k" 'hexl-previous-line
"$" 'hexl-end-of-line
"^" 'hexl-beginning-of-line
"0" 'hexl-beginning-of-line))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-hungry-delete ()
(use-package hungry-delete
:defer t
(spacemacs|add-toggle hungry-delete
:mode hungry-delete-mode
:documentation "Delete consecutive horizontal whitespace with a single key."
:evil-leader "td")
(setq-default hungry-delete-chars-to-skip " \t\f\v") ; only horizontal whitespace
(define-key hungry-delete-mode-map (kbd "DEL") 'hungry-delete-backward)
(define-key hungry-delete-mode-map (kbd "S-DEL") 'delete-backward-char))))
2016-02-01 03:50:19 +00:00
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-link-hint ()
(use-package link-hint
:defer t
2016-02-01 03:50:19 +00:00
"xA" 'link-hint-open-all-links
"xm" 'link-hint-open-multiple-links
"xo" 'link-hint-open-link-at-point
"xO" 'link-hint-open-link
"xy" 'link-hint-copy-link-at-point
"xY" 'link-hint-copy-link)))
2016-02-01 03:50:19 +00:00
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-lorem-ipsum ()
(use-package lorem-ipsum
:commands (lorem-ipsum-insert-list
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "il" "lorem ipsum")
"ill" 'lorem-ipsum-insert-list
"ilp" 'lorem-ipsum-insert-paragraphs
"ils" 'lorem-ipsum-insert-sentences))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-origami ()
(use-package origami
:defer t
2020-06-21 14:13:54 +00:00
(lambda (key def)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map key nil)
(define-key evil-motion-state-map key def))))
2020-06-21 14:13:54 +00:00
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "za" 'origami-forward-toggle-node)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zc" 'origami-close-node)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zC" 'origami-close-node-recursively)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zO" 'origami-open-node-recursively)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zo" 'origami-open-node)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zr" 'origami-open-all-nodes)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zm" 'origami-close-all-nodes)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zs" 'origami-show-only-node)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zn" 'origami-next-fold)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zp" 'origami-previous-fold)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map "zR" 'origami-reset)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map (kbd "z <tab>") 'origami-recursively-toggle-node)
(funcall rebind-normal-to-motion-state-map (kbd "z TAB") 'origami-recursively-toggle-node)
(spacemacs|define-transient-state fold
:title "Code Fold Transient State"
:doc "
Close^^ Open^^ Toggle^^ Goto^^ Other^^
^^ ^^ ^^ ^^ ^^
[_c_] at point [_o_] at point [_a_] at point [_n_] next [_s_] single out
[_C_] recursively [_O_] recursively [_A_] all [_p_] previous [_R_] reset
[_m_] all [_r_] all [_TAB_] like org ^^ [_q_] quit"
:foreign-keys run
:on-enter (unless (bound-and-true-p origami-mode) (origami-mode 1))
("a" origami-forward-toggle-node)
("A" origami-toggle-all-nodes)
("c" origami-close-node)
("C" origami-close-node-recursively)
("o" origami-open-node)
("O" origami-open-node-recursively)
("r" origami-open-all-nodes)
("m" origami-close-all-nodes)
("n" origami-next-fold)
("p" origami-previous-fold)
("s" origami-show-only-node)
("R" origami-reset)
("TAB" origami-recursively-toggle-node)
("<tab>" origami-recursively-toggle-node)
("q" nil :exit t)
("C-g" nil :exit t)
("<SPC>" nil :exit t)))))
;; Note: The key binding for the fold transient state is defined in
;; evil config
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-vimish-fold ()
(use-package vimish-fold
:after evil))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-evil-vimish-fold ()
(use-package evil-vimish-fold
:after vimish-fold
(setq evil-vimish-fold-target-modes '(prog-mode conf-mode text-mode))
:config (global-evil-vimish-fold-mode)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-evil-easymotion ()
(use-package evil-easymotion
:defer t
(defun buffer-evil-avy-goto-char-timer ()
"Call jump to the given chars use avy"
(let ((current-prefix-arg t))
(evilem-default-keybindings "gs")
(define-key evilem-map "a" (evilem-create #'evil-forward-arg))
(define-key evilem-map "A" (evilem-create #'evil-backward-arg))
(define-key evilem-map "o" (evilem-create #'evil-jump-out-args))
(define-key evilem-map "s" #'evil-avy-goto-char-2)
(define-key evilem-map "/" #'evil-avy-goto-char-timer)
(define-key evilem-map (kbd "SPC") #'buffer-evil-avy-goto-char-timer)
;; Provide proper prefixes for which key
(which-key-add-keymap-based-replacements evil-motion-state-map
"gs" "evil-easymotion")
(which-key-add-keymap-based-replacements evilem-map
"g" "misc"
"[" "section backward"
"]" "section forward")
;; Use evil-search backend, instead of isearch
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-next #'evil-ex-search-next
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-previous #'evil-ex-search-previous
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-word-forward #'evil-ex-search-word-forward
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))
(evilem-make-motion evilem-motion-search-word-backward #'evil-ex-search-word-backward
:bind ((evil-ex-search-highlight-all nil)))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-password-generator ()
(use-package password-generator
:defer t
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "ip" "passwords")
"ip1" 'password-generator-simple
"ip2" 'password-generator-strong
"ip3" 'password-generator-paranoid
"ipp" 'password-generator-phonetic
"ipn" 'password-generator-numeric))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/post-init-pcre2el ()
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "xr" "regular expressions")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "xre" "elisp")
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "xrp" "pcre")
"xr/" 'rxt-explain
"xr'" 'rxt-convert-to-strings
"xrt" 'rxt-toggle-elisp-rx
"xrx" 'rxt-convert-to-rx
"xrc" 'rxt-convert-syntax
"xre/" 'rxt-explain-elisp
"xre'" 'rxt-elisp-to-strings
"xrep" 'rxt-elisp-to-pcre
"xret" 'rxt-toggle-elisp-rx
"xrex" 'rxt-elisp-to-rx
"xrp/" 'rxt-explain-pcre
"xrp'" 'rxt-pcre-to-strings
"xrpe" 'rxt-pcre-to-elisp
"xrpx" 'rxt-pcre-to-rx))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-smartparens ()
(use-package smartparens
:defer t
:commands (sp-point-in-string-or-comment sp-forward-symbol sp-split-sexp sp-newline sp-up-sexp)
;; settings
2017-05-24 12:33:52 +00:00
(setq sp-show-pair-delay
;; Use this form to allow users to override this setting from
;; dotspacemacs/user-init
(or (bound-and-true-p sp-show-pair-delay) 0.2)
;; fix paren highlighting in normal mode
sp-show-pair-from-inside t
2016-09-07 06:45:59 +00:00
sp-cancel-autoskip-on-backward-movement nil
sp-highlight-pair-overlay nil
sp-highlight-wrap-overlay nil
sp-highlight-wrap-tag-overlay nil)
(spacemacs/add-to-hooks #'spacemacs//activate-smartparens
'(prog-mode-hook comint-mode-hook))
;; enable smartparens-mode in `eval-expression'
(add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook 'spacemacs//conditionally-enable-smartparens-mode)
;; toggles
(spacemacs|add-toggle smartparens
:status (or (bound-and-true-p smartparens-mode)
(bound-and-true-p smartparens-strict-mode))
:on (spacemacs//activate-smartparens)
:off (spacemacs//deactivate-smartparens)
:documentation "Enable smartparens."
:evil-leader "tp")
(spacemacs|add-toggle smartparens-globally
:status (or smartparens-global-mode smartparens-global-strict-mode)
:on (spacemacs//activate-smartparens t)
:off (spacemacs//deactivate-smartparens t)
:documentation "Enable smartparens globally."
:evil-leader "t C-p")
;; key bindings
"js" 'sp-split-sexp
"jn" 'sp-newline))
(require 'smartparens-config)
(spacemacs|diminish smartparens-mode "" " p")
(add-hook 'spacemacs-post-theme-change-hook
(show-smartparens-global-mode +1)
;; don't create a pair with single quote in minibuffer
(sp-local-pair 'minibuffer-inactive-mode "'" nil :actions nil)
(sp-pair "{" nil :post-handlers
'(:add (spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline-and-indent "RET")))
(sp-pair "[" nil :post-handlers
2016-02-12 14:13:39 +00:00
'(:add (spacemacs/smartparens-pair-newline-and-indent "RET")))
(when dotspacemacs-smart-closing-parenthesis
(define-key evil-insert-state-map ")"
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup ()
(use-package spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup
:commands (spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode
(spacemacs|add-toggle whitespace-cleanup
:mode spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode
:documentation "Automatic whitespace clean up."
:on-message (spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup/on-message)
:evil-leader "tW")
(spacemacs|add-toggle global-whitespace-cleanup
:mode global-spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode
:status spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode
:on (let ((spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-globally t))
:off (let ((spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-globally t))
(spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode -1))
:on-message (spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup/on-message t)
:documentation "Global automatic whitespace clean up."
:evil-leader "t C-S-w")
(with-eval-after-load 'ws-butler
(when dotspacemacs-whitespace-cleanup
(spacemacs|diminish spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode "" " W")
(spacemacs|diminish global-spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup-mode
"" " W"))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-string-inflection ()
(use-package string-inflection
(spacemacs|define-transient-state string-inflection
:title "String Inflection Transient State"
:doc "\n [_i_] cycle"
("i" string-inflection-all-cycle))
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "xi" "inflection")
"xic" 'string-inflection-lower-camelcase
"xiC" 'string-inflection-camelcase
"xii" 'spacemacs/string-inflection-transient-state/body
"xi-" 'string-inflection-kebab-case
"xik" 'string-inflection-kebab-case
"xi_" 'string-inflection-underscore
"xiu" 'string-inflection-underscore
"xiU" 'string-inflection-upcase))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-string-edit ()
(use-package string-edit
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys "xe" 'string-edit-at-point)
(spacemacs/set-leader-keys-for-minor-mode 'string-edit-mode
"," 'string-edit-conclude
"c" 'string-edit-conclude
"a" 'string-edit-abort
"k" 'string-edit-abort)))
2021-02-17 02:22:13 +00:00
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-multi-line ()
(use-package multi-line
(spacemacs|define-transient-state multi-line
:title "Multi-line Transient State"
:doc "\n [_n_] cycle"
("n" multi-line))
"xn" 'spacemacs/multi-line-transient-state/body))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-undo-tree ()
(use-package undo-tree
:defer t
2020-10-09 08:05:49 +00:00
(setq undo-tree-visualizer-timestamps t
undo-tree-visualizer-diff t
;; 10X bump of the undo limits to avoid issues with premature
;; Emacs GC which truncages the undo history very aggresively
undo-limit 800000
undo-strong-limit 12000000
undo-outer-limit 120000000)
;; restore diff window after quit. TODO fix upstream
(defun spacemacs/undo-tree-restore-default ()
(setq undo-tree-visualizer-diff t))
(advice-add 'undo-tree-visualizer-quit :after #'spacemacs/undo-tree-restore-default)
(spacemacs|hide-lighter undo-tree-mode)
2017-06-13 10:31:56 +00:00
(evilified-state-evilify-map undo-tree-visualizer-mode-map
:mode undo-tree-visualizer-mode
(kbd "j") 'undo-tree-visualize-redo
(kbd "k") 'undo-tree-visualize-undo
2017-06-15 08:23:09 +00:00
(kbd "h") 'undo-tree-visualize-switch-branch-left
(kbd "l") 'undo-tree-visualize-switch-branch-right))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-uuidgen ()
(use-package uuidgen
:commands (uuidgen-1 uuidgen-4)
(spacemacs/declare-prefix "iU" "uuid")
"iU1" 'spacemacs/uuidgen-1
"iU4" 'spacemacs/uuidgen-4
"iUU" 'spacemacs/uuidgen-4))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-ws-butler ()
;; not deferred on purpose, init-spacemacs-whitespace-cleanup need
;; it to be loaded.
(use-package ws-butler
:config (spacemacs|hide-lighter ws-butler-mode)))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-evil-swap-keys ()
(use-package evil-swap-keys
:defer t
(pcase dotspacemacs-swap-number-row
(`qwerty-us (setq evil-swap-keys-number-row-keys '(("1" . "!")
("2" . "@")
("3" . "#")
("4" . "$")
("5" . "%")
("6" . "^")
("7" . "&")
("8" . "*")
("9" . "(")
("0" . ")"))))
(`qwertz-de (setq evil-swap-keys-number-row-keys '(("1" . "!")
("2" . "\"")
("3" . "§")
("4" . "$")
("5" . "%")
("6" . "&")
("7" . "/")
("8" . "(")
("9" . ")")
("0" . "="))))
(`qwerty-ca-fr (setq evil-swap-keys-number-row-keys '(("1" . "!")
("2" . "@")
("3" . "#")
("4" . "$")
("5" . "%")
("6" . "?")
("7" . "&")
("8" . "*")
("9" . "(")
("0" . ")"))))
(_ (message "dotspacemacs-swap-number-row %s is not supported." dotspacemacs-swap-number-row)))
(add-hook 'prog-mode-hook #'evil-swap-keys-swap-number-row))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-persistent-scratch ()
(use-package persistent-scratch
:defer t
(setq persistent-scratch-save-file (concat spacemacs-cache-directory ".persistent-scratch")
persistent-scratch-autosave-interval 60
persistent-scratch-what-to-save '(point narrowing))
(add-hook 'spacemacs-scratch-mode-hook 'persistent-scratch-mode)
(persistent-scratch-autosave-mode t))))
(defun spacemacs-editing/init-unkillable-scratch ()
(use-package unkillable-scratch
:defer t
(setq unkillable-scratch-do-not-reset-scratch-buffer t)
(unkillable-scratch dotspacemacs-scratch-buffer-unkillable))))