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-*- mode: org -*-
This file containes the change log for the next major version of Spacemacs.
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
* Release 0.300.x
** 0.300.0
*** Breaking Changes
- ~SPC b m~ now opens the =*Messages*= buffer. The old ~SPC b m~ to kill other
buffers has been moved to ~SPC b C-d~. Killing other buffers using a regular
expression is now under ~SPC b C-D~.
- Scrolling key bindings are now under ~SPC N~.
- Key binding ~SPC e e~ is now for triggering a syntax check, the old action
(explain error around point) has been moved to ~SPC e x~.
- Vagrant key bindings prefix is now ~SPC a V~.
- Regenerate tags are now under ~SPC m g C~ instead of ~SPC m g c~.
- All custom settings are now encapsulated in a function called
=dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings=. While it should not break your custom
settings you should check that they are all applied correctly once you reboot
Emacs. Also you may have to clean up your dotfile if some custom settings are
still present in your dotfile outside of the function
- Company backends declaration has been revamped to be less verbose and easier
to use. For more info see the section =Add auto-completion in a layer= of the file of the =auto-completion= layer, also you can read
[[][commit message of commit 74fdbb6]].
- The function =add-flycheck-hook= has been renamed to =enable-flycheck=.
*** Hot new feature
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
- Improve themes support. Support are now handled like regular packages. The
list of themes now supports =:location= keyword like in layer list. More
information in the =Themes= section of the documentation.
- Introduction of =spacemacs-purpose= layer in charge of handling Emacs windows
assignation for actions opening new buffers. This layer brings more
consistency to windows creation by giving them a purpose (i.e. =edit=,
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
=help=, etc...) (thanks to bmag)
- New distribution =spacemacs-docker= used to build the official docker image
for the Spacemacs container (thanks to JAremko)
- Add support for =ripgrep=. To enable it add =rg= to
=dotspacemacs-search-tools=. =ripgrep= key bindings are under ~SPC s r~
prefix. (Aron Griffis)
- Improve support of custom settings file. All custom settings are now
encapsulated in a function called =dotspacemacs/emacs-custom-settings= in the
dotfile if the user does not specify a custom location for the custom settings
file by modifying the variable =custom-file=. This allows Spacemacs to
correctly loads custom settings at the end of the loading process, fixing
unwanted overriden custom settings by layers.
- Simplify declaration of company backends, see the section
=Add auto-completion in a layer= of the file of the
=auto-completion= layer.
*** New layers
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
- =confluence= in =+web-services= directory
- =coq= in =+lang= directory
- =forth= in =+lang= directory (Tim Jaeger)
- =jr= in =+lang= directory (Philippe Baron)
- =restructuredtext= in =+lang= directory (Wei-Wei Guo)
- =spacemacs-purpose= in =+spacemacs= directory (thanks to bmag)
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
- =sphinx= in =+tools= directory (Wei-Wei Guo)
*** Dotfile changes
- New variable =dotspacemacs-switch-to-buffer-prefers-purpose= which
controls where =switch-to-buffer= displays the buffer. If nil,
=switch-to-buffer= displays the buffer in the current window even if another
same-purpose window is available. If non nil, =switch-to-buffer= displays the
buffer in a same-purpose window even if the buffer can be displayed in the
current window. (thanks to bmag)
- Can use the univeral prefix argument to open both the =*scratch*= buffer and
the =*Messages*= buffer in another window (thanks to deb0ch)
*** Core changes
- 39667d3 | * Don't suggest `SPC q r` if restart-emacs is missing (Keshav Kini)
*** Distribution changes
- Enable =evil-search= search module in evil state.
- Partially tame =exec-path-from-shell= (Steven Allen):
- Make it possible to exclude the package (fix the go and rust layers).
- Import variables all at once (avoid spawning multiple login shells).
- Import variables early (during the "pre" package loading stage).
- Centralize the platform check by using a package toggle in the
- Avoid importing already defined variables (except `PATH`/`MANPATH`).
- Move all scrolling key bindings from ~SPC n~ to ~SPC N~ (Somelauw)
- Overhaul the scroll transient state on ~SPC N~ prefix (Somelauw)
2016-10-10 05:11:38 +00:00
*** Layer changes
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
**** GitHub
- Add new package =magithub=
- Remove package =github-browse-file= which has been replaced by
=browse-at-remote= in =version-control= layer
2018-04-22 15:49:51 +00:00
**** Git
2018-05-24 16:21:40 +00:00
- install magit-svn by default and activate with git-enable-magit-svn-plugin
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
**** Gtags
- Move key binding ~SPC m g c~ to ~SPC m g C~ (regenerate tags)
**** Java
- Add support for multiple backends. Supported backends are: =megahnada=,
=eclim= and =ensime=. The default backend is =meghanada=.
- ~SPC m e e~ is now to fix error around point. Use ~SPC e~ prefix to navigate
between errorsl
2016-10-10 05:11:38 +00:00
**** Org
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
- Add package =org-journal= (Nick Anderson)
2016-10-10 05:11:38 +00:00
- Move clock related key bindings to ~SPC a o k~
- Add key bindings ~SPC a o k i~ to clock in last and ~SPC a o k j~
to jump to current clock (thanks to darkfeline)
- Make =org-projectile= integration compatible with the newest version.
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
**** Scala
- Move =ensime= to the =java= layer (Tor Hedin Bronner)
**** Syntax-checking
- Key binding ~SPC e e~ is now for triggering a syntax check, the old action
(explain error around point) has been moved to ~SPC e x~.
- Rename function =add-flycheck-hook= to =enable-flycheck=
**** Vagrant
- Move key bindings prefix to ~SPC a V~ (deb0ch)
**** Version-control
- Add package =browse-at-remote= which replaces =github-browse-file= (thanks JAremko)
**** C-C++
- Add possible value =no-completion= to =c-c++-enable-rtags-support= flag.
This adds the option to opt-out of =company-rtags= while enabling Rtags.
2017-04-02 05:24:16 +00:00
*** Various improvements
- Various documentation improvements (thanks Carl Lange, Diego Berrocal, Wieland Hoffmann)