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;;; funcs.el --- Spacemacs Evil Layer functions File
2018-01-04 07:00:25 +00:00
;; Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Sylvain Benner & Contributors
;; Author: Sylvain Benner <>
;; URL:
;; This file is not part of GNU Emacs.
;;; License: GPLv3
(defvar spacemacs--evil-iedit-insert-states-default nil
"Default value of the list of additional states enabled in \
(defvar spacemacs--evil-iedit-insert-states-hybrid nil
"List of additional states enabled in `evil-iedit-insert-state' when
`hybrid-mode' is active.")
(defun spacemacs//enable-hs-minor-mode ()
"Enable hs-minor-mode for code folding."
(spacemacs|hide-lighter hs-minor-mode)))
(defun spacemacs//iedit-insert-state-hybrid (style)
"If STYLE is hybrid, update `evil-iedit-insert-state' definition to enable
`evil-hybrid-state' instead of `evil-insert-state'.
Otherwise, revert to the default behavior (i.e. enable `evil-insert-state')."
;; Populate variables on the first invocation.
(unless spacemacs--evil-iedit-insert-states-default
(setq spacemacs--evil-iedit-insert-states-default
(evil-get-property evil-state-properties 'iedit-insert :enable))
(setq spacemacs--evil-iedit-insert-states-hybrid
(mapcar (lambda (item)
(if (eq item 'insert) 'hybrid item))
(let ((states (if (eq style 'hybrid)
(evil-put-property 'evil-state-properties 'iedit-insert
:enable states)))
(defun spacemacs//iedit-state-TAB-key-bindings (style)
"Set the action for TAB key in iedit state."
(if (memq style '(vim hybrid))
(define-key iedit-occurrence-keymap-default
(kbd "TAB") 'iedit-toggle-selection)
(define-key iedit-occurrence-keymap-default
[tab] 'iedit-toggle-selection))
(define-key iedit-occurrence-keymap-default
(kbd "TAB") 'iedit-next-occurrence)
(define-key iedit-occurrence-keymap-default
[tab] 'iedit-next-occurrence))))
(defun spacemacs//evil-escape-deactivate-in-holy-mode (style)
"Deactivate `evil-escape' if STYLE is `emacs' otherwise enable it."
(if (memq style '(vim hybrid))
(evil-escape-mode t)
(evil-escape-mode -1)))
2018-05-15 21:11:04 +00:00
(defun spacemacs/linum-relative-toggle ()
(if (not (bound-and-true-p linum-relative-mode))
;; vi-tilde-fringe
(defun spacemacs/disable-vi-tilde-fringe ()
"Disable `vi-tilde-fringe' in the current buffer."
(vi-tilde-fringe-mode -1))
(defun spacemacs/disable-vi-tilde-fringe-read-only ()
"Disable `vi-tilde-fringe' in the current buffer if it is read only."
(when buffer-read-only
2017-04-10 03:22:12 +00:00
;; multiple-cursors
(defun spacemacs//paste-transient-state-p ()
"Return non-nil if the paste transient state is enabled."
(and dotspacemacs-enable-paste-transient-state
(or (not (fboundp 'evil-mc-get-cursor-count))
(eq (evil-mc-get-cursor-count) 1))))
(defun spacemacs/evil-mc-paste-after (&optional count register)
"Disable paste transient state if there is more than 1 cursor."
2017-04-10 03:22:12 +00:00
(interactive "p")
(setq this-command 'evil-paste-after)
(if (spacemacs//paste-transient-state-p)
2017-04-10 03:22:12 +00:00
(evil-paste-after count (or register evil-this-register))))
2017-04-10 03:22:12 +00:00
(defun spacemacs/evil-mc-paste-before (&optional count register)
"Disable paste transient state if there is more than 1 cursor."
2017-04-10 03:22:12 +00:00
(interactive "p")
(setq this-command 'evil-paste-before)
(if (spacemacs//paste-transient-state-p)
2017-04-10 03:22:12 +00:00
(evil-paste-before count (or register evil-this-register))))
2018-06-11 06:46:38 +00:00
;; lisp state
(defun spacemacs//load-evil-lisp-state ()
"Load evil-lisp-state lazily"
(require 'evil-lisp-state))