-*- mode: lisp-data -*- text-mode :when (and (fboundp 'git-commit-mode) (git-commit-mode)) (add\ "gnu: Add " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\+(define-public \\(\\S-+\\)" nil 'noerror) (match-string-no-properties 1))) var) "." n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s var ) "): New variable.") (remove\ "gnu: Remove " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\-(define-public \\(\\S-+\\)" nil 'noerror) (match-string-no-properties 1))) var) "." n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s var) "): Delete variable.") (rename\ "gnu: " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (beginning-of-buffer) (when (search-forward "-(define-public " nil 'noerror) (thing-at-point 'sexp 'no-properties))) prev-var) ": Rename package to " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (beginning-of-buffer) (when (search-forward "+(define-public " nil 'noerror) (thing-at-point 'sexp 'no-properties))) new-var) "." n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s prev-var) "): " "Define in terms of" n "'deprecated-package'." n "(" (s new-var) "): New variable, formerly known as \"" (s prev-var) "\".") (update\ "gnu: " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "^[ ]*(define-public \\(\\S-+\\)" nil 'noerror) (match-string-no-properties 1))) var) ": Update to " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (goto-char (point-min)) (search-forward "name" nil 'noerror) (search-forward "+" nil 'noerror) ; first change (when (and (search-forward "version " nil 'noerror) (looking-at-p "\"")) (let ((end (save-excursion (search-forward "\")" nil 'noerror)))) (when end (forward-char) (buffer-substring-no-properties (point) (- end 2)))))) version) "." n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s var) "): " "Update to " (s version) "." n (mapconcat (lambda (file) (concat "* " file)) (cdr (magit-staged-files)) "\n")) (addcl\ "gnu: Add cl-" (p (replace-regexp-in-string "^cl-" "" (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (beginning-of-buffer) (when (search-forward "+(define-public " nil 'noerror) (replace-regexp-in-string "^sbcl-" "" (thing-at-point 'sexp 'no-properties))))) var) "." n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (cl-" (s var) ", ecl-" (s var) ", sbcl-" (s var) "): New variables.") (https\ "gnu: " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "^[ ]*(define-public \\(\\S-+\\)" nil 'noerror) (match-string-no-properties 1))) var) ": Use HTTPS home page." n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s var) ")[home-page]: Use HTTPS." n (mapconcat (lambda (file) (concat "* " file)) (cdr (magit-staged-files)) "\n")) (move\ "gnu: " (p (with-temp-buffer (magit-git-wash #'magit-diff-wash-diffs "diff" "--staged") (goto-char (point-min)) (when (re-search-forward "\\-(define-public \\(\\S-+\\)" nil 'noerror) (match-string-no-properties 1))) var) ": Move to " (concat "(" (string-replace "\.scm" "" (string-replace "/" " " (car (magit-staged-files)))) ").") n n "* " (car (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s var) "): Move from here…" n "* " (cadr (magit-staged-files)) " (" (s var) "): …to here.")