#! @perl@ -w @perlFlags@ use Nix::SSH; use Nix::Config; use Nix::Store; use Nix::CopyClosure; use List::Util qw(sum); if (scalar @ARGV < 1) { print STDERR <) { chomp; die "bad: $_" unless /^\//; push @missing, $_ unless isValidPath($_); } close READ or die "nix-store on remote machine `$sshHost' failed: $?"; my $missingSize = 0; if ($progressViewer ne "") { $missingSize = sum (split ' ', `set -f; ssh @sshOpts $sshHost nix-store -q --size @missing`) or die; } # Export the store paths on the remote machine and import them locally. if (scalar @missing > 0) { print STDERR "copying ", scalar @missing, " missing paths from ‘$sshHost’...\n"; unless ($dryRun) { if ($useSubstitutes) { system "$Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store -r --ignore-unknown @missing"; } $compressor = "| $compressor" if $compressor ne ""; $decompressor = "$decompressor |" if $decompressor ne ""; $progressViewer = "$progressViewer -s $missingSize |" if $progressViewer ne ""; my $extraOpts = $sign ? "--sign" : ""; system("set -f; ssh $sshHost @sshOpts 'nix-store --export $extraOpts @missing $compressor' | $decompressor $progressViewer $Nix::Config::binDir/nix-store --import > /dev/null") == 0 or die "copying store paths from remote machine `$sshHost' failed: $?"; } } }