
88 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#! @perl@ -w
use strict;
use File::Basename;
my @remoteStoresAll = split ':', ($ENV{"NIX_OTHER_STORES"} or "");
my @remoteStores;
foreach my $dir (@remoteStoresAll) {
push @remoteStores, glob($dir);
sub findStorePath {
my $storePath = shift;
my $storePathName = basename $storePath;
foreach my $store (@remoteStores) {
# Determine whether $storePath exists by looking for the
# existence of the info file, and if so, get store path info
# from that file. This rather breaks abstraction: we should
# be using `nix-store' for that. But right now there is no
# good way to tell nix-store to access a store mounted under a
# different location (there's $NIX_STORE, but that only works
# if the remote store is mounted under its "real" location).
my $infoFile = "$store/var/nix/db/info/$storePathName";
my $storePath2 = "$store/store/$storePathName";
if (-f $infoFile && -e $storePath2) {
return ($infoFile, $storePath2);
if ($ARGV[0] eq "--query-paths") {
foreach my $store (@remoteStores) {
opendir DIR, "$store/var/nix/db/info" or next;
print "@storedir@/$_\n" foreach readdir DIR;
closedir DIR;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--query-info") {
shift @ARGV;
foreach my $storePath (@ARGV) {
(my $infoFile) = findStorePath $storePath;
next unless $infoFile;
my $deriver = "";
my @references = ();
open INFO, "<$infoFile" or die "cannot read info file $infoFile\n";
while (<INFO>) {
#print STDERR "GOT $_\n";
/^([\w-]+): (.*)$/ or die "bad info file";
my $key = $1;
my $value = $2;
if ($key eq "Deriver") { $deriver = $value; }
elsif ($key eq "References") { @references = split ' ', $value; }
close INFO;
print "$storePath\n";
print "$deriver\n";
print scalar @references, "\n";
print "$_\n" foreach @references;
elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "--substitute") {
die unless scalar @ARGV == 2;
my $storePath = $ARGV[1];
(my $infoFile, my $sourcePath) = findStorePath $storePath;
die unless $infoFile;
print "\n*** Copying `$storePath' from `$sourcePath'\n\n";
system("@bindir@/nix-store --dump $sourcePath | @bindir@/nix-store --restore $storePath") == 0
or die "cannot copy `$sourcePath' to `$storePath'";
else { die; }