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#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include <sys/types.h>
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
extern "C" {
#include <aterm2.h>
#include "util.hh"
static string nixDescriptorDir;
static string nixSourcesDir;
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
/* Mapping of Fix file names to the hashes of the resulting Nix
descriptors. */
typedef map<string, string> DescriptorMap;
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
/* Forward declarations. */
string instantiateDescriptor(string filename,
DescriptorMap & done);
void registerFile(string filename)
int res = system(("nix regfile " + filename).c_str());
if (WEXITSTATUS(res) != 0)
throw Error("cannot register " + filename + " with Nix");
/* Return the directory part of the given path, i.e., everything
before the final `/'. */
string dirOf(string s)
unsigned int pos = s.rfind('/');
if (pos == string::npos) throw Error("invalid file name");
return string(s, 0, pos);
/* Return the base name of the given path, i.e., everything following
the final `/'. */
string baseNameOf(string s)
unsigned int pos = s.rfind('/');
if (pos == string::npos) throw Error("invalid file name");
return string(s, pos + 1);
/* Download object referenced by the given URL into the sources
directory. Return the file name it was downloaded to. */
string fetchURL(string url)
string filename = baseNameOf(url);
string fullname = nixSourcesDir + "/" + filename;
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
struct stat st;
if (stat(fullname.c_str(), &st)) {
/* !!! quoting */
string shellCmd =
"cd " + nixSourcesDir + " && wget --quiet -N \"" + url + "\"";
int res = system(shellCmd.c_str());
if (WEXITSTATUS(res) != 0)
throw Error("cannot fetch " + url);
return fullname;
/* Term evaluation functions. */
string evaluateStr(ATerm e)
char * s;
if (ATmatch(e, "<str>", &s))
return s;
else throw Error("invalid string expression");
ATerm evaluateBool(ATerm e)
if (ATmatch(e, "True") || ATmatch(e, "False"))
return e;
else throw Error("invalid boolean expression");
string evaluateFile(ATerm e, string dir)
char * s;
ATerm t;
if (ATmatch(e, "<str>", &s)) {
return s;
} else if (ATmatch(e, "Url(<term>)", &t)) {
string url = evaluateStr(t);
string filename = fetchURL(url);
return hashFile(filename);
} else if (ATmatch(e, "Local(<term>)", &t)) {
string filename = absPath(evaluateStr(t), dir); /* !!! */
string cmd = "cp -p " + filename + " " + nixSourcesDir;
int res = system(cmd.c_str());
if (WEXITSTATUS(res) != 0)
throw Error("cannot copy " + filename);
registerFile(nixSourcesDir + "/" + baseNameOf(filename));
return hashFile(filename);
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
} else throw Error("invalid file expression");
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
string evaluatePkg(ATerm e, string dir, DescriptorMap & done)
char * s;
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
ATerm t;
if (ATmatch(e, "<str>", &s)) {
return s;
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
} else if (ATmatch(e, "Fix(<term>)", &t)) {
string filename = absPath(evaluateStr(t), dir); /* !!! */
return instantiateDescriptor(filename, done);
} else throw Error("invalid pkg expression");
ATerm evaluate(ATerm e, string dir, DescriptorMap & done)
ATerm t;
if (ATmatch(e, "Str(<term>)", &t))
return ATmake("Str(<str>)", evaluateStr(t).c_str());
else if (ATmatch(e, "Bool(<term>)", &t))
return ATmake("Bool(<term>)", evaluateBool(t));
else if (ATmatch(e, "File(<term>)", &t))
return ATmake("File(<str>)", evaluateFile(t, dir).c_str());
else if (ATmatch(e, "Pkg(<term>)", &t))
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
return ATmake("Pkg(<str>)", evaluatePkg(t, dir, done).c_str());
else throw Error("invalid expression type");
typedef map<string, ATerm> BindingsMap;
string getStringFromMap(BindingsMap & bindingsMap,
const string & name)
ATerm e = bindingsMap[name];
if (!e) throw Error("binding " + name + " is not set");
char * s;
if (ATmatch(e, "Str(<str>)", &s))
return s;
throw Error("binding " + name + " is not a string");
/* Instantiate a Fix descriptors into a Nix descriptor, recursively
instantiating referenced descriptors as well. */
string instantiateDescriptor(string filename,
DescriptorMap & done)
/* Already done? */
DescriptorMap::iterator isInMap = done.find(filename);
if (isInMap != done.end()) return isInMap->second;
/* No. */
string dir = dirOf(filename);
/* Read the Fix descriptor as an ATerm. */
ATerm inTerm = ATreadFromNamedFile(filename.c_str());
if (!inTerm) throw Error("cannot read aterm " + filename);
ATerm bindings;
if (!ATmatch(inTerm, "Descr(<term>)", &bindings))
throw Error("invalid term in " + filename);
/* Iterate over the bindings and evaluate them to normal form. */
BindingsMap bindingsMap; /* the normal forms */
char * cname;
ATerm value;
while (ATmatch(bindings, "[Bind(<str>, <term>), <list>]",
&cname, &value, &bindings))
string name(cname);
ATerm e = evaluate(value, dir, done);
bindingsMap[name] = e;
/* Construct a descriptor identifier by concatenating the package
and release ids. */
string pkgId = getStringFromMap(bindingsMap, "pkgId");
string releaseId = getStringFromMap(bindingsMap, "releaseId");
string id = pkgId + "-" + releaseId;
bindingsMap["id"] = ATmake("Str(<str>)", id.c_str());
/* Add a system name. */
bindingsMap["system"] = ATmake("Str(<str>)", thisSystem.c_str());
/* Construct the resulting ATerm. Note that iterating over the
map yields the bindings in sorted order, which is exactly the
canonical form for Nix descriptors. */
ATermList bindingsList = ATempty;
for (BindingsMap::iterator it = bindingsMap.begin();
it != bindingsMap.end(); it++)
/* !!! O(n^2) */
bindingsList = ATappend(bindingsList,
ATmake("Bind(<str>, <term>)", it->first.c_str(), it->second));
ATerm outTerm = ATmake("Descr(<term>)", bindingsList);
/* Write out the resulting ATerm. */
string tmpFilename = nixDescriptorDir + "/tmp";
if (!ATwriteToNamedTextFile(outTerm, tmpFilename.c_str()))
throw Error("cannot write aterm to " + tmpFilename);
string outHash = hashFile(tmpFilename);
string outFilename = nixDescriptorDir + "/" + id + "-" + outHash + ".nix";
if (rename(tmpFilename.c_str(), outFilename.c_str()))
throw Error("cannot rename " + tmpFilename + " to " + outFilename);
/* Register it with Nix. */
2003-04-08 15:36:54 +00:00
done[filename] = outHash;
return outHash;
/* Instantiate a set of Fix descriptors into Nix descriptors. */
void instantiateDescriptors(Strings filenames)
DescriptorMap done;
for (Strings::iterator it = filenames.begin();
it != filenames.end(); it++)
string filename = absPath(*it);
cout << instantiateDescriptor(filename, done) << endl;
/* Print help. */
void printUsage()
cerr <<
"Usage: fix ...
/* Parse the command-line arguments, call the right operation. */
void run(Strings::iterator argCur, Strings::iterator argEnd)
Strings extraArgs;
enum { cmdUnknown, cmdInstantiate } command = cmdUnknown;
char * homeDir = getenv(nixHomeDirEnvVar.c_str());
if (homeDir) nixHomeDir = homeDir;
nixDescriptorDir = nixHomeDir + "/var/nix/descriptors";
nixSourcesDir = nixHomeDir + "/var/nix/sources";
for ( ; argCur != argEnd; argCur++) {
string arg(*argCur);
if (arg == "-h" || arg == "--help") {
} if (arg == "--instantiate" || arg == "-i") {
command = cmdInstantiate;
} else if (arg[0] == '-')
throw UsageError("invalid option `" + arg + "'");
switch (command) {
case cmdInstantiate:
throw UsageError("no operation specified");
int main(int argc, char * * argv)
ATerm bottomOfStack;
ATinit(argc, argv, &bottomOfStack);
/* Put the arguments in a vector. */
Strings args;
while (argc--) args.push_back(*argv++);
Strings::iterator argCur = args.begin(), argEnd = args.end();
try {
run(argCur, argEnd);
} catch (UsageError & e) {
cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl
<< "Try `fix -h' for more information.\n";
return 1;
} catch (exception & e) {
cerr << "error: " << e.what() << endl;
return 1;
return 0;