feat: integers, strings

This commit is contained in:
hylo 2022-12-30 17:53:13 +01:00
parent 05dd32b224
commit 9e2443a1f8
3 changed files with 121 additions and 44 deletions

View File

@ -1,22 +1,22 @@
#!/usr/bin/env -S guile -s
(use-modules (json) (toml) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 textual-ports))
(use-modules (json) (toml) (ice-9 match) (ice-9 textual-ports) (ice-9 pretty-print))
(define test-value->scm
(lambda (v)
(match v
(('array vs ...)
;; (pretty-print (flatten-array vs))
(list->vector (map test-value->scm (flatten-array vs))))
;; (format #f "array ~a" (flatten-array vs)))
(('string ys ...)
`(("value" . ,(read-string ys)) ("type" . "string")))
`(("value" . "") ("type" . "string")))
(('integer x)
`(("value" . ,(number->string (read-int x))) ("type" . "integer")))
((x y)
;; (single-value-proc x y)
`(("value" . ,y) ("type" . ,(symbol->string x))))
;; (format #f "type: ~a, value: ~a" x y))
;; ('inline-table
;; '())
(_ (error "err: ~a" v)))))
@ -32,4 +32,4 @@
(value? test-value?))
(toml->scm str)))
(define json (scm->json scm #:pretty #t))
(define json (scm->json scm #:pretty #t #:unicode #t))

View File

@ -7,37 +7,101 @@
#:use-module (json)
#:use-module (srfi srfi-1)
;; TODO exporting flatten-array isn't nice, it's an internal function.
#:export (toml->scm flatten-array value->scm value?))
#:export (toml->scm flatten-array value->scm read-string read-int value?))
(define-syntax-rule (log-exprs exp ...) (begin (format #t "~a: ~S\n" (quote exp) exp) ...))
(define (flatten-array l)
(keyword-flatten '(array dec-int float string bola) l))
(keyword-flatten '(string bool array inline-table date-time float integer) l))
(define (get-keys l)
(map cadr (keyword-flatten '(simple-key) l)))
(define (unicode-point->string s)
(string (integer->char (string->number (substring s 2) 16))))
;; (define (unicode-point->string s)
;; (define int (string->number (substring s 2) 16))
;; (if (eq? int 31)
;; "\u001f"
;; (string (integer->char int))))
(define (unescape-escaped s)
;; (pretty-print s)
(if (list? s)
(match (string-ref (cadr s) 1)
(#\\ "\\")
(#\" "\"")
(#\b "\b")
(#\f "\f")
(#\n "\n")
(#\r "\r")
(#\t "\t")
(#\u (unicode-point->string (cadr s)))
(#\U (unicode-point->string (cadr s)))
(_ (error "guile-toml: unsupported escape char:" (cadr s))))
;; (unescape-escaped '(escaped "\\u0100"))
(define (read-string lst)
(string-join (map unescape-escaped (keyword-flatten '(escaped) lst)) ""))
(define str "-0")
(define (read-int str)
(define base (false-if-exception (substring str 0 2)))
(define data (false-if-exception (substring str 2)))
(match base
("0b" (string->number data 2))
("0o" (string->number data 8))
("0x" (string->number data 16))
(_ (string->number str 10))))
;; (read-int "-0")
;; (string->number "-0" 10)
;; we want to be able to dynamically bind this function in test-decoder.scm
;; TODO would be nicer if we didn't have to export flatten-array
(define value->scm
(lambda (v)
(match v
(('array vs ...)
;; (pretty-print (flatten-array vs))
(list->vector (map (value->scm) (flatten-array vs))))
;; (format #f "array ~a" (flatten-array vs)))
(lambda (value-pair)
(match value-pair
(('array value-pairs ...)
(list->vector (map (value->scm) (flatten-array value-pairs))))
(('integer v)
(read-int v))
(('float v)
(if (or (string-contains v "nan") (string-contains v "inf"))
;; guile doesn't have NaN or Inf types, not sure what to do here.
;; Maybe #f for NaN?
(error "guile-toml: inf and nan are currently not supported")
(string->number v)))
(('string vs ...)
(read-string vs))
(('bool v)
(equal? v "true"))
(('datetime v)
(display "guile-toml: datetimes are currently not supported\n")
(('datetime-local v)
(display "guile-toml: datetimes are currently not supported\n")
(('date-local v)
(display "guile-toml: datetimes are currently not supported\n")
(('time-local v)
(display "guile-toml: datetimes are currently not supported\n")
((x y)
;; (single-value-proc x y)
;; (annot-v-proc x y))
;; (format #f "type: ~a, value: ~a" x y))
(format #f "~a: ~a" x y))
;; ('inline-table
;; '())
(_ (error "err:" v))))))
(_ (error "err:" value-pair))))))
;; ((value->scm) '(x "2"))
@ -114,4 +178,3 @@
(if (null? (cdr tree))
(loop (cdr tree) result current-table inline-table-keys))))

View File

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
(define-module (toml parser)
#:use-module (ice-9 peg)
#:use-module (ice-9 pretty-print)
#:export (parse))
;; Built-in ABNF terms, reproduced here for clarity
@ -29,7 +30,8 @@ wschar < ' ' / '\t'
(define-peg-pattern non-ascii body
(or (range #\x80 #\xD7FF) (range #\xE000 #\x10FFFF)))
(define-peg-pattern non-eol body
(or "\t" (range #\x20 #\x7F) non-ascii))
;; TODO report abnf is wrong here?
(or "\t" (range #\x20 #\x7E) non-ascii))
"comment-start-symbol <- '#'
@ -71,7 +73,7 @@ basic-char <- basic-unescaped / escaped
(define-peg-pattern basic-unescaped body
(or body-wschar (range #\x21 #\x21) (range #\x23 #\x5B) (range #\x5D #\x7E) non-ascii))
"escaped <- escape escape-seq-char
"escaped <-- escape escape-seq-char
escape <- '\\'
@ -80,11 +82,11 @@ escape <- '\\'
(and (range #\u #\u) HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG HEXDIG)
@ -106,7 +108,11 @@ escape <- '\\'
"ml-basic-string <- ml-basic-string-delim t-newline? ml-basic-body ml-basic-string-delim
ml-basic-string-delim <- quotation-mark quotation-mark quotation-mark
ml-basic-body <- mlb-content* (mlb-quotes mlb-content+)* mlb-quotes?
ml-basic-body <- mlb-content* (mlb-quotes mlb-content+)* mlb-quotes-end?
mlb-quotes-end <- mlb-quotes-end-2 / mlb-quotes-end-1
mlb-quotes-end-1 <- body-quot &ml-basic-string-delim
mlb-quotes-end-2 <- body-quot body-quot &ml-basic-string-delim
body-newline <- '\n' / '\r\n'
body-ws <- body-wschar*
@ -138,9 +144,13 @@ mlb-escaped-nl < escape ws body-newline (wschar / body-newline)*
"mll-quotes <- !ml-literal-string-delim body-apostrophe body-apostrophe?
mll-quotes-end <- mll-quotes-end-2 / mll-quotes-end-1
mll-quotes-end-1 <- body-apostrophe &ml-literal-string-delim
mll-quotes-end-2 <- body-apostrophe body-apostrophe &ml-literal-string-delim
ml-literal-string <- ml-literal-string-delim t-newline? ml-literal-body ml-literal-string-delim
ml-literal-string-delim <- apostrophe apostrophe apostrophe
ml-literal-body <- mll-content* (mll-quotes mll-content+ )* mll-quotes?
ml-literal-body <- mll-content* (mll-quotes mll-content+ )* mll-quotes-end?
mll-content <- mll-char / body-newline
@ -152,7 +162,7 @@ mll-content <- mll-char / body-newline
"integer <-- hex-int / oct-int / bin-int / dec-int
minus <- '-'
plus <- '+'
plus < '+'
underscore < '_'
digit1-9 <- [1-9]
digit0-7 <- [0-9]
@ -165,9 +175,9 @@ bin-prefix <- '0b'
dec-int <- (minus / plus)? unsigned-dec-int
unsigned-dec-int <- (digit1-9 ( DIGIT / (underscore DIGIT))+) / DIGIT
hex-int <-- hex-prefix HEXDIG (HEXDIG / underscore HEXDIG)*
oct-int <-- oct-prefix digit0-7 (digit0-7 / underscore digit0-7)*
bin-int <-- bin-prefix digit0-1 (digit0-1 / underscore digit0-1)*
hex-int <- hex-prefix HEXDIG (HEXDIG / underscore HEXDIG)*
oct-int <- oct-prefix digit0-7 (digit0-7 / underscore digit0-7)*
bin-int <- bin-prefix digit0-1 (digit0-1 / underscore digit0-1)*
;; Float
@ -200,18 +210,18 @@ special-float <- ((minus / plus)? t-inf) / ((minus-none / plus-none)? t-nan)
;; Date and Time (as defined in RFC 3339)
"date-time <- offset-date-time / local-date-time / local-date / local-time
"date-time <- datetime / datetime-local / date-local / time-local
date-fullyear <- DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT DIGIT
date-month <- DIGIT DIGIT
date-mday <- DIGIT DIGIT
time-delim <- 'T' / ' '
time-delim <- 'T' / 't' / ' '
time-hour <- DIGIT DIGIT
time-minute <- DIGIT DIGIT
time-second <- DIGIT DIGIT
time-secfrac <- '.' DIGIT+
time-numoffset <- ( '+' / '-' ) time-hour ':' time-minute
time-offset <- 'Z' / time-numoffset
time-offset <- 'Z' / 'z' / time-numoffset
partial-time <- time-hour ':' time-minute ':' time-second time-secfrac?
full-date <- date-fullyear '-' date-month '-' date-mday
@ -221,19 +231,19 @@ full-time <- partial-time time-offset
;; Offset Date-Time
"offset-date-time <-- full-date time-delim full-time
"datetime <-- full-date time-delim full-time
;; Local Date-Time
"local-date-time <-- full-date time-delim partial-time
"datetime-local <-- full-date time-delim partial-time
;; Local Date
"local-date <-- full-date
"date-local <-- full-date
;; Local Time
"local-time <-- partial-time
"time-local <-- partial-time
;; Array
;; array-values <- ws-comment-t-newline val ws-comment-t-newline array-sep array-values / ws-comment-t-newline val ws-comment-t-newline array-sep?
@ -284,5 +294,9 @@ array-table-close < ws ']]'
'(simple-key array keyval std-table inline-table)
(match-pattern toml str)))
(if (eq? (string-length str) (peg:end record))
(peg:tree record)
(error "guile-toml: parsing failed")))
;; (pretty-print (peg:tree record))
(peg:tree record))
(pretty-print (peg:tree record))
(error "guile-toml: parsing failed\n" (peg:substring record)))))