2022-09-13 13:23:00 +10:00

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;;; Ported from Scheme 48 1.9. See file COPYING for notices and license.
;;; Port Author: Andrew Whatson
;;; Original Authors: Richard Kelsey
;;; scheme48-1.9.2/ps-compiler/node/node.scm
;;; This file contains the definitions of the node tree data structure.
(define-module (ps-compiler node node)
#:use-module (prescheme scheme48)
#:use-module (prescheme s48-defrecord)
#:use-module (prescheme record-discloser)
#:use-module (prescheme syntax-utils)
#:use-module (ps-compiler node primop)
#:use-module (ps-compiler node variable)
#:use-module (ps-compiler util syntax)
#:use-module (ps-compiler util util)
#:export (node? node-variant
node-parent set-node-parent!
node-index set-node-index!
node-simplified? set-node-simplified?!
node-flag set-node-flag!
empty empty? proclaim-empty
detach detach-body
attach attach-body
move move-body
replace replace-body
literal-node? make-literal-node
literal-value set-literal-value!
literal-type set-literal-type!
reference-node? make-reference-node
reference-variable set-reference-variable!
call-node? make-call-node
call-primop set-call-primop!
call-args set-call-args!
call-exits set-call-exits!
call-source set-call-source!
call-arg call-arg-count
lambda-node? make-lambda-node
lambda-body set-lambda-body!
lambda-variables set-lambda-variables!
lambda-name set-lambda-name!
lambda-block set-lambda-block!
lambda-env set-lambda-env!
lambda-protocol set-lambda-protocol!
lambda-source set-lambda-source!
calls-known? set-calls-known?!
initialize-lambdas add-lambda add-lambdas
walk-lambdas make-lambda-list))
;; The main record for the node tree
(define-record-type node
((parent empty) ;; Parent node
(index '<free>) ;; Index of this node in parent
(simplified? #f) ;; True if it has already been simplified.
(flag #f) ;; Useful flag, all users must leave this is #F
stuff-0 ;; Variant components - each type of node has a different
stuff-1 ;; use for these fields
(define-record-discloser type/node
(lambda (node)
`(node ,(node-variant node)
. ,(case (node-variant node)
(node-hash node)
(list (lambda-name node) (lambda-id node)))
(list (primop-id (call-primop node))))
(let ((var (reference-variable node)))
(list (variable-name var) (variable-id var))))
(list (literal-value node)))
(define make-node node-maker)
;; EMPTY is used to mark empty parent and child slots in nodes.
(define empty
(list 'empty))
(define (empty? obj) (eq? obj empty))
(define (proclaim-empty probe)
(cond ((not (empty? probe))
(bug "not empty - ~S" probe))))
;; This walks the tree rooted at NODE and removes all pointers that point into
;; this tree from outside.
(define (erase node)
(let label ((node node))
(cond ((empty? node)
(case (node-variant node)
(label (lambda-body node)))
(walk-vector label (call-args node))))
(really-erase node)))))
;; This does the following:
;; Checks that this node has not already been removed from the tree.
;; Reference nodes are removed from the refs list of the variable they reference.
;; For lambda nodes, the variables are erased, non-CONT lambdas are removed from
;; the *LAMBDAS* list (CONT lambdas are never on the list).
;; Literal nodes whose values have reference lists are removed from those
;; reference lists.
(define (really-erase node)
(cond ((empty? node)
(cond ((eq? (node-index node) '<erased>)
(bug "node erased twice ~S" node))
((reference-node? node)
(let ((var (reference-variable node)))
(set-variable-refs! var
(delq! node (variable-refs var)))))
((lambda-node? node)
(for-each (lambda (v)
(if v (erase-variable v)))
(lambda-variables node))
(if (neq? (lambda-type node) 'cont)
(delete-lambda node))
(set-lambda-variables! node '())) ;; safety
((literal-node? node)
(let ((refs (literal-refs node)))
(if refs
(delq! node (literal-reference-list refs)))))))
;; (erase-type (node-type node))
(set-node-index! node '<erased>))))
;; There are two versions of each of these routines, one for value nodes
;; (LAMBDA, REFERENCE, or LITERAL), and one for call nodes.
;; Detach a node from the tree.
(define (detach node)
(vector-set! (call-args (node-parent node))
(node-index node)
(set-node-index! node #f)
(set-node-parent! node empty)
(define (detach-body node)
(set-lambda-body! (node-parent node) empty)
(set-node-index! node #f)
(set-node-parent! node empty)
;; Attach a node to the tree.
(define (attach parent index child)
(proclaim-empty (node-parent child))
(proclaim-empty (vector-ref (call-args parent) index))
(vector-set! (call-args parent) index child)
(set-node-parent! child parent)
(set-node-index! child index)
(define (attach-body parent call)
(proclaim-empty (node-parent call))
(proclaim-empty (lambda-body parent))
(set-lambda-body! parent call)
(set-node-parent! call parent)
(set-node-index! call '-1)
;; NODES is an alternating series ... lambda, call, lambda, call, ...
;; that is connected into a sequence. Each call becomes the body of the
;; previous lambda and each lambda becomes the (single) exit of the previous
;; call.
(define (connect-sequence . all-nodes)
(if (not (null? all-nodes))
(let loop ((last (car all-nodes)) (nodes (cdr all-nodes)))
(if (not (null? nodes))
(let ((next (car nodes)))
(cond ((and (lambda-node? last)
(call-node? next))
(attach-body last next))
((and (call-node? last)
(lambda-node? next)
(= 1 (call-exits last)))
(attach last 0 next))
(bug "bad node sequence ~S" all-nodes)))
(loop next (cdr nodes)))))))
;; Replace node in tree with value of applying proc to node.
;; Note the fact that a change has been made at this point in the tree.
(define (move node proc)
(let ((parent (node-parent node))
(index (node-index node)))
(detach node)
(let ((new (proc node)))
(attach parent index new)
(mark-changed new))))
(define (move-body node proc)
(let ((parent (node-parent node)))
(detach-body node)
(let ((new (proc node)))
(attach-body parent new)
(mark-changed new))))
;; Put CALL into the tree as the body of lambda-node PARENT, making the current
;; body of PARENT the body of lambda-node CONT.
(define (insert-body call cont parent)
(move-body (lambda-body parent)
(lambda (old-call)
(attach-body cont old-call)
;; Replace old-node with new-node, noting that a change has been made at this
;; point in the tree.
(define (replace old-node new-node)
(let ((index (node-index old-node))
(parent (node-parent old-node)))
(mark-changed old-node)
(erase (detach old-node))
(attach parent index new-node)
(set-node-simplified?! new-node #f)
(define (replace-body old-node new-node)
(let ((parent (node-parent old-node)))
(mark-changed old-node)
(erase (detach-body old-node))
(attach-body parent new-node)
(set-node-simplified?! new-node #f)
;; Starting with the parent of NODE, set the SIMPLIFIED? flags of the
;; ancestors of NODE to be #F.
(define (mark-changed node)
(do ((p (node-parent node) (node-parent p)))
((or (empty? p)
(not (node-simplified? p))))
(set-node-simplified?! p #f)))
;; Syntax for defining the different types of nodes.
(define-syntax define-node-type
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ id slots ...)
(let* ((pred (syntax-conc #'id '-node?))
(slots #'(slots ...))
(indexes (iota (length slots))))
(define (#,pred x)
(eq? 'id (node-variant x)))
#,@(map (lambda (slot i)
(let* ((getter (syntax-conc #'id '- slot))
(number (string->symbol (number->string i)))
(field (datum->syntax slot (symbol-append 'node-stuff- number))))
#`(define-node-field #,getter #,pred #,field)))
slots indexes)))))))
;; These are used to rename the NODE-STUFF fields of particular node variants.
(define-syntax define-node-field
(lambda (x)
(syntax-case x ()
((_ getter pred field)
(with-syntax ((setter (syntax-conc 'set- #'getter '!))
(set-field (syntax-conc 'set- #'field '!)))
(define (getter node)
(field (enforce pred node)))
(define (setter node val)
(set-field (enforce pred node) val))))))))
;; literals
(define-node-type literal
value ;; the value
type ;; the type of the value
refs ;; either #F or a literal-reference record; only a few types of literal
) ;; literal values require reference lists
(define-record-type literal-reference
((list '()) ;; list of literal nodes that refer to a particular value
(define make-literal-reference-list literal-reference-maker)
(define (make-literal-node value type)
(let ((node (make-node 'literal)))
(set-literal-value! node value)
(set-literal-type! node type)
(set-literal-refs! node #f)
(define (copy-literal-node node)
(let ((new (make-node 'literal))
(refs (literal-refs node)))
(set-literal-value! new (literal-value node))
(set-literal-type! new (literal-type node))
(set-literal-refs! new refs)
(if refs (set-literal-reference-list!
(cons new (literal-reference-list refs))))
(define (make-marked-literal value refs)
(let ((node (make-node 'literal)))
(set-literal-value! node value)
(set-literal-refs! node refs)
(set-literal-reference-list! refs
(cons node (literal-reference-list refs)))
;; These just contain an identifier.
(define-node-type reference
(define (make-reference-node variable)
(let ((node (make-node 'reference)))
(set-reference-variable! node variable)
(set-variable-refs! variable (cons node (variable-refs variable)))
;; Literal and reference nodes are leaf nodes as they do not contain any other
;; nodes.
(define (leaf-node? n)
(or (literal-node? n)
(reference-node? n)))
;; Call nodes
(define-node-type call
primop ;; the primitive being called
args ;; vector of child nodes
exits ;; the number of arguments that are continuations
source ;; source info
;; Create a call node with primop P, N children and EXITS exits.
(define (make-call-node primop n exits)
(let ((node (make-node 'call)))
(set-call-primop! node primop)
(set-call-args! node (make-vector n empty))
(set-call-exits! node exits)
(set-call-source! node #f)
(define (call-arg call index)
(vector-ref (call-args call) index))
(define (call-arg-count call)
(vector-length (call-args call)))
(define-node-type lambda
body ;; the call-node that is the body of the lambda
variables ;; a list of variable records with #Fs for ignored positions
source ;; source code for the lambda (if any)
data ;; a LAMBDA-DATA record (lambdas have more associated data than
) ;; the other node types.)
(define-subrecord lambda lambda-data lambda-data
((name) ;; symbol (for debugging only)
id ;; unique integer (for debugging only)
(type)) ;; PROC, KNOWN-PROC, CONT, or JUMP (maybe ESCAPE at some point)
((block #f) ;; either a basic-block (for flow analysis) or a code-block
;; (for code generation).
(env #f) ;; a record containing lexical environment data
(protocol #f) ;; calling protocol from the source language
(prev #f) ;; previous node on *LAMBDAS* list
(next #f) ;; next node on *LAMBDAS* list
;; Doubly linked list of all non-CONT lambdas
(define *lambdas* #f)
(define (initialize-lambdas)
(set! *lambdas* (make-lambda-node '*lambdas* 'cont '()))
(link-lambdas *lambdas* *lambdas*))
(define (link-lambdas node1 node2)
(set-lambda-prev! node2 node1)
(set-lambda-next! node1 node2))
(define (add-lambda node)
(let ((next (lambda-next *lambdas*)))
(link-lambdas *lambdas* node)
(link-lambdas node next)))
(define (delete-lambda node)
(link-lambdas (lambda-prev node) (lambda-next node))
(set-lambda-prev! node #f)
(set-lambda-next! node #f))
(define (walk-lambdas proc)
(do ((n (lambda-next *lambdas*) (lambda-next n)))
((eq? n *lambdas*))
(proc n))
(define (make-lambda-list)
(do ((n (lambda-next *lambdas*) (lambda-next n))
(l '() (cons n l)))
((eq? n *lambdas*)
(define (add-lambdas nodes)
(for-each add-lambda nodes))
;; Create a lambda node. NAME is used as the name of the lambda node's
;; self variable. VARS is a list of variables. The VARIABLE-BINDER slot
;; of each variable is set to be the new lambda node.
(define (make-lambda-node name type vars)
(let ((node (make-node 'lambda))
(data (lambda-data-maker name (new-variable-id) type)))
(set-lambda-body! node empty)
(set-lambda-variables! node vars)
(set-lambda-data! node data)
(set-lambda-source! node #f)
(for-each (lambda (var)
(if var (set-variable-binder! var node)))
(if (neq? type 'cont)
(add-lambda node))
;; Change the type of lambda-node NODE to be TYPE. This may require adding or
;; deleting NODE from the list *LAMBDAS*.
(define (change-lambda-type node type)
(let ((has (lambda-type node)))
(cond ((neq? type (lambda-type node))
(set-lambda-type! node type)
(cond ((eq? type 'cont)
(delete-lambda node))
((eq? has 'cont)
(add-lambda node)))))
(define (lambda-variable-count node)
(length (lambda-variables node)))
(define (calls-known? node)
(neq? (lambda-type node) 'proc))
(define (set-calls-known?! node)
(set-lambda-type! node 'known-proc))
(define (proc-lambda? node)
(or (eq? 'proc (lambda-type node))
(eq? 'known-proc (lambda-type node))))