# FoundryVTT Blades in the Dark character and crew sheets [![Donate](https://img.shields.io/badge/Donate-PayPal-green.svg)](https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=8HF456289GB22&source=url) Contact Discord: `megastruktur#5704` in case you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions. Contributors: - `megastruktur#5704` - `Tyronne I’Saurus#5415` ## Usage `"Item" - all classes, crew types, upgrades, items, abilities, upgrades, etc.` - To reset reputation, exp, etc counters just click on the label name. - Health clock can be reset by clicking on "Healing" table header. - To add items you can click a corresponding link or drag items from compendium/game to the sheet. - All "class/crew" specific items are prefixed with first letters - I don't want the "class/crew items" to be prepopulated, so the character sheet contains less "compendium" info. - To see the description of Class, Vice, Background, etc you can just click added item and see all the info in the popup. - When adding a new item you can hower a "question-circle" icon to see the item's description. - To add Custom abilities just add a new "Foundry Item" of the corresponding type and fill all the necessary info. Then drag it to the sheet or add via button on a sheet. Classes: - (C) Cutter - (H) Hound - (Le) Leech - (Lu) Lurk - (Sl) Slide - (Sp) Spider - (W) Whisper Crew Types: - (A) Assassins - (B) Bravos - (C) Cult - (H) Hawkers - (Sh) Shadows - (Sm) Smugglers ## Screenshots ### Character Sheet, Crew Sheet and Class ![alt screen][screenshot_all] ### Compendium ![alt screen][screenshot_compendium] ## To be done in the nearest future - Friends/rivals section - Stress/Harm dynamic values (can be modified by abilities but for now are hardcoded) ## Troubleshooting - If you can't find the drag-n-dropped item, refer to "All Items" tab on each sheet. ## Credits - This work is based on Blades in the Dark (found at http://www.bladesinthedark.com/), product of One Seven Design, developed and authored by John Harper, and licensed for our use under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/). - Some assets were taken from here (thank you timdenee and joesinghaus): https://github.com/joesinghaus/Blades-in-the-Dark [screenshot_all]: ./images/screenshot_all.png "screenshot_all" [screenshot_compendium]: ./images/screenshot_compendium.png "screenshot_compendium"