You can add an additional type to a gang or expert by spending two crew upgrades.
When a cohort performs actions for which its types apply, it uses its full quality rating. Otherwise, its quality is zero. A given cohort can have up to two types. Some crew upgrades will add the “Elite” feature to a gang, which gives them +1d when they roll for a given Type.
Cohort Type
{{#each data.cohort_list as |cohort key|}} {{#multiboxes ../data.cohort}} {{/multiboxes}} {{/each}}
{{#eq data.cohort.[0] "Gang"}}
Gang Type
{{#multiboxes ../data.gang_type}} {{#each ../../data.gang_type_list as |gang_type key|}} {{/each}} {{/multiboxes}}
{{#each ../data.gang_type as |gang_type key|}} {{#with (lookup ../../data.gang_type_list gang_type)}} {{description}} {{/with}} {{/each}}
{{/eq}} {{#eq data.cohort.[0] "Expert"}}
Expert Type
{{!-- Scale and Quality if attached to Actor --}} {{#if data.quality}}
Scale and quality
Quality: {{data.quality}}
Scale: {{data.scale}}
{{/if}} {{!-- Edges and Flaws --}}
Choose one or two edges and an equal number of flaws
{{#each data.edges_list as |edge key|}} {{#multiboxes ../data.edges}}
{{/multiboxes}} {{/each}}
{{#each data.flaws_list as |flaw key|}} {{#multiboxes ../data.flaws}}
{{/multiboxes}} {{/each}}
{{#multiboxes data.harm}} {{#each data.harm_list as |harm harm_key|}} {{/each}} {{/multiboxes}}