# BLades in the Dark Contact Discord: `megastruktur#5704` in case you find any bugs or if you have any suggestions. ## Usage To use just open Compendium and drag necessary Items, Abilities, etc. to the sheet. ## Screenshots ### Character Sheet, Crew Sheet and Class ![alt screen][screenshot_all] ### Compendium ![alt screen][screenshot_compendium] ## Troubleshooting - If you can't find the drag-n-dropped item, refer to "All Items" tab on each sheet. ## Credits - The Blades In the Dark game system page: https://bladesinthedark.com/ - Some assets were taken from here (thank you timdenee and joesinghaus): https://github.com/joesinghaus/Blades-in-the-Dark [screenshot_all]: ./images/screenshot_all.png "screenshot_all" [screenshot_compendium]: ./images/screenshot_compendium.png "screenshot_compendium"