import { bladesRoll } from "./blades-roll.js"; import { BladesHelpers } from "./blades-helpers.js"; /** * Extend the basic Actor * @extends {Actor} */ export class BladesActor extends Actor { /** @override */ static async create(data, options={}) { data.prototypeToken = data.prototypeToken || {}; // For Crew and Character set the Token to sync with charsheet. switch (data.type) { case 'character': case 'crew': case '\uD83D\uDD5B clock': data.prototypeToken.actorLink = true; break; } return super.create(data, options); } /** @override */ getRollData() { const rollData = super.getRollData(); rollData.dice_amount = this.getAttributeDiceToThrow(); return rollData; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Calculate Attribute Dice to throw. */ getAttributeDiceToThrow() { // Calculate Dice to throw. let dice_amount = {}; for (const attribute_name in this.system.attributes) { dice_amount[attribute_name] = 0; for (const skill_name in this.system.attributes[attribute_name].skills) { dice_amount[skill_name] = parseInt(this.system.attributes[attribute_name].skills[skill_name]['value'][0]) // We add a +1d for every skill higher than 0. if (dice_amount[skill_name] > 0) { dice_amount[attribute_name]++; } } } return dice_amount; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ rollAttributePopup(attribute_name) { // const roll = new Roll("1d20 + @abilities.wis.mod", actor.getRollData()); let attribute_label = BladesHelpers.getAttributeLabel(attribute_name); let content = `

${game.i18n.localize('BITD.Roll')} ${game.i18n.localize(attribute_label)}

`; if (BladesHelpers.isAttributeAction(attribute_name)) { content += `
`; } else { content += ` `; } content += `

`; new Dialog({ title: `${game.i18n.localize('BITD.Roll')} ${game.i18n.localize(attribute_label)}`, content: content, buttons: { yes: { icon: "", label: game.i18n.localize('BITD.Roll'), callback: async (html) => { let modifier = parseInt(html.find('[name="mod"]')[0].value); let position = html.find('[name="pos"]')[0].value; let effect = html.find('[name="fx"]')[0].value; let note = html.find('[name="note"]')[0].value; await this.rollAttribute(attribute_name, modifier, position, effect, note); } }, no: { icon: "", label: game.i18n.localize('Close'), }, }, default: "yes", }).render(true); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ async rollAttribute(attribute_name = "", additional_dice_amount = 0, position, effect, note) { let dice_amount = 0; if (attribute_name !== "") { let roll_data = this.getRollData(); dice_amount += roll_data.dice_amount[attribute_name]; } else { dice_amount = 1; } dice_amount += additional_dice_amount; await bladesRoll(dice_amount, attribute_name, position, effect, note); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Create for available actions * which can be performed. */ createListOfActions() { let text, attribute, skill; let attributes = this.system.attributes; for ( attribute in attributes ) { const skills = attributes[attribute].skills; text += ``; text += ``; for ( skill in skills ) { text += ``; } text += ``; } return text; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /** * Creates modifiers for dice roll. * * @param {int} rs * Min die modifier * @param {int} re * Max die modifier * @param {int} s * Selected die */ createListOfDiceMods(rs, re, s) { var text = ``; var i = 0; if ( s == "" ) { s = 0; } for ( i = rs; i <= re; i++ ) { var plus = ""; if ( i >= 0 ) { plus = "+" }; text += ``; } return text; } /* -------------------------------------------- */ }