import {createApp, nextTick} from 'vue'; import $ from 'jquery'; import {initVueSvg, vueDelimiters} from './VueComponentLoader.js'; import {initTooltip} from '../modules/tippy.js'; const {appSubUrl, assetUrlPrefix, pageData} = window.config; function initVueComponents(app) { app.component('repo-search', { delimiters: vueDelimiters, props: { searchLimit: { type: Number, default: 10 }, subUrl: { type: String, required: true }, uid: { type: Number, default: 0 }, teamId: { type: Number, required: false, default: 0 }, organizations: { type: Array, default: () => [], }, isOrganization: { type: Boolean, default: true }, canCreateOrganization: { type: Boolean, default: false }, organizationsTotalCount: { type: Number, default: 0 }, moreReposLink: { type: String, default: '' } }, data() { const params = new URLSearchParams(; let tab = params.get('repo-search-tab'); if (!tab) { tab = 'repos'; } let reposFilter = params.get('repo-search-filter'); if (!reposFilter) { reposFilter = 'all'; } let privateFilter = params.get('repo-search-private'); if (!privateFilter) { privateFilter = 'both'; } let archivedFilter = params.get('repo-search-archived'); if (!archivedFilter) { archivedFilter = 'unarchived'; } let searchQuery = params.get('repo-search-query'); if (!searchQuery) { searchQuery = ''; } let page = 1; try { page = parseInt(params.get('repo-search-page')); } catch { // noop } if (!page) { page = 1; } return { hasMounted: false, // accessing $refs in computed() need to wait for mounted tab, repos: [], reposTotalCount: 0, reposFilter, archivedFilter, privateFilter, page, finalPage: 1, searchQuery, isLoading: false, staticPrefix: assetUrlPrefix, counts: {}, repoTypes: { all: { searchMode: '', }, forks: { searchMode: 'fork', }, mirrors: { searchMode: 'mirror', }, sources: { searchMode: 'source', }, collaborative: { searchMode: 'collaborative', }, } }; }, computed: { // used in `repolist.tmpl` showMoreReposLink() { return this.repos.length > 0 && this.repos.length < this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`]; }, searchURL() { return `${this.subUrl}/repo/search?sort=updated&order=desc&uid=${this.uid}&team_id=${this.teamId}&q=${this.searchQuery }&page=${}&limit=${this.searchLimit}&mode=${this.repoTypes[this.reposFilter].searchMode }${this.reposFilter !== 'all' ? '&exclusive=1' : '' }${this.archivedFilter === 'archived' ? '&archived=true' : ''}${this.archivedFilter === 'unarchived' ? '&archived=false' : '' }${this.privateFilter === 'private' ? '&is_private=true' : ''}${this.privateFilter === 'public' ? '&is_private=false' : '' }`; }, repoTypeCount() { return this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`]; }, checkboxArchivedFilterTitle() { return this.hasMounted && this.$refs.checkboxArchivedFilter?.getAttribute(`data-title-${this.archivedFilter}`); }, checkboxArchivedFilterProps() { return {checked: this.archivedFilter === 'archived', indeterminate: this.archivedFilter === 'both'}; }, checkboxPrivateFilterTitle() { return this.hasMounted && this.$refs.checkboxPrivateFilter?.getAttribute(`data-title-${this.privateFilter}`); }, checkboxPrivateFilterProps() { return {checked: this.privateFilter === 'private', indeterminate: this.privateFilter === 'both'}; }, }, mounted() { const el = document.getElementById('dashboard-repo-list'); this.changeReposFilter(this.reposFilter); for (const elTooltip of el.querySelectorAll('.tooltip')) { initTooltip(elTooltip); } $(el).find('.dropdown').dropdown(); nextTick(() => { this.$; }); this.hasMounted = true; }, methods: { changeTab(t) { = t; this.updateHistory(); }, changeReposFilter(filter) { this.reposFilter = filter; this.repos = []; = 1; this.counts[`${filter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0; this.searchRepos(); }, updateHistory() { const params = new URLSearchParams(; if ( === 'repos') { params.delete('repo-search-tab'); } else { params.set('repo-search-tab',; } if (this.reposFilter === 'all') { params.delete('repo-search-filter'); } else { params.set('repo-search-filter', this.reposFilter); } if (this.privateFilter === 'both') { params.delete('repo-search-private'); } else { params.set('repo-search-private', this.privateFilter); } if (this.archivedFilter === 'unarchived') { params.delete('repo-search-archived'); } else { params.set('repo-search-archived', this.archivedFilter); } if (this.searchQuery === '') { params.delete('repo-search-query'); } else { params.set('repo-search-query', this.searchQuery); } if ( === 1) { params.delete('repo-search-page'); } else { params.set('repo-search-page', `${}`); } const queryString = params.toString(); if (queryString) { window.history.replaceState({}, '', `?${queryString}`); } else { window.history.replaceState({}, '', window.location.pathname); } }, toggleArchivedFilter() { if (this.archivedFilter === 'unarchived') { this.archivedFilter = 'archived'; } else if (this.archivedFilter === 'archived') { this.archivedFilter = 'both'; } else { // including both this.archivedFilter = 'unarchived'; } = 1; this.repos = []; this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0; this.searchRepos(); }, togglePrivateFilter() { if (this.privateFilter === 'both') { this.privateFilter = 'public'; } else if (this.privateFilter === 'public') { this.privateFilter = 'private'; } else { // including private this.privateFilter = 'both'; } = 1; this.repos = []; this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0; this.searchRepos(); }, changePage(page) { = page; if ( > this.finalPage) { = this.finalPage; } if ( < 1) { = 1; } this.repos = []; this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = 0; this.searchRepos(); }, async searchRepos() { this.isLoading = true; const searchedMode = this.repoTypes[this.reposFilter].searchMode; const searchedURL = this.searchURL; const searchedQuery = this.searchQuery; let response, json; try { if (!this.reposTotalCount) { const totalCountSearchURL = `${this.subUrl}/repo/search?count_only=1&uid=${this.uid}&team_id=${this.teamId}&q=&page=1&mode=`; response = await fetch(totalCountSearchURL); this.reposTotalCount = response.headers.get('X-Total-Count'); } response = await fetch(searchedURL); json = await response.json(); } catch { if (searchedURL === this.searchURL) { this.isLoading = false; } return; } if (searchedURL === this.searchURL) { this.repos =; const count = response.headers.get('X-Total-Count'); if (searchedQuery === '' && searchedMode === '' && this.archivedFilter === 'both') { this.reposTotalCount = count; } this.counts[`${this.reposFilter}:${this.archivedFilter}:${this.privateFilter}`] = count; this.finalPage = Math.ceil(count / this.searchLimit); this.updateHistory(); this.isLoading = false; } }, repoIcon(repo) { if (repo.fork) { return 'octicon-repo-forked'; } else if (repo.mirror) { return 'octicon-mirror'; } else if (repo.template) { return `octicon-repo-template`; } else if (repo.private) { return 'octicon-lock'; } else if (repo.internal) { return 'octicon-repo'; } return 'octicon-repo'; } }, template: document.getElementById('dashboard-repo-list-template'), }); } export function initDashboardRepoList() { const el = document.getElementById('dashboard-repo-list'); const dashboardRepoListData = pageData.dashboardRepoList || null; if (!el || !dashboardRepoListData) return; const app = createApp({ delimiters: vueDelimiters, data() { return { searchLimit: dashboardRepoListData.searchLimit || 0, subUrl: appSubUrl, uid: dashboardRepoListData.uid || 0, }; }, }); initVueSvg(app); initVueComponents(app); app.mount(el); }