import {createApp, nextTick} from 'vue'; import $ from 'jquery'; import {vueDelimiters} from './VueComponentLoader.js'; export function initRepoBranchTagDropdown(selector) { $(selector).each(function (dropdownIndex, elRoot) { const data = { csrfToken: window.config.csrfToken, items: [], searchTerm: '', menuVisible: false, createTag: false, release: null, isViewTag: false, isViewBranch: false, isViewTree: false, active: 0, ...window.config.pageData.branchDropdownDataList[dropdownIndex], }; // the "data.defaultBranch" is ambiguous, it could be "branch name" or "tag name" if (data.showBranchesInDropdown && data.branches) { for (const branch of data.branches) { data.items.push({name: branch, url: branch, branch: true, tag: false, selected: branch === data.defaultBranch}); } } if (!data.noTag && data.tags) { for (const tag of data.tags) { if (data.release) { data.items.push({name: tag, url: tag, branch: false, tag: true, selected: tag === data.release.tagName}); } else { data.items.push({name: tag, url: tag, branch: false, tag: true, selected: tag === data.defaultBranch}); } } } const view = createApp({ delimiters: vueDelimiters, data() { return data; }, computed: { filteredItems() { const items = this.items.filter((item) => { return ((this.mode === 'branches' && item.branch) || (this.mode === 'tags' && item.tag)) && (!this.searchTerm ||; }); // no idea how to fix this so linting rule is disabled instead = (items.length === 0 && this.showCreateNewBranch ? 0 : -1); // eslint-disable-line vue/no-side-effects-in-computed-properties return items; }, showNoResults() { return this.filteredItems.length === 0 && !this.showCreateNewBranch; }, showCreateNewBranch() { if (this.disableCreateBranch || !this.searchTerm) { return false; } return this.items.filter((item) => === this.searchTerm.toLowerCase()).length === 0; } }, watch: { menuVisible(visible) { if (visible) { this.focusSearchField(); } } }, beforeMount() { switch (data.viewType) { case 'tree': this.isViewTree = true; break; case 'tag': this.isViewTag = true; break; default: this.isViewBranch = true; break; } document.body.addEventListener('click', (event) => { if (elRoot.contains( return; if (this.menuVisible) { this.menuVisible = false; } }); }, methods: { selectItem(item) { const prev = this.getSelected(); if (prev !== null) { prev.selected = false; } item.selected = true; const url = (item.tag) ? this.tagURLPrefix + item.url + this.tagURLSuffix : this.branchURLPrefix + item.url + this.branchURLSuffix; if (!this.branchForm) { window.location.href = url; } else { this.isViewTree = false; this.isViewTag = false; this.isViewBranch = false; this.$refs.dropdownRefName.textContent =; if (this.setAction) { $(`#${this.branchForm}`).attr('action', url); } else { $(`#${this.branchForm} input[name="refURL"]`).val(url); } $(`#${this.branchForm} input[name="ref"]`).val(; if (item.tag) { this.isViewTag = true; $(`#${this.branchForm} input[name="refType"]`).val('tag'); } else { this.isViewBranch = true; $(`#${this.branchForm} input[name="refType"]`).val('branch'); } if (this.submitForm) { $(`#${this.branchForm}`).trigger('submit'); } this.menuVisible = false; } }, createNewBranch() { if (!this.showCreateNewBranch) return; $(this.$refs.newBranchForm).trigger('submit'); }, focusSearchField() { nextTick(() => { this.$refs.searchField.focus(); }); }, getSelected() { for (let i = 0, j = this.items.length; i < j; ++i) { if (this.items[i].selected) return this.items[i]; } return null; }, getSelectedIndexInFiltered() { for (let i = 0, j = this.filteredItems.length; i < j; ++i) { if (this.filteredItems[i].selected) return i; } return -1; }, scrollToActive() { let el = this.$refs[`listItem${}`]; if (!el || !el.length) return; if (Array.isArray(el)) { el = el[0]; } const cont = this.$refs.scrollContainer; if (el.offsetTop < cont.scrollTop) { cont.scrollTop = el.offsetTop; } else if (el.offsetTop + el.clientHeight > cont.scrollTop + cont.clientHeight) { cont.scrollTop = el.offsetTop + el.clientHeight - cont.clientHeight; } }, keydown(event) { if (event.keyCode === 40) { // arrow down event.preventDefault(); if ( === -1) { = this.getSelectedIndexInFiltered(); } if ( + (this.showCreateNewBranch ? 0 : 1) >= this.filteredItems.length) { return; }; this.scrollToActive(); } else if (event.keyCode === 38) { // arrow up event.preventDefault(); if ( === -1) { = this.getSelectedIndexInFiltered(); } if ( <= 0) { return; }; this.scrollToActive(); } else if (event.keyCode === 13) { // enter event.preventDefault(); if ( >= this.filteredItems.length) { this.createNewBranch(); } else if ( >= 0) { this.selectItem(this.filteredItems[]); } } else if (event.keyCode === 27) { // escape event.preventDefault(); this.menuVisible = false; } } } }); view.mount(this); }); }