
632 lines
20 KiB

* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
#pragma once
#include <stdexcept>
#include <string>
#include "fwd-valptridx.h"
#include "compiler-array.h"
#include "compiler-static_assert.h"
#include "compiler-type_traits.h"
#include "pack.h"
#include "poison.h"
( \
static_cast<void>(DXX_CONSTANT_TRUE(!(SUCCESS_CONDITION)) && \
) \
/* This causes many warnings because some conversions are not checked for
* safety. Eliminating the warnings by changing the call sites to check first
* would be a useful improvement.
//#define DXX_VALPTRIDX_WARN_CALL_NOT_OPTIMIZED_OUT __attribute__((__warning__("call not eliminated")))
( \
) \
template <typename P>
class valptridx<P>::index_mismatch_exception :
public std::logic_error
DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS(index_mismatch_exception, logic_error);
static void report(const array_managed_type &, index_type, const_pointer_type, const_pointer_type);
template <typename P>
class valptridx<P>::index_range_exception :
public std::out_of_range
DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS(index_range_exception, out_of_range);
static void report(const array_managed_type &, long);
template <typename P>
class valptridx<P>::null_pointer_exception :
public std::logic_error
DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS(null_pointer_exception, logic_error);
static void report();
static void report(const array_managed_type &);
template <typename managed_type>
void valptridx<managed_type>::check_index_match(const managed_type &r, index_type i, const array_managed_type &a)
const auto pi = &a[i];
DXX_VALPTRIDX_CHECK(pi == &r, index_mismatch_exception, "pointer/index mismatch", a, i, pi, &r);
template <typename managed_type>
typename valptridx<managed_type>::index_type valptridx<managed_type>::check_index_range(index_type i, const array_managed_type &a)
const std::size_t ss = i;
DXX_VALPTRIDX_CHECK(ss < a.size(), index_range_exception, "invalid index used in array subscript", a, ss);
return i;
template <typename managed_type>
void valptridx<managed_type>::check_null_pointer_conversion(const_pointer_type p)
DXX_VALPTRIDX_CHECK(p, null_pointer_exception, "NULL pointer converted");
template <typename managed_type>
void valptridx<managed_type>::check_null_pointer(const_pointer_type p, const array_managed_type &a)
DXX_VALPTRIDX_CHECK(p, null_pointer_exception, "NULL pointer used", a);
template <typename managed_type>
void valptridx<managed_type>::check_implicit_index_range_ref(const managed_type &r, const array_managed_type &a)
check_explicit_index_range_ref(r, static_cast<const_pointer_type>(&r) - static_cast<const_pointer_type>(&a.front()), a);
template <typename managed_type>
void valptridx<managed_type>::check_explicit_index_range_ref(const managed_type &r, std::size_t i, const array_managed_type &a)
check_index_match(r, i, a);
check_index_range(i, a);
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::require_valid
static constexpr tt::false_type allow_nullptr{};
static constexpr tt::false_type check_allowed_invalid_index(index_type) { return {}; }
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::allow_invalid
static constexpr tt::true_type allow_nullptr{};
static constexpr bool check_allowed_invalid_index(index_type i)
return i == static_cast<index_type>(~0);
template <typename managed_type>
constexpr tt::false_type valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::require_valid::allow_nullptr;
template <typename managed_type>
constexpr tt::true_type valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::allow_invalid::allow_nullptr;
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::const_policy
template <typename T>
using apply_cv_qualifier = const T;
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::mutable_policy
template <typename T>
using apply_cv_qualifier = T;
template <typename managed_type>
template <typename policy>
class valptridx<managed_type>::partial_policy::apply_cv_policy :
template <typename T>
using apply_cv_qualifier = typename policy::template apply_cv_qualifier<T>;
using array_managed_type = apply_cv_qualifier<valptridx<managed_type>::array_managed_type>;
using pointer_type = apply_cv_qualifier<managed_type> *;
using reference_type = apply_cv_qualifier<managed_type> &;
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::vc :
public partial_policy::require_valid,
public partial_policy::template apply_cv_policy<typename partial_policy::const_policy>
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::vm :
public partial_policy::require_valid,
public partial_policy::template apply_cv_policy<typename partial_policy::mutable_policy>
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::ic :
public partial_policy::allow_invalid,
public partial_policy::template apply_cv_policy<typename partial_policy::const_policy>
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::im :
public partial_policy::allow_invalid,
public partial_policy::template apply_cv_policy<typename partial_policy::mutable_policy>
template <typename managed_type>
template <typename policy, unsigned>
class valptridx<managed_type>::basic_idx :
public policy
using containing_type = valptridx<managed_type>;
using policy::allow_nullptr;
using policy::check_allowed_invalid_index;
using index_type = typename containing_type::index_type;
using integral_type = typename containing_type::integral_type;
using typename policy::array_managed_type;
basic_idx() = delete;
basic_idx(const basic_idx &) = default;
basic_idx(basic_idx &&) = default;
basic_idx &operator=(const basic_idx &) = default;
basic_idx &operator=(basic_idx &&) = default;
index_type get_unchecked_index() const { return m_idx; }
template <typename rpolicy, unsigned ru>
basic_idx(const basic_idx<rpolicy, ru> &rhs, array_managed_type &a = get_array()) :
if (!(allow_nullptr || !rhs.allow_nullptr))
check_index_range(m_idx, a);
template <typename rpolicy, unsigned ru>
basic_idx(basic_idx<rpolicy, ru> &&rhs) :
/* Prevent move from allow_invalid into require_valid. The
* right hand side must be saved and checked for validity before
* being used to initialize a require_valid type.
static_assert(allow_nullptr || !rhs.allow_nullptr, "cannot move from allow_invalid to require_valid");
basic_idx(index_type i, array_managed_type &a = get_array()) : // default argument deprecated
m_idx(check_allowed_invalid_index(i) ? i : check_index_range(i, a))
template <integral_type v>
basic_idx(const magic_constant<v> &) :
static_assert(allow_nullptr || static_cast<std::size_t>(v) < array_size, "invalid magic index not allowed for this policy");
template <typename rpolicy, unsigned ru>
bool operator==(const basic_idx<rpolicy, ru> &rhs) const
return m_idx == rhs.get_unchecked_index();
bool operator==(const index_type &i) const
return m_idx == i;
template <integral_type v>
bool operator==(const magic_constant<v> &) const
static_assert(allow_nullptr || static_cast<std::size_t>(v) < array_size, "invalid magic index not allowed for this policy");
return m_idx == v;
template <typename R>
bool operator!=(const R &rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
operator index_type() const
return m_idx;
index_type m_idx;
template <typename managed_type>
template <typename policy, unsigned>
class valptridx<managed_type>::basic_ptr :
public policy
using containing_type = valptridx<managed_type>;
using policy::allow_nullptr;
using policy::check_allowed_invalid_index;
using const_pointer_type = typename containing_type::const_pointer_type;
using mutable_pointer_type = typename containing_type::mutable_pointer_type;
using typename policy::array_managed_type;
using typename policy::pointer_type;
using typename policy::reference_type;
basic_ptr() = delete;
/* Override template matches to make same-type copy/move trivial */
basic_ptr(const basic_ptr &) = default;
basic_ptr(basic_ptr &&) = default;
basic_ptr &operator=(const basic_ptr &) = default;
basic_ptr &operator=(basic_ptr &&) = default;
pointer_type get_unchecked_pointer() const { return m_ptr; }
basic_ptr(std::nullptr_t) :
static_assert(allow_nullptr, "nullptr construction not allowed for this policy");
template <integral_type v>
basic_ptr(const magic_constant<v> &) :
static_assert(static_cast<std::size_t>(v) >= array_size, "valid magic index requires an array");
static_assert(allow_nullptr || static_cast<std::size_t>(v) < array_size, "invalid magic index not allowed for this policy");
template <integral_type v>
basic_ptr(const magic_constant<v> &, array_managed_type &a) :
m_ptr(static_cast<std::size_t>(v) < array_size ? &(a[v]) : nullptr)
static_assert(allow_nullptr || static_cast<std::size_t>(v) < array_size, "invalid magic index not allowed for this policy");
template <typename rpolicy, unsigned ru>
basic_ptr(const basic_ptr<rpolicy, ru> &rhs) :
if (!(allow_nullptr || !rhs.allow_nullptr))
template <typename rpolicy, unsigned ru>
basic_ptr(basic_ptr<rpolicy, ru> &&rhs) :
/* Prevent move from allow_invalid into require_valid. The
* right hand side must be saved and checked for validity before
* being used to initialize a require_valid type.
static_assert(allow_nullptr || !rhs.allow_nullptr, "cannot move from allow_invalid to require_valid");
basic_ptr(index_type i, array_managed_type &a = get_array()) :
m_ptr(check_allowed_invalid_index(i) ? nullptr : &a[check_index_range(i, a)])
basic_ptr(pointer_type p, array_managed_type &a = get_array()) :
if (!allow_nullptr)
check_null_pointer(p, a);
basic_ptr(reference_type r, array_managed_type &a) :
m_ptr((check_implicit_index_range_ref(r, a), &r))
basic_ptr(reference_type r, index_type i, array_managed_type &a) :
m_ptr((check_explicit_index_range_ref(r, i, a), &r))
operator mutable_pointer_type() const { return m_ptr; } // implicit pointer conversion deprecated
operator const_pointer_type() const { return m_ptr; } // implicit pointer conversion deprecated
pointer_type operator->() const DXX_VALPTRIDX_REF_QUALIFIER_LVALUE
return m_ptr;
operator reference_type() const DXX_VALPTRIDX_REF_QUALIFIER_LVALUE
return *m_ptr;
reference_type operator*() const DXX_VALPTRIDX_REF_QUALIFIER_LVALUE
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const DXX_VALPTRIDX_REF_QUALIFIER_LVALUE
return !(*this == nullptr);
pointer_type operator->() const &&
static_assert(!allow_nullptr, "operator-> not allowed with allow_invalid policy");
return operator->();
operator reference_type() const &&
static_assert(!allow_nullptr, "implicit reference not allowed with allow_invalid policy");
return *this;
reference_type operator*() const &&
static_assert(!allow_nullptr, "operator* not allowed with allow_invalid policy");
return *this;
explicit operator bool() const && = delete;
bool operator==(std::nullptr_t) const
static_assert(allow_nullptr, "nullptr comparison not allowed: value is never null");
return m_ptr == nullptr;
bool operator==(const_pointer_type p) const
return m_ptr == p;
bool operator==(mutable_pointer_type p) const
return m_ptr == p;
template <typename rpolicy, unsigned ru>
bool operator==(const basic_ptr<rpolicy, ru> &rhs) const
return *this == rhs.get_unchecked_pointer();
template <typename R>
bool operator!=(const R &rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template <typename U>
long operator-(U) const = delete;
template <typename R>
bool operator<(R) const = delete;
template <typename R>
bool operator>(R) const = delete;
template <typename R>
bool operator<=(R) const = delete;
template <typename R>
bool operator>=(R) const = delete;
pointer_type m_ptr;
template <typename managed_type>
template <typename policy>
class valptridx<managed_type>::basic_ptridx :
public prohibit_void_ptr<basic_ptridx<policy>>,
public basic_ptr<policy, 1>,
public basic_idx<policy, 1>
typedef basic_ptr<policy, 1> vptr_type;
typedef basic_idx<policy, 1> vidx_type;
using typename vidx_type::array_managed_type;
using typename vidx_type::index_type;
using typename vidx_type::integral_type;
using typename vptr_type::pointer_type;
using vidx_type::operator==;
using vptr_type::operator==;
basic_ptridx(const basic_ptridx &) = default;
basic_ptridx(basic_ptridx &&) = default;
basic_ptridx &operator=(const basic_ptridx &) = default;
basic_ptridx &operator=(basic_ptridx &&) = default;
basic_ptridx(std::nullptr_t) = delete;
/* Prevent implicit conversion. Require use of the factory function.
basic_ptridx(pointer_type p) = delete;
template <typename rpolicy>
basic_ptridx(const basic_ptridx<rpolicy> &rhs) :
vptr_type(static_cast<const typename basic_ptridx<rpolicy>::vptr_type &>(rhs)),
vidx_type(static_cast<const typename basic_ptridx<rpolicy>::vidx_type &>(rhs))
template <typename rpolicy>
basic_ptridx(basic_ptridx<rpolicy> &&rhs) :
vptr_type(static_cast<typename basic_ptridx<rpolicy>::vptr_type &&>(rhs)),
vidx_type(static_cast<typename basic_ptridx<rpolicy>::vidx_type &&>(rhs))
template <integral_type v>
basic_ptridx(const magic_constant<v> &m) :
template <integral_type v>
basic_ptridx(const magic_constant<v> &m, array_managed_type &a) :
vptr_type(m, a),
basic_ptridx(index_type i, array_managed_type &a = get_array()) : // default argument deprecated
vptr_type(i, a),
vidx_type(i, a)
basic_ptridx(pointer_type p, array_managed_type &a) :
/* Null pointer is never allowed when an index must be computed.
* Check for null, then use the reference constructor for
* vptr_type to avoid checking again.
vptr_type((check_null_pointer(p, a), *p), a),
vidx_type(p - static_cast<pointer_type>(&a.front()), a)
basic_ptridx(pointer_type p, index_type i, array_managed_type &a) :
vptr_type((check_null_pointer(p, a), *p), i, a),
vidx_type(i, a)
template <typename rpolicy>
bool operator==(const basic_ptridx<rpolicy> &rhs) const
return vptr_type::operator==(static_cast<const typename basic_ptridx<rpolicy>::vptr_type &>(rhs));
template <typename R>
bool operator!=(const R &rhs) const
return !(*this == rhs);
template <typename managed_type>
class valptridx<managed_type>::array_managed_type : public array<managed_type, array_size>
using containing_type = valptridx<managed_type>;
using array_type = array<managed_type, array_size>;
using typename array_type::reference;
using typename array_type::const_reference;
using index_type = typename containing_type::index_type;
unsigned highest;
template <typename T>
typename tt::enable_if<tt::is_integral<T>::value, reference>::type operator[](T n)
return array_type::operator[](n);
template <typename T>
typename tt::enable_if<tt::is_integral<T>::value, const_reference>::type operator[](T n) const
return array_type::operator[](n);
template <typename T>
typename tt::enable_if<!tt::is_integral<T>::value, reference>::type operator[](T) const = delete;
array_managed_type() = default;
array_managed_type(const array_managed_type &) = delete;
array_managed_type &operator=(const array_managed_type &) = delete;
template <typename managed_type>
template <typename P>
class valptridx<managed_type>::basic_vptr_global_factory
using containing_type = valptridx<managed_type>;
basic_vptr_global_factory() = default;
basic_vptr_global_factory(const basic_vptr_global_factory &) = delete;
basic_vptr_global_factory &operator=(const basic_vptr_global_factory &) = delete;
P operator()(typename P::const_pointer_type p) const
return P(p, get_array(p));
P operator()(typename P::mutable_pointer_type p) const
return P(p, get_array(p));
P operator()(typename containing_type::index_type i) const
return P(i, get_array());
template <containing_type::integral_type v>
P operator()(const containing_type::magic_constant<v> &m) const
return P(m, get_array());
template <typename policy>
P operator()(containing_type::basic_idx<policy, 0> i) const
return P(i, get_array());
template <typename T>
P operator()(T &&) const = delete;
void *operator &() const = delete;
template <typename managed_type>
template <typename PI>
class valptridx<managed_type>::basic_ptridx_global_factory
using containing_type = valptridx<managed_type>;
basic_ptridx_global_factory() = default;
basic_ptridx_global_factory(const basic_ptridx_global_factory &) = delete;
basic_ptridx_global_factory &operator=(const basic_ptridx_global_factory &) = delete;
PI operator()(typename PI::index_type i) const
return PI(i, get_array());
template <containing_type::integral_type v>
PI operator()(const containing_type::magic_constant<v> &m) const
return PI(m, get_array());
template <typename T>
PI operator()(T &&) const = delete;
void *operator &() const = delete;
static constexpr Pconst valptridx<P>::array_managed_type &get_global_array(P Pconst *) { return A; } \
constexpr valptridx<P>::basic_vptr_global_factory<v##prefix##ptr_t> v##prefix##ptr{}; \
constexpr valptridx<P>::basic_ptridx_global_factory<prefix##ptridx_t> prefix##ptridx{}; \
constexpr valptridx<P>::basic_vptr_global_factory<v##prefix##ptridx_t> v##prefix##ptridx{}; \
static inline v##prefix##ptridx_t operator-(Pconst P *o, Pconst valptridx<P>::array_managed_type &O) \
{ \
return {o, static_cast<v##prefix##ptridx_t::integral_type>(const_cast<const P *>(o) - static_cast<const P *>(&(const_cast<const valptridx<P>::array_managed_type &>(O).front()))), O}; \
} \