Kp 4071cd0cbf Replace range_owns_iterated_storage with ranges::borrowed_range
The standard type imposes some additional requirements that are not
necessary here, but using this concept allows standard containers to be
classified correctly without specific overrides.
2022-12-31 16:21:47 +00:00

304 lines
10 KiB

* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
#pragma once
#include <type_traits>
#include <iterator>
#include <ranges>
#include <utility>
/* These could be empty tag types, but defining them from
* std::integral_constant<bool, V> allows the deduction guide for
* std::integral_constant<$integer_type, V> to handle them. If these
* were done as tag types, a separate deduction guide would be required.
using xrange_ascending = std::true_type;
using xrange_descending = std::false_type;
namespace detail {
template <typename T>
struct xrange_is_unsigned : std::is_unsigned<T>
/* For the general case, delegate to std::is_unsigned.
* xrange requires that the type not be a reference, so there is no
* need to use std::remove_reference<T> here.
template <typename T, T v>
struct xrange_is_unsigned<std::integral_constant<T, v>> : std::is_unsigned<T>
/* For the special case that the value is a std::integral_constant,
* examine the underlying integer type.
* std::is_unsigned<std::integral_constant<unsigned, N>> is
* std::false_type, but xrange_is_unsigned should yield
* std::true_type in that case.
template <typename B, typename E, typename step_type>
struct xrange_check_constant_endpoints : std::true_type
/* By default, endpoints are not constant and are not checked. */
template <typename Tb, Tb b, typename Te, Te e>
struct xrange_check_constant_endpoints<std::integral_constant<Tb, b>, std::integral_constant<Te, e>, xrange_ascending> : std::true_type
/* If both endpoints are constant, a static_assert can validate that
* the range is not empty.
static_assert(b < e, "range is always empty due to value of `b` versus value of `e`");
template <typename Tb, Tb b, typename Te, Te e>
struct xrange_check_constant_endpoints<std::integral_constant<Tb, b>, std::integral_constant<Te, e>, xrange_descending> : std::true_type
static_assert(e < b, "range is always empty due to value of `b` versus value of `e`");
template <typename Tb, Tb b, typename Te, Te e, typename Tstep, Tstep step>
struct xrange_check_constant_endpoints<std::integral_constant<Tb, b>, std::integral_constant<Te, e>, std::integral_constant<Tstep, step>> :
std::integral_constant<Tb, b>,
std::integral_constant<Te, e>,
typename std::conditional<(step > 0), xrange_ascending, xrange_descending>::type
/* The implementation of xrange_iterator::operator++ moves the
* current position by exactly the step value, every time. If
* std::abs(step) is greater than 1, then some values will be
* stepped over. Assert that skipping values will not cause
* operator++ to skip over the end value. If it did, the range
* would continue until wraparound terminated it, the program
* abandoned reading the range, or the program crashed due to out of
* range values.
static_assert((step > 0 ? ((e - b) % step) : ((b - e) % -step)) == 0, "step size will overstep end value");
/* For the general case, store a copy of the value,
* and provide an implicit conversion.
template <typename T, bool begin>
class xrange_endpoint
using value_type = T;
/* The value is never mutated, but must be mutable to satisfy
* std::ranges::range<xrange<...>>.
value_type value{};
constexpr xrange_endpoint() = default;
constexpr xrange_endpoint(value_type v) :
constexpr operator value_type() const
return value;
/* For the special case that the value is a std::integral_constant,
* inherit from it so that the Empty Base Optimization can apply.
template <typename T, T V, bool begin>
class xrange_endpoint<std::integral_constant<T, V>, begin> : public std::integral_constant<T, V>
constexpr xrange_endpoint() = default;
constexpr xrange_endpoint(const std::integral_constant<T, V> &)
template <typename index_type, typename step_type>
class xrange_iterator
index_type m_idx{};
using difference_type = std::ptrdiff_t;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using value_type = index_type;
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
constexpr xrange_iterator() = default; // default constructible required by std::semiregular
constexpr xrange_iterator(const index_type i) :
/* This is a temporary constructor to facilitate conversion to sentinel
* usage in calling algorithms.
template <typename end_index_type>
constexpr xrange_iterator(xrange_endpoint<end_index_type, false> i) :
index_type operator*() const
return m_idx;
xrange_iterator &operator++()
if constexpr (std::is_same<step_type, xrange_ascending>::value)
++ m_idx;
else if constexpr (std::is_same<step_type, xrange_descending>::value)
-- m_idx;
m_idx += step_type::value;
return *this;
xrange_iterator operator++(int)
auto r = *this;
++ *this;
return r;
constexpr bool operator==(const xrange_iterator &i) const = default;
template <typename end_index_type>
constexpr bool operator==(const xrange_endpoint<end_index_type, false> &i) const
return m_idx == i.value;
/* This provides an approximation of the functionality of the Python2
* xrange object. Python3 renamed it to `range`. The older name is
* kept because it is easier to find with grep.
template <typename index_type, typename B = index_type, typename E = index_type, typename step_type = xrange_ascending>
class xrange :
protected xrange_endpoint<B, true>,
protected xrange_endpoint<E, false>
using begin_type = xrange_endpoint<B, true>;
using end_type = xrange_endpoint<E, false>;
using iterator = xrange_iterator<index_type, step_type>;
/* This static_assert has no message, since the value is always
* true. Use of static_assert forces instantiation of the type,
* which has a static_assert that checks the values and displays a
* message on failure.
static_assert(detail::xrange_check_constant_endpoints<B, E, step_type>::value);
static_assert(!std::is_reference<E>::value, "xrange<E> must be a value, not a reference");
static constexpr B init_begin(B b, E e)
if constexpr (std::is_convertible<E, B>::value)
if constexpr (std::is_same<step_type, xrange_ascending>::value || (!std::is_same<step_type, xrange_descending>::value && step_type::value > 0))
(DXX_CONSTANT_TRUE(!(b < e)) && (DXX_ALWAYS_ERROR_FUNCTION("begin never less than end"), 0));
if (!(b < e))
return e;
(DXX_CONSTANT_TRUE(!(e < b)) && (DXX_ALWAYS_ERROR_FUNCTION("end never less than begin"), 0));
if (!(e < b))
return e;
return b;
using end_type::value;
using end_type::operator typename end_type::value_type;
/* If the endpoints are both integral constants, then they will have a
* default constructor that this explicitly defaulted default constructor
* can call. They will have no non-static data members, so their default
* constructors will produce reasonable values.
* Otherwise, the endpoints will not have a default constructor, and this
* default constructor will fail to compile. That is desirable, since such
* an endpoint would have a non-static data member that would not be
* initialized by a default constructor.
constexpr xrange() = default;
constexpr xrange(B b, E e) :
begin_type(init_begin(std::move(b), e)), end_type(std::move(e))
/* Allow, but ignore, a third argument with the step size. The
* argument must be here for class template argument deduction to
* work. step_type is included in the class template argument list,
* and so does not need to be recorded in the object.
template <typename T, T step>
constexpr xrange(B b, E e, std::integral_constant<T, step>) :
xrange(std::move(b), std::move(e))
constexpr xrange(E e) :
begin_type(), end_type(std::move(e))
static_assert(detail::xrange_is_unsigned<E>::value, "xrange(E) requires unsigned E; use xrange(B, E) if E must be signed");
iterator begin() const
return iterator(static_cast<const begin_type &>(*this));
end_type end() const
return *this;
template <typename index_type, typename B, typename E, typename step_type>
inline constexpr bool std::ranges::enable_borrowed_range<xrange<index_type, B, E, step_type>> = true;
/* Disallow building an `xrange` with a reference to mutable `e` as the
* end term. When `e` is mutable, the loop might change `e` during
* iteration, so using `xrange` could be wrong. If the loop does not
* change `e`, store it in a const qualified variable, which will select
* the next overload down instead.
template <typename Tb, typename Te>
xrange(Tb &&b, Te &e) -> xrange<Tb, Tb, Te &>; // provokes a static_assert failure in the constructor
template <typename Tb, typename Te>
xrange(Tb &&b, Te &&e) -> xrange<
typename std::common_type<Tb, Te>::type,
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Tb>::type>::type,
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Te>::type>::type
template <typename Tb, typename Te, typename Tstep, Tstep step>
xrange(Tb &&b, Te &&e, std::integral_constant<Tstep, step>) -> xrange<
typename std::common_type<Tb, Te>::type,
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Tb>::type>::type,
typename std::remove_const<typename std::remove_reference<Te>::type>::type,
std::integral_constant<Tstep, step>
template <typename Te>
xrange(const Te &) -> xrange<Te, std::integral_constant<typename std::common_type<Te, unsigned>::type, 0u>>;
template <typename Te>
xrange(Te &) -> xrange<
std::integral_constant<typename std::common_type<typename std::remove_const<Te>::type, unsigned>::type, 0u>,
Te &
template <typename Te, Te e>
xrange(std::integral_constant<Te, e>) -> xrange<Te, std::integral_constant<Te, Te(0)>, std::integral_constant<Te, e>>;