Kp 7fdce88558 Add parentheses around target of simple casts
C casts do not require parentheses.  C++ casts require grouping around
the target.  Prepare for conversion to C++ casts by adding otherwise
unnecessary parentheses around the target of simple C casts.

This pass does not attempt to process expressions that involve
any subexpression that can nest arbitrarily, such as parentheses or
brackets.  It also works only on commonly used standard types.

	(int) a->b;	// changed
	(int) a[b];	// not changed

2016-06-05 01:04:25 +00:00

314 lines
5.6 KiB

* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
* C version of fixed point library
#include <cstdint>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>
#include "dxxerror.h"
#include "maths.h"
namespace dcx {
#define EPSILON (F1_0/100)
namespace {
class fix_sincos_input
const uint8_t m_idx;
const signed m_mul;
fix_sincos_input(fix a) :
m_idx(static_cast<uint8_t>(a >> 8)),
fix64 fixmul64(fix a, fix b)
const fix64 a64 = a;
const fix64 b64 = b;
return (a64 * b64) / 65536;
fix fixdiv(fix a, fix b)
if (!b)
return 1;
const fix64 a64 = a;
return static_cast<fix>((a64 * 65536) / b);
fix fixmuldiv(fix a, fix b, fix c)
if (!c)
return 1;
const fix64 a64 = a;
return static_cast<fix>((a64 * b) / c);
//given cos & sin of an angle, return that angle.
//parms need not be normalized, that is, the ratio of the parms cos/sin must
//equal the ratio of the actual cos & sin for the result angle, but the parms
//need not be the actual cos & sin.
//NOTE: this is different from the standard C atan2, since it is left-handed.
fixang fix_atan2(fix cos,fix sin)
fixang t;
//Assert(!(cos==0 && sin==0));
//find smaller of two
const auto dsin = static_cast<double>(sin);
const auto dcos = static_cast<double>(cos);
double d;
d = sqrt((dsin * dsin) + (dcos * dcos));
if (d==0.0)
return 0;
if (labs(sin) < labs(cos)) { //sin is smaller, use arcsin
t = fix_asin(static_cast<fix>((dsin / d) * 65536.0));
if (cos<0)
t = 0x8000 - t;
return t;
else {
t = fix_acos(static_cast<fix>((dcos / d) * 65536.0));
if (sin<0)
t = -t;
return t;
static unsigned int fixdivquadlongu(quadint n, uint64_t d)
return n.q / d;
uint32_t quad_sqrt(const quadint iq)
const uint32_t low = iq.low;
const int32_t high = iq.high;
int i, cnt;
uint32_t r,old_r,t;
if (high<0)
return 0;
if (high==0 && (int32_t)(low)>=0)
return long_sqrt((int32_t)(low));
if ((i = high >> 24)) {
else if ((i = high >> 16))
else if ((i = high >> 8))
} else {
cnt=0+16; i = high;
r = guess_table[i]<<cnt;
//quad loop usually executed 4 times
r = fixdivquadlongu(iq,r)/2 + r/2;
r = fixdivquadlongu(iq,r)/2 + r/2;
r = fixdivquadlongu(iq,r)/2 + r/2;
do {
old_r = r;
t = fixdivquadlongu(iq,r);
if (t==r) //got it!
return r;
r = t/2 + r/2;
} while (!(r==t || r==old_r));
t = fixdivquadlongu(iq,r);
quadint tq;
//edited 05/17/99 Matt Mueller - tq.high is undefined here.. so set them to = 0
tq.q = 0;
//end edit -MM
if (tq.q != iq.q)
return r;
//computes the square root of a long, returning a short
ushort long_sqrt(int32_t a)
int cnt,r,old_r,t;
if (a<=0)
return 0;
if (a & 0xff000000)
else if (a & 0xff0000)
else if (a & 0xff00)
r = guess_table[(a>>cnt)&0xff]<<cnt;
//the loop nearly always executes 3 times, so we'll unroll it 2 times and
//not do any checking until after the third time. By my calcutations, the
//loop is executed 2 times in 99.97% of cases, 3 times in 93.65% of cases,
//four times in 16.18% of cases, and five times in 0.44% of cases. It never
//executes more than five times. By timing, I determined that is is faster
//to always execute three times and not check for termination the first two
//times through. This means that in 93.65% of cases, we save 6 cmp/jcc pairs,
//and in 6.35% of cases we do an extra divide. In real life, these numbers
//might not be the same.
r = ((a/r)+r)/2;
r = ((a/r)+r)/2;
do {
old_r = r;
t = a/r;
if (t==r) //got it!
return r;
r = (t+r)/2;
} while (!(r==t || r==old_r));
if (a % r)
return r;
//computes the square root of a fix, returning a fix
fix fix_sqrt(fix a)
return static_cast<fix>(long_sqrt(a)) << 8;
static fix fix_sincos(const uint8_t idx0, const signed mul)
const fix t0 = sincos_table[idx0];
const uint8_t idx1 = idx0 + 1;
const fix t1 = sincos_table[idx1];
return (t0 + (((t1 - t0) * mul) >> 8)) << 2;
static fix fix_sin(const fix_sincos_input sci)
return fix_sincos(sci.m_idx, sci.m_mul);
static fix fix_cos(const fix_sincos_input sci)
return fix_sincos(static_cast<uint8_t>(sci.m_idx + 64), sci.m_mul);
//compute sine and cosine of an angle, filling in the variables
//either of the pointers can be NULL
//with interpolation
fix_sincos_result fix_sincos(fix a)
fix_sincos_input i(a);
return {fix_sin(i), fix_cos(i)};
fix fix_sin(fix a)
return fix_sin(fix_sincos_input{a});
fix fix_cos(fix a)
return fix_cos(fix_sincos_input{a});
//compute sine and cosine of an angle, filling in the variables
//either of the pointers can be NULL
//no interpolation
fix fix_fastsin(fix a)
const uint8_t i = static_cast<uint8_t>(a >> 8);
return sincos_table[i] << 2;
//compute inverse sine
fixang fix_asin(fix v)
fix vv;
int i,f,aa;
vv = labs(v);
if (vv >= f1_0) //check for out of range
return 0x4000;
i = (vv>>8)&0xff;
f = vv&0xff;
aa = asin_table[i];
aa = aa + (((asin_table[i+1] - aa) * f)>>8);
if (v < 0)
aa = -aa;
return aa;
//compute inverse cosine
fixang fix_acos(fix v)
fix vv;
int i,f,aa;
vv = labs(v);
if (vv >= f1_0) //check for out of range
return 0;
i = (vv>>8)&0xff;
f = vv&0xff;
aa = acos_table[i];
aa = aa + (((acos_table[i+1] - aa) * f)>>8);
if (v < 0)
aa = 0x8000 - aa;
return aa;