
3244 lines
119 KiB

# needed imports
from collections import (defaultdict, Counter as collections_counter)
import binascii
import errno
import itertools
import subprocess
import sys
import os
import SCons.Util
# Disable injecting tools into default namespace
SCons.Defaults.DefaultEnvironment(tools = [])
def message(program,msg):
print "%s: %s" % (program.program_message_prefix, msg)
# endianess-checker
def checkEndian():
if ARGUMENTS.has_key('endian'):
r = ARGUMENTS['endian']
if r == "little" or r == "big":
return r
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown endian value: %s" % r)
import struct
array = struct.pack('cccc', '\x01', '\x02', '\x03', '\x04')
i = struct.unpack('i', array)
if i == struct.unpack('<i', array):
return "little"
elif i == struct.unpack('>i', array):
return "big"
return "unknown"
def get_Werror_string(l):
if l and '-Werror' in l:
return '-W'
return '-Werror='
class StaticSubprocess:
class CachedCall:
def __init__(self,out,err,returncode):
self.out = out
self.err = err
self.returncode = returncode
__call_cache = {}
def pcall(cls,args,stdout,stderr=None):
a = repr(args)
return cls.__call_cache[a]
except KeyError:
p = subprocess.Popen(args, executable=args[0], stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr, close_fds=True)
(o, e) = p.communicate()
cls.__call_cache[a] = c = cls.CachedCall(o, e, p.wait())
return c
class Git(StaticSubprocess):
__missing_git = StaticSubprocess.CachedCall(None, None, 1)
__path_git = None
def pcall(cls,args,stdout,stderr=None):
git = cls.__path_git
if git is None:
cls.__path_git = git = (os.environ.get('GIT', 'git').split(),)
git = git[0]
if not git:
return cls.__missing_git
return StaticSubprocess.pcall(git + args, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr)
def spcall(cls,args,stdout,stderr=None):
g = cls.pcall(args, stdout, stderr)
if g.returncode:
return None
return g.out
class ConfigureTests:
class Collector:
class RecordedTest:
def __init__(self,name,desc):
self.name = name
self.desc = desc
def __init__(self):
self.tests = []
self.record = self.tests.append
def __call__(self,f):
desc = None
doc = getattr(f, '__doc__', None)
if doc is not None:
doc = doc.rstrip().splitlines()
if doc and doc[-1].startswith("help:"):
desc = doc[-1][5:]
self.record(self.RecordedTest(f.__name__, desc))
return f
class Cxx11RequiredFeature:
def __init__(self,name,text,main=''):
self.name = name
name = {'N' : 'test_' + name.replace(' ', '_')}
self.text = text % name
self.main = ('{' + (main % name) + '}\n') if main else ''
class PreservedEnvironment:
def __init__(self,env,keys):
self.flags = {k: env.get(k, [])[:] for k in keys}
def restore(self,env):
def __getitem__(self,key):
return self.flags.__getitem__(key)
class ForceVerboseLog:
def __init__(self,env):
# Force verbose output to sconf.log
self.cc_env_strings = {}
for k in (
self.cc_env_strings[k] = env[k]
del env[k]
except KeyError:
def restore(self,env):
# Restore potential quiet build options
class pkgconfig:
__pkg_config_path_cache = {}
__pkg_config_data_cache = {}
def _get_pkg_config_name(user_settings):
p = user_settings.PKG_CONFIG
if p is not None:
return p
p = user_settings.CHOST
if p:
return p + '-pkg-config'
return 'pkg-config'
def _get_pkg_config_exec_path(context,message,pkgconfig):
if not pkgconfig:
message("pkg-config is disabled by user settings")
return pkgconfig
if os.sep in pkgconfig:
message("using pkg-config at user specified path %s" % pkgconfig)
return pkgconfig
# No path specified, search in $PATH
for p in os.environ.get('PATH', '').split(os.pathsep):
fp = os.path.join(p, pkgconfig)
os.close(os.open(fp, os.O_RDONLY))
except OSError as e:
# Ignore on permission errors. If pkg-config is
# runnable but not readable, the user must
# specify its path.
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT or e.errno == errno.EACCES:
message("using pkg-config at discovered path %s" % fp)
return fp
message("no usable pkg-config %r found in $PATH" % pkgconfig)
def _get_pkg_config_path(cls,context,message,user_settings,display_name):
pkgconfig = cls._get_pkg_config_name(user_settings)
cache = cls.__pkg_config_path_cache
return cache[pkgconfig]
except KeyError:
cache[pkgconfig] = path = cls._get_pkg_config_exec_path(context, message, pkgconfig)
return path
def _find_pkg_config(cls,context,message,user_settings,pkgconfig_name,display_name):
message("checking %s pkg-config %s" % (display_name, pkgconfig_name))
pkgconfig = cls._get_pkg_config_path(context, message, user_settings, display_name)
if not pkgconfig:
message("skipping %s pkg-config" % display_name)
return {}
cmd = '%s --cflags --libs %s' % (pkgconfig, pkgconfig_name)
cache = cls.__pkg_config_data_cache
flags = cache[cmd]
message("reusing %s settings from `%s`" % (display_name, cmd))
return flags
except KeyError as e:
message("reading %s settings from `%s`" % (display_name, cmd))
flags = context.env.ParseFlags('!' + cmd)
except OSError as o:
message("%s pkg-config failed; user must add required flags via environment for `%s`" % (display_name, cmd))
flags = {}
cache[cmd] = flags
return flags
def merge(cls,context,message,user_settings,pkgconfig_name,display_name):
flags = cls._find_pkg_config(context, message, user_settings, pkgconfig_name, display_name)
return {k:v for k,v in flags.items() if v and (k[0] == 'C' or k[0] == 'L')}
# Force test to report failure
sconf_force_failure = 'force-failure'
# Force test to report success, and modify flags like it
# succeeded
sconf_force_success = 'force-success'
# Force test to report success, do not modify flags
sconf_assume_success = 'assume-success'
expect_sconf_success = 'success'
expect_sconf_failure = 'failure'
_implicit_test = Collector()
_custom_test = Collector()
implicit_tests = _implicit_test.tests
custom_tests = _custom_test.tests
comment_not_supported = '/* not supported */'
__flags_Werror = {k:['-Werror'] for k in ['CXXFLAGS']}
_cxx_conformance_cxx11 = 11
_cxx_conformance_cxx14 = 14
__cxx11_required_features = [
Cxx11RequiredFeature('constexpr', '''
struct %(N)s {};
constexpr %(N)s a(){return {};}
Cxx11RequiredFeature('nullptr', '''
#include <cstddef>
std::nullptr_t %(N)s1 = nullptr;
int *%(N)s2 = nullptr;
Cxx11RequiredFeature('explicit operator bool', '''
struct %(N)s {
explicit operator bool();
Cxx11RequiredFeature('template aliases', '''
using %(N)s_typedef = int;
template <typename>
struct %(N)s_struct;
template <typename T>
using %(N)s_alias = %(N)s_struct<T>;
''', '''
%(N)s_struct<int> *a = nullptr;
%(N)s_alias<int> *b = a;
Cxx11RequiredFeature('trailing function return type', '''
auto %(N)s()->int;
Cxx11RequiredFeature('class scope static constexpr assignment', '''
struct %(N)s_instance {
struct %(N)s_container {
static constexpr %(N)s_instance a = {};
Cxx11RequiredFeature('braced base class initialization', '''
struct %(N)s_base {
int a;
struct %(N)s_derived : %(N)s_base {
%(N)s_derived(int e) : %(N)s_base{e} {}
Cxx11RequiredFeature('std::unordered_map::emplace', '''
#include <unordered_map>
''', '''
std::unordered_map<int,int> m;
m.emplace(0, 0);
def __init__(self,msgprefix,user_settings,platform_settings):
self.msgprefix = msgprefix
self.user_settings = user_settings
self.platform_settings = platform_settings
self.successful_flags = defaultdict(list)
self.__cxx_conformance = None
self._sconf_results = []
def message(self,msg):
print "%s: %s" % (self.msgprefix, msg)
def _quote_macro_value(v):
return v.strip().replace('\n', ' \\\n')
def _check_sconf_forced(self,calling_function):
return self._check_forced(calling_function), self._check_expected(calling_function)
def _find_calling_sconf_function():
except ZeroDivisionError:
frame = sys.exc_info()[2].tb_frame.f_back.f_back
while frame is not None:
co_name = frame.f_code.co_name
if co_name[:6] == 'check_':
return co_name[6:]
frame = frame.f_back
# This assertion is hit if a test is asked to deduce its caller
# (calling_function=None), but no function in the call stack appears to
# be a checking function.
assert False, "SConf caller not specified and no acceptable caller in stack."
def _check_forced(self,name):
# This getattr will raise AttributeError if called for a function which
# is not a registered test. Tests must be registered as an implicit
# test (in implicit_tests, usually by applying the @_implicit_test
# decorator) or a custom test (in custom_tests, usually by applying the
# @_custom_test decorator).
# Unregistered tests are never documented and cannot be overridden by
# the user.
return getattr(self.user_settings, 'sconf_%s' % name)
def _check_expected(self,name):
# The remarks for _check_forced apply here too.
r = getattr(self.user_settings, 'expect_sconf_%s' % name)
if r is not None:
if r == self.expect_sconf_success:
return 1
if r == self.expect_sconf_failure:
return 0
return r
def _check_macro(self,context,macro_name,macro_value,test,**kwargs):
macro_value = self._quote_macro_value(macro_value)
r = self.Compile(context, text="""
#define {macro_name} {macro_value}
""".format(macro_name=macro_name, macro_value=macro_value, test=test), **kwargs)
if r:
context.sconf.Define(macro_name, macro_value)
context.sconf.Define(macro_name, self.comment_not_supported)
implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ccache_distcc_ld_works', "assume ccache, distcc, C++ compiler, and C++ linker work"))
implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ccache_ld_works', "assume ccache, C++ compiler, and C++ linker work"))
implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_distcc_ld_works', "assume distcc, C++ compiler, and C++ linker work"))
implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_ld_works', "assume C++ compiler and linker work"))
# This must be the first custom test. This test verifies the compiler
# works and disables any use of ccache/distcc for the duration of the
# configure run.
# SCons caches configuration results and tests are usually very small, so
# ccache will provide limited benefit.
# Some tests are expected to raise a compiler error. If distcc is used
# and DISTCC_FALLBACK prevents local retries, then distcc interprets a
# compiler error as an indication that the volunteer which served that
# compile is broken and should be blacklisted. Suppress use of distcc for
# all tests to avoid spurious blacklist entries.
# During the main build, compiling remotely can allow more jobs to run in
# parallel. Tests are serialized by SCons, so distcc is helpful during
# testing only if compiling remotely is faster than compiling locally.
# This may be true for embedded systems that distcc to desktops, but will
# not be true for desktops or laptops that distcc to similar sized
# machines.
def check_cxx_works(self,context):
help:assume C++ compiler works
cenv = context.env
penv = cenv['ENV']
self.__cxx_com_prefix = cenv['CXXCOM']
# Require ccache to run the next stage, but allow it to write the
# result to cache. This lets the test validate that ccache fails for
# an unusable CCACHE_DIR and also validate that the next stage handles
# the input correctly. Without this, a cached result may hide that
# the next stage compiler (or wrapper) worked when a prior run
# performed the test, but is now broken.
penv['CCACHE_RECACHE'] = '1'
most_recent_error = self._check_cxx_works(context)
if most_recent_error is not None:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError(most_recent_error)
del penv['CCACHE_RECACHE']
# If ccache/distcc are in use, disable them during testing.
# This assignment is also done in _check_cxx_works, but only on an
# error path. Repeat it here so that it is effective on the success
# path. It cannot be moved above the call to _check_cxx_works because
# some tests in _check_cxx_works rely on its original value.
cenv['CXXCOM'] = cenv._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix
def _check_cxx_works(self,context):
# Test whether the compiler+linker+optional wrapper(s) work. If
# anything fails, a StopError is guaranteed on return. However, to
# help the user, this function pushes through all the combinations and
# reports the StopError for the least complicated issue. If both the
# compiler and the linker fail, the compiler will be reported, since
# the linker might work once the compiler is fixed.
# If a test fails, then the pending StopError allows this function to
# safely modify the construction environment and process environment
# without reverting its changes.
most_recent_error = None
Link = self.Link
cenv = context.env
use_distcc = self.user_settings.distcc
if self.user_settings.ccache:
if use_distcc:
if Link(context, text='', msg='whether ccache, distcc, C++ compiler, and linker work', calling_function='ccache_distcc_ld_works'):
most_recent_error = 'ccache and C++ linker work, but distcc does not work.'
# Disable distcc so that the next call to self.Link tests only
# ccache+linker.
del cenv['ENV']['CCACHE_PREFIX']
if Link(context, text='', msg='whether ccache, C++ compiler, and linker work', calling_function='ccache_ld_works'):
return most_recent_error
most_recent_error = 'C++ linker works, but ccache does not work.'
elif use_distcc:
if Link(context, text='', msg='whether distcc, C++ compiler, and linker work', calling_function='distcc_ld_works'):
most_recent_error = 'C++ linker works, but distcc does not work.'
# This assertion fails if the environment's $CXXCOM was modified
# to use a prefix, but both user_settings.ccache and
# user_settings.distcc evaluate to false.
assert cenv._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix is cenv['CXXCOM'], "Unexpected prefix in $CXXCOM."
# If ccache/distcc are in use, then testing with one or both of them
# failed. Disable them so that the next test can check whether the
# local linker works.
# If they are not in use, this assignment is a no-op.
cenv['CXXCOM'] = cenv._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix
if Link(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler and linker work', calling_function='ld_works'):
return most_recent_error
# Force only compile, even if LTO is enabled.
elif self._Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler works', calling_function='cxx_works'):
return 'C++ compiler works, but C++ linker does not work.'
return 'C++ compiler does not work.'
implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_cxx11', "assume C++ compiler supports C++11"))
implicit_tests.append(_implicit_test.RecordedTest('check_cxx14', "assume C++ compiler supports C++14"))
def _check_cxx_conformance_level(self,context):
# Testing the compiler option parser only needs Compile, even when LTO
# is enabled.
Compile = self._Compile
# GCC started with -std=gnu++0x for C++0x (later C++11). In gcc-4.7,
# GCC began accepting -std=gnu++11. Since gcc-4.6 does not accept
# some constructs used in the code, use the newer name here.
# Accepted options by version:
# gcc-4.6 -std=gnu++0x
# gcc-4.7 -std=gnu++0x
# gcc-4.7 -std=gnu++11
# gcc-4.8 -std=gnu++0x
# gcc-4.8 -std=gnu++11
# gcc-4.8 -std=gnu++1y
# gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++0x
# gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++11
# gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++1y
# gcc-4.9 -std=gnu++14
# gcc-5 -std=gnu++0x
# gcc-5 -std=gnu++11
# gcc-5 -std=gnu++1y
# gcc-5 -std=gnu++14
# gcc-5 -std=gnu++1z
# gcc-5 -std=gnu++17
# In all supported cases except gcc-4.8, gcc accepts the number-only
# form if it accepts the approximated form. The only C++14 feature of
# interest in gcc-4.8 is return type deduction, which cannot be used
# until gcc-4.7 is retired. Therefore, it is acceptable for this
# check not to detect C++14 support in gcc-4.8.
for level in (
# List standards in descending order of preference
# C++11 is required, so list it last. Omit the comma as a
# reminder not to append elements to the list.
opt = '-std=gnu++%u' % level
if Compile(context, text='', msg='whether C++ compiler accepts {opt}'.format(opt=opt), successflags={'CXXFLAGS': [opt]}, calling_function='cxx%s' % level):
self.__cxx_conformance = level
raise SCons.Errors.StopError('C++ compiler does not accept any supported C++ -std option.')
def _extend_successflags(self,k,v):
def Compile(self,context,**kwargs):
self.Compile = self.Link if self.user_settings.lto else self._Compile
return self.Compile(context, **kwargs)
def _Compile(self,context,**kwargs):
return self._Test(context,action=context.TryCompile, **kwargs)
def Link(self,context,**kwargs):
return self._Test(context,action=context.TryLink, **kwargs)
def _Test(self,context,text,msg,action,main='',ext='.cpp',testflags={},successflags={},skipped=None,successmsg=None,failuremsg=None,expect_failure=False,calling_function=None):
if calling_function is None:
calling_function = self._find_calling_sconf_function()
context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, msg))
if skipped is not None:
if self.user_settings.record_sconf_results:
self._sconf_results.append((calling_function, 'skipped'))
env_flags = self.PreservedEnvironment(context.env, successflags.keys() + testflags.keys() + self.__flags_Werror.keys() + ['CPPDEFINES'])
forced, expected = self._check_sconf_forced(calling_function)
caller_modified_env_flags = self.PreservedEnvironment(context.env, self.__flags_Werror.keys() + testflags.keys())
# Always pass -Werror
if forced is None:
r = action('''
#undef main /* avoid -Dmain=SDL_main from libSDL */
int main(int argc,char**argv){(void)argc;(void)argv;
''' % (text, main), ext)
if expect_failure:
r = not r
context.Result((successmsg if r else failuremsg) or r)
if expected is not None and r != expected:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError('Expected and actual results differ. Test should %s, but it did not.' % ('succeed' if expected else 'fail'))
choices = (self.sconf_force_failure, self.sconf_force_success, self.sconf_assume_success)
if forced not in choices:
forced = choices[int(forced)]
except ValueError:
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced))
except IndexError:
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Out of range force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced))
if forced == self.sconf_force_failure:
r = False
elif forced == self.sconf_force_success or forced == self.sconf_assume_success:
r = True
raise SCons.Errors.UserError("Unknown force value for sconf_%s: %s" % (co_name[6:], forced))
if expect_failure:
r = not r
context.Result('(forced){inverted}{forced}'.format(forced=forced, inverted='(inverted)' if expect_failure else ''))
# On success, revert to base flags + successflags
# On failure, revert to base flags
if r and forced != self.sconf_assume_success:
for v in successflags.pop('CPPDEFINES', []):
d = v
if isinstance(d, str):
d = (d,None)
if d[0] in ('_REENTRANT',):
# Blacklist defines that must not be moved to the
# configuration header.
context.sconf.Define(d[0], d[1])
for (k,v) in successflags.items():
self._extend_successflags(k, v)
self._sconf_results.append((calling_function, r))
return r
def _soft_check_system_library(self,context,header,main,lib,successflags={}):
include = '\n'.join(['#include <%s>' % h for h in header])
# Test library. On success, good. On failure, test header to
# give the user more help.
if self.Link(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for usable library %s' % lib, successflags=successflags):
if self.Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for usable header %s' % header[-1], testflags=successflags):
return (0, "Header %s is usable, but library %s is not usable." % (header[-1], lib))
if self.Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='for parseable header %s' % header[-1], testflags=successflags):
return (1, "Header %s is parseable, but cannot compile the test program." % (header[-1]))
return (2, "Header %s is missing or unusable." % (header[-1]))
def _check_system_library(self,*args,**kwargs):
e = self._soft_check_system_library(*args, **kwargs)
if e:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e[1])
def check_libphysfs(self,context):
main = '''
PHYSFS_File *f;
char b[1] = {0};
f = PHYSFS_openWrite("a");
PHYSFS_sint64 w = PHYSFS_write(f, b, 1, 1);
f = PHYSFS_openRead("a");
PHYSFS_sint64 r = PHYSFS_read(f, b, 1, 1);
l = ['physfs']
successflags = {'LIBS' : l}
e = self._soft_check_system_library(context, header=['physfs.h'], main=main, lib='physfs', successflags=successflags)
if not e:
if e[0] == 0:
self.message("physfs header usable; adding zlib and retesting library")
e = self._soft_check_system_library(context, header=['physfs.h'], main=main, lib='physfs', successflags=successflags)
if e:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError(e[1])
def _check_SDL(self,context):
if self.user_settings.sdl2:
def check_libSDL(self,context):
self._check_libSDL(context, '')
def check_libSDL2(self,context):
self._check_libSDL(context, '2')
def _check_libSDL(self,context,sdl2):
successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.message, self.user_settings, 'sdl%s' % sdl2, 'SDL%s' % sdl2)
# SDL2 removed CD-rom support.
init_cdrom = '0' if sdl2 else 'SDL_INIT_CDROM'
SDL_RWops *ops = reinterpret_cast<SDL_RWops *>(argv);
auto n = SDL_NumJoysticks();
''' % init_cdrom,
lib='SDL', successflags=successflags
def check_SDL_mixer(self,context):
self._check_SDL_mixer(context, '')
def check_SDL2_mixer(self,context):
self._check_SDL_mixer(context, '2')
def _check_SDL_mixer(self,context,sdl2):
mixer = 'SDL%s_mixer' % sdl2
context.Display('%s: checking whether to use %s...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, mixer, 'yes' if self.user_settings.sdlmixer else 'no'))
# SDL_mixer support?
if not self.user_settings.sdlmixer:
self._extend_successflags('CPPDEFINES', ['USE_SDLMIXER'])
successflags = self.pkgconfig.merge(context, self.message, self.user_settings, mixer, mixer)
if self.user_settings.host_platform == 'darwin':
successflags['FRAMEWORKS'] = [mixer]
relative_headers = 'Library/Frameworks/%s.framework/Headers' % mixer
successflags['CPPPATH'] = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), relative_headers), '/%s' % relative_headers]
int i = Mix_Init(MIX_INIT_FLAC | MIX_INIT_OGG);
lib=mixer, successflags=successflags)
def check_compiler_missing_field_initializers(self,context):
text = 'struct A{int a;};'
main = 'A a{};(void)a;'
if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler accepts {} initialization', testflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wmissing-field-initializers']}) or \
self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler understands -Wno-missing-field-initializers', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-missing-field-initializers']}) or \
not self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether C++ compiler always errors for {} initialization', expect_failure=True):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler errors on {} initialization, even with -Wno-missing-field-initializers.")
def check_attribute_error(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((error))
self._check_function_dce_attribute(context, 'error')
def _check_function_dce_attribute(self,context,attribute):
__attribute__ = '__%s__' % attribute
f = '''
void a()__attribute__((%s("a called")));
''' % __attribute__
macro_name = '__attribute_%s(M)' % attribute
if self.Compile(context, text=f, main='if("0"[0]==\'1\')a();', msg='whether compiler optimizes function __attribute__((%s))' % __attribute__):
context.sconf.Define('DXX_HAVE_ATTRIBUTE_%s' % attribute.upper())
context.sconf.Define(macro_name, '__attribute__((%s(M)))' % __attribute__)
self.Compile(context, text=f, msg='whether compiler accepts function __attribute__((%s))' % __attribute__) and \
self.Compile(context, text=f, main='a();', msg='whether compiler understands function __attribute__((%s))' % __attribute__, expect_failure=True)
context.sconf.Define(macro_name, self.comment_not_supported)
def check_builtin_bswap(self,context):
b = '(void)__builtin_bswap{bits}(static_cast<uint{bits}_t>(argc));'
include = '''
#include <cstdint>
main = '''
b64 = b.format(bits=64),
b32 = b.format(bits=32),
b16 = b.format(bits=16),
if self.Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='whether compiler implements __builtin_bswap{16,32,64} functions', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP', 'DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP16']}):
if self.Compile(context, text=include, main=main, msg='whether compiler implements __builtin_bswap{32,64} functions', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BUILTIN_BSWAP']}):
def check_builtin_constant_p(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports compile-time __builtin_constant_p
f = '''
int c(int);
static int a(int b){
return __builtin_constant_p(b) ? 1 : %s;
main = 'return a(1) + a(2)'
if self.Link(context, text=f % 'c(b)', main=main, msg='whether compiler optimizes __builtin_constant_p'):
context.sconf.Define('dxx_builtin_constant_p(A)', '__builtin_constant_p(A)')
context.sconf.Define('DXX_CONSTANT_TRUE(E)', '(__builtin_constant_p((E)) && (E))')
self.Compile(context, text=f % '2', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_constant_p')
context.sconf.Define('dxx_builtin_constant_p(A)', '((void)(A),0)')
def check_builtin_expect(self,context):
main = '''
return __builtin_expect(argc == 1, 1) ? 1 : 0;
if self.Compile(context, text='', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_expect'):
context.sconf.Define('likely(A)', '__builtin_expect(!!(A), 1)')
context.sconf.Define('unlikely(A)', '__builtin_expect(!!(A), 0)')
macro_value = '(!!(A))'
context.sconf.Define('likely(A)', macro_value)
context.sconf.Define('unlikely(A)', macro_value)
def check_builtin_object_size(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __builtin_object_size
f = '''
int a();
static inline int a(char *c){
return __builtin_object_size(c,0) == 4 ? 1 : %s;
main = '''
char c[4];
return a(c);
if self.Link(context, text=f % 'a()', main=main, msg='whether compiler optimizes __builtin_object_size'):
self.Compile(context, text=f % '2', main=main, msg='whether compiler accepts __builtin_object_size')
def check_embedded_compound_statement(self,context):
f = '''
return ({ 1 + 2; });
if self.Compile(context, text='', main=f, msg='whether compiler understands embedded compound statements'):
context.sconf.Define('DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '')
context.sconf.Define('DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '')
context.sconf.Define('DXX_BEGIN_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '[&]')
context.sconf.Define('DXX_END_COMPOUND_STATEMENT', '()')
void F() __attribute_error(S); \
F(); \
def check_attribute_always_inline(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((always_inline))
macro_name = '__attribute_always_inline()'
macro_value = '__attribute__((__always_inline__))'
self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test='%s static inline void a(){}' % macro_name, main='a();', msg='for function __attribute__((always_inline))')
def check_attribute_alloc_size(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((alloc_size))
macro_name = '__attribute_alloc_size(A,...)'
macro_value = '__attribute__((alloc_size(A, ## __VA_ARGS__)))'
""", msg='for function __attribute__((alloc_size))')
def check_attribute_cold(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((cold))
macro_name = '__attribute_cold'
macro_value = '__attribute__((cold))'
__attribute_cold char*a(int);
""", msg='for function __attribute__((cold))')
def check_attribute_format_arg(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((format_arg))
macro_name = '__attribute_format_arg(A)'
macro_value = '__attribute__((format_arg(A)))'
""", msg='for function __attribute__((format_arg))')
def check_attribute_format_printf(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((format(printf)))
macro_name = '__attribute_format_printf(A,B)'
macro_value = '__attribute__((format(printf,A,B)))'
int a(char*,...)__attribute_format_printf(1,2);
int b(char*)__attribute_format_printf(1,0);
""", msg='for function __attribute__((format(printf)))')
def check_attribute_malloc(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((malloc))
macro_name = '__attribute_malloc()'
macro_value = '__attribute__((malloc))'
int *a()__attribute_malloc();
""", msg='for function __attribute__((malloc))')
def check_attribute_nonnull(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((nonnull))
macro_name = '__attribute_nonnull(...)'
macro_value = '__attribute__((nonnull __VA_ARGS__))'
int a(int*)__attribute_nonnull();
int b(int*)__attribute_nonnull((1));
""", msg='for function __attribute__((nonnull))')
def check_attribute_noreturn(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((noreturn))
macro_name = '__attribute_noreturn'
macro_value = '__attribute__((noreturn))'
self._check_macro(context,macro_name=macro_name,macro_value=macro_value,test='%s void a();void a(){for(;;);}' % macro_name, main='a();', msg='for function __attribute__((noreturn))')
def check_attribute_used(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((used))
macro_name = '__attribute_used'
macro_value = '__attribute__((used))'
static void a()__attribute_used;
static void a(){}
""", msg='for function __attribute__((used))')
def check_attribute_unused(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((unused))
macro_name = '__attribute_unused'
macro_value = '__attribute__((unused))'
static void a(){}
""", msg='for function __attribute__((unused))')
def check_attribute_warn_unused_result(self,context):
help:assume compiler supports __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
macro_name = '__attribute_warn_unused_result'
macro_value = '__attribute__((warn_unused_result))'
int a()__attribute_warn_unused_result;
int a(){return 0;}
""", msg='for function __attribute__((warn_unused_result))')
def check_attribute_warning(self,context):
self._check_function_dce_attribute(context, 'warning')
def Cxx14Compile(self,context,*args,**kwargs):
self.__skip_missing_cxx_std(self._cxx_conformance_cxx14, 'no C++14 support', kwargs)
return self.Compile(context,*args,**kwargs)
def __skip_missing_cxx_std(self,level,text,kwargs):
if self.__cxx_conformance < level:
kwargs.setdefault('skipped', text)
def check_boost_array(self,context,**kwargs):
help:assume Boost.Array works
return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Array', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_ARRAY']}, **kwargs)
def check_cxx_array(self,context,**kwargs):
help:assume <array> works
return self.Compile(context, msg='for <array>', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX_ARRAY']}, **kwargs)
def check_cxx_tr1_array(self,context,**kwargs):
help:assume <tr1/array> works
return self.Compile(context, msg='for <tr1/array>', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX_TR1_ARRAY']}, **kwargs)
def _check_cxx_array(self,context):
include = '''
#include "compiler-array.h"
main = '''
how = self.check_cxx_array(context, text=include, main=main) or self.check_boost_array(context, text=include, main=main) or self.check_cxx_tr1_array(context, text=include, main=main)
if not how:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support <array> or Boost.Array or <tr1/array>.")
def _check_static_assert_method(self,context,msg,f,testflags={},_tdict={'expr' : 'true&&true'},_fdict={'expr' : 'false||false'},**kwargs):
_Compile = self.Compile
return _Compile(context, text=f % _tdict, main='f(A());', msg=msg % 'true', testflags=testflags, **kwargs) and \
_Compile(context, text=f % _fdict, main='f(A());', msg=msg % 'false', expect_failure=True, successflags=testflags, **kwargs)
def check_boost_static_assert(self,context,f):
help:assume Boost.StaticAssert works
return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for Boost.StaticAssert when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_STATIC_ASSERT']})
def check_c_typedef_static_assert(self,context,f):
help:assume C typedef-based static assertion works
return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for C typedef static assertion when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_C_TYPEDEF_STATIC_ASSERT']})
def check_cxx11_static_assert(self,context,f):
help:assume compiler supports C++ intrinsic static_assert
return self._check_static_assert_method(context, 'for C++11 intrinsic static_assert when %s', f, testflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_STATIC_ASSERT']})
def _check_static_assert(self,context):
f = '''
#include "compiler-static_assert.h"
static_assert(%(expr)s, "global");
struct A
static const bool value = %(expr)s;
static_assert(%(expr)s, "class literal");
static_assert(A::value, "class static");
static_assert(%(expr)s, "constructor literal");
static_assert(value, "constructor static");
template <typename>
struct B
static const bool value = %(expr)s;
static_assert(%(expr)s, "template class literal");
static_assert(value, "template class static");
B(A a)
static_assert(%(expr)s, "constructor literal");
static_assert(value, "constructor self static");
static_assert(A::value, "constructor static");
static_assert(a.value, "constructor member");
template <typename R>
B(B<R> &&b)
static_assert(%(expr)s, "template constructor literal");
static_assert(value, "template constructor self static");
static_assert(B<R>::value, "template constructor static");
static_assert(b.value, "template constructor member");
template <typename T>
static void f(B<T> b)
static_assert(%(expr)s, "template function literal");
static_assert(B<T>::value, "template function static");
static_assert(b.value, "template function member");
void f(A a);
void f(A a)
static_assert(%(expr)s, "function literal");
static_assert(A::value, "function static");
static_assert(a.value, "function member");
how = self.check_cxx11_static_assert(context,f) or self.check_boost_static_assert(context,f) or self.check_c_typedef_static_assert(context,f)
def check_boost_type_traits(self,context,f):
help:assume Boost.TypeTraits works
return self.Compile(context, text=f, msg='for Boost.TypeTraits', ext='.cpp', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_TYPE_TRAITS']})
def check_cxx11_type_traits(self,context,f):
help:assume <type_traits> works
return self.Compile(context, text=f, msg='for <type_traits>', ext='.cpp', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_TYPE_TRAITS']})
def _check_type_traits(self,context):
f = '''
#define DXX_INHERIT_CONSTRUCTORS /* bypass sanity check */
#include "compiler-type_traits.h"
typedef tt::conditional<true,int,long>::type a;
typedef tt::conditional<false,int,long>::type b;
if self.check_cxx11_type_traits(context, f) or self.check_boost_type_traits(context, f):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support <type_traits> or Boost.TypeTraits.")
def check_boost_foreach(self,context,**kwargs):
help:assume Boost.Foreach works
return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Foreach', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_FOREACH']}, **kwargs)
def check_cxx11_range_for(self,context,**kwargs):
return self.Compile(context, msg='for C++11 range-based for', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_RANGE_FOR']}, **kwargs)
def _check_range_based_for(self,context):
include = '''
#include "compiler-range_for.h"
main = '''
int b[2];
if not self.check_cxx11_range_for(context, text=include, main=main) and not self.check_boost_foreach(context, text=include, main=main):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support range-based for or Boost.Foreach.")
def check_cxx11_required_features(self,context):
features = self.__cxx11_required_features
text = ''
main = ''
for f in features:
text += f.text
main += f.main
# First test all the features at once. If all work, then done.
# If any fail, then the configure run will stop.
if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='for required C++11 features'):
# Some failed. Run each test separately and report to the user
# which ones failed.
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support %s." %
', '.join(
[f.name for f in features if not self.Compile(context, text=f.text, main=f.main, msg='for C++11 %s' % f.name)]
def check_constexpr_union_constructor(self,context):
# https://gcc.gnu.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=56583
# <=gcc-4.7.x ICE on constexpr union constructors with anonymous
# substructure.
# Works fine without the substructure.
# Works fine in >=gcc-4.8 regardless of substructure.
f = '''
union U {
struct {
int a;
constexpr U(int b) :
U a{640};
self.Compile(context, text=f, msg='whether compiler supports constexpr union constructors', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CONSTEXPR_UNION_CONSTRUCTOR']})
def check_pch(self,context):
for how in [{'CXXFLAGS' : ['-x', 'c++-header']}]:
result = self._Compile(context, text='', msg='whether compiler supports pre-compiled headers', testflags=how)
if result:
self.pch_flags = how
return result
def _show_pch_count_message(self,context,which,user_setting):
count = user_setting if user_setting else 0
context.Display('%s: checking when to pre-compile %s headers...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, which, ('if used at least %u time%s' % (count, 's' if count > 1 else '')) if count > 0 else 'never'))
return count > 0
def _check_pch(self,context):
self.pch_flags = None
# Always evaluate both
co = self._show_pch_count_message(context, 'own', self.user_settings.pch)
cs = self._show_pch_count_message(context, 'system', self.user_settings.syspch)
context.did_show_result = True
if not co and not cs:
context.Display('%s: checking when to compute pre-compiled header input *pch.cpp...%s\n' % (self.msgprefix, 'if missing' if self.user_settings.pch_cpp_assume_unchanged else 'always'))
if not self.check_pch(context):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support pre-compiled headers.")
def _check_cxx11_explicit_delete(self,context):
# clang 3.4 warns when a named parameter to a deleted function
# is not used, even though there is no body in which it could be
# used, so every named parameter to a deleted function is always
# unused.
f = 'int a(int %s)=delete;'
if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named(context, f):
# No bug: named parameters with explicitly deleted functions
# work correctly.
if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named_unused(context, f):
# Clang bug hit. Called function adds -Wno-unused-parameter
# to work around the bug, but affected users will not get
# warnings about parameters that are unused in regular
# functions.
if self.check_cxx11_explicit_delete_anonymous(context, f):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler rejects explicitly deleted functions with named parameters, even with -Wno-unused-parameter.")
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support explicitly deleted functions.")
def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named(self,context,f):
help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with named parameters
return self.Compile(context, text=f % 'b', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with named parameters')
def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_named_unused(self,context,f):
help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with named parameters with -Wno-unused-parameter
return self.Compile(context, text=f % 'b', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with named parameters and -Wno-unused-parameter', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ['-Wno-unused-parameter']})
def check_cxx11_explicit_delete_anonymous(self,context,f):
help:assume compiler supports explicitly deleted functions with anonymous parameters
return self.Compile(context, text=f % '', msg='for explicitly deleted functions with anonymous parameters')
def check_cxx11_free_begin(self,context,**kwargs):
return self.Compile(context, msg='for C++11 functions begin(), end()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_BEGIN']}, **kwargs)
def check_boost_free_begin(self,context,**kwargs):
return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Range functions begin(), end()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_BEGIN']}, **kwargs)
def _check_free_begin_function(self,context):
f = '''
#include "compiler-begin.h"
struct A {
typedef int *iterator;
typedef const int *const_iterator;
iterator begin(){return 0;}
iterator end(){return 0;}
const_iterator begin() const{return 0;}
const_iterator end() const{return 0;}
#define F(C){\
C int a[1]{0};\
C A b{};\
if(begin(a)||end(a)||begin(b)||end(b))return 1;\
main = 'F()F(const)'
if not self.check_cxx11_free_begin(context, text=f, main=main) and not self.check_boost_free_begin(context, text=f, main=main):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support free functions begin() and end().")
def check_cxx11_addressof(self,context,**kwargs):
return self.Compile(context, msg='for C++11 function addressof()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX11_ADDRESSOF']}, **kwargs)
def check_boost_addressof(self,context,**kwargs):
return self.Compile(context, msg='for Boost.Utility function addressof()', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_BOOST_ADDRESSOF']}, **kwargs)
def _check_free_addressof_function(self,context):
f = '''
#include "compiler-addressof.h"
struct A {
void operator&();
main = '''
A b;
return addressof(b) != 0;
if not self.check_cxx11_addressof(context, text=f, main=main) and not self.check_boost_addressof(context, text=f, main=main):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support free function addressof().")
def check_cxx14_exchange(self,context):
f = '''
#include "compiler-exchange.h"
self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, main='return exchange(argc, 5)', msg='for C++14 exchange', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_EXCHANGE']})
def check_cxx14_integer_sequence(self,context):
f = '''
#include <utility>
using std::integer_sequence;
using std::index_sequence;
self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, msg='for C++14 integer_sequence', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_INTEGER_SEQUENCE']})
def check_cxx14_make_unique(self,context):
f = '''
#include "compiler-make_unique.h"
main = '''
self.Cxx14Compile(context, text=f, main=main, msg='for C++14 make_unique', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_CXX14_MAKE_UNIQUE']})
def check_cxx11_inherit_constructor(self,context,text,fmtargs,**kwargs):
help:assume compiler supports inheriting constructors
blacklist_clang_libcxx = '''
/* Test for bug where clang + libc++ + constructor inheritance causes a
* compilation failure when returning nullptr.
* Works: gcc
* Works: clang + gcc libstdc++
* Works: old clang + old libc++ (cutoff date unknown).
* Works: new clang + new libc++ + unique_ptr<T>
* Fails: new clang + new libc++ + unique_ptr<T[]> (v3.6.0 confirmed broken).
memory:2676:32: error: no type named 'type' in 'std::__1::enable_if<false, std::__1::unique_ptr<int [], std::__1::default_delete<int []> >::__nat>'; 'enable_if' cannot be used to disable this declaration
typename enable_if<__same_or_less_cv_qualified<_Pp, pointer>::value, __nat>::type = __nat()) _NOEXCEPT
.sconf_temp/conftest_43.cpp:26:11: note: in instantiation of member function 'std::__1::unique_ptr<int [], std::__1::default_delete<int []> >::unique_ptr' requested here
using B::B;
.sconf_temp/conftest_43.cpp:30:2: note: while substituting deduced template arguments into function template 'I' [with _Pp = I]
return nullptr;
#include <memory>
class I : std::unique_ptr<int[]>
typedef std::unique_ptr<int[]> B;
using B::B;
I a();
I a()
return nullptr;
macro_value = self._quote_macro_value('''
typedef B,##__VA_ARGS__ _dxx_constructor_base_type;
using _dxx_constructor_base_type::_dxx_constructor_base_type;''')
if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(leading_text=blacklist_clang_libcxx, macro_value=macro_value, **fmtargs), msg='for C++11 inherited constructors with good unique_ptr<T[]> support', **kwargs):
return macro_value
return None
def check_cxx11_variadic_forward_constructor(self,context,text,fmtargs,**kwargs):
help:assume compiler supports variadic template-based constructor forwarding
macro_value = self._quote_macro_value('''
template <typename... Args>
D(Args&&... args) :
B,##__VA_ARGS__(std::forward<Args>(args)...) {}
if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(leading_text='#include <algorithm>\n' , macro_value=macro_value, **fmtargs), msg='for C++11 variadic templates on constructors', **kwargs):
return macro_value
return None
def _check_forward_constructor(self,context):
text = '''
#define {macro_name}{macro_parameters} {macro_value}
struct A {{
struct B:A {{
macro_parameters = '(D,B,...)'
# C++03 support is possible with enumerated out template
# variations. If someone finds a worthwhile compiler without
# variadic templates, enumerated templates can be added.
fmtargs = {'macro_name':macro_name, 'macro_parameters':macro_parameters}
for f in (self.check_cxx11_inherit_constructor, self.check_cxx11_variadic_forward_constructor):
macro_value = f(context, text=text, main='B(0)', fmtargs=fmtargs)
if macro_value:
context.sconf.Define(macro_name + macro_parameters, macro_value)
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("C++ compiler does not support constructor forwarding.")
def check_cxx11_ref_qualifier(self,context):
text = '''
struct A {
int a()const &{return 1;}
int a()const &&{return 2;}
main = '''
A a;
return a.a() != A().a();
if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='for C++11 reference qualified methods'):
def check_deep_tuple(self,context):
text = '''
#include <tuple>
static inline std::tuple<{type}> make() {{
return std::make_tuple({value});
static void a(){{
std::tuple<{type}> t = make();
count = 20
if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(type=','.join(('int',)*count), value=','.join(('0',)*count)), main='a()', msg='whether compiler handles 20-element tuples'):
count = 2
if self.Compile(context, text=text.format(type=','.join(('int',)*count), value=','.join(('0',)*count)), main='a()', msg='whether compiler handles 2-element tuples'):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Compiler cannot handle tuples of 20 elements. Raise the template instantiation depth.")
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Compiler cannot handle tuples of 2 elements.")
def check_poison_valgrind(self,context):
help:add Valgrind annotations; wipe certain freed memory when running under Valgrind
context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, 'whether to use Valgrind poisoning'))
r = 'valgrind' in self.user_settings.poison
if not r:
text = '''
#include "poison.h"
main = '''
DXX_MAKE_MEM_UNDEFINED(&argc, sizeof(argc));
if self.Compile(context, text=text, main=main, msg='whether Valgrind memcheck header works', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_POISON_VALGRIND']}):
return True
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Valgrind poison requested, but <valgrind/memcheck.h> does not work.")
def check_poison_overwrite(self,context):
help:always wipe certain freed memory
context.Message('%s: checking %s...' % (self.msgprefix, 'whether to use overwrite poisoning'))
r = 'overwrite' in self.user_settings.poison
if r:
return r
def _check_poison_method(self,context):
poison = None
for f in (
if f(context):
poison = True
if poison:
def check_strcasecmp_present(self,context):
main = '''
return !strcasecmp(argv[0], argv[0] + 1) && !strncasecmp(argv[0] + 1, argv[0], 1);
self.Compile(context, text='#include <cstring>', main=main, msg='for strcasecmp', successflags={'CPPDEFINES' : ['DXX_HAVE_STRCASECMP']})
__preferred_compiler_options = (
__preferred_win32_linker_options = (
def check_preferred_compiler_options(self,context):
ccopts = self.__preferred_compiler_options
ldopts = ()
if self.user_settings.host_platform == 'win32':
ldopts = self.__preferred_win32_linker_options
f, desc = (self.Link, 'linker') if ldopts else (self.Compile, 'compiler')
if f(context, text='', main='', msg='whether %s accepts preferred options' % desc, successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ccopts, 'LINKFLAGS' : ldopts}, calling_function='preferred_%s_options' % desc):
# Everything is supported. Skip individual tests.
# Compiler+linker together failed. Check if compiler alone will work.
# If not ldopts, then next self.Compile is equivalent to previous
# f(...).
if not ldopts or not self.Compile(context, text='', main='', msg='whether compiler accepts preferred options', successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : ccopts}):
# Compiler alone failed.
# Run down the individual compiler options to find any that work.
for opt in ccopts:
self.Compile(context, text='', main='', msg='whether compiler accepts option %s' % opt, successflags={'CXXFLAGS' : (opt,)}, calling_function=self.mangle_compiler_option_name(opt)[6:])
# Run down the individual linker options to find any that work.
for opt in ldopts:
self.Link(context, text='', main='', msg='whether linker accepts option %s' % opt, successflags={'LINKFLAGS' : (opt,)}, calling_function=self.mangle_linker_option_name(opt)[6:])
def mangle_compiler_option_name(opt):
return 'check_compiler_option%s' % opt.replace('-', '_').replace('=', '_')
def mangle_linker_option_name(opt):
return 'check_linker_option%s' % opt.replace('-', '_').replace(',', '_')
def register_preferred_compiler_options(cls):
del cls.register_preferred_compiler_options
ccopts = cls.__preferred_compiler_options
# Always register target-specific tests on the class. Individual
# targets will decide whether to run the tests.
ldopts = cls.__preferred_win32_linker_options
RecordedTest = cls.Collector.RecordedTest
record = cls.implicit_tests.append
record(RecordedTest('check_preferred_linker_options', 'assume linker accepts preferred options'))
mangle = cls.mangle_compiler_option_name
for opt in ccopts:
record(RecordedTest(mangle(opt), 'assume compiler accepts %s' % opt))
mangle = cls.mangle_linker_option_name
for opt in ldopts:
record(RecordedTest(mangle(opt), 'assume linker accepts %s' % opt))
assert cls.custom_tests[0].name == cls.check_cxx_works.__name__, cls.custom_tests[0].name
assert cls.custom_tests[-1].name == cls._restore_cxx_prefix.__name__, cls.custom_tests[-1].name
# This must be the last custom test. It does not test the environment,
# but is responsible for reversing test-environment-specific changes made
# by check_cxx_works.
def _restore_cxx_prefix(self,context):
context.env['CXXCOM'] = self.__cxx_com_prefix
context.did_show_result = True
class LazyObjectConstructor:
def __strip_extension(_,name):
return os.path.splitext(name)[0]
def __lazy_objects(cls,self,source):
cache = self.__lazy_object_cache
name = id(source)
return cache[name]
except KeyError as e:
__strip_extension = cls.__strip_extension
env = self.env
StaticObject = env.StaticObject
builddir = self.user_settings.builddir
value = []
extend = value.extend
for s in source:
if isinstance(s, str):
transform_target = __strip_extension
s = (s,)
transform_target = s.get('transform_target', __strip_extension)
s = s['source']
StaticObject(target='%s%s%s' % (builddir, transform_target(self, srcname), OBJSUFFIX), source=srcname) for srcname in s
# Convert to a tuple so that attempting to modify a cached
# result raises an error.
value = tuple(value)
cache[name] = value
return value
def create_lazy_object_property(cls,sources):
return property(lambda s, _f=cls.__lazy_objects, _sources=sources: _f(s, _sources))
def __init__(self):
self.__lazy_object_cache = {}
class FilterHelpText:
def __init__(self):
self.visible_arguments = []
self._sconf_align = None
def FormatVariableHelpText(self, env, opt, help, default, actual, aliases):
if not opt in self.visible_arguments:
return ''
if not self._sconf_align:
self._sconf_align = len(max((s for s in self.visible_arguments if s[:6] == 'sconf_'), key=len))
l = []
if default is not None:
if isinstance(default, str) and not default.isalnum():
default = '"%s"' % default
l.append("default: {default}".format(default=default))
actual = getattr(self, opt, None)
if actual is not None:
if isinstance(actual, str) and not actual.isalnum():
actual = '"%s"' % actual
l.append("current: {current}".format(current=actual))
return (" {opt:%u} {help}{l}\n" % (self._sconf_align if opt[:6] == 'sconf_' else 15)).format(opt=opt, help=help, l=(" [" + "; ".join(l) + "]" if l else ''))
class PCHManager(object):
class ScannedFile:
def __init__(self,candidates):
self.candidates = candidates
# Compile on first use, so that non-PCH builds skip the compile
_re_preproc_match = None
_re_include_match = None
_re_singleline_comments_sub = None
# Source files are tracked at class scope because all builds share
# the same source tree.
_cls_scanned_files = None
# Import required modules when the first PCHManager is created, then
# remove the hook and use object.__new__ to create PCHManager
# instances.
def __new__(cls,*args):
from re import compile as c
# Match C preprocessor directives that start with i or e,
# capture any arguments, and allow no arguments. This accepts:
# - #if
# - #ifdef
# - #ifndef
# - #else
# - #endif
# - #include
# - #error
cls._re_preproc_match = c(r'#\s*([ie]\w+)(?:\s+(.*))?').match
# Capture the argument in a #include statement, including the
# angle brackets or quotes.
# Rebirth currently has no computed includes, so ignore computed
# includes.
cls._re_include_match = c(r'(<[^>]+>|"[^"]+")').match
# Strip a single-line C++ style comment ("// Text") and any
# preceding whitespace. The C preprocessor will discard these
# when compiling the header. Discarding them from the
# environment Value will prevent rebuilding pch.cpp when the
# only change is in such a comment.
cls._re_singleline_comments_sub = c(r'\s*//.*').sub
# dict with key=filename with path, value=ScannedFile
cls._cls_scanned_files = {}
from tempfile import mkstemp
cls._tempfile_mkstemp = staticmethod(mkstemp)
del cls.__new__
return cls.__new__(cls,*args)
def __init__(self,user_settings,env,pch_subdir,configure_pch_flags,common_pch_manager):
assert user_settings.syspch or user_settings.pch
self.user_settings = user_settings
self.env = env
# dict with key=fs.File, value=ScannedFile
self._instance_scanned_files = {}
self._common_pch_manager = common_pch_manager
self.syspch_cpp_filename = syspch_cpp_filename = self.ownpch_cpp_filename = ownpch_cpp_filename = None
self.syspch_object_node = syspch_object_node = self.ownpch_object_node = None
self.required_pch_object_node = None
CXXFLAGS = env['CXXFLAGS'] + configure_pch_flags['CXXFLAGS']
File = env.File
if user_settings.syspch:
self.syspch_cpp_filename = syspch_cpp_filename = os.path.join(user_settings.builddir, pch_subdir, 'syspch.cpp')
self.syspch_cpp_node = File(syspch_cpp_filename)
self.required_pch_object_node = self.syspch_object_node = syspch_object_node = env.StaticObject(target='%s.gch' % syspch_cpp_filename, source=self.syspch_cpp_node, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS)
if user_settings.pch:
self.ownpch_cpp_filename = ownpch_cpp_filename = os.path.join(user_settings.builddir, pch_subdir, 'ownpch.cpp')
self.ownpch_cpp_node = File(ownpch_cpp_filename)
if syspch_object_node:
CXXFLAGS += ['-include', syspch_cpp_filename, '-Winvalid-pch']
self.required_pch_object_node = self.ownpch_object_node = ownpch_object_node = env.StaticObject(target='%s.gch' % ownpch_cpp_filename, source=self.ownpch_cpp_node, CXXFLAGS=CXXFLAGS)
env.Depends(ownpch_object_node, File(os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, 'dxxsconf.h')))
if syspch_object_node:
env.Depends(ownpch_object_node, syspch_object_node)
self.pch_CXXFLAGS = ['-include', ownpch_cpp_filename or syspch_cpp_filename, '-Winvalid-pch']
# If assume unchanged and the file exists, skip registering the
# emitter and set __files_included to a dummy value. This
# bypasses scanning source files and guarantees that the text of
# pch.cpp is not changed. SCons will still recompile pch.cpp
# into a new .gch file if pch.cpp includes files that SCons
# recognizes as changed.
if user_settings.pch_cpp_assume_unchanged and \
(not syspch_cpp_filename or os.path.exists(syspch_cpp_filename)) and \
(not ownpch_cpp_filename or os.path.exists(ownpch_cpp_filename)):
# collections.defaultdict with key from ScannedFile.candidates,
# value is a collections.Counter with key=tuple of preprocessor
# guards, value=count of times this header was included under
# that set of guards.
self.__files_included = defaultdict(collections_counter)
self.__env_Program = env.Program
self.__env_StaticObject = env.StaticObject
env.Program = self.Program
env.StaticObject = self.StaticObject
def record_file(self,env,source_file):
# Every scanned file goes into self._cls_scanned_files to
# prevent duplicate scanning from multiple targets.
f = self._cls_scanned_files.get(source_file, None)
if f is None:
self._cls_scanned_files[source_file] = f = self.scan_file(env, source_file)
self._instance_scanned_files[source_file] = f
return f
# Scan a file for preprocessor directives related to conditional
# compilation and file inclusion.
# The #include directives found are eventually written to pch.cpp
# with their original preprocessor guards in place. Since the
# preprocessor guards are kept and the C preprocessor will evaluate
# them when compiling the header, this scanner does not attempt to
# track which branches are true and which are false.
# This scanner makes no attempt to normalize guard conditions. It
# considers each of these examples to be distinct guards, even
# though a full preprocessor will produce the same result for each:
# #if 1
# #if 2
# #if 3 < 5
# or:
# #ifdef A
# #if defined(A)
# #if (defined(A))
# #if !!defined(A)
# or:
# #ifndef A
# #else
# #endif
# #ifdef A
# #endif
# Include directives are followed only if the calling file will not
# be part of the output pch.cpp. When the calling file will be in
# pch.cpp, then the C preprocessor will include the called file, so
# there is no need to scan it for other headers to include.
# This scanner completely ignores pragmas, #define, #undef, and
# computed includes.
def scan_file(cls,env,source_filenode):
match_preproc_directive = cls._re_preproc_match
match_include_directive = cls._re_include_match
preceding_line = None
lines_since_preprocessor = None
# defaultdict with key=name of header to include, value=set of
# preprocessor guards under which an include was seen. Set is
# used because duplicate inclusions from a single source file
# should not adjust the usage counter.
candidates = defaultdict(set)
# List of currently active preprocessor guards
guard = []
header_search_path = None
for line in map(str.strip, source_filenode.get_contents().splitlines()):
if preceding_line is not None:
# Basic support for line continuation.
line = '%s %s' % (preceding_line[:-1], line)
preceding_line = None
elif not line.startswith('#'):
# Allow unlimited non-preprocessor lines before the
# first preprocessor line. Once one preprocessor line
# is found, track how many lines since the most recent
# preprocessor line was seen. If too many
# non-preprocessor lines appear in a row, assume the
# scanner is now down in source text and move to the
# next file.
if lines_since_preprocessor is not None:
lines_since_preprocessor += 1
if lines_since_preprocessor > 50:
lines_since_preprocessor = 0
# Joined lines are rare. Ignore complicated quoting.
if line[-1] == '\\':
preceding_line = line
m = match_preproc_directive(line)
if not m:
# Not a preprocessor directive or not a directive that
# this scanner handles.
directive = m.group(1)
if directive == 'include':
m = match_include_directive(m.group(2))
if not m:
# This directive is probably a computed include.
name = m.group(1)
bare_name = name[1:-1]
if name[0] == '"':
# Canonicalize paths to non-system headers
if name == '"dxxsconf.h"':
# Ignore generated header here. PCH generation
# will insert it in the right order.
if header_search_path is None:
header_search_path = [
d for d in ([os.path.dirname(str(source_filenode))] + env['CPPPATH'])
# Filter out SDL paths
if not d.startswith('/')
name = None
for d in header_search_path:
effective_name = os.path.join(d, bare_name)
if os.path.exists(effective_name):
name = effective_name
if name is None:
# name is None if:
# - A system header was included using quotes.
# - A game-specific header was included in a
# shared file. A game-specific preprocessor
# guard will prevent the preprocessor from
# including the file, but the PCH scan logic
# looks inside branches that the C preprocessor
# will evaluate as false.
name = env.File(name)
name.__filename = '"%s"' % effective_name
elif directive == 'endif':
# guard should always be True here, but test to avoid
# ugly errors if scanning an ill-formed source file.
if guard:
elif directive == 'else':
# #else is handled separately because it has no
# arguments
guard.append('#%s' % directive)
elif directive in (
guard.append('#%s %s' % (directive, m.group(2)))
elif directive not in ('error',):
raise SCons.Errors.StopError("Scanning %s found unhandled C preprocessor directive %r" % (str(source_filenode), directive))
return cls.ScannedFile(candidates)
def _compute_pch_text(self):
own_header_inclusion_threshold = self.user_settings.pch
sys_header_inclusion_threshold = self.user_settings.syspch
# defaultdict with key=name of tuple of active preprocessor
# guards, value=tuple of (included file, count of times file was
# seen with this set of guards, count of times file would be
# included with this set of guards defined).
syscpp_includes = defaultdict(list)
owncpp_includes = defaultdict(list) if own_header_inclusion_threshold else None
for included_file, usage_dict in self.__files_included.iteritems():
if isinstance(included_file, str):
# System header
cpp_includes = syscpp_includes
name = included_file
threshold = own_header_inclusion_threshold if sys_header_inclusion_threshold is None else sys_header_inclusion_threshold
# Own header
cpp_includes = owncpp_includes
name = included_file.__filename
threshold = own_header_inclusion_threshold
if not threshold:
g = usage_dict.get((), 0)
# As a special case, if this header is included
# without any preprocessor guards, ignore all the
# conditional includes.
guards = \
[((), g)] if (g >= threshold) else \
sorted(usage_dict.iteritems(), reverse=True)
while guards:
preprocessor_guard_directives, local_count_seen = guards.pop()
total_count_seen = local_count_seen
if total_count_seen < threshold:
# If not eligible on its own, add in the count from
# preprocessor guards that are always true when this
# set of guards is true. Since the scanner does not
# normalize preprocessor directives, this is a
# conservative count of always-true guards.
g = preprocessor_guard_directives
while g and total_count_seen < threshold:
g = g[:-1]
total_count_seen += usage_dict.get(g, 0)
if total_count_seen < threshold:
# If still not eligible, skip.
cpp_includes[preprocessor_guard_directives].append((name, local_count_seen, total_count_seen))
if syscpp_includes:
self.__generated_syspch_lines = self._compute_pch_generated_lines(syscpp_includes)
if owncpp_includes:
self.__generated_ownpch_lines = self._compute_pch_generated_lines(owncpp_includes)
def _compute_pch_generated_lines(self,cpp_includes):
generated_pch_lines = []
# Append guarded #include directives for files which passed the
# usage threshold above. This loop could try to combine related
# preprocessor guards, but:
# - The C preprocessor handles the noncombined guards correctly.
# - As a native program optimized for text processing, the C
# preprocessor almost certainly handles guard checking faster
# than this script could handle guard merging.
# - This loop runs whenever pch.cpp might be regenerated, even
# if the result eventually shows that pch.cpp has not changed.
# The C preprocessor will only run over the file when it is
# actually changed and is processed to build a new .gch file.
for preprocessor_guard_directives, included_file_tuples in sorted(cpp_includes.iteritems()):
# local_count_seen is the direct usage count for this
# combination of preprocessor_guard_directives.
# total_count_seen is the sum of local_count_seen and all
# guards that are a superset of this
# preprocessor_guard_directives. The total stops counting
# when it reaches threshold, so it may undercount actual
# usage.
for (name, local_count_seen, total_count_seen) in sorted(included_file_tuples):
generated_pch_lines.append('#include %s\t// %u %u' % (name, local_count_seen, total_count_seen))
# d[2] == l if d is '#else' or d is '#elif'
# Only generate #endif when d is a '#if*' directive, since
# '#else/#elif' do not introduce a new scope.
generated_pch_lines.extend('#endif' for d in preprocessor_guard_directives if d[2] != 'l')
return generated_pch_lines
def _compute_indirect_includes(self):
own_header_inclusion_threshold = self.user_settings.pch
sys_header_inclusion_threshold = self.user_settings.syspch
# Count how many times each header is used for each preprocessor
# guard combination. After the outer loop finishes,
# files_included is a dictionary that maps the name of the
# include file to a collections.counter instance. The mapped
# counter maps a preprocessor guard to a count of how many times
# it was used.
# Given:
# a.cpp
# #include "a.h"
# #ifdef A
# #include "b.h"
# #endif
# b.cpp
# #include "b.h"
# files_included = {
# 'a.h' : { () : 1 }
# 'b.h' : {
# ('#ifdef A',) : 1, # From a.cpp
# () : 1, # From b.cpp
# }
# }
files_included = self.__files_included
for scanned_file in self._instance_scanned_files.itervalues():
for included_file, guards in scanned_file.candidates.iteritems():
i = files_included[included_file]
for g in guards:
i[g] += 1
# If own_header_inclusion_threshold == 1, then every header
# found will be listed in pch.cpp, so any indirect headers will
# be included by the C preprocessor.
if own_header_inclusion_threshold == 1:
# For each include file which is below the threshold, scan it
# for includes which may end up above the threshold.
File = self.env.File
includes_to_check = sorted(files_included.iterkeys(), key=str)
while includes_to_check:
included_file = includes_to_check.pop()
if isinstance(included_file, str):
# System headers are str. Internal headers are
# fs.File.
guards = files_included[included_file]
unconditional_use_count = guards.get((), 0)
if unconditional_use_count >= own_header_inclusion_threshold and own_header_inclusion_threshold:
# Header will be unconditionally included in the PCH.
f = self.record_file(self.env, File(included_file))
for nested_included_file, nested_guards in sorted(f.candidates.iteritems(), key=str):
if not isinstance(included_file, str) and not nested_included_file in files_included:
# If the header is a system header, it will be
# str. Skip system headers.
# Otherwise, if it has not been seen before,
# append it to includes_to_check for recursive
# scanning.
i = files_included[nested_included_file]
# If the nested header is included
# unconditionally, skip the generator.
for g in (nested_guards if unconditional_use_count else (a + b for a in guards for b in nested_guards)):
i[g] += 1
def write_pch_inclusion_file(self,target,source,env):
target = str(target[0])
fd, path = self._tempfile_mkstemp(suffix='', prefix='%s.' % os.path.basename(target), dir=os.path.dirname(target), text=True)
# source[0].get_contents() returns the comment-stripped form
os.write(fd, source[0].__generated_pch_text)
os.rename(path, target)
def StaticObject(self,target,source,CXXFLAGS=None,*args,**kwargs):
env = self.env
source = env.File(source)
o = self.__env_StaticObject(target=target, source=source, CXXFLAGS=self.pch_CXXFLAGS + (env['CXXFLAGS'] if CXXFLAGS is None else CXXFLAGS), *args, **kwargs)
# Force an order dependency on the .gch file. It is never
# referenced by the command line or the source files, so SCons
# may not recognize it as an input.
env.Requires(o, self.required_pch_object_node)
self.record_file(env, source)
return o
def Program(self,*args,**kwargs):
if self._common_pch_manager:
return self.__env_Program(*args, **kwargs)
def _register_pch_commands(self):
if self.__files_included:
# Common code calls this function once for each game which
# uses it. Only one call is necessary for proper operation.
# Ignore all later calls.
syspch_lines = self.__generated_syspch_lines
pch_begin_banner_template = '''
// %r
// Threshold=%u
pch_end_banner = ('''
if self.syspch_object_node:
(pch_begin_banner_template % (self.syspch_cpp_filename, self.user_settings.syspch),),
# ownpch.cpp will include syspch.cpp.gch from the command
# line, so clear syspch_lines to avoid repeating system
# includes in ownpch.cpp
syspch_lines = ()
if self.ownpch_object_node:
(pch_begin_banner_template % (self.ownpch_cpp_filename, self.user_settings.pch),),
('// System headers' if syspch_lines else '',),
// SConf generated header
#include "dxxsconf.h"
// Own headers
def _register_write_pch_inclusion(self,node,lineseq):
# The contents of pch.cpp are taken from the iterables in
# lineseq. Set the contents as an input Value instead of
# listing file nodes, so that pch.cpp is not rebuilt if a change
# to a source file does not change what headers are listed in
# pch.cpp.
# Strip C++ single line comments so that changes in comments are
# ignored when deciding whether pch.cpp needs to be rebuilt.
env = self.env
text = '\n'.join(itertools.chain.from_iterable(lineseq))
v = env.Value(self._re_singleline_comments_sub('', text))
v.__generated_pch_text = text
env.Command(node, v, self.write_pch_inclusion_file)
class DXXCommon(LazyObjectConstructor):
__shared_program_instance = [0]
__shared_header_file_list = []
__endian = checkEndian()
def program_message_prefix(self):
return '%s.%d' % (self.PROGRAM_NAME, self.program_instance)
# Settings which affect how the files are compiled
class UserBuildSettings:
class IntVariable(object):
def __new__(cls,key,help,default):
return (key, help, default, cls.__validator, int)
def __validator(key, value, env):
return True
except ValueError:
raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Invalid value for integer-only option %s: %s.' % (key, val))
# Paths for the Videocore libs/includes on the Raspberry Pi
default_OGLES_LIB = 'GLES_CM'
_default_prefix = '/usr/local'
__stdout_is_not_a_tty = None
def default_builddir(self):
builddir_prefix = self.builddir_prefix
builddir_suffix = self.builddir_suffix
default_builddir = builddir_prefix or ''
if builddir_prefix is not None or builddir_suffix is not None:
fields = [
os.path.basename(self.CXX) if self.CXX else None,
compiler_flags = '\n'.join((getattr(self, attr) or '').strip() for attr in ['CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS'])
if compiler_flags:
# Mix in CRC of CXXFLAGS to get reasonable uniqueness
# when flags are changed. A full hash is
# unnecessary here.
crc = binascii.crc32(compiler_flags)
if crc < 0:
crc = crc + 0x100000000
if self.pch:
fields.append('p%u' % self.pch)
elif self.syspch:
fields.append('sp%u' % self.syspch)
fields.append(''.join(a[1] if getattr(self, a[0]) else (a[2] if len(a) > 2 else '')
for a in (
('debug', 'dbg'),
('lto', 'lto'),
('profiler', 'prf'),
('editor', 'ed'),
('opengl', 'ogl', 'sdl'),
('opengles', 'es'),
('raspberrypi', 'rpi'),
default_builddir += '-'.join([f for f in fields if f])
if builddir_suffix is not None:
default_builddir += builddir_prefix
return default_builddir
def default_memdebug(self):
return self.debug
# automatic setup for raspberrypi
def default_opengles(self):
if self.raspberrypi:
return True
return False
def default_verbosebuild(cls):
# Enable verbosebuild when the output is not directed to a
# terminal. When output is not a terminal, it is likely
# either a pager or a log file, both of which can readily
# handle the very long lines generated by verbose mode.
r = cls.__stdout_is_not_a_tty
if r is None:
isatty = getattr(sys.stdout, 'isatty', None)
# If isatty is None, then assume output is a TTY.
cls.__stdout_is_not_a_tty = r = False if isatty is None else not isatty()
return r
def selected_OGLES_LIB(self):
if self.raspberrypi:
return 'GLESv2'
return self.default_OGLES_LIB
def __default_DATA_DIR(self):
return '%s/share/games/%s' % (self.prefix, self._program.target)
BoolVariable = staticmethod(BoolVariable)
EnumVariable = staticmethod(EnumVariable)
def _generic_variable(key,help,default):
return (key, help, default)
def __get_configure_tests(tests):
return tests.__configure_tests
except AttributeError:
tests.__configure_tests = c = tests.implicit_tests + tests.custom_tests
return c
def _options(self):
EnumVariable = self.EnumVariable
BoolVariable = self.BoolVariable
generic_variable = self._generic_variable
conftests = ConfigureTests
tests = self.__get_configure_tests(conftests)
getenv = os.environ.get
return (
'variable': EnumVariable,
'arguments': [
('expect_sconf_%s' % t.name[6:],
{'allowed_values' : ['0', '1', conftests.expect_sconf_success, conftests.expect_sconf_failure]}
) for t in tests if t.name[0] != '_'
'variable': EnumVariable,
'arguments': [
('sconf_%s' % t.name[6:],
t.desc or ('assume result of %s' % t.name),
{'allowed_values' : ['0', '1', '2', conftests.sconf_force_failure, conftests.sconf_force_success, conftests.sconf_assume_success]}
) for t in tests if t.name[0] != '_'
'variable': BoolVariable,
'arguments': (
('record_sconf_results', False, 'write sconf results to dxxsconf.h'),
('raspberrypi', False, 'build for Raspberry Pi (automatically sets opengles and opengles_lib)'),
('git_describe_version', os.path.exists(getenv('GIT_DIR', '.git')), 'include git --describe in extra_version'),
('git_status', True, 'include git status'),
('versid_depend_all', False, 'rebuild vers_id.cpp if any object file changes'),
'variable': generic_variable,
'arguments': (
('rpi_vc_path', self.RPI_DEFAULT_VC_PATH, 'directory for RPi VideoCore libraries'),
('opengles_lib', self.selected_OGLES_LIB, 'name of the OpenGL ES library to link against'),
('prefix', self._default_prefix, 'installation prefix directory (Linux only)'),
('sharepath', self.__default_DATA_DIR, 'directory for shared game data (Linux only)'),
'variable': self.IntVariable,
'arguments': (
('lto', 0, 'enable gcc link time optimization'),
('pch', None, 'pre-compile own headers used at least this many times'),
('syspch', None, 'pre-compile system headers used at least this many times'),
'variable': BoolVariable,
'arguments': (
('pch_cpp_assume_unchanged', False, 'assume text of *pch.cpp is unchanged'),
('check_header_includes', False, 'compile test each header (developer option)'),
('debug', False, 'build DEBUG binary which includes asserts, debugging output, cheats and more output'),
('memdebug', self.default_memdebug, 'build with malloc tracking'),
('profiler', False, 'profiler build'),
('opengl', True, 'build with OpenGL support'),
('opengles', self.default_opengles, 'build with OpenGL ES support'),
('editor', False, 'include editor into build (!EXPERIMENTAL!)'),
('sdl2', False, 'use libSDL2+SDL2_mixer (!EXPERIMENTAL!)'),
('sdlmixer', True, 'build with SDL_Mixer support for sound and music (includes external music support)'),
('ipv6', False, 'enable IPv6 compability'),
('use_udp', True, 'enable UDP support'),
('use_tracker', True, 'enable Tracker support (requires UDP)'),
('verbosebuild', self.default_verbosebuild, 'print out all compiler/linker messages during building'),
'variable': generic_variable,
'arguments': (
('CHOST', getenv('CHOST'), 'CHOST of output'),
('CXX', getenv('CXX'), 'C++ compiler command'),
('PKG_CONFIG', getenv('PKG_CONFIG'), 'PKG_CONFIG to run (Linux only)'),
('RC', getenv('RC'), 'Windows resource compiler command'),
('extra_version', None, 'text to append to version, such as VCS identity'),
('ccache', None, 'path to ccache'),
('distcc', None, 'path to distcc'),
('distcc_hosts', getenv('DISTCC_HOSTS'), 'hosts to distribute compilation'),
'variable': generic_variable,
'stack': ' ',
'arguments': (
('CPPFLAGS', getenv('CPPFLAGS'), 'C preprocessor flags'),
('CXXFLAGS', getenv('CXXFLAGS'), 'C++ compiler flags'),
('LDFLAGS', getenv('LDFLAGS'), 'Linker flags'),
('LIBS', getenv('LIBS'), 'Libraries to link'),
'variable': EnumVariable,
'arguments': (
('host_platform', 'linux' if sys.platform == 'linux2' else sys.platform, 'cross-compile to specified platform', {'allowed_values' : ['win32', 'darwin', 'linux']}),
'variable': ListVariable,
'arguments': (
('poison', 'none', 'method for poisoning free memory', {'names' : ('valgrind', 'overwrite')}),
'variable': generic_variable,
'arguments': (
('builddir_prefix', None, 'prefix to generated build directory'),
('builddir_suffix', None, 'suffix to generated build directory'),
# This must be last so that default_builddir will
# have access to other properties.
('builddir', self.default_builddir, 'build in specified directory'),
def _names(name,prefix):
return ['%s%s%s' % (p, '_' if p else '', name) for p in prefix]
def __init__(self,program=None):
self._program = program
def register_variables(self,prefix,variables):
self.known_variables = []
for grp in self._options():
variable = grp['variable']
stack = grp.get('stack', None)
for opt in grp['arguments']:
(name,value,help) = opt[0:3]
kwargs = opt[3] if len(opt) > 3 else {}
if name not in variables.keys():
variables.Add(variable(key=name, help=help, default=None if callable(value) else value, **kwargs))
names = self._names(name, prefix)
for n in names:
if n not in variables.keys():
variables.Add(variable(key=n, help=help, default=None, **kwargs))
if not name in names:
self.known_variables.append((names, name, value, stack))
if stack:
for n in names:
variables.Add(self._generic_variable(key='%s_stop' % n, help=None, default=None))
def read_variables(self,variables,d):
for (namelist,cname,dvalue,stack) in self.known_variables:
value = None
found_value = False
for n in namelist:
v = d[n]
found_value = True
if stack:
if callable(v):
value = v(dvalue=dvalue, value=value, stack=stack)
if value:
value = stack.join([value, v])
value = v
if d.get('%s_stop' % n, None):
value = v
except KeyError as e:
if not found_value:
value = dvalue
if callable(value):
value = value()
setattr(self, cname, value)
if self.builddir != '' and self.builddir[-1:] != '/':
self.builddir += '/'
def clone(self):
clone = DXXCommon.UserBuildSettings(None)
for grp in clone._options():
for o in grp['arguments']:
name = o[0]
value = getattr(self, name)
setattr(clone, name, value)
return clone
class UserInstallSettings:
def _options(self):
return (
'variable': self._generic_variable,
'arguments': (
('DESTDIR', None, 'installation stage directory'),
('program_name', None, 'name of built program'),
'variable': BoolVariable,
'arguments': (
('register_install_target', True, 'report install target to SCons core'),
class UserSettings(UserBuildSettings,UserInstallSettings):
def _options(self):
return DXXCommon.UserBuildSettings._options(self) + DXXCommon.UserInstallSettings._options(self)
# Base class for platform-specific settings processing
class _PlatformSettings:
tools = None
ogllibs = ''
platform_objects = []
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
self.__program = program
self.user_settings = user_settings
def env(self):
return self.__program.env
# Settings to apply to mingw32 builds
class Win32PlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings):
ogllibs = ('opengl32',)
tools = ['mingw']
def adjust_environment(self,program,env):
class DarwinPlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings):
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
def adjust_environment(self,program,env):
env.Append(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers'), '/Library/Frameworks/SDL.framework/Headers'])
env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ['ApplicationServices', 'Cocoa', 'SDL'])
if (self.user_settings.opengl == 1) or (self.user_settings.opengles == 1):
env.Append(FRAMEWORKS = ['OpenGL'])
env.Append(FRAMEWORKPATH = [os.path.join(os.getenv("HOME"), 'Library/Frameworks'), '/System/Library/Frameworks/ApplicationServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks'])
# Settings to apply to Linux builds
class LinuxPlatformSettings(_PlatformSettings):
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
self.ogllibs = (user_settings.opengles_lib, 'EGL') if user_settings.opengles else ('GL', 'GLU')
def adjust_environment(self,program,env):
env.Append(CCFLAGS = ['-pthread'])
def __init__(self):
self.__shared_program_instance[0] += 1
self.program_instance = self.__shared_program_instance[0]
self.pch_manager = None
def create_header_targets(self):
fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs()
builddir = self.user_settings.builddir
check_header_includes = os.path.join(builddir, 'check_header_includes.cpp')
if not self.__shared_header_file_list:
open(check_header_includes, 'wt')
headers = Git.pcall(['ls-files', '-z', '--', '*.h'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE).out
excluded_directories = (
self.__shared_header_file_list.extend([h for h in headers.split('\0') if h and not h.startswith(excluded_directories)])
dirname = os.path.join(builddir, self.srcdir)
kwargs = {
'CXXFLAGS' : self.env['CXXFLAGS'][:],
'source' : check_header_includes
Depends = self.env.Depends
StaticObject = self.env.StaticObject
for name in self.__shared_header_file_list:
if not name:
if self.srcdir == 'common' and not name.startswith('common/'):
# Skip game-specific headers when testing common
if self.srcdir[0] == 'd' and name[0] == 'd' and not name.startswith(self.srcdir):
# Skip d1 in d2 and d2 in d1
CPPFLAGS = self.env['CPPFLAGS'][:]
if name[:24] == 'common/include/compiler-':
CPPFLAGS.extend(['-include', 'dxxsconf.h'])
CPPFLAGS.extend(['-include', name])
if not self.user_settings.verbosebuild:
kwargs['CXXCOMSTR'] = "Checking %s %s %s" % (self.target, builddir, name)
Depends(StaticObject(target=os.path.join('%s/chi/%s%s' % (dirname, name, OBJSUFFIX)), CPPFLAGS=CPPFLAGS, **kwargs), fs.File(name))
def create_pch_node(self,archive):
if self.user_settings.check_header_includes:
env = self.env
configure_pch_flags = archive.configure_pch_flags
if not configure_pch_flags:
self.pch_manager = pch_manager = PCHManager(self.user_settings, env, self.srcdir, configure_pch_flags, archive.pch_manager)
def _quote_cppdefine(s,f=repr):
r = ''
prior = False
b2a_hex = binascii.b2a_hex
for c in f(s):
# No xdigit support in str
if c in ' ()*+,-./:=[]_' or (c.isalnum() and not (prior and (c.isdigit() or c in 'abcdefABCDEF'))):
r += c
elif c == '\n':
r += r'\n'
r += r'\\x%s' % b2a_hex(c)
prior = True
prior = False
return '\\"%s\\"' % r
def prepare_environment(self):
# Prettier build messages......
# Move target to end of C++ source command
target_string = ' -o $TARGET'
env = self.env
cxxcom = env['CXXCOM']
if target_string + ' ' in cxxcom:
cxxcom = '%s%s' % (cxxcom.replace(target_string, ''), target_string)
env._dxx_cxxcom_no_prefix = cxxcom
# Add ccache/distcc only for compile, not link
if self.user_settings.ccache:
cxxcom = '%s %s' % (self.user_settings.ccache, cxxcom)
distcc_path = self.user_settings.distcc
if distcc_path is not None:
penv = self.env['ENV']
if distcc_path:
penv['CCACHE_PREFIX'] = distcc_path
elif distcc_path is not None:
penv.pop('CCACHE_PREFIX', None)
elif self.user_settings.distcc:
cxxcom = '%s %s' % (self.user_settings.distcc, cxxcom)
env['CXXCOM'] = cxxcom
# Move target to end of link command
linkcom = env['LINKCOM']
if target_string + ' ' in linkcom:
linkcom = '%s%s' % (linkcom.replace(target_string, ''), target_string)
# Add $CXXFLAGS to link command
cxxflags = '$CXXFLAGS '
if ' ' + cxxflags not in linkcom:
linkflags = '$LINKFLAGS'
linkcom = linkcom.replace(linkflags, cxxflags + linkflags)
env['LINKCOM'] = linkcom
# Custom DISTCC_HOSTS per target
distcc_hosts = self.user_settings.distcc_hosts
if distcc_hosts is not None:
self.env['ENV']['DISTCC_HOSTS'] = distcc_hosts
if (self.user_settings.verbosebuild == 0):
builddir = self.user_settings.builddir if self.user_settings.builddir != '' else '.'
self.env["CXXCOMSTR"] = "Compiling %s %s $SOURCE" % (self.target, builddir)
self.env["LINKCOMSTR"] = "Linking %s $TARGET" % self.target
# Use -Wundef to catch when a shared source file includes a
# shared header that misuses conditional compilation. Use
# -Werror=undef to make this fatal. Both are needed, since
# gcc 4.5 silently ignores -Werror=undef. On gcc 4.5, misuse
# produces a warning. On gcc 4.7, misuse produces an error.
Werror = get_Werror_string(self.user_settings.CXXFLAGS)
self.env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS = [
Werror + 'extra',
Werror + 'format-security',
Werror + 'missing-braces',
Werror + 'missing-include-dirs',
Werror + 'unused',
Werror + 'undef',
Werror + 'pointer-arith',
Werror + 'cast-qual',
Werror + 'missing-declarations',
Werror + 'redundant-decls',
Werror + 'vla',
self.env.Append(CXXFLAGS = ['-funsigned-char'])
self.env.Append(CPPPATH = ['common/include', 'common/main', '.', self.user_settings.builddir])
self.env.Append(CPPFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar('-Wno-sign-compare'))
if (self.user_settings.editor == 1):
self.env.Append(CPPPATH = ['common/include/editor'])
# Get traditional compiler environment variables
for cc in ('CXX', 'RC',):
value = getattr(self.user_settings, cc)
if value is not None:
self.env[cc] = value
for flags in ['CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LIBS']:
value = getattr(self.user_settings, flags)
if value is not None:
self.env.Append(**{flags : SCons.Util.CLVar(value)})
if self.user_settings.LDFLAGS:
self.env.Append(LINKFLAGS = SCons.Util.CLVar(self.user_settings.LDFLAGS))
if self.user_settings.lto:
f = [
# clang does not support =N syntax
('-flto=%s' % self.user_settings.lto) if self.user_settings.lto > 1 else '-flto',
self.env.Append(CXXFLAGS = f)
def check_endian(self):
# set endianess
if (self.__endian == "big"):
message(self, "BigEndian machine detected")
elif (self.__endian == "little"):
message(self, "LittleEndian machine detected")
def check_platform(self):
# windows or *nix?
platform_name = self.user_settings.host_platform
if self._argument_prefix_list:
prefix = ' with prefix list %s' % list(self._argument_prefix_list)
prefix = ''
message(self, "compiling on %s for %s into %s%s" % (sys.platform, platform_name, self.user_settings.builddir or '.', prefix))
if platform_name == 'win32':
platform = self.Win32PlatformSettings
elif platform_name == 'darwin':
platform = self.DarwinPlatformSettings
platform = self.LinuxPlatformSettings
self.platform_settings = platform(self, self.user_settings)
# Acquire environment object...
self.env = Environment(ENV = os.environ, tools = platform.tools)
self.platform_settings.adjust_environment(self, self.env)
def process_user_settings(self):
env = self.env
# opengl or software renderer?
if (self.user_settings.opengl == 1) or (self.user_settings.opengles == 1):
if (self.user_settings.opengles == 1):
message(self, "building with OpenGL ES")
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['OGLES'])
message(self, "building with OpenGL")
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['OGL'])
# debug?
if not self.user_settings.debug:
env.Prepend(CXXFLAGS = ['-g', '-O2'])
if self.user_settings.memdebug:
message(self, "including: MEMDEBUG")
# profiler?
if (self.user_settings.profiler == 1):
env.Append(CPPFLAGS = ['-pg'])
#editor build?
if (self.user_settings.editor == 1):
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['EDITOR'])
# IPv6 compability?
if (self.user_settings.ipv6 == 1):
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['IPv6'])
# UDP support?
if (self.user_settings.use_udp == 1):
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = ['USE_UDP'])
# Tracker support? (Relies on UDP)
if( self.user_settings.use_tracker == 1 ):
env.Append( CPPDEFINES = [ 'USE_TRACKER' ] )
# Raspberry Pi?
if (self.user_settings.raspberrypi == 1):
rpi_vc_path = self.user_settings.rpi_vc_path
message(self, "Raspberry Pi: using VideoCore libs in %r" % rpi_vc_path)
# use CPPFLAGS -isystem instead of CPPPATH because these those header files
# are not very clean and would trigger some warnings we usually consider as
# errors. Using them as system headers will make gcc ignoring any warnings.
env.Append(CPPFLAGS = [
'-isystem=%s/include' % rpi_vc_path,
'-isystem=%s/include/interface/vcos/pthreads' % rpi_vc_path,
'-isystem=%s/include/interface/vmcs_host/linux' % rpi_vc_path,
env.Append(LIBPATH = '%s/lib' % rpi_vc_path)
env.Append(LIBS = ['bcm_host'])
class DXXArchive(DXXCommon):
srcdir = 'common'
target = 'dxx-common'
__objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
objects_use_sdl1 = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
# for non-ogl
objects_arch_sdl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
# for ogl
objects_arch_ogl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
objects_arch_sdlmixer = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
class Win32PlatformSettings(LazyObjectConstructor, DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings):
platform_objects = LazyObjectConstructor.create_lazy_object_property([
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.__init__(self, program, user_settings)
self.user_settings = user_settings
class DarwinPlatformSettings(LazyObjectConstructor, DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings):
platform_objects = LazyObjectConstructor.create_lazy_object_property([
def __init__(self, program, user_settings):
DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.__init__(self, program, user_settings)
self.user_settings = user_settings
def objects_common(self):
value = list(self.__objects_common)
extend = value.extend
if not self.user_settings.sdl2:
return value
def __init__(self,user_settings):
self.PROGRAM_NAME = 'DXX-Archive'
self._argument_prefix_list = None
self.user_settings = user_settings.clone()
def configure_environment(self):
fs = SCons.Node.FS.get_default_fs()
builddir = fs.Dir(self.user_settings.builddir or '.')
tests = ConfigureTests(self.program_message_prefix, self.user_settings, self.platform_settings)
log_file=fs.File('sconf.log', builddir)
conf = self.env.Configure(custom_tests = {
k.name:getattr(tests, k.name) for k in tests.custom_tests
conf_dir=fs.Dir('.sconf_temp', builddir),
config_h=fs.File('dxxsconf.h', builddir),
self.configure_added_environment_flags = tests.successful_flags
self.configure_pch_flags = None
if not conf.env:
cc_env_strings = tests.ForceVerboseLog(conf.env)
for k in tests.custom_tests:
getattr(conf, k.name)()
except SCons.Errors.StopError as e:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError('{e0} See {log_file} for details.'.format(e0=e.args[0], log_file=log_file), *e.args[1:])
if self.user_settings.record_sconf_results:
conf.config_h_text += '''
''' % '\n'.join(['check_%s=%s' % (n,v) for n,v in tests._sconf_results])
self.env = conf.Finish()
self.configure_pch_flags = tests.pch_flags
class DXXProgram(DXXCommon):
# version number
static_archive_construction = {}
# None when unset. Tuple of one once cached.
_computed_extra_version = None
def _apply_target_name(self,name):
return os.path.join(os.path.dirname(name), '.%s.%s' % (self.target, os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(name))[0]))
objects_similar_arch_ogl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [
objects_similar_arch_sdl = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [
objects_similar_arch_sdlmixer = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [
__objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [
objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [
objects_use_udp = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join('similar', f) for f in [
class UserSettings(DXXCommon.UserSettings):
def BIN_DIR(self):
# installation path
return '%s/bin' % self.prefix
# Settings to apply to mingw32 builds
class Win32PlatformSettings(DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings):
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
user_settings.sharepath = ''
self.platform_objects = self.platform_objects[:]
def adjust_environment(self,program,env):
DXXCommon.Win32PlatformSettings.adjust_environment(self, program, env)
rcbasename = os.path.join(program.srcdir, 'arch/win32/%s' % program.target)
self.platform_objects.append(env.RES(target='%s%s%s' % (program.user_settings.builddir, rcbasename, env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source='%s.rc' % rcbasename))
env.Append(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(program.srcdir, 'arch/win32/include')])
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-mwindows')
env.Append(LIBS = ['glu32', 'wsock32', 'ws2_32', 'winmm', 'mingw32', 'SDLmain', 'SDL'])
# Settings to apply to Apple builds
class DarwinPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings):
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
user_settings.sharepath = ''
self.platform_objects = self.platform_objects[:]
def adjust_environment(self,program,env):
DXXCommon.DarwinPlatformSettings.adjust_environment(self, program, env)
VERSION = '%s.%s' % (program.VERSION_MAJOR, program.VERSION_MINOR)
if (program.VERSION_MICRO):
VERSION += '.%s' % program.VERSION_MICRO
env['VERSION_NAME'] = '%s v%s' % (program.PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION)
# Settings to apply to Linux builds
class LinuxPlatformSettings(DXXCommon.LinuxPlatformSettings):
def __init__(self,program,user_settings):
if user_settings.sharepath and user_settings.sharepath[-1] != '/':
user_settings.sharepath += '/'
def objects_common(self):
value = list(self.__objects_common)
extend = value.extend
if self.user_settings.use_udp:
return value
def __init__(self,prefix,variables):
self.variables = variables
self._argument_prefix_list = prefix
self.user_settings = self.UserSettings(program=self)
self.user_settings.register_variables(prefix=prefix, variables=self.variables)
def init(self,substenv):
self.user_settings.read_variables(self.variables, substenv)
if not DXXProgram.static_archive_construction.has_key(self.user_settings.builddir):
DXXProgram.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir] = DXXArchive(self.user_settings)
def prepare_environment(self):
archive = DXXProgram.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir]
self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('DXX_VERSION_SEQ', ','.join([str(self.VERSION_MAJOR), str(self.VERSION_MINOR), str(self.VERSION_MICRO)]))])
# For PRIi64
self.env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('__STDC_FORMAT_MACROS',)])
self.env.Append(CPPPATH = [os.path.join(self.srcdir, 'main')])
def banner(self):
print '\n===== %s v%s.%s.%s =====\n' % (self.PROGRAM_NAME, self.VERSION_MAJOR, self.VERSION_MINOR, self.VERSION_MICRO)
def check_platform(self):
env = self.env
# windows or *nix?
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
if (self.VERSION_MICRO):
env['VERSION_NAME'] = '%s v%s' % (self.PROGRAM_NAME, VERSION)
env.Append(LIBS = ['m'])
def process_user_settings(self):
env = self.env
# opengl or software renderer?
# profiler?
if (self.user_settings.profiler == 1):
env.Append(LINKFLAGS = '-pg')
env.Append(CPPDEFINES = [('SHAREPATH', r'\"%s\"' % self.user_settings.sharepath)])
def register_program(self):
def compute_extra_version(cls):
c = cls._computed_extra_version
if c is None:
s = ds = None
v = cls._compute_extra_version()
if v:
s = Git.spcall(['status', '--short', '--branch'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
ds = Git.spcall(['diff', '--stat', 'HEAD'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
cls._computed_extra_version = c = (v or '', s, ds)
return c
def _compute_extra_version(cls):
g = Git.pcall(['describe', '--tags', '--abbrev=8'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return None
if g.returncode:
return None
c = Git.pcall(['diff', '--quiet', '--cached'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).returncode
d = Git.pcall(['diff', '--quiet'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).returncode
return g.out.split('\n')[0] + ('+' if c else '') + ('*' if d else '')
def _register_program(self,dxxstr):
env = self.env
exe_target = os.path.join(self.srcdir, self.target)
static_archive_construction = self.static_archive_construction[self.user_settings.builddir]
objects = static_archive_construction.objects_common
if self.user_settings.sdlmixer:
if self.user_settings.opengl or self.user_settings.opengles:
env.Append(LIBS = self.platform_settings.ogllibs)
message(self, "building with Software Renderer")
if self.user_settings.editor:
exe_target += '-editor'
if self.user_settings.program_name:
exe_target = self.user_settings.program_name
versid_build_environ = ['CXX', 'CPPFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS', 'LINKFLAGS']
versid_cppdefines = env['CPPDEFINES'][:]
versid_cppdefines.extend([('DESCENT_%s' % k, self._quote_cppdefine(env.get(k, ''))) for k in versid_build_environ])
v = StaticSubprocess.pcall(env['CXX'].split(' ') + ['--version'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
if not v.returncode and (v.out or v.err):
v = (v.out or v.err).split('\n')[0]
versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_%s' % 'CXX_version', self._quote_cppdefine(v)))
extra_version = self.user_settings.extra_version
if extra_version is None:
extra_version = 'v%u.%u' % (self.VERSION_MAJOR, self.VERSION_MINOR)
extra_version += '.%u' % self.VERSION_MICRO
git_describe_version = (self.compute_extra_version() if self.user_settings.git_describe_version else ('', '', ''))
if git_describe_version[0] and not (extra_version and (extra_version == git_describe_version[0] or (extra_version[0] == 'v' and extra_version[1:] == git_describe_version[0]))):
# Suppress duplicate output
if extra_version:
extra_version += ' '
extra_version += git_describe_version[0]
if extra_version:
versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_VERSION_EXTRA', self._quote_cppdefine(extra_version, f=str)))
versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_git_status', self._quote_cppdefine(git_describe_version[1])))
versid_cppdefines.append(('DESCENT_git_diffstat', self._quote_cppdefine(git_describe_version[2])))
versid_cppdefines.append(('DXX_RBE"(A)"', "'%s'" % ''.join(['A(%s)' % k for k in versid_build_environ])))
versid_environ = self.env['ENV'].copy()
# Direct mode conflicts with __TIME__
versid_environ['CCACHE_NODIRECT'] = 1
versid_objlist = [self.env.StaticObject(target='%s%s%s' % (self.user_settings.builddir, self._apply_target_name(s), self.env["OBJSUFFIX"]), source=s, CPPDEFINES=versid_cppdefines, ENV=versid_environ) for s in ['similar/main/vers_id.cpp']]
if self.user_settings.versid_depend_all:
env.Depends(versid_objlist[0], objects)
# finally building program...
exe_node = env.Program(target=os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, exe_target), source = objects)
if self.user_settings.host_platform != 'darwin':
if self.user_settings.register_install_target:
install_dir = '%s%s' % (self.user_settings.DESTDIR or '', self.user_settings.BIN_DIR)
env.Install(install_dir, exe_node)
env.Alias('install', install_dir)
syspath = sys.path[:]
cocoa = 'common/arch/cocoa'
sys.path += [cocoa]
import tool_bundle
sys.path = syspath
env.MakeBundle(os.path.join(self.user_settings.builddir, '%s.app' % self.PROGRAM_NAME), exe_node,
'free.%s-rebirth' % dxxstr, os.path.join(cocoa, 'Info.plist'),
typecode='APPL', creator='DCNT',
icon_file=os.path.join(cocoa, '%s-rebirth.icns' % dxxstr),
resources=[[os.path.join(self.srcdir, s), s] for s in ['English.lproj/InfoPlist.strings']])
def GenerateHelpText(self):
return self.variables.GenerateHelpText(self.env)
class D1XProgram(DXXProgram):
PROGRAM_NAME = 'D1X-Rebirth'
target = 'd1x-rebirth'
srcdir = 'd1x-rebirth'
shortname = 'd1x'
def prepare_environment(self):
# Flags and stuff for all platforms...
# general source files
__objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
def objects_common(self):
value = DXXProgram.objects_common.fget(self)
return value
# for editor
__objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
def objects_editor(self):
value = list(DXXProgram.objects_editor.fget(self))
return value
class D2XProgram(DXXProgram):
PROGRAM_NAME = 'D2X-Rebirth'
target = 'd2x-rebirth'
srcdir = 'd2x-rebirth'
shortname = 'd2x'
def prepare_environment(self):
# Flags and stuff for all platforms...
# general source files
__objects_common = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
def objects_common(self):
value = DXXProgram.objects_common.fget(self)
return value
# for editor
__objects_editor = DXXCommon.create_lazy_object_property([{
'source':[os.path.join(srcdir, f) for f in [
def objects_editor(self):
value = list(DXXProgram.objects_editor.fget(self))
return value
variables = Variables([v for (k,v) in ARGLIST if k == 'site'] or ['site-local.py'], ARGUMENTS)
filtered_help = FilterHelpText()
variables.FormatVariableHelpText = filtered_help.FormatVariableHelpText
def _filter_duplicate_prefix_elements(e,s):
r = e not in s
return r
def register_program(program,other_program):
s = program.shortname
l = [v for (k,v) in ARGLIST if k == s or k == 'dxx'] or [other_program.shortname not in ARGUMENTS]
# Fallback case: build the regular configuration.
if len(l) == 1:
if int(l[0]):
return [program((s,''), variables)]
return []
except ValueError:
# If not an integer, treat this as a configuration profile.
r = []
seen = set()
for e in l:
for prefix in itertools.product(*[v.split('+') for v in e.split(',')]):
duplicates = set()
prefix = tuple(p for p in prefix if _filter_duplicate_prefix_elements(p, duplicates))
if prefix in seen:
prefix = ['%s%s%s' % (s, '_' if p else '', p) for p in prefix] + list(prefix)
r.append(program(prefix, variables))
return r
d1x = register_program(D1XProgram, D2XProgram)
d2x = register_program(D2XProgram, D1XProgram)
# show some help when running scons -h
h = """DXX-Rebirth, SConstruct file help:
Type 'scons' to build the binary.
Type 'scons install' to build (if it hasn't been done) and install.
Type 'scons -c' to clean up.
Extra options (add them to command line, like 'scons extraoption=value'):
d1x=[0/1] Disable/enable D1X-Rebirth
d1x=prefix-list Enable D1X-Rebirth with prefix-list modifiers
d2x=[0/1] Disable/enable D2X-Rebirth
d2x=prefix-list Enable D2X-Rebirth with prefix-list modifiers
dxx=VALUE Equivalent to d1x=VALUE d2x=VALUE
substenv = SCons.Environment.SubstitutionEnvironment()
dxx = d1x + d2x
for d in dxx:
h += '%s.%d:\n%s' % (d.PROGRAM_NAME, d.program_instance, d.GenerateHelpText())
unknown = variables.UnknownVariables()
# Delete known unregistered variables
unknown.pop('d1x', None)
unknown.pop('d2x', None)
unknown.pop('dxx', None)
unknown.pop('site', None)
ignore_unknown_variables = unknown.pop('ignore_unknown_variables', '0')
if dxx and unknown:
ignore_unknown_variables = int(ignore_unknown_variables)
except ValueError:
ignore_unknown_variables = False
if not ignore_unknown_variables:
raise SCons.Errors.StopError('Unknown values specified on command line.' +
''.join(['\n\t%s' % k for k in unknown.keys()]) +
'\nRemove unknown values or set ignore_unknown_variables=1 to continue.')