Kp 6da1956337 Defer allocating resample output until replicateChannel begins
This allows `stage1` to be freed before `output` is allocated.
2022-11-12 19:31:52 +00:00

437 lines
11 KiB

* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <https://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
* This is an alternate backend for the sound effect system.
* It uses SDL_mixer to provide a more reliable playback,
* and allow processing of multiple audio formats.
* This file is based on the original D1X arch/sdl/digi.c
* -- MD2211 (2006-10-12)
#include <bitset>
#include <span>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <SDL.h>
#include <SDL_audio.h>
#include <SDL_mixer.h>
#include "pstypes.h"
#include "dxxerror.h"
#include "sounds.h"
#include "digi.h"
#include "digi_mixer.h"
#include "digi_mixer_music.h"
#include "console.h"
#include "config.h"
#include "args.h"
#include "maths.h"
#include "piggy.h"
#include "u_mem.h"
#include <memory>
#include "d_range.h"
#define MIX_DIGI_DEBUG 0
#if !((defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(macintosh))
#define SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE 2048
#define SOUND_BUFFER_SIZE 1024
namespace dcx {
namespace {
template <typename T>
class unique_span : std::unique_ptr<T[]>
using base_type = std::unique_ptr<T[]>;
std::size_t extent;
unique_span(const std::size_t e) :
unique_span(unique_span &&) = default;
using base_type::get;
/* Require an lvalue input, since the returned pointer is borrowed from
* this object. If the method is called on an rvalue input, then the
* unique_ptr would be destroyed and free the memory before the returned
* span was destroyed, which would leave the span dangling.
std::span<T> span() &
return {get(), extent};
std::span<const T> span() const &
return {get(), extent};
std::span<const T> span() const && = delete;
/* channel management */
static unsigned digi_mixer_find_channel(const std::bitset<64> &channels, const unsigned max_channels)
unsigned i = 0;
for (; i < max_channels; ++i)
if (!channels[i])
return i;
struct RAIIMix_Chunk : public Mix_Chunk
RAIIMix_Chunk() = default;
delete [] abuf;
RAIIMix_Chunk(const RAIIMix_Chunk &) = delete;
RAIIMix_Chunk &operator=(const RAIIMix_Chunk &) = delete;
static uint8_t fix2byte(const fix f)
if (f >= UINT8_MAX << 8)
/* Values greater than this would produce incorrect results if
* shifted and truncated. As a special case, coerce such values
* to the largest representable return value.
return UINT8_MAX;
return f >> 8;
uint8_t digi_initialised;
std::bitset<64> channels;
unsigned digi_mixer_max_channels = channels.size();
void digi_mixer_free_channel(const int channel_num)
namespace dsx {
static std::array<RAIIMix_Chunk, MAX_SOUNDS> SoundChunks;
/* Initialise audio */
int digi_mixer_init()
const unsigned
digi_sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE_44K;
con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "digi_init %u (SDL_Mixer)", MAX_SOUNDS.value);
if (SDL_InitSubSystem(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) < 0) Error("SDL audio initialisation failed: %s.", SDL_GetError());
//edited on 10/05/98 by Matt Mueller - should keep running, just with no sound.
con_printf(CON_URGENT,"\nError: Couldn't open audio: %s", SDL_GetError());
CGameArg.SndNoSound = 1;
return 1;
digi_mixer_max_channels = Mix_AllocateChannels(digi_mixer_max_channels);
digi_initialised = 1;
digi_mixer_set_digi_volume( (GameCfg.DigiVolume*32768)/8 );
return 0;
namespace dcx {
/* Shut down audio */
void digi_mixer_close() {
con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "digi_close (SDL_Mixer)");
if (!digi_initialised) return;
digi_initialised = 0;
namespace {
* Blackman windowed-sinc filter coefficients at 1/4 bandwidth of upsampled
* frequency. Chosen for linear phase and approximates ~10th order IIR
* MATLAB/Octave code:
N = 51; % Num coeffs (odd)
B = 0.25; % 1/4 band
half = (N-1)/2;
n = (-half:half); % the sample index
% Windowed sinc
h_ideal = 2 * B .* sinc(B*n);
h_win = blackman(N);
b = h_win .* h_ideal.';
% Convert to fix point to ultimately apply to signed 16-bit data
b_s16 = int32(round(b * (2^16 -1))); % coeffs!
constexpr std::size_t FILTER_LEN = 51;
static constexpr std::array<int32_t, FILTER_LEN> coeffs_quarterband{{
0, 0, -7, -25, -35, 0, 94, 200, 205, 0, -395, -751, -702, 0, 1178, 2127,
1907, 0, -3050, -5490, -5011, 0, 9275, 20326, 29311, 32767, 29311,
20326, 9275, 0, -5011, -5490, -3050, 0, 1907, 2127, 1178, 0, -702,
-751, -395, 0, 205, 200, 94, 0, -35, -25, -7, 0, 0
// Coefficient set for half-band (e.g. 22050 -> 44100)
0, 0, -11, 0, 49, 0, -133, 0, 290, 0, -558, 0, 992, 0, -1666, 0, 2697, 0,
-4313, 0, 7086, 0, -13117, 0, 41452, 65535, 41452, 0, -13117, 0, 7086, 0,
-4313, 0, 2697, 0, -1666, 0, 992, 0, -558, 0, 290, 0, -133, 0, 49, 0, -11,
0, 0
// Fixed-point FIR filtering
// Not optimal: consider optimization with 1/4, 1/2 band filters, and symmetric kernels
static auto filter_fir(const unique_span<int16_t> signal_storage, const std::span<const int32_t, FILTER_LEN> coeffs)
const auto signal{signal_storage.span()};
const std::size_t outsize = signal.size();
unique_span<int16_t> result(outsize);
const auto output{result.span()};
// A FIR filter is just a 1D convolution
// Keep only signalLen samples
for (const auto nn : xrange(outsize))
// Determine start/stop indices for convolved chunk
constexpr std::size_t coeffsLen = FILTER_LEN;
/* Avoid use of `std::max` here, since `nn + 1 < coeffsLen` would cause
* unsigned subtraction to underflow.
const std::size_t min_idx = (nn + 1 > coeffsLen ? nn + 1 - coeffsLen : 0u);
const std::size_t max_idx = nn;
if (min_idx > max_idx)
int32_t cur_output = 0; // Increase bit size for fixed point expansion
// Sum over each sample * coefficient in this column
for (const auto kk : xrange(min_idx, max_idx + 1))
const auto product = int32_t{signal[kk]} * coeffs[nn - kk];
cur_output = cur_output + product;
// Save and fit back into int16
output[nn] = int16_t(cur_output >> 16); // Arithmetic shift
return result;
static auto upsample(const std::span<const uint8_t> input, const std::size_t upsampledLen, const std::size_t factor)
/* Caution: `output` is sparsely initialized, so the value-initialization
* from `make_unique` is necessary. This site cannot be converted to
* `make_unique_for_overwrite`.
unique_span<int16_t> result(upsampledLen);
const auto output{result.span()};
for (const auto ii : xrange(input.size()))
// Save input sample, convert to signed, and scale
output[ii*factor] = 256 * (int16_t(input[ii]) - 128);
return result;
static auto replicateChannel(const unique_span<int16_t> input_storage, const std::size_t outsize, const std::size_t chFactor)
const auto input{input_storage.span()};
auto result = std::make_unique<Uint8[]>(outsize);
const auto output = reinterpret_cast<int16_t *>(result.get());
for (const auto ii : xrange(input.size()))
// Duplicate and interleave as many channels as needed
std::fill_n(std::next(output, ii * chFactor), chFactor, input[ii]);
return result;
static std::unique_ptr<Uint8[]> convert_audio(const std::span<const uint8_t> input, const std::size_t outsize, const int upFactor, const std::size_t chFactor)
const auto upsampledLen = input.size() * upFactor;
// We expect a 4x upscaling 11025 -> 44100
// But maybe 2x for d2x in some cases
auto &coeffs = upFactor ? coeffs_halfband : coeffs_quarterband;
return replicateChannel(
// First upsample
// Apply LPF filter to smooth out upscaled points
// There will be some uniform amplitude loss here, but less than -3dB
filter_fir(upsample(input, upsampledLen, upFactor), coeffs),
outsize, chFactor);
namespace dsx {
namespace {
* Play-time conversion. Performs output conversion only once per sound effect used.
* Once the sound sample has been converted, it is cached in SoundChunks[]
static void mixdigi_convert_sound(const unsigned i)
if (SoundChunks[i].abuf)
//proceed only if not converted yet
Uint8 *data = GameSounds[i].data;
Uint32 dlen = GameSounds[i].length;
int freq;
int out_freq;
int out_channels;
#if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I)
out_freq = digi_sample_rate;
out_channels = MIX_OUTPUT_CHANNELS;
freq = GameSounds[i].freq;
#elif defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_II)
Uint16 out_format;
Mix_QuerySpec(&out_freq, &out_format, &out_channels); // get current output settings
freq = GameArg.SndDigiSampleRate;
if (data)
// Create output memory
int upFactor = out_freq / freq; // Should be integer, 2 or 4
int formatFactor = 2; // U8 -> S16 is two bytes
int convertedSize = dlen * upFactor * out_channels * formatFactor;
auto cvtbuf = convert_audio({data, dlen}, convertedSize, upFactor, out_channels);
SoundChunks[i].abuf = cvtbuf.release();
SoundChunks[i].alen = convertedSize;
SoundChunks[i].allocated = 1;
SoundChunks[i].volume = 128; // Max volume = 128
// Volume 0-F1_0
int digi_mixer_start_sound(short soundnum, const fix volume, const sound_pan pan, const int looping, const int loop_start, const int loop_end, sound_object *)
if (!digi_initialised) return -1;
if (soundnum < 0)
return -1;
const unsigned max_channels = digi_mixer_max_channels;
if (max_channels > channels.size())
return -1;
const auto channel = digi_mixer_find_channel(channels, max_channels);
if (channel >= max_channels)
return -1;
Assert(GameSounds[soundnum].data != reinterpret_cast<void *>(-1));
const int mix_pan = fix2byte(static_cast<fix>(pan));
con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "digi_start_sound %d, volume=%d, pan %d (start=%d, end=%d)", soundnum, volume, mix_pan, loop_start, loop_end);
const int mix_loop = looping * -1;
Mix_PlayChannel(channel, &(SoundChunks[soundnum]), mix_loop);
Mix_SetPanning(channel, 255-mix_pan, mix_pan);
Mix_SetDistance(channel, UINT8_MAX - fix2byte(volume));
return channel;
namespace dcx {
void digi_mixer_set_channel_volume(int channel, int volume)
if (!digi_initialised) return;
Mix_SetDistance(channel, UINT8_MAX - fix2byte(volume));
void digi_mixer_set_channel_pan(int channel, const sound_pan pan)
int mix_pan = fix2byte(static_cast<fix>(pan));
Mix_SetPanning(channel, 255-mix_pan, mix_pan);
void digi_mixer_stop_sound(int channel) {
if (!digi_initialised) return;
con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "digi_stop_sound %d", channel);
void digi_mixer_end_sound(int channel)
void digi_mixer_set_digi_volume( int dvolume )
digi_volume = dvolume;
if (!digi_initialised) return;
Mix_Volume(-1, fix2byte(dvolume));
int digi_mixer_is_channel_playing(const int c)
return channels[c];
void digi_mixer_stop_all_channels()
channels = {};