
59 lines
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System Options:
;-fps Enable FPS indicator by default
;-nicefps Free CPU-cycles. Less CPU load, but game may become choppy
;-maxfps <n> Set maximum framerate (1-80)
;-missiondir <s> Set alternate mission dir to <d> instead of missions/
;-use_players_dir put player files and saved games in Players subdirectory
;-lowmem Lowers animation detail for better performance with low memory
;-legacyhomers Activate original homing missiles (FPS and physics dependent)
;-pilot <s> Select this pilot-file automatically
;-autodemo Start in demo mode
;-notitles Skip title screens
;-window Run the game in a window
;-nomouse Deactivate mouse
;-nojoystick Deactivate joystick
;-mouselook Activate mouselook. Works in singleplayer only
;-grabmouse Keeps the mouse from wandering out of the window
;-nosound Disables sound output
;-nomusic Disables music output
;-aspect<Y>x<X> use specified aspect
;-hud <n> Set hud mode. 0=normal 1-3=new
;-hudlines <n> Number of hud messages to show
;-hiresfont use high resolution fonts if available
;-persistentdebris Enable persistent debris. Works in singleplayer only
;-noreticle Disable reticle
;-gl_mipmap Set gl texture filters to "standard" options for mipmapping
;-gl_trilinear Set gl texture filters to trilinear mipmapping
;-gl_transparency Enable transparency effects
;-gl_reticle <n> Use OGL reticle 0=never 1=above 320x* 2=always
;-gl_voodoo Force fullscreen mode only
;-gl_fixedfont Do not scale fonts to current resolution
;-gl_prshot Take clean screenshots - no HUD and DXX-Rebirth writing
;-mprofile Enable multiplayer game profiles
;-nobans Don't use saved bans
;-savebans Automatically save new bans
;-noredundancy Do not send messages when picking up redundant items in multiplayer
;-playermessages View only messages from other players in multi - overrides -noredundancy
;-ipxnetwork <n> Use IPX network number <n>
;-ip_hostaddr <n> Use <n> as host ip address
;-ip_nogetmyaddr Prevent autodetection of local ip address
;-ip_myaddr <n> Use <a> as local ip address
;-ip_bind_addr <n> Bind to <a> instead of INADDR_ANY
;-ip_baseport <n> Use <p> as offset from normal port