
60 lines
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System Options:
;-nonicefps Don't free CPU-cycles
;-maxfps <n> Set maximum framerate to <n> (default: 200, availble: 30-200)
;-hogdir <s> set shared data directory to <s>
;-nohogdir don't try to use shared data directory
;-use_players_dir put player files and saved games in Players subdirectory
;-lowmem Lowers animation detail for better performance with low memory
;-pilot <s> Select pilot <s> automatically
;-autodemo Start in demo mode
;-notitles Skip title screens
;-window Run the game in a window
;-noborders Do not show borders in window mode
;-nocursor Hide mouse cursor
;-nomouse Deactivate mouse
;-nojoystick Deactivate joystick
;-nostickykeys Make CapsLock and NumLock non-sticky
;-nosound Disables sound output
;-nomusic Disables music output
;-nosdlmixer Disable Sound output via SDL_mixer
;-lowresfont Force to use LowRes fonts
;-gl_fixedfont Do not scale fonts to current resolution
;-udp_hostaddr <s> Use IP address/Hostname <s> for manual game joining (default: localhost)
;-udp_hostport <n> Use UDP port <n> for manual game joining (default: 42424)
;-udp_myport <n> Set my own UDP port to <n> (default: 42424)
;-tracker_hostaddr <n> Address of Tracker server to register/query games to/from (default: dxxtracker.reenigne.net)
;-tracker_hostport <n> Port of Tracker server to register/query games to/from (default: 42420)
Debug (use only if you know what you're doing):
;-debug Enable debugging output.
;-verbose Enable verbose output.
;-safelog Write gamelog.txt unbuffered. Use to keep helpful output to trace program crashes.
;-norun Bail out after initialization
;-renderstats Enable renderstats info by default
;-text <s> Specify alternate .tex file
;-tmap <s> Select texmapper <s> to use (default: c, available: c, fp, quad, i386)
;-showmeminfo Show memory statistics
;-nodoublebuffer Disable Doublebuffering
;-bigpig Use uncompressed RLE bitmaps
;-16bpp Use 16Bpp instead of 32Bpp
;-gl_oldtexmerge Use old texmerge, uses more ram, but might be faster
;-gl_intensity4_ok <n> Override DbgGlIntensity4Ok (default: 1)
;-gl_luminance4_alpha4_ok <n> Override DbgGlLuminance4Alpha4Ok (default: 1)
;-gl_rgba2_ok <n> Override DbgGlRGBA2Ok (default: 1)
;-gl_readpixels_ok <n> Override DbgGlReadPixelsOk (default: 1)
;-gl_gettexlevelparam_ok <n> Override DbgGlGetTexLevelParamOk (default: 1)