Kp 12b57e84e6 Switch most in-tree http:// links to https://
For each link given as http://, verify that the site is accessible over
https:// and, if so, switch to it.  These domains were converted:

* llvm.org
* clang.llvm.org
* en.cppreference.com
* www.dxx-rebirth.com
* www.libsdl.org
* www.scons.org
2018-09-02 00:57:29 +00:00

622 lines
14 KiB

* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <https://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
* Load custom textures & robot data
#include <memory>
#include <string.h>
#include "gr.h"
#include "pstypes.h"
#include "piggy.h"
#include "textures.h"
#include "robot.h"
#include "weapon.h"
#include "digi.h"
#include "hash.h"
#include "u_mem.h"
#include "custom.h"
#include "physfsx.h"
#include "compiler-begin.h"
#include "compiler-make_unique.h"
#include "compiler-range_for.h"
#include "partial_range.h"
//#define D2TMAP_CONV // used for testing
namespace {
struct snd_info
unsigned int length;
uint8_t *data;
struct DiskBitmapHeader2
char name[8];
ubyte dflags;
ubyte width;
ubyte height;
ubyte hi_wh;
ubyte flags;
ubyte avg_color;
int offset;
} __pack__;
struct DiskBitmapHeader
char name[8];
ubyte dflags;
ubyte width;
ubyte height;
ubyte flags;
ubyte avg_color;
int offset;
} __pack__;
struct DiskSoundHeader
char name[8];
int length;
int data_length;
int offset;
} __pack__;
namespace {
struct custom_info
int offset;
int repl_idx; // 0x80000000 -> sound, -1 -> n/a
unsigned int flags;
int width, height;
static array<grs_bitmap, MAX_BITMAP_FILES> BitmapOriginal;
static array<snd_info, MAX_SOUND_FILES> SoundOriginal;
static int load_pig1(PHYSFS_File *f, unsigned num_bitmaps, unsigned num_sounds, unsigned &num_custom, std::unique_ptr<custom_info[]> &ci)
int data_ofs;
int i;
DiskBitmapHeader bmh;
DiskSoundHeader sndh;
char name[15];
num_custom = 0;
if (num_bitmaps <= MAX_BITMAP_FILES) // <v1.4 pig?
PHYSFSX_fseek(f, 8, SEEK_SET);
data_ofs = 8;
else if (num_bitmaps > 0 && num_bitmaps < PHYSFS_fileLength(f)) // >=v1.4 pig?
PHYSFSX_fseek(f, num_bitmaps, SEEK_SET);
data_ofs = num_bitmaps + 8;
num_bitmaps = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
num_sounds = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
return -1; // invalid pig file
if (num_bitmaps >= MAX_BITMAP_FILES ||
num_sounds >= MAX_SOUND_FILES)
return -1; // invalid pig file
ci = make_unique<custom_info[]>(num_bitmaps + num_sounds);
custom_info *cip = ci.get();
data_ofs += num_bitmaps * sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader) + num_sounds * sizeof(DiskSoundHeader);
i = num_bitmaps;
while (i--)
if (PHYSFS_read(f, &bmh, sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader), 1) < 1)
return -1;
snprintf(name, sizeof(name), "%.8s%c%d", bmh.name, (bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_ABM) ? '#' : 0, bmh.dflags & 63);
cip->offset = bmh.offset + data_ofs;
cip->repl_idx = hashtable_search(&AllBitmapsNames, name);
cip->width = bmh.width + ((bmh.dflags & DBM_FLAG_LARGE) ? 256 : 0);
cip->height = bmh.height;
i = num_sounds;
while (i--)
if (PHYSFS_read(f, &sndh, sizeof(DiskSoundHeader), 1) < 1)
return -1;
memcpy(name, sndh.name, 8);
name[8] = 0;
cip->offset = sndh.offset + data_ofs;
cip->repl_idx = hashtable_search(&AllDigiSndNames, name) | 0x80000000;
cip->width = sndh.length;
num_custom = num_bitmaps + num_sounds;
return 0;
static int load_pog(PHYSFS_File *f, int pog_sig, int pog_ver, unsigned &num_custom, std::unique_ptr<custom_info[]> &ci)
int data_ofs;
int num_bitmaps;
int no_repl = 0;
int i;
DiskBitmapHeader2 bmh;
#ifdef D2TMAP_CONV
int x, j, N_d2tmap;
int *d2tmap = NULL;
PHYSFS_File *f2 = NULL;
if ((f2 = PHYSFSX_openReadBuffered("d2tmap.bin")))
N_d2tmap = PHYSFSX_readInt(f2);
if ((d2tmap = d_malloc(N_d2tmap * sizeof(d2tmap[0]))))
for (i = 0; i < N_d2tmap; i++)
d2tmap[i] = PHYSFSX_readShort(f2);
num_custom = 0;
if (pog_sig == 0x47495050 && pog_ver == 2) /* PPIG */
no_repl = 1;
else if (pog_sig != 0x474f5044 || pog_ver != 1) /* DPOG */
return -1; // no pig2/pog file/unknown version
num_bitmaps = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
ci = make_unique<custom_info[]>(num_bitmaps);
custom_info *cip = ci.get();
data_ofs = 12 + num_bitmaps * sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader2);
if (!no_repl)
i = num_bitmaps;
while (i--)
(cip++)->repl_idx = PHYSFSX_readShort(f);
cip = ci.get();
data_ofs += num_bitmaps * 2;
#ifdef D2TMAP_CONV
if (d2tmap)
for (i = 0; i < num_bitmaps; i++)
x = cip[i].repl_idx;
cip[i].repl_idx = -1;
for (j = 0; j < N_d2tmap; j++)
if (x == d2tmap[j])
cip[i].repl_idx = Textures[j % NumTextures].index;
i = num_bitmaps;
while (i--)
if (PHYSFS_read(f, &bmh, sizeof(DiskBitmapHeader2), 1) < 1)
return -1;
cip->offset = bmh.offset + data_ofs;
cip->width = bmh.width + ((bmh.hi_wh & 15) << 8);
cip->height = bmh.height + ((bmh.hi_wh >> 4) << 8);
num_custom = num_bitmaps;
return 0;
// load custom textures/sounds from pog/pig file
// returns 0 if ok, <0 on error
static int load_pigpog(const d_fname &pogname)
unsigned num_custom;
grs_bitmap *bmp;
digi_sound *snd;
uint8_t *p;
auto f = PHYSFSX_openReadBuffered(pogname);
int i, j, rc = -1;
unsigned int x = 0;
if (!f)
return -1; // pog file doesn't exist
i = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
x = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
std::unique_ptr<custom_info[]> ci;
if (load_pog(f, i, x, num_custom, ci) && load_pig1(f, i, x, num_custom, ci))
return rc;
custom_info *cip = ci.get();
i = num_custom;
while (i--)
x = cip->repl_idx;
if (cip->repl_idx >= 0)
PHYSFSX_fseek( f, cip->offset, SEEK_SET );
if ( cip->flags & BM_FLAG_RLE )
j = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
j = cip->width * cip->height;
if (!MALLOC(p, ubyte, j))
return rc;
bmp = &GameBitmaps[x];
if (BitmapOriginal[x].get_flag_mask(0x80)) // already customized?
// save original bitmap info
BitmapOriginal[x] = *bmp;
if (GameBitmapOffset[x]) // from pig?
BitmapOriginal[x].bm_data = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t *>(static_cast<uintptr_t>(GameBitmapOffset[x]));
GameBitmapOffset[x] = 0; // not in pig
*bmp = {};
gr_init_bitmap(*bmp, bm_mode::linear, 0, 0, cip->width, cip->height, cip->width, p);
gr_set_bitmap_flags(*bmp, cip->flags & 255);
bmp->avg_color = cip->flags >> 8;
if ( cip->flags & BM_FLAG_RLE )
int *ip = reinterpret_cast<int *>(p);
*ip = j;
p += 4;
j -= 4;
if (PHYSFS_read(f, p, 1, j) < 1)
return rc;
else if ((cip->repl_idx + 1) < 0)
PHYSFSX_fseek( f, cip->offset, SEEK_SET );
snd = &GameSounds[x & 0x7fffffff];
j = cip->width;
if (!MALLOC(p, ubyte, j))
return rc;
if (SoundOriginal[x & 0x7fffffff].length & 0x80000000) // already customized?
#ifdef ALLEGRO
SoundOriginal[x & 0x7fffffff].length = snd->len | 0x80000000;
SoundOriginal[x & 0x7fffffff].length = snd->length | 0x80000000;
SoundOriginal[x & 0x7fffffff].data = snd->data;
#ifdef ALLEGRO
snd->loop_end = snd->len = j;
snd->length = j;
snd->data = p;
if (PHYSFS_read(f, p, j, 1) < 1)
return rc;
rc = 0;
return rc;
static int read_d2_robot_info(PHYSFS_File *fp, robot_info &ri)
int j, k;
ri.model_num = PHYSFSX_readInt(fp);
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUNS; j++)
PHYSFSX_readVector(fp, ri.gun_points[j]);
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUNS; j++)
ri.gun_submodels[j] = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.exp1_vclip_num = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
ri.exp1_sound_num = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
ri.exp2_vclip_num = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
ri.exp2_sound_num = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
const auto weapon_type = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.weapon_type = weapon_type < N_weapon_types ? static_cast<weapon_id_type>(weapon_type) : weapon_id_type::LASER_ID_L1;
/*ri.weapon_type2 =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.n_guns = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.contains_id = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.contains_count = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.contains_prob = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.contains_type = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.kamikaze =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.score_value = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
/*ri.badass =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.energy_drain =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.lighting = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
ri.strength = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
ri.mass = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
ri.drag = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.field_of_view[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.firing_wait[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
/*ri.firing_wait2[j] =*/ PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.turn_time[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
#if 0 // not used in d1, removed in d2
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.fire_power[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.shield[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.max_speed[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.circle_distance[j] = PHYSFSX_readFix(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.rapidfire_count[j] = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
for (j = 0; j < NDL; j++)
ri.evade_speed[j] = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.cloak_type = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.attack_type = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.see_sound = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.attack_sound = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.claw_sound = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.taunt_sound =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
ri.boss_flag = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.companion =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.smart_blobs =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.energy_blobs =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.thief =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.pursuit =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.lightcast =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.death_roll =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.flags =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.pad[0] =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.pad[1] =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.pad[2] =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.deathroll_sound =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.glow =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.behavior =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
/*ri.aim =*/ PHYSFSX_readByte(fp);
for (j = 0; j < MAX_GUNS + 1; j++)
for (k = 0; k < N_ANIM_STATES; k++)
ri.anim_states[j][k].n_joints = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
ri.anim_states[j][k].offset = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp);
ri.always_0xabcd = PHYSFSX_readInt(fp);
return 1;
namespace dsx {
static void load_hxm(const d_fname &hxmname)
unsigned int repl_num;
int i;
auto f = PHYSFSX_openReadBuffered(hxmname);
int n_items;
if (!f)
return; // hxm file doesn't exist
if (PHYSFSX_readInt(f) != 0x21584d48) /* HMX! */
// invalid hxm file
if (PHYSFSX_readInt(f) != 1)
// unknown version
// read robot info
if ((n_items = PHYSFSX_readInt(f)) != 0)
for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
repl_num = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
if (repl_num >= MAX_ROBOT_TYPES)
PHYSFSX_fseek(f, 480, SEEK_CUR); /* sizeof d2_robot_info */
if (!(read_d2_robot_info(f, Robot_info[repl_num])))
// read joint positions
if ((n_items = PHYSFSX_readInt(f)) != 0)
for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
repl_num = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
if (repl_num >= MAX_ROBOT_JOINTS)
PHYSFSX_fseek(f, sizeof(jointpos), SEEK_CUR);
jointpos_read(f, Robot_joints[repl_num]);
// read polygon models
if ((n_items = PHYSFSX_readInt(f)) != 0)
for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
polymodel *pm;
repl_num = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
if (repl_num >= MAX_POLYGON_MODELS)
PHYSFSX_readInt(f); // skip n_models
PHYSFSX_fseek(f, 734 - 8 + PHYSFSX_readInt(f) + 8, SEEK_CUR);
pm = &Polygon_models[repl_num];
polymodel_read(pm, f);
pm->model_data = make_unique<ubyte[]>(pm->model_data_size);
if (PHYSFS_read(f, pm->model_data, pm->model_data_size, 1) < 1)
Dying_modelnums[repl_num] = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
Dead_modelnums[repl_num] = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
// read object bitmaps
if ((n_items = PHYSFSX_readInt(f)) != 0)
for (i = 0; i < n_items; i++)
repl_num = PHYSFSX_readInt(f);
auto v = PHYSFSX_readShort(f);
if (repl_num < ObjBitmaps.size())
ObjBitmaps[repl_num].index = v;
// undo customized items
static void custom_remove()
int i;
auto bmo = begin(BitmapOriginal);
auto bmp = begin(GameBitmaps);
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BITMAP_FILES; bmo++, bmp++, i++)
if (bmo->get_flag_mask(0x80))
*bmp = *bmo;
if (bmo->get_flag_mask(BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT))
GameBitmapOffset[i] = static_cast<int>(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(bmo->bm_data));
gr_set_bitmap_flags(*bmp, BM_FLAG_PAGED_OUT);
gr_set_bitmap_data(*bmp, nullptr);
gr_set_bitmap_flags(*bmp, bmo->get_flag_mask(0x7f));
for (i = 0; i < MAX_SOUND_FILES; i++)
if (SoundOriginal[i].length & 0x80000000)
GameSounds[i].data = SoundOriginal[i].data;
#ifdef ALLEGRO
GameSounds[i].len = SoundOriginal[i].length & 0x7fffffff;
GameSounds[i].length = SoundOriginal[i].length & 0x7fffffff;
SoundOriginal[i].length = 0;
void load_custom_data(const d_fname &level_name)
d_fname custom_file;
using std::copy;
using std::next;
auto bl = begin(level_name);
auto bc = begin(custom_file);
auto &pg1 = ".pg1";
copy(bl, next(bl, custom_file.size() - sizeof(pg1)), bc);
auto o = std::find(bc, next(bc, custom_file.size() - sizeof(pg1)), '.');
copy(begin(pg1), end(pg1), o);
auto &dtx = "dtx";
copy(begin(dtx), end(dtx), o);
auto &hx1 = "hx1";
copy(begin(hx1), end(hx1), o);
void custom_close()