Kp d3ffcb0dab Store range_type, not range_iterator_type, in zip<> signature
This is initial setup to enabling use of zip() on sentinel based ranges.
Store the range's type in the zip signature, and store the types of
std::begin/std::end for the iterators, rather than assuming that
std::begin and std::end return the same type.
2022-12-31 16:21:47 +00:00

407 lines
17 KiB

* This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project <http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/>.
* It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the
* project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license
* terms and a link to the Git history.
#pragma once
#include <iterator>
#include <tuple>
#include <type_traits>
#include "dxxsconf.h"
#include <utility>
#include "backports-ranges.h"
enum class zip_sequence_length_selector : uint32_t;
namespace d_zip {
namespace detail {
template <typename... T>
void discard_arguments(T &&...)
template <std::size_t... N, typename... range_iterator_type>
void increment_iterator(std::tuple<range_iterator_type...> &iterator, std::index_sequence<N...>)
/* Order of evaluation is irrelevant, so pass the results to a
* discarding function. This permits the compiler to evaluate the
* expression elements in any order.
template <std::size_t... N, typename... range_iterator_type>
auto dereference_iterator(const std::tuple<range_iterator_type...> &iterator, std::index_sequence<N...>)
/* std::make_tuple is not appropriate here, because the result of
* dereferencing the iterator may be a reference, and the resulting
* tuple should store the reference, not the underlying object.
* Calling std::make_tuple would decay such references into the
* underlying type.
* std::tie is not appropriate here, because it captures all
* arguments as `T &`, so it fails to compile if the result of
* dereferencing the iterator is not a reference.
return std::tuple<
/* The overloads of get_static_size are declared, but never defined. They
* exist only for use in decltype() expressions.
template <typename T, std::size_t N>
std::integral_constant<std::size_t, N> get_static_size(const T (&)[N]);
template <typename T>
requires(requires {
typename std::tuple_size<T>::type;
typename std::tuple_size<T>::type get_static_size(const T &);
std::nullptr_t get_static_size(...);
/* Given a zip_sequence_length_selector and an index N in a sequence, evaluate
* to std::true_type if the element at index N is examined, and otherwise
* std::false_type.
* This is a convenience type to keep the test in one place, rather than
* duplicating the cast+mask everywhere it is needed.
template <zip_sequence_length_selector examine_end_range, std::size_t N>
using examine_zip_element = std::integral_constant<bool, (N < 32 && (static_cast<uint32_t>(examine_end_range) & (1u << N)))>;
/* Given a zip_sequence_length_selector and a sequence of static sizes In,
* return a new sequence of static sizes On where:
* - If index N is selected, On=In.
* - Otherwise, On=std::nullptr_t.
* The output sequence discards static size information for elements that will
* not be selected at runtime.
template <zip_sequence_length_selector examine_end_range, std::size_t... indexN, typename... sizeN>
std::tuple<typename std::conditional<examine_zip_element<examine_end_range, indexN>::value, sizeN, std::nullptr_t>::type ...> get_examined_static_size(std::index_sequence<indexN...>, std::tuple<sizeN...>);
template <typename>
struct minimum_static_size;
/* A tuple of one element is trivially the size from that element, regardless
* of the value of size.
template <typename size>
struct minimum_static_size<std::tuple<size>>
using type = size;
/* If the first element is indeterminate, drop it and use the remainder of the
* sequence.
template <typename... sizeN>
requires(sizeof...(sizeN) > 0)
struct minimum_static_size<std::tuple<std::nullptr_t, sizeN...>> : minimum_static_size<std::tuple<sizeN...>>
/* If the second element is indeterminate, drop it and use the remainder of the
* sequence.
template <typename size0, typename... sizeN>
requires(requires {
/* Disable size0 == std::nullptr_t, since that would make
* minimum_static_size<std::nullptr_t, std::nullptr_t> ambiguous between
* this definition and the preceding one.
struct minimum_static_size<std::tuple<size0, std::nullptr_t, sizeN...>> : minimum_static_size<std::tuple<size0, sizeN...>>
/* If both of the first two elements are determinate, use a sequence consisting
* of the lesser of those two, and all the other values passed through without
* change. Subsequent iterations of the template will fold down the remaining
* values until the base case is reached.
template <typename size0, typename size1, typename... sizeN>
requires(requires {
size0::value < size1::value;
struct minimum_static_size<std::tuple<size0, size1, sizeN...>> : minimum_static_size<std::tuple<typename std::conditional<(size0::value < size1::value), size0, size1>::type, sizeN...>>
void range_index_type(...);
template <
typename... range_type,
/* If any `range_type::index_type` is not defined, fail.
* If there is no common_type among all the
* `range_type::index_type`, fail.
typename index_type = typename std::common_type<typename std::remove_reference<typename std::remove_reference<range_type>::type::index_type &>::type...>::type,
/* If the common_type `index_type` is not a suitable argument to all
* `range_type::operator[]()`, fail.
typename = std::void_t<decltype(std::declval<range_type &>().operator[](std::declval<index_type>()))...>
index_type range_index_type(std::tuple<range_type...> *);
template <bool element_selected, typename range_type>
decltype(std::ranges::end(std::declval<range_type &&>())) iterator_element_end_type();
template <bool element_selected, typename>
decltype(std::ignore) iterator_element_end_type();
/* Given as inputs:
* - a selector mask
* - a tuple of iterator types <In>
* - a std::index_sequence of the same length as the tuple
* Produce a nested type named `type` defined as tuple<On> where On=In if the
* iterator is selected in by the mask, and On=std::ignore if the iterator is
* not selected. The resulting tuple will then collapse down, avoiding the
* need to save non-selected types In in the end iterator.
template <zip_sequence_length_selector mask, typename... range_type, std::size_t... range_index>
requires(mask != zip_sequence_length_selector{} && sizeof...(range_index) == sizeof...(range_type))
std::tuple<decltype(iterator_element_end_type<examine_zip_element<mask, range_index>::value, range_type>())...> iterator_end_type(std::tuple<range_type...>, std::index_sequence<range_index...>);
template <typename end_iterator_type, typename range>
static constexpr auto capture_end_iterator(range &&r)
if constexpr (std::is_same<end_iterator_type, decltype(std::ignore)>::value)
return std::ignore;
return std::ranges::end(r);
template <typename... end_iterator_type, typename... range>
static constexpr auto capture_end_iterators(const std::tuple<end_iterator_type...> *, range &&...r)
return std::tuple<end_iterator_type...>(capture_end_iterator<end_iterator_type>(r)...);
template <zip_sequence_length_selector mask, typename zip_iterator, std::size_t... N>
bool compare_zip_iterators(const zip_iterator &l, const zip_iterator &r, std::index_sequence<N...>)
/* For each member of the iterator, check if the member is excluded by the mask or
* if the member compares equal between the two instances. Excluded
* members are not checked for equality. When one iterator is `end()`,
* excluded members of that iterator may be default-constructed instead of
* set to the value of `rangeN.end()`, so examining such members would lead
* to incorrect results.
* Note the use of `||`, which is atypical for an equality comparison. By
* design, a zip iterator should terminate when any of the component
* sequences reaches its end, so use of `||` is correct for that purpose.
return ((examine_zip_element<mask, N>::value && std::get<N>(l) == std::get<N>(r)) || ... || false);
/* This iterator terminates when the selected zipped range(s) terminate. The
* caller is responsible for ensuring that use of the zip_iterator does
* not increment past the end of any zipped range. This can be done by
* ensuring that the selected zipped range(s) are not longer than any ignored
* zipped range, or by ensuring that external logic stops the traversal
* before the zip_iterator increments past the end.
* There is no runtime check that the below loop would be
* safe, since a check external to the zip_iterator could stop before
* undefined behaviour occurs.
* However, if any selected range is convertible to a C array of known
* length or to a C++ std::array, then there is a compile-time check
* that the shortest selected range is not longer than any other range that is
* likewise convertible. If a range cannot be converted to an array,
* then its length is unknown and is not checked. If the first range is
* not convertible, then no ranges are checked.
for (auto i = zip_range.begin(), e = zip_range.end(); i != e; ++i)
if (condition())
template <typename range_index_type, zip_sequence_length_selector examine_end_range, typename range0_iterator_type, typename... rangeN_iterator_type>
requires {
typename std::iterator_traits<range0_iterator_type>::difference_type;
class zip_iterator : std::tuple<range0_iterator_type, rangeN_iterator_type...>
using base_type = std::tuple<range0_iterator_type, rangeN_iterator_type...>;
/* Prior to C++17, range-based for insisted on the same type for
* `begin` and `end`, so method `end_internal` must return a full iterator,
* even though most of it is a waste. To save some work, values that are
* used for ignored fields are default-constructed (if possible)
* instead of copy-constructed from the begin iterator.
* Even in C++20, many STL algorithms assume that `.begin()` and `.end()`
* produce the same type, so this class continues to produce a full-sized
* end iterator.
template <std::size_t, typename begin_element_type, typename end_element_type, typename end_tuple_type>
requires(std::is_same<end_element_type, decltype(std::ignore)>::value && std::is_default_constructible<begin_element_type>::value)
static begin_element_type end_construct_element(const end_tuple_type &)
/* The type `begin_element_type` can be default-constructed,
* and the value will be ignored later. Use any valid instance of
* `begin_element_type`. The easiest such instance to get is a
* default-constructed value.
return begin_element_type();
template <std::size_t I, typename begin_element_type, typename end_element_type, typename end_tuple_type>
requires(std::is_same<end_element_type, decltype(std::ignore)>::value && !std::is_default_constructible<begin_element_type>::value)
begin_element_type end_construct_element(const end_tuple_type &) const
/* The type cannot be default-constructed, but the value will be
* ignored. Return a copy from the begin iterator, because the end
* iterator did not retain a value for this index.
return std::get<I>(*this);
template <std::size_t I, typename begin_element_type, typename end_element_type, typename end_tuple_type>
requires(!std::is_same<end_element_type, decltype(std::ignore)>::value)
static begin_element_type end_construct_element(const end_tuple_type &end_iter)
/* The value will not be ignored, so a valid value must be provided
* from the end iterator.
return std::get<I>(end_iter);
template <typename end_tuple_type, std::size_t... N>
zip_iterator end_internal(const end_tuple_type &end_iter, std::index_sequence<N...>) const
return zip_iterator(this->template end_construct_element<N, typename std::tuple_element<N, base_type>::type, typename std::tuple_element<N, end_tuple_type>::type, end_tuple_type>(end_iter)...);
using index_sequence_type = std::make_index_sequence<1 + sizeof...(rangeN_iterator_type)>;
using difference_type = typename std::iterator_traits<range0_iterator_type>::difference_type;
using index_type = range_index_type;
using value_type = decltype(d_zip::detail::dereference_iterator(std::declval<base_type>(), index_sequence_type()));
using pointer = value_type *;
using reference = value_type &;
using iterator_category = std::forward_iterator_tag;
using base_type::base_type;
auto operator*() const
return d_zip::detail::dereference_iterator(*this, index_sequence_type());
zip_iterator &operator++()
d_zip::detail::increment_iterator(*this, index_sequence_type());
return *this;
/* operator++(int) is currently unused, but is required to satisfy
* the concept check on forward iterator.
zip_iterator operator++(int)
auto result = *this;
d_zip::detail::increment_iterator(*this, index_sequence_type());
return result;
difference_type operator-(const zip_iterator &i) const
return std::get<0>(*this) - std::get<0>(i);
bool operator==(const zip_iterator &i) const
return d_zip::detail::compare_zip_iterators<examine_end_range, base_type>(*this, i, index_sequence_type());
template <
zip_sequence_length_selector examine_end_range,
/* Tuple types in range_all_static_sizes are either an
* integral_constant reporting the static size of the corresponding
* range, or std::nullptr_t if the range has no known static size.
typename range_all_static_sizes,
/* Type minimum_all_static_size is an integral_constant reporting the
* static size of the shortest static range, or std::nullptr_t if no
* ranges have a known static size.
typename minimum_all_static_size = typename d_zip::detail::minimum_static_size<range_all_static_sizes>::type,
/* Filter range_all_static_sizes to discard static sizes for elements
* that will not be examined at runtime.
typename range_examined_static_sizes = decltype(d_zip::detail::get_examined_static_size<examine_end_range>(std::make_index_sequence<std::tuple_size<range_all_static_sizes>::value>(), std::declval<range_all_static_sizes>())),
/* Type minimum_examined_static_size is an integral_constant reporting
* the static size of the shortest examined static range, or
* std::nullptr_t if no examined ranges have a known static size.
typename minimum_examined_static_size = typename d_zip::detail::minimum_static_size<range_examined_static_sizes>::type
concept zip_static_size_bounds_check = (
/* If no range has a static size, then minimum_examined_static_size
* is nullptr_t and this requirement is skipped. Otherwise, at
* least one examined range has a static size, so check that it is
* not longer than an unexamined static range.
(std::is_same<minimum_examined_static_size, std::nullptr_t>::value || (minimum_examined_static_size::value <= minimum_all_static_size::value))
template <typename range_index_type, zip_sequence_length_selector examine_end_range, typename... rangeN_type>
examine_end_range != zip_sequence_length_selector{} &&
sizeof...(rangeN_type) > 0 &&
class zip : zip_iterator<range_index_type, examine_end_range, decltype(std::begin(std::declval<rangeN_type &&>()))...>
decltype(d_zip::detail::iterator_end_type<examine_end_range>(std::declval<std::tuple<rangeN_type...>>(), std::declval<std::make_index_sequence<sizeof...(rangeN_type)>>())) m_end;
using iterator = zip_iterator<range_index_type, examine_end_range, decltype(std::begin(std::declval<rangeN_type &&>()))...>;
using typename iterator::index_type;
constexpr zip(rangeN_type &&... rN) :
iterator(std::begin(rN)...), m_end(d_zip::detail::capture_end_iterators(static_cast<decltype(m_end) *>(nullptr), rN...))
template <zip_sequence_length_selector selector>
constexpr zip(std::integral_constant<zip_sequence_length_selector, selector>, rangeN_type &&... rN) :
iterator begin() const { return *this; }
iterator end() const
return this->end_internal(m_end, typename iterator::index_sequence_type());
template <typename range_index_type, zip_sequence_length_selector examine_end_range, typename... rangeN_iterator_type>
inline constexpr bool std::ranges::enable_borrowed_range<zip<range_index_type, examine_end_range, rangeN_iterator_type...>> = true;
template <typename... rangeN>
requires(... && std::ranges::borrowed_range<rangeN>)
zip(rangeN &&... rN) -> zip<decltype(d_zip::detail::range_index_type(static_cast<std::tuple<rangeN...> *>(nullptr))), zip_sequence_length_selector{1}, rangeN &&...>;
template <zip_sequence_length_selector selector>
using zip_sequence_selector = std::integral_constant<zip_sequence_length_selector, selector>;
template <zip_sequence_length_selector selector, typename... rangeN>
requires(... && std::ranges::borrowed_range<rangeN>)
zip(zip_sequence_selector<selector>, rangeN &&... rN) -> zip<decltype(d_zip::detail::range_index_type(static_cast<std::tuple<rangeN...> *>(nullptr))), selector, rangeN &&...>;