2002-07-24 01:03:44 +00:00

1064 lines
32 KiB

#include "mvelib.h" /* next buffer */
#include "mve_audio.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <SDL/SDL.h>
#include <SDL/SDL_thread.h>
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a,b) ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))
static int doPlay(const char *filename);
static void usage(void)
fprintf(stderr, "usage: mveplay filename\n");
static int g_spdFactorNum=0;
static int g_spdFactorDenom=10;
int main(int c, char **v)
if (c != 2 && c != 3)
if (c == 3)
g_spdFactorNum = atoi(v[2]);
fprintf(stderr, "Couldn't initialize SDL: %s\n",SDL_GetError());
return doPlay(v[1]);
static void initializeMovie(MVESTREAM *mve);
static void playMovie(MVESTREAM *mve);
static void shutdownMovie(MVESTREAM *mve);
void initializeMovie(MVESTREAM *mve);
void shutdownMovie(MVESTREAM *mve);
static int doPlay(const char *filename)
int filehandle;
filehandle = open(filename, O_RDONLY);
if (filehandle == -1)
fprintf(stderr, "can't open MVE file '%s'\n", filename);
return 1;
mve = mve_open(filehandle);
return 0;
static short get_short(unsigned char *data)
short value;
value = data[0] | (data[1] << 8);
return value;
static int get_int(unsigned char *data)
int value;
value = data[0] | (data[1] << 8) | (data[2] << 16) | (data[3] << 24);
return value;
static int default_seg_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
fprintf(stderr, "unknown chunk type %02x/%02x\n", major, minor);
return 1;
* general handlers
static int end_movie_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
return 0;
* timer handlers
* timer variables
static int micro_frame_delay=0;
static int timer_started=0;
static Uint32 timer_expire = 0;
static int create_timer_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
long long temp;
micro_frame_delay = get_int(data) * (int)get_short(data+4);
if (g_spdFactorNum != 0)
temp = micro_frame_delay;
temp *= g_spdFactorNum;
temp /= g_spdFactorDenom;
micro_frame_delay = (int)temp;
return 1;
static void timer_start(void)
timer_expire = SDL_GetTicks();
timer_expire += micro_frame_delay / 1000;
static void do_timer_wait(void)
Uint32 ts, tv;
if (! timer_started)
tv = SDL_GetTicks();
if (tv > timer_expire)
goto end;
ts = timer_expire - tv;
timer_expire += micro_frame_delay / 1000;
* audio handlers
static void mve_audio_callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len);
static short *mve_audio_buffers[64];
static int mve_audio_buflens[64];
static int mve_audio_curbuf_curpos=0;
static int mve_audio_bufhead=0;
static int mve_audio_buftail=0;
static int mve_audio_playing=0;
static int mve_audio_canplay=0;
static SDL_AudioSpec *mve_audio_spec=NULL;
static SDL_mutex *mve_audio_mutex = NULL;
static void mve_audio_callback(void *userdata, Uint8 *stream, int len)
int total=0;
int length;
if (mve_audio_bufhead == mve_audio_buftail)
return /* 0 */;
fprintf(stderr, "+ <%d (%d), %d, %d>\n", mve_audio_bufhead, mve_audio_curbuf_curpos, mve_audio_buftail, len);
if (!mve_audio_mutex) {
fprintf(stderr, "mve_audio_callback: creating mutex");
mve_audio_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();
while (mve_audio_bufhead != mve_audio_buftail /* while we have more buffers */
&& len > (mve_audio_buflens[mve_audio_bufhead]-mve_audio_curbuf_curpos)) /* and while we need more data */
length = mve_audio_buflens[mve_audio_bufhead]-mve_audio_curbuf_curpos;
__builtin_memcpy(stream, /* cur output position */
mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_bufhead]+mve_audio_curbuf_curpos, /* cur input position */
length); /* cur input length */
total += length;
stream += length; /* advance output */
len -= length; /* decrement avail ospace */
free(mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_bufhead]); /* free the buffer */
mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_bufhead]=NULL; /* free the buffer */
mve_audio_buflens[mve_audio_bufhead]=0; /* free the buffer */
if (++mve_audio_bufhead == 64) /* next buffer */
mve_audio_bufhead = 0;
mve_audio_curbuf_curpos = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "= <%d (%d), %d, %d>: %d\n", mve_audio_bufhead, mve_audio_curbuf_curpos, mve_audio_buftail, len, total);
/* return total; */
if (len != 0 /* ospace remaining */
&& mve_audio_bufhead != mve_audio_buftail) /* buffers remaining */
__builtin_memcpy(stream, /* dest */
mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_bufhead] + mve_audio_curbuf_curpos, /* src */
len); /* length */
mve_audio_curbuf_curpos += len; /* advance input */
stream += len; /* advance output (unnecessary) */
len -= len; /* advance output (unnecessary) */
if (mve_audio_curbuf_curpos >= mve_audio_buflens[mve_audio_bufhead]) /* if this ends the current chunk */
free(mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_bufhead]); /* free buffer */
if (++mve_audio_bufhead == 64) /* next buffer */
mve_audio_bufhead = 0;
mve_audio_curbuf_curpos = 0;
fprintf(stderr, "- <%d (%d), %d, %d>\n", mve_audio_bufhead, mve_audio_curbuf_curpos, mve_audio_buftail, len);
static int create_audiobuf_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
int sample_rate;
int desired_buffer;
fprintf(stderr, "creating audio buffers\n");
sample_rate = get_short(data + 4);
desired_buffer = get_int(data + 6);
mve_audio_spec = (SDL_AudioSpec *)malloc(sizeof(SDL_AudioSpec));
mve_audio_spec->freq = sample_rate;
mve_audio_spec->format = AUDIO_S16LSB;
mve_audio_spec->channels = 2;
mve_audio_spec->samples = 32768;
mve_audio_spec->callback = mve_audio_callback;
mve_audio_spec->userdata = NULL;
if (SDL_OpenAudio(mve_audio_spec, NULL) >= 0)
fprintf(stderr, " success\n");
mve_audio_canplay = 1;
fprintf(stderr, " failure : %s\n", SDL_GetError());
mve_audio_canplay = 0;
memset(mve_audio_buffers, 0, sizeof(mve_audio_buffers));
memset(mve_audio_buflens, 0, sizeof(mve_audio_buflens));
return 1;
static int play_audio_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
if (mve_audio_canplay && !mve_audio_playing && mve_audio_bufhead != mve_audio_buftail)
mve_audio_playing = 1;
return 1;
static int audio_data_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
static const int selected_chan=1;
int chan;
int nsamp;
if (mve_audio_canplay)
if (mve_audio_playing)
chan = get_short(data + 2);
nsamp = get_short(data + 4);
if (chan & selected_chan)
if (!mve_audio_mutex) {
fprintf(stderr, "audio_data_handler: creating mutex");
mve_audio_mutex = SDL_CreateMutex();
mve_audio_buflens[mve_audio_buftail] = nsamp;
mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_buftail] = (short *)malloc(nsamp);
if (major == 8)
mveaudio_uncompress(mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_buftail], data, -1); /* XXX */
memset(mve_audio_buffers[mve_audio_buftail], 0, nsamp); /* XXX */
if (++mve_audio_buftail == 64)
mve_audio_buftail = 0;
if (mve_audio_buftail == mve_audio_bufhead)
fprintf(stderr, "d'oh! buffer ring overrun (%d)\n", mve_audio_bufhead);
if (mve_audio_playing)
return 1;
* video handlers
static SDL_Surface *g_screen;
static int g_screenWidth, g_screenHeight;
static int g_width, g_height;
static unsigned char g_palette[768];
static unsigned char *g_vBackBuf1, *g_vBackBuf2;
static unsigned char *g_pCurMap=NULL;
static int g_nMapLength=0;
static int create_videobuf_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
short w, h;
w = get_short(data);
h = get_short(data+2);
g_width = w << 3;
g_height = h << 3;
g_vBackBuf1 = malloc(g_width * g_height);
g_vBackBuf2 = malloc(g_width * g_height);
memset(g_vBackBuf1, 0, g_width * g_height);
memset(g_vBackBuf2, 0, g_width * g_height);
return 1;
//static int stupefaction=0;
static int display_video_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
int i;
unsigned char *pal = g_palette;
unsigned char *pDest;
unsigned char *pixels = g_vBackBuf1;
SDL_Surface *screenSprite;
SDL_Rect renderArea;
int x, y;
SDL_Surface *initSprite = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(SDL_SWSURFACE, g_width, g_height, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0);
for(i = 0; i < 256; i++)
initSprite->format->palette->colors[i].r = (*pal++) << 2;
initSprite->format->palette->colors[i].g = (*pal++) << 2;
initSprite->format->palette->colors[i].b = (*pal++) << 2;
initSprite->format->palette->colors[i].unused = 0;
pDest = initSprite->pixels;
for (i=0; i<g_height; i++)
memcpy(pDest, pixels, g_width);
pixels += g_width;
pDest += initSprite->pitch;
screenSprite = SDL_DisplayFormat(initSprite);
if (g_screenWidth > screenSprite->w) x = (g_screenWidth - screenSprite->w) >> 1;
else x=0;
if (g_screenHeight > screenSprite->h) y = (g_screenHeight - screenSprite->h) >> 1;
else y=0;
renderArea.x = x;
renderArea.y = y;
renderArea.w = MIN(g_screenWidth - x, screenSprite->w);
renderArea.h = MIN(g_screenHeight - y, screenSprite->h);
SDL_BlitSurface(screenSprite, NULL, g_screen, &renderArea);
if ( (g_screen->flags & SDL_DOUBLEBUF) == SDL_DOUBLEBUF )
SDL_UpdateRects(g_screen, 1, &renderArea);
return 1;
static int init_video_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
short width, height;
width = get_short(data);
height = get_short(data+2);
g_screen = SDL_SetVideoMode(width, height, 16, SDL_ANYFORMAT);
g_screenWidth = width;
g_screenHeight = height;
memset(g_palette, 0, 768);
return 1;
static int video_palette_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
short start, count;
start = get_short(data);
count = get_short(data+2);
memcpy(g_palette + 3*start, data+4, 3*count);
return 1;
static int video_codemap_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
g_pCurMap = data;
g_nMapLength = len;
return 1;
static void decodeFrame(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char *pMap, int mapRemain, unsigned char *pData, int dataRemain);
static int video_data_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
short nFrameHot, nFrameCold;
short nXoffset, nYoffset;
short nXsize, nYsize;
short nFlags;
unsigned char *temp;
nFrameHot = get_short(data);
nFrameCold = get_short(data+2);
nXoffset = get_short(data+4);
nYoffset = get_short(data+6);
nXsize = get_short(data+8);
nYsize = get_short(data+10);
nFlags = get_short(data+12);
if (nFlags & 1)
temp = g_vBackBuf1;
g_vBackBuf1 = g_vBackBuf2;
g_vBackBuf2 = temp;
/* convert the frame */
decodeFrame(g_vBackBuf1, g_pCurMap, g_nMapLength, data+14, len-14);
return 1;
static int end_chunk_handler(unsigned char major, unsigned char minor, unsigned char *data, int len, void *context)
return 1;
void initializeMovie(MVESTREAM *mve)
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x00, end_movie_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x01, end_chunk_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x02, create_timer_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x03, create_audiobuf_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x04, play_audio_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x05, create_videobuf_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x07, display_video_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x08, audio_data_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x09, audio_data_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x0a, init_video_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x0c, video_palette_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x0f, video_codemap_handler);
mve_set_handler(mve, 0x11, video_data_handler);
static void playMovie(MVESTREAM *mve)
int init_timer=0;
int cont=1;
while (cont)
cont = mve_play_next_chunk(mve);
if (micro_frame_delay && !init_timer)
init_timer = 1;
void shutdownMovie(MVESTREAM *mve)
static void dispatchDecoder(unsigned char **pFrame, unsigned char codeType, unsigned char **pData, int *pDataRemain, int *curXb, int *curYb);
static void decodeFrame(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char *pMap, int mapRemain, unsigned char *pData, int dataRemain)
int i, j;
int xb, yb;
xb = g_width >> 3;
yb = g_height >> 3;
for (j=0; j<yb; j++)
for (i=0; i<xb/2; i++)
dispatchDecoder(&pFrame, (*pMap) & 0xf, &pData, &dataRemain, &i, &j);
if (pFrame < g_vBackBuf1)
fprintf(stderr, "danger! pointing out of bounds below after dispatch decoder: %d, %d (1) [%x]\n", i, j, (*pMap) & 0xf);
else if (pFrame >= g_vBackBuf1 + g_width*g_height)
fprintf(stderr, "danger! pointing out of bounds above after dispatch decoder: %d, %d (1) [%x]\n", i, j, (*pMap) & 0xf);
dispatchDecoder(&pFrame, (*pMap) >> 4, &pData, &dataRemain, &i, &j);
if (pFrame < g_vBackBuf1)
fprintf(stderr, "danger! pointing out of bounds below after dispatch decoder: %d, %d (2) [%x]\n", i, j, (*pMap) >> 4);
else if (pFrame >= g_vBackBuf1 + g_width*g_height)
fprintf(stderr, "danger! pointing out of bounds above after dispatch decoder: %d, %d (2) [%x]\n", i, j, (*pMap) >> 4);
pFrame += 7*g_width;
static void relClose(int i, int *x, int *y)
int ma, mi;
ma = i >> 4;
mi = i & 0xf;
*x = mi - 8;
*y = ma - 8;
static void relFar(int i, int sign, int *x, int *y)
if (i < 56)
*x = sign * (8 + (i % 7));
*y = sign * (i / 7);
*x = sign * (-14 + (i - 56) % 29);
*y = sign * (8 + (i - 56) / 29);
static void copyFrame(unsigned char *pDest, unsigned char *pSrc)
int i;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
memcpy(pDest, pSrc, 8);
pDest += g_width;
pSrc += g_width;
static void patternRow4Pixels(unsigned char *pFrame,
unsigned char pat0, unsigned char pat1,
unsigned char *p)
unsigned short mask=0x0003;
unsigned short shift=0;
unsigned short pattern = (pat1 << 8) | pat0;
while (mask != 0)
*pFrame++ = p[(mask & pattern) >> shift];
mask <<= 2;
shift += 2;
static void patternRow4Pixels2(unsigned char *pFrame,
unsigned char pat0,
unsigned char *p)
unsigned char mask=0x03;
unsigned char shift=0;
unsigned char pel;
int skip=1;
while (mask != 0)
pel = p[(mask & pat0) >> shift];
pFrame[0] = pel;
pFrame[2] = pel;
pFrame[g_width + 0] = pel;
pFrame[g_width + 2] = pel;
pFrame += skip;
skip = 4 - skip;
mask <<= 2;
shift += 2;
static void patternRow4Pixels2x1(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char pat, unsigned char *p)
unsigned char mask=0x03;
unsigned char shift=0;
unsigned char pel;
while (mask != 0)
pel = p[(mask & pat) >> shift];
pFrame[0] = pel;
pFrame[1] = pel;
pFrame += 2;
mask <<= 2;
shift += 2;
static void patternQuadrant4Pixels(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char pat0, unsigned char pat1, unsigned char pat2, unsigned char pat3, unsigned char *p)
unsigned long mask = 0x00000003UL;
int shift=0;
int i;
unsigned long pat = (pat3 << 24) | (pat2 << 16) | (pat1 << 8) | pat0;
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
pFrame[i&3] = p[(pat & mask) >> shift];
if ((i&3) == 3)
pFrame += g_width;
mask <<= 2;
shift += 2;
static void patternRow2Pixels(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char pat, unsigned char *p)
unsigned char mask=0x01;
while (mask != 0)
*pFrame++ = p[(mask & pat) ? 1 : 0];
mask <<= 1;
static void patternRow2Pixels2(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char pat, unsigned char *p)
unsigned char pel;
unsigned char mask=0x1;
int skip=1;
while (mask != 0x10)
pel = p[(mask & pat) ? 1 : 0];
pFrame[0] = pel;
pFrame[2] = pel;
pFrame[g_width + 0] = pel;
pFrame[g_width + 2] = pel;
pFrame += skip;
skip = 4 - skip;
mask <<= 1;
static void patternQuadrant2Pixels(unsigned char *pFrame, unsigned char pat0, unsigned char pat1, unsigned char *p)
unsigned short mask = 0x0001;
int i;
unsigned short pat = (pat1 << 8) | pat0;
for (i=0; i<16; i++)
pFrame[i&3] = p[(pat & mask) ? 1 : 0];
if ((i&3) == 3)
pFrame += g_width;
mask <<= 1;
static void dispatchDecoder(unsigned char **pFrame, unsigned char codeType, unsigned char **pData, int *pDataRemain, int *curXb, int *curYb)
unsigned char p[4];
unsigned char pat[16];
int i, j, k;
int x, y;
case 0x0:
copyFrame(*pFrame, *pFrame + (g_vBackBuf2 - g_vBackBuf1));
case 0x1:
*pFrame += 8;
case 0x2:
relFar(*(*pData)++, 1, &x, &y);
copyFrame(*pFrame, *pFrame + x + y*g_width);
*pFrame += 8;
case 0x3:
relFar(*(*pData)++, -1, &x, &y);
copyFrame(*pFrame, *pFrame + x + y*g_width);
*pFrame += 8;
case 0x4:
relClose(*(*pData)++, &x, &y);
copyFrame(*pFrame, *pFrame + (g_vBackBuf2 - g_vBackBuf1) + x + y*g_width);
*pFrame += 8;
case 0x5:
x = (char)*(*pData)++;
y = (char)*(*pData)++;
copyFrame(*pFrame, *pFrame + (g_vBackBuf2 - g_vBackBuf1) + x + y*g_width);
*pFrame += 8;
*pDataRemain -= 2;
case 0x6:
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
*pFrame += 16;
if (++*curXb == (g_width >> 3))
*pFrame += 7*g_width;
*curXb = 0;
if (++*curYb == (g_height >> 3))
case 0x7:
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
if (p[0] <= p[1])
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
patternRow2Pixels(*pFrame, *(*pData)++, p);
*pFrame += g_width;
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
patternRow2Pixels2(*pFrame, *(*pData) & 0xf, p);
*pFrame += 2*g_width;
patternRow2Pixels2(*pFrame, *(*pData)++ >> 4, p);
*pFrame += 2*g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0x8:
if ( (*pData)[0] <= (*pData)[1])
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
patternQuadrant2Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], p);
if (i & 1)
*pFrame -= (4*g_width - 4);
*pFrame += 4*g_width;
else if ( (*pData)[6] <= (*pData)[7])
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
if ((i & 1) == 0)
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
patternQuadrant2Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], p);
if (i & 1)
*pFrame -= (4*g_width - 4);
*pFrame += 4*g_width;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
if ((i & 3) == 0)
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
patternRow2Pixels(*pFrame, *(*pData)++, p);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0x9:
if ( (*pData)[0] <= (*pData)[1])
if ( (*pData)[2] <= (*pData)[3])
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
patternRow4Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], p);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
patternRow4Pixels2(*pFrame, *(*pData)++, p);
*pFrame += 2*g_width;
patternRow4Pixels2(*pFrame, *(*pData)++, p);
*pFrame += 2*g_width;
patternRow4Pixels2(*pFrame, *(*pData)++, p);
*pFrame += 2*g_width;
patternRow4Pixels2(*pFrame, *(*pData)++, p);
*pFrame -= (6*g_width - 8);
if ( (*pData)[2] <= (*pData)[3])
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
patternRow4Pixels2x1(*pFrame, pat[0], p);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
patternRow4Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], p);
*pFrame += g_width;
patternRow4Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], p);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0xa:
if ( (*pData)[0] <= (*pData)[1])
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
pat[2] = *(*pData)++;
pat[3] = *(*pData)++;
patternQuadrant4Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3], p);
if (i & 1)
*pFrame -= (4*g_width - 4);
*pFrame += 4*g_width;
if ( (*pData)[12] <= (*pData)[13])
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
if ((i&1) == 0)
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
pat[2] = *(*pData)++;
pat[3] = *(*pData)++;
patternQuadrant4Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], pat[2], pat[3], p);
if (i & 1)
*pFrame -= (4*g_width - 4);
*pFrame += 4*g_width;
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
if ((i&3) == 0)
p[0] = *(*pData)++;
p[1] = *(*pData)++;
p[2] = *(*pData)++;
p[3] = *(*pData)++;
pat[0] = *(*pData)++;
pat[1] = *(*pData)++;
patternRow4Pixels(*pFrame, pat[0], pat[1], p);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0xb:
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
memcpy(*pFrame, *pData, 8);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pData += 8;
*pDataRemain -= 8;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0xc:
for (i=0; i<4; i++)
for (j=0; j<2; j++)
for (k=0; k<4; k++)
(*pFrame)[j+2*k] = (*pData)[k];
(*pFrame)[g_width+j+2*k] = (*pData)[k];
*pFrame += g_width;
*pData += 4;
*pDataRemain -= 4;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0xd:
for (i=0; i<2; i++)
for (j=0; j<4; j++)
for (k=0; k<4; k++)
(*pFrame)[k*g_width+j] = (*pData)[0];
(*pFrame)[k*g_width+j+4] = (*pData)[1];
*pFrame += 4*g_width;
*pData += 2;
*pDataRemain -= 2;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0xe:
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
memset(*pFrame, **pData, 8);
*pFrame += g_width;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);
case 0xf:
for (i=0; i<8; i++)
for (j=0; j<8; j++)
(*pFrame)[j] = (*pData)[(i+j)&1];
*pFrame += g_width;
*pData += 2;
*pDataRemain -= 2;
*pFrame -= (8*g_width - 8);