/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Routines to read/write pcx images. * */ #include #include #include #include "gr.h" #include "grdef.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "pcx.h" #include "physfsx.h" #ifdef OGL #include "palette.h" #endif static int pcx_encode_byte(ubyte byt, ubyte cnt, PHYSFS_file *fid); static int pcx_encode_line(ubyte *inBuff, int inLen, PHYSFS_file *fp); /* PCX Header data type */ typedef struct { ubyte Manufacturer; ubyte Version; ubyte Encoding; ubyte BitsPerPixel; short Xmin; short Ymin; short Xmax; short Ymax; short Hdpi; short Vdpi; ubyte ColorMap[16][3]; ubyte Reserved; ubyte Nplanes; short BytesPerLine; ubyte filler[60]; } __pack__ PCXHeader; #define PCXHEADER_SIZE 128 /* * reads n PCXHeader structs from a PHYSFS_file */ int PCXHeader_read_n(PCXHeader *ph, int n, PHYSFS_file *fp) { int i; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { ph->Manufacturer = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp); ph->Version = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp); ph->Encoding = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp); ph->BitsPerPixel = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp); ph->Xmin = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); ph->Ymin = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); ph->Xmax = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); ph->Ymax = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); ph->Hdpi = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); ph->Vdpi = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); PHYSFS_read(fp, &ph->ColorMap, 16*3, 1); ph->Reserved = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp); ph->Nplanes = PHYSFSX_readByte(fp); ph->BytesPerLine = PHYSFSX_readShort(fp); PHYSFS_read(fp, &ph->filler, 60, 1); } return i; } #if defined(DXX_BUILD_DESCENT_I) int bald_guy_load(const char * filename, grs_bitmap * bmp,int bitmap_type ,ubyte * palette ) { PCXHeader header; PHYSFS_file * PCXfile; int i, count, fsize; ubyte data, c, xor_value, *pixdata; ubyte *bguy_data, *bguy_data1, *p; unsigned int row, xsize; unsigned int col, ysize; PCXfile = PHYSFSX_openReadBuffered( filename ); if ( !PCXfile ) return PCX_ERROR_OPENING; PHYSFSX_fseek(PCXfile, -1, SEEK_END); fsize = PHYSFS_tell(PCXfile); PHYSFS_read(PCXfile, &xor_value, 1, 1); xor_value--; PHYSFSX_fseek(PCXfile, 0, SEEK_SET); bguy_data = (ubyte *)d_malloc(fsize); bguy_data1 = (ubyte *)d_malloc(fsize); PHYSFS_read(PCXfile, bguy_data1, 1, fsize); for (i = 0; i < fsize; i++) { c = bguy_data1[fsize - i - 1] ^ xor_value; bguy_data[i] = c; xor_value--; } PHYSFS_close(PCXfile); d_free(bguy_data1); p = bguy_data; memcpy( &header, p, sizeof(PCXHeader) ); p += sizeof(PCXHeader); // Is it a 256 color PCX file? if ((header.Manufacturer != 10)||(header.Encoding != 1)||(header.Nplanes != 1)||(header.BitsPerPixel != 8)||(header.Version != 5)) { d_free(bguy_data); return PCX_ERROR_WRONG_VERSION; } header.Xmin= INTEL_SHORT(header.Xmin); header.Xmax = INTEL_SHORT(header.Xmax); header.Ymin = INTEL_SHORT(header.Ymin); header.Ymax = INTEL_SHORT(header.Ymax); // Find the size of the image xsize = header.Xmax - header.Xmin + 1; ysize = header.Ymax - header.Ymin + 1; if ( bmp->bm_data == NULL ) { memset( bmp, 0, sizeof( grs_bitmap ) ); MALLOC(bmp->bm_data, unsigned char, xsize * ysize ); if ( bmp->bm_data == NULL ) { d_free(bguy_data); return PCX_ERROR_MEMORY; } bmp->bm_w = bmp->bm_rowsize = xsize; bmp->bm_h = ysize; bmp->bm_type = bitmap_type; } for (row=0; row< ysize ; row++) { pixdata = &bmp->bm_data[bmp->bm_rowsize*row]; for (col=0; col< xsize ; ) { data = *p; p++; if ((data & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { count = data & 0x3F; data = *p; p++; memset( pixdata, data, count ); pixdata += count; col += count; } else { *pixdata++ = data; col++; } } } // Read the extended palette at the end of PCX file // Read in a character which should be 12 to be extended palette file p++; if (palette != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < 768; i++) { palette[i] = *p; palette[i] >>= 2; p++; } } d_free(bguy_data); return PCX_ERROR_NONE; } #endif struct PCX_PHYSFS_file { PHYSFS_file *PCXfile; }; static int pcx_read_bitmap_file(struct PCX_PHYSFS_file *const pcxphysfs, grs_bitmap * bmp,int bitmap_type ,ubyte * palette); int pcx_read_bitmap(const char * filename, grs_bitmap * bmp,int bitmap_type ,ubyte * palette ) { struct PCX_PHYSFS_file pcxphysfs; int result; pcxphysfs.PCXfile = PHYSFSX_openReadBuffered( filename ); if (!pcxphysfs.PCXfile) return PCX_ERROR_OPENING; result = pcx_read_bitmap_file(&pcxphysfs, bmp, bitmap_type, palette); PHYSFS_close(pcxphysfs.PCXfile); return result; } static int PCX_PHYSFS_read(struct PCX_PHYSFS_file *pcxphysfs, ubyte *data, unsigned size) { return PHYSFS_read(pcxphysfs->PCXfile, data, size, sizeof(*data)); } static int pcx_read_bitmap_file(struct PCX_PHYSFS_file *const pcxphysfs, grs_bitmap * bmp,int bitmap_type ,ubyte * palette) { PCXHeader header; int i, row, col, count, xsize, ysize; ubyte data, *pixdata; // read 128 char PCX header if (PCXHeader_read_n( &header, 1, pcxphysfs->PCXfile )!=1) { return PCX_ERROR_NO_HEADER; } // Is it a 256 color PCX file? if ((header.Manufacturer != 10)||(header.Encoding != 1)||(header.Nplanes != 1)||(header.BitsPerPixel != 8)||(header.Version != 5)) { return PCX_ERROR_WRONG_VERSION; } // Find the size of the image xsize = header.Xmax - header.Xmin + 1; ysize = header.Ymax - header.Ymin + 1; if ( bitmap_type == BM_LINEAR ) { if ( bmp->bm_data == NULL ) { gr_init_bitmap_alloc (bmp, bitmap_type, 0, 0, xsize, ysize, xsize); } } if ( bmp->bm_type == BM_LINEAR ) { for (row=0; row< ysize ; row++) { pixdata = &bmp->bm_data[bmp->bm_rowsize*row]; for (col=0; col< xsize ; ) { if (PCX_PHYSFS_read(pcxphysfs, &data, 1) != 1) { return PCX_ERROR_READING; } if ((data & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { count = data & 0x3F; if (PCX_PHYSFS_read(pcxphysfs, &data, 1) != 1) { return PCX_ERROR_READING; } memset( pixdata, data, count ); pixdata += count; col += count; } else { *pixdata++ = data; col++; } } } } else { for (row=0; row< ysize ; row++) { for (col=0; col< xsize ; ) { if (PCX_PHYSFS_read(pcxphysfs, &data, 1) != 1) { return PCX_ERROR_READING; } if ((data & 0xC0) == 0xC0) { count = data & 0x3F; if (PCX_PHYSFS_read(pcxphysfs, &data, 1) != 1) { return PCX_ERROR_READING; } for (i=0;i>= 2; } } else { return PCX_ERROR_NO_PALETTE; } } return PCX_ERROR_NONE; } int pcx_write_bitmap(const char * filename, grs_bitmap * bmp, ubyte * palette ) { int retval; int i; ubyte data; PCXHeader header; PHYSFS_file *PCXfile; memset( &header, 0, PCXHEADER_SIZE ); header.Manufacturer = 10; header.Encoding = 1; header.Nplanes = 1; header.BitsPerPixel = 8; header.Version = 5; header.Xmax = bmp->bm_w-1; header.Ymax = bmp->bm_h-1; header.BytesPerLine = bmp->bm_w; PCXfile = PHYSFSX_openWriteBuffered(filename); if ( !PCXfile ) return PCX_ERROR_OPENING; if (PHYSFS_write(PCXfile, &header, PCXHEADER_SIZE, 1) != 1) { PHYSFS_close(PCXfile); return PCX_ERROR_WRITING; } for (i=0; ibm_h; i++ ) { if (!pcx_encode_line( &bmp->bm_data[bmp->bm_rowsize*i], bmp->bm_w, PCXfile )) { PHYSFS_close(PCXfile); return PCX_ERROR_WRITING; } } // Mark an extended palette data = 12; if (PHYSFS_write(PCXfile, &data, 1, 1) != 1) { PHYSFS_close(PCXfile); return PCX_ERROR_WRITING; } // Write the extended palette for (i=0; i<768; i++ ) palette[i] <<= 2; retval = PHYSFS_write(PCXfile, palette, 768, 1); for (i=0; i<768; i++ ) palette[i] >>= 2; if (retval !=1) { PHYSFS_close(PCXfile); return PCX_ERROR_WRITING; } PHYSFS_close(PCXfile); return PCX_ERROR_NONE; } // returns number of bytes written into outBuff, 0 if failed int pcx_encode_line(ubyte *inBuff, int inLen, PHYSFS_file *fp) { ubyte ub, last; int srcIndex, i; register int total; register ubyte runCount; // max single runlength is 63 total = 0; last = *(inBuff); runCount = 1; for (srcIndex = 1; srcIndex < inLen; srcIndex++) { ub = *(++inBuff); if (ub == last) { runCount++; // it encodes if (runCount == 63) { if (!(i=pcx_encode_byte(last, runCount, fp))) return(0); total += i; runCount = 0; } } else { // this != last if (runCount) { if (!(i=pcx_encode_byte(last, runCount, fp))) return(0); total += i; } last = ub; runCount = 1; } } if (runCount) { // finish up if (!(i=pcx_encode_byte(last, runCount, fp))) return 0; return total + i; } return total; } // subroutine for writing an encoded byte pair // returns count of bytes written, 0 if error int pcx_encode_byte(ubyte byt, ubyte cnt, PHYSFS_file *fid) { if (cnt) { if ( (cnt==1) && (0xc0 != (0xc0 & byt)) ) { if(EOF == PHYSFSX_putc(fid, (int)byt)) return 0; // disk write error (probably full) return 1; } else { if(EOF == PHYSFSX_putc(fid, (int)0xC0 | cnt)) return 0; // disk write error if(EOF == PHYSFSX_putc(fid, (int)byt)) return 0; // disk write error return 2; } } return 0; } //text for error messges static const char pcx_error_messages[] = { "No error.\0" "Error opening file.\0" "Couldn't read PCX header.\0" "Unsupported PCX version.\0" "Error reading data.\0" "Couldn't find palette information.\0" "Error writing data.\0" }; //function to return pointer to error message const char *pcx_errormsg(int error_number) { const char *p = pcx_error_messages; while (error_number--) { if (!p) return NULL; p += strlen(p)+1; } return p; }