;THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX ;SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO ;END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ;ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS ;IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS ;SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE ;FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE ;CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS ;AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. ;COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. ; ; $Source: /cvsroot/dxx-rebirth/d2x-rebirth/arch/dos/joy2.asm,v $ ; $Revision: $ ; $Author: zicodxx $ ; $Date: 2006/03/17 19:52:46 $ ; ; Contains routines for joystick interface. ; ; $Log: joy2.asm,v $ ; Revision 2006/03/17 19:52:46 zicodxx ; initial import ; ; Revision 1.3 2001/10/24 09:25:05 bradleyb ; Moved input stuff to arch subdirs, as in d1x. ; ; Revision 2001/01/19 03:33:43 bradleyb ; Import of d2x-0.0.9-pre1 ; ; Revision 1999/06/14 21:57:53 donut ; Import of d1x 1.37 source. ; ; Revision 1.17 1995/10/07 13:22:11 john ; Added new method of reading joystick that allows higher-priority ; interrupts to go off. ; ; Revision 1.16 1995/03/30 11:03:30 john ; Made -JoyBios read buttons using BIOS. ; ; Revision 1.15 1995/02/14 11:39:36 john ; Added polled/bios joystick readers.. ; ; Revision 1.14 1995/01/29 18:36:00 john ; Made timer count in mode 2 instead of mode 3. ; ; Revision 1.13 1994/12/28 15:32:21 john ; Added code to read joystick axis not all at one time. ; ; Revision 1.12 1994/12/27 15:44:59 john ; Made the joystick timeout be at 1/100th of a second, ; regardless of CPU speed. ; ; Revision 1.11 1994/11/15 12:04:40 john ; Cleaned up timer code a bit... took out unused functions ; like timer_get_milliseconds, etc. ; ; Revision 1.10 1994/07/01 10:55:54 john ; Fixed some bugs... added support for 4 axis. ; ; Revision 1.9 1994/06/30 20:36:54 john ; Revamped joystick code. ; ; Revision 1.8 1994/04/22 12:52:06 john [BITS 32] [SECTION .data] LastTick dd 0 TotalTicks dd 0 global _joy_bogus_reading global _joy_retries extern _JOY_PORT _joy_bogus_reading dd 0 _joy_retries dd 0 RetryCount dd 0 [SECTION .text] ; JOY_PORT EQU 0209h TDATA EQU 40h TCOMMAND EQU 43h joy_get_timer: xor al, al ; Latch timer 0 command out TCOMMAND, al ; Latch timer in al, TDATA ; Read lo byte mov ah, al in al, TDATA ; Read hi byte xchg ah, al and eax, 0ffffh ret global _joy_read_stick_friendly2 _joy_read_stick_friendly2: push ebx push edi mov ebx,[esp+12] mov edi,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+20] ; ebx = read mask ; edi = pointer to event buffer ; ecx = timeout value ; returns in eax the number of events mov dword [RetryCount], 0 mov dword [_joy_bogus_reading], 0 _joy_read_stick_friendly_retry: inc dword [RetryCount] cmp dword [RetryCount], 3 jbe @@f1 mov dword [_joy_bogus_reading], 1 inc dword [_joy_retries] mov eax, 0 pop edi pop ebx ret @@f1: push ecx push ebx push edi and ebx, 01111b ; Make sure we only check the right values ; number of events we found will be in bh, so this also clears it to zero. mov dx, [_JOY_PORT] cli ; disable interrupts while reading time... call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX sti ; enable interrupts after reading time... mov dword [LastTick], eax waitforstable_f: in al, dx and al, bl jz ready_f ; Wait for the port in question to be done reading... cli ; disable interrupts while reading time... call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX sti ; enable interrupts after reading time... xchg eax, dword [LastTick] cmp eax, dword [LastTick] jb @@f2 sub eax, dword [LastTick] @@f2: ; Higher... add dword [TotalTicks], eax cmp dword [TotalTicks], ecx ; Timeout at 1/200'th of a second jae ready_f jmp waitforstable_f ready_f: cli mov al, 0ffh out dx, al ; Start joystick a readin' call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX mov dword [LastTick], eax mov dword [TotalTicks], 0 mov [edi], eax ; Store initial count add edi, 4 again_f: in al, dx ; Read Joystick port not al and al, bl ; Mask off channels we don't want to read jnz flip_f ; See if any of the channels flipped ; none flipped -- check any interrupts... mov al, 0Ah out 20h, al in al, 20h ; Get interrupts pending cmp al, 0 je NoInts ; Need to do an interrupt sti nop ; let the interrupt go on... cli ; See if any axis turned in al, dx not al and al, bl jz NoInts ; At this point, an interrupt occured, making one or more ; of the axis values bogus. So, we will restart this process... pop edi pop ebx pop ecx jmp _joy_read_stick_friendly_retry NoInts: call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX xchg eax, dword [LastTick] cmp eax, dword [LastTick] jb @@f3 sub eax, dword [LastTick] @@f3: ; Higher... add dword [TotalTicks], eax cmp dword [TotalTicks], ecx ; Timeout at 1/200'th of a second jae timed_out_f jmp again_f flip_f: and eax, 01111b ; Only care about axis values mov [edi], eax ; Record what channel(s) flipped add edi, 4 xor bl, al ; Unmark the channels that just tripped call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX mov [edi], eax ; Record the time this channel flipped add edi, 4 inc bh ; Increment number of events cmp bl, 0 jne again_f ; If there are more channels to read, keep looping timed_out_f: sti movzx eax, bh ; Return number of events pop edi pop ebx pop ecx pop edi pop ebx ret global _joy_read_stick_asm2 _joy_read_stick_asm2: push ebx push edi mov ebx,[esp+12] mov edi,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+20] ; ebx = read mask ; edi = pointer to event buffer ; ecx = timeout value ; returns in eax the number of events mov dword [_joy_bogus_reading], 0 and ebx, 01111b ; Make sure we only check the right values ; number of events we found will be in bh, so this also clears it to zero. mov dx, [_JOY_PORT] cli ; disable interrupts while reading time... call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX sti ; enable interrupts after reading time... mov dword [LastTick], eax waitforstable: in al, dx and al, bl jz ready ; Wait for the port in question to be done reading... cli ; disable interrupts while reading time... call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX sti ; enable interrupts after reading time... xchg eax, dword [LastTick] cmp eax, dword [LastTick] jb @@f4 sub eax, dword [LastTick] @@f4: ; Higher... add dword [TotalTicks], eax cmp dword [TotalTicks], ecx ; Timeout at 1/200'th of a second jae ready jmp waitforstable ready: cli mov al, 0ffh out dx, al ; Start joystick a readin' call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX mov dword [LastTick], eax mov dword [TotalTicks], 0 mov [edi], eax ; Store initial count add edi, 4 again: in al, dx ; Read Joystick port not al and al, bl ; Mask off channels we don't want to read jnz flip ; See if any of the channels flipped call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX xchg eax, dword [LastTick] cmp eax, dword [LastTick] jb @@f5 sub eax, dword [LastTick] @@f5: ; Higher... add dword [TotalTicks], eax cmp dword [TotalTicks], ecx ; Timeout at 1/200'th of a second jae timedout jmp again flip: and eax, 01111b ; Only care about axis values mov [edi], eax ; Record what channel(s) flipped add edi, 4 xor bl, al ; Unmark the channels that just tripped call joy_get_timer ; Returns counter in EAX mov [edi], eax ; Record the time this channel flipped add edi, 4 inc bh ; Increment number of events cmp bl, 0 jne again ; If there are more channels to read, keep looping timedout: movzx eax, bh ; Return number of events sti pop edi pop ebx ret global _joy_read_stick_polled2 _joy_read_stick_polled2: push ebx push edi mov ebx,[esp+12] mov edi,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+20] ; ebx = read mask ; edi = pointer to event buffer ; ecx = timeout value ; returns in eax the number of events mov dword [_joy_bogus_reading], 0 and ebx, 01111b ; Make sure we only check the right values ; number of events we found will be in bh, so this also clears it to zero. mov dx, [_JOY_PORT] mov dword [TotalTicks], 0 waitforstable1: in al, dx and al, bl jz ready1 ; Wait for the port in question to be done reading... inc dword [TotalTicks] cmp dword [TotalTicks], ecx ; Timeout at 1/200'th of a second jae ready1 jmp waitforstable1 ready1: cli mov al, 0ffh out dx, al ; Start joystick a readin' mov dword [TotalTicks], 0 mov dword [edi], 0 ; Store initial count add edi, 4 again1: in al, dx ; Read Joystick port not al and al, bl ; Mask off channels we don't want to read jnz flip1 ; See if any of the channels flipped inc dword [TotalTicks] cmp dword [TotalTicks], ecx ; Timeout at 1/200'th of a second jae timedout1 jmp again1 flip1: and eax, 01111b ; Only care about axis values mov [edi], eax ; Record what channel(s) flipped add edi, 4 xor bl, al ; Unmark the channels that just tripped mov eax, dword [TotalTicks] mov [edi], eax ; Record the time this channel flipped add edi, 4 inc bh ; Increment number of events cmp bl, 0 jne again1 ; If there are more channels to read, keep looping timedout1: movzx eax, bh ; Return number of events sti pop edi pop ebx ret global _joy_read_stick_bios2 _joy_read_stick_bios2: push ebx push edi mov ebx,[esp+12] mov edi,[esp+16] mov ecx,[esp+20] ; ebx = read mask ; edi = pointer to event buffer ; ecx = timeout value ; returns in eax the number of events mov dword [_joy_bogus_reading], 0 pusha mov dword [edi], 0 mov eax, 08400h mov edx, 1 cli int 15h sti mov dword [edi+4], 1 ; Axis 1 and eax, 0ffffh mov [edi+8], eax ; Axis 1 value mov dword [edi+12], 2 ; Axis 2 and ebx, 0ffffh mov [edi+16], ebx ; Axis 2 value mov dword [edi+20], 4 ; Axis 3 and ecx, 0ffffh mov [edi+24], ecx ; Axis 3 value mov dword [edi+28], 8 ; Axis 3 and edx, 0ffffh mov [edi+32], edx ; Axis 3 value popa mov eax, 4 ; 4 events pop edi pop ebx ret global _joy_read_buttons_bios2 _joy_read_buttons_bios2: ; returns in eax the button settings push ebx push ecx push edx mov eax, 08400h mov edx, 0 ; Read switches int 15h pop edx pop ecx pop ebx shr eax, 4 not eax and eax, 01111b ret global _joy_read_buttons_bios_end2 _joy_read_buttons_bios_end2: ; to calculate _joy_read_buttons_bios size