/* DPH: This is the file where all the stub functions go. The aim is to have nothing in here ,eventually */ #include #ifdef SDL_AUDIO #include #include #include #include #include "pstypes.h" #include "error.h" #include "args.h" static SDL_CD *s_cd = NULL; extern int Redbook_playing; static int initialised = 0; void RBAExit() { if (initialised) { SDL_CDClose(s_cd); } } void RBAInit() { if (initialised) return; if (args_find("-nocdrom")) return; if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_CDROM) < 0) { Warning("SDL library initialisation failed: %s.",SDL_GetError()); return; } if (SDL_CDNumDrives() == 0) { Warning("No cdrom drives found!\n"); return; } s_cd = SDL_CDOpen(0); atexit(RBAExit); initialised = 1; } int RBAEnabled() { return 1; } void RBARegisterCD() { } int RBAPlayTrack(int a) { if (!initialised) return -1; if (CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(s_cd)) ) { SDL_CDPlayTracks(s_cd, a-1, 0, 0, 0); } return a; } void RBAStop() { if (!initialised) return; SDL_CDStop(s_cd); } void RBASetVolume(int a) { } void RBAPause() { if (!initialised) return; SDL_CDPause(s_cd); } void RBAResume() { if (!initialised) return; SDL_CDResume(s_cd); } int RBAGetNumberOfTracks() { if (!initialised) return -1; SDL_CDStatus(s_cd); return s_cd->numtracks; } int RBAPlayTracks(int tracknum,int something) { if (!initialised) return -1; if (CD_INDRIVE(SDL_CDStatus(s_cd)) ) { SDL_CDPlayTracks(s_cd, tracknum-1, 0, 0, 0); } return tracknum; } int RBAGetTrackNum() { if (!initialised) return -1; SDL_CDStatus(s_cd); return s_cd->cur_track; } int RBAPeekPlayStatus() { return 1; } int CD_blast_mixer() { return 0; } #endif //SDL_AUDIO