DXX-Rebirth for the Raspberry Pi BUILDING: ========= Make sure you have installed (the development packages of) all of the required libraries (libsdl, libphysfs, ...). For building, you will also need scons (and for that, python). Most linux distributions should contain all the required packages, debain/raspbian do so for sure. Using a distribution with hardfp ABI is recommended for optimal performance. I developed/tested this on a raspbian wheezy. To build directly on the device, just run: scons raspberrypi=1 [... other options (see scons -h)...] This assumes that the development files (libs/headers) for the VideoCore APIs are located in /opt/vc. You can use rpi_vc_path to specify another location. Currently, there is no direct support for crosscompiling. RUNNING: ======== The game should run with X11 or directly on the console (libsdl with fbcon/ directfb driver). NOTE: *** PLEASE USE THE 128/128MB MEMORY SPLIT *** The game might completely freeze or diplay messed up graphics in out-of-(GPU)-memory situations. If you want to run it with the 192/64MB memory split, you might be able to do so by setting the texture filter to "NONE" in the graphics options. (This disables mip mapping and reduces the memory requirements of the textures. Note that the "BILINEAR" filter still uses mipmapping). If the game freezes during the "Prepare for Descent" phase when loading a level, you probably do not have enough GPU memory. RUNNING ON X11: =============== Recommendation is to use fullscreen mode. However, you can run in "windowed" mode, too. The game will open an X11 window in that case, and the actual game output will be an overlay of the same size, but not at the same position, and always on top (and completely out of control of the X Server). Game input is still handled via the X11 window, so make sure it has the focus. RUNNING ON THE CONSOLE: ======================= libsdl supports running directly on the Linux console. While the SDL Video mode is technically not required on the RPi, we still have to use it to get all the input events we need. libsdl seems to have problems on the RPi, I always get a crash in libsdl when trying to change the resolution. To avoid such crashes, the code will try to detect if it is running on the console and activate a hack to prevent switching the resolution. Note that the in-game framebuffer resolution can still be changed, the RPi will just scale the output to the initial resolution (in "fullscreen" mode). "Windowed" mode will just result in unscaled output. As libsdl creates a black screen, you will not be able to have the "Window" on top of the linux console output :( NOTE: You might need root privileges to use the libsdl fbcon/directfb drivers. BUGS, SUGGESTIONS AND FEEDBACK: =============================== The RPi patch was written by: Marcel Heinz Send bug reports, suggestions and other feedback regarding the operation on the RPi to me via email, or post to the official dxx-rebirth forum at: http://www.dxx-rebirth.com/frm/index.php -- derhass, 2012-08-09