/* $Id: inferno.c,v 2006/03/17 19:57:28 zicodxx Exp $ */ /* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * inferno.c: Entry point of program (main procedure) * * After main initializes everything, most of the time is spent in the loop * while (Function_mode != FMODE_EXIT) * In this loop, the main menu is brought up first. * * main() for Inferno * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif char copyright[] = "DESCENT II COPYRIGHT (C) 1994-1996 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION"; #include #include #include #include #ifdef __unix__ #include #include #include #endif #include #include "pstypes.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "console.h" #include "gr.h" #include "fix.h" #include "vecmat.h" #include "mono.h" #include "key.h" #include "timer.h" #include "3d.h" #include "bm.h" #include "inferno.h" #include "error.h" #include "game.h" #include "segment.h" //for Side_to_verts #include "u_mem.h" #include "segpoint.h" #include "screens.h" #include "texmap.h" #include "texmerge.h" #include "menu.h" #include "wall.h" #include "polyobj.h" #include "effects.h" #include "digi.h" #include "palette.h" #include "args.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "titles.h" #include "player.h" #include "text.h" #include "newdemo.h" #include "gauges.h" // ZICO - new HUD modes #ifdef NETWORK #include "network.h" #include "modem.h" #endif #include "gamefont.h" #include "kconfig.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "joy.h" #include "newmenu.h" #include "desc_id.h" #include "config.h" #include "joydefs.h" #include "multi.h" #include "songs.h" #include "cfile.h" #include "gameseq.h" #include "gamepal.h" #include "mission.h" #include "movie.h" #include "playsave.h" // # include "3dfx_des.h" //added on 9/30/98 by Matt Mueller for selectable automap modes #include "automap.h" //end addition -MM #include "../texmap/scanline.h" //for select_tmap -MM #ifdef EDITOR #include "editor/editor.h" #include "editor/kdefs.h" #include "ui.h" #endif #ifndef __MSDOS__ #include #endif #include "vers_id.h" void mem_init(void); void arch_init(void); void arch_init_start(void); //Current version number ubyte Version_major = 1; //FULL VERSION ubyte Version_minor = 2; //static const char desc_id_checksum_str[] = DESC_ID_CHKSUM_TAG "0000"; // 4-byte checksum char desc_id_exit_num = 0; int Function_mode=FMODE_MENU; //game or editor? int Screen_mode=-1; //game screen or editor screen? //--unused-- grs_bitmap Inferno_bitmap_title; int WVIDEO_running=0; //debugger can set to 1 if running //--unused-- int Cyberman_installed=0; // SWIFT device present ubyte CybermouseActive=0; #ifdef __WATCOMC__ int __far descent_critical_error_handler( unsigned deverr, unsigned errcode, unsigned __far * devhdr ); #endif void show_order_form(void); //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- extern int piggy_low_memory; int descent_critical_error = 0; unsigned descent_critical_deverror = 0; unsigned descent_critical_errcode = 0; extern int Network_allow_socket_changes; extern void vfx_set_palette_sub(ubyte *); extern int VR_low_res; extern int Config_vr_type; extern int Config_vr_resolution; extern int Config_vr_tracking; extern int mouselook; #ifndef RELEASE extern int invulnerability; #endif #ifndef NDEBUG extern int checktime; #endif extern int macdata; #define LINE_LEN 100 //read help from a file & print to screen void print_commandline_help() { printf( "\n System Options:\n\n"); printf( " -fps %s\n", "Enable FPS indicator by default"); // ZICO - would be good, right? printf( " -maxfps %s\n", "Set maximum framerate (1-100)"); printf( " -hogdir %s\n", "set shared data directory to "); #ifdef __unix__ printf( " -nohogdir %s\n", "don't try to use shared data directory"); printf( " -userdir %s\n", "set user dir to instead of $HOME/.d2x-rebirth"); #endif // __unix__ #if defined(EDITOR) || !defined(MACDATA) printf( " -macdata %s\n","Read (and, for editor, write) mac data files (swap colors)"); #endif // defined(EDITOR) || !defined(MACDATA) printf( " -lowmem %s\n", "Lowers animation detail for better performance with low memory"); printf( "\n Controls:\n\n"); printf( " -NoJoystick %s\n", "Disables joystick support"); printf( " -mouselook %s\n", "Activate mouselook. Works in singleplayer only"); #ifdef SDL_INPUT printf( " -grabmouse %s\n", "Keeps the mouse from wandering out of the window"); #endif // SDL_INPUT printf( "\n Sound:\n\n"); printf( " -Volume %s\n", "Sets sound volume to v, where v is between 0 and 100"); printf( " -NoSound %s\n", "Disables sound drivers"); printf( " -NoMusic %s\n", "Disables music; sound effects remain enabled"); printf( " -DisableSound %s\n", "Completely disable sound system (also disables movies)"); printf( " -Sound11K %s\n", "Use 11KHz sounds"); #if !defined(MACINTOSH) && !defined(WINDOWS) printf( " -nomixer %s\n", "Don't crank music volume"); #endif // !defined(MACINTOSH) && !defined(WINDOWS) #if !defined(SHAREWARE) || ( defined(SHAREWARE) && defined(APPLE_DEMO) ) printf( " -noredbook %s\n", "Disable redbook audio"); #endif // !defined(SHAREWARE) || ( defined(SHAREWARE) && defined(APPLE_DEMO) ) printf( "\n Graphics:\n\n"); printf( " -menux %s\n", "Set menu-resolution to by instead of game-resolution"); printf( " -aspectx %s\n", "use specified aspect"); printf( " -hud %s\n", "Set hud mode. 0=normal 1-3=new"); #ifdef GR_SUPPORTS_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE printf( " -window %s\n", "Run the game in a window"); #endif // GR_SUPPORTS_FULLSCREEN_TOGGLE printf( " -lowresmovies %s\n","Play low resolution movies if available (for slow machines)"); printf( " -subtitles %s\n","Turn on movie subtitles (English-only)"); printf( " -rearviewtime t %s\n", "Time holding rearview key to use toggle mode (default 0.0625 seconds)"); #ifdef OGL printf( "\n OpenGL:\n\n"); printf( " -gl_simple %s\n", "Set gl texture filters to gl_nearest for \"original\" look. (default)"); printf( " -gl_mipmap %s\n", "Set gl texture filters to \"standard\" options for mipmapping"); printf( " -gl_trilinear %s\n", "Set gl texture filters to trilinear mipmapping"); printf( " -gl_reticle %s\n", "Use OGL reticle 0=never 1=above 320x* 2=always"); printf( " -gl_scissor_ok %s\n", "Set glScissor. 0=off 1=on (default)"); printf( " -fixedfont %s\n", "Do not scale fonts to current resolution"); printf( " -nomoviesmooth %s\n", "Do not smooth movies"); #endif // OGL printf( "\n Quickstart:\n\n"); printf( " -ini %s\n", "Option file (alternate to command line), defaults to d2x.ini"); printf( " -notitles %s\n", "Do not show titlescreens on startup"); printf( " -pilot %s\n", "Select this pilot automatically"); printf( " -autodemo %s\n", "Start in demo mode"); #ifdef NETWORK printf( "\n Multiplayer:\n\n"); printf( " -norankings %s\n", "Disable multiplayer ranking system"); printf( " -noredundancy %s\n", "Do not send messages when picking up redundant items in multi"); printf( " -shortpackets %s\n", "Set shortpackets to default as on"); printf( " -packets %s\n", "Specifies the number of packets per second\n"); printf( " -ipxnetwork %s\n", "Use IPX network number "); printf( " -kali %s\n", "Use Kali for networking"); printf( " -udp %s\n", "Specify options for udp/ip:"); printf( " @ %s\n", " Shift udp port base offset"); printf( " = %s\n", " Broadcast both local and to HOST_LIST"); printf( " + %s\n", " Broadcast only to HOST_LIST"); printf( " %s\n", " HOSTS can be any IP or hostname"); printf( " %s\n", " HOSTS can also be in the form of
:"); printf( " %s\n", " Separate multiple HOSTS with a ,"); #endif // NETWORK #ifndef NDEBUG printf( "\n Debug:\n\n"); printf( " -debug %s\n","Enable very verbose output"); printf( " -Verbose %s\n", "Shows initialization steps for tech support"); printf( " -renderstats %s\n", "Enable renderstats info by default"); printf( " -norun %s\n","Bail out after initialization"); printf( " -nofade %s\n","Disable fades"); printf( " -norun %s\n","Bail out after initialization"); printf( " -text %s\n","Specify alternate .tex file"); #ifndef RELEASE printf( " -invulnerability %s\n","Make yourself invulnerable"); printf( " -nomovies %s\n","Don't play movies"); printf( " -noscreens %s\n","Skip briefing screens"); #endif // RELEASE #ifdef SDL_VIDEO printf( " -nosdlvidmodecheck %s\n", "Some X servers don't like checking vidmode first, so just switch"); #endif // SDL_VIDEO #ifdef EDITOR printf( "\n Editor:\n\n"); printf( " -autoload %s\n", "Autoload a level in the editor"); printf( " -hoarddata %s\n","Make the hoard ham file from some files, then exit"); #endif // EDITOR /* KEPT FOR FURTHER REFERENCE printf( "\n Unused / Obsolete:\n\n"); printf( " -nobm %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -bigpig %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -bspgen %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -cdproxy %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -checktime %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -showmeminfo %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -codereadonly %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -cyberimpact %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -debugmode %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -disallowgfx %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -disallowreboot %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -dynamicsockets %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -forcegfx %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -hw_3dacc %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -jasen %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -joyslow %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -logfile %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -memdbg %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -monodebug %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -nocdrom %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -nocyberman %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -nomatrixcheat %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -showaddress %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -socket %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -nomodex %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -ordinaljoy %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -specialdevice %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -stickmag %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -stopwatch %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -sysram %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -tsengdebug1 %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -tsengdebug2 %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -tsengdebug3 %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -vidram %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -xcontrol %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -xname %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -xver %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_intensity4_ok %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_luminance4_alpha4_ok %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_readpixels_ok %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_rgba2_ok %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_test1 %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_test2 %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_vidmem %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -hwsurface %s\n", "FIXME: Undocumented"); printf( " -gl_library %s\n", "use alternate opengl library"); printf( " -emul %s\n", "Certain video cards need this option in order to run game"); printf( " -ddemul %s\n", "If -emul doesn't work, use this option"); printf( " -rtscts %s\n", "Same as -ctsrts"); printf( " -semiwin %s\n", "Use non-fullscreen mode"); printf( " -ihaveabrokenmouse %s\n", "try to make mouse work if it is not currently"); printf( " -joy209 %s\n", "Use alternate port 209 for joystick"); printf( " -serialdevice %s\n", "Set serial/modem device to "); printf( " -serialread %s\n", "Set serial/modem to read from "); */ #endif // NDEBUG printf( "\n Help:\n\n"); printf( " -help, -h, -?, ? %s\n", "View this help screen"); printf( "\n\n"); } void do_joystick_init() { if (!FindArg( "-nojoystick" )) { con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s", TXT_VERBOSE_6); joy_init(); if ( FindArg( "-joyslow" )) { con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s", TXT_VERBOSE_7); joy_set_slow_reading(JOY_SLOW_READINGS); } if ( FindArg( "-joypolled" )) { con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s", TXT_VERBOSE_8); joy_set_slow_reading(JOY_POLLED_READINGS); } if ( FindArg( "-joybios" )) { con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s", TXT_VERBOSE_9); joy_set_slow_reading(JOY_BIOS_READINGS); } // Added from Descent v1.5 by John. Adapted by Samir. } else { con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s", TXT_VERBOSE_10); } } //set this to force game to run in low res int disable_high_res=0; void do_register_player(ubyte *title_pal) { Players[Player_num].callsign[0] = '\0'; if (!Auto_demo) { key_flush(); //now, before we bring up the register player menu, we need to //do some stuff to make sure the palette is ok. First, we need to //get our current palette into the 2d's array, so the remapping will //work. Second, we need to remap the fonts. Third, we need to fill //in part of the fade tables so the darkening of the menu edges works memcpy(gr_palette,title_pal,sizeof(gr_palette)); remap_fonts_and_menus(1); RegisterPlayer(); //get player's name read_player_file(); // read out now so we are able to use game resolution in menu } } #define PROGNAME argv[0] extern char Language[]; //can we do highres menus? extern int MenuHiresAvailable; int Inferno_verbose = 0; extern int framerate_on; //added on 11/18/98 by Victor Rachels to add -mission and -startgame int start_net_immediately = 0; //int start_with_mission = 0; //char *start_with_mission_name; //end this section addition u_int32_t MENU_HIRES_MODE=SM(640,480); //#define MENU_HIRES_MODE SM(640,480) int menu_use_game_res=1; // DESCENT II by Parallax Software // Descent Main //extern ubyte gr_current_pal[]; #ifdef EDITOR int Auto_exit = 0; char Auto_file[128] = ""; #endif int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int i, t; ubyte title_pal[768]; con_init(); // Initialise the console mem_init(); error_init(NULL, NULL); PHYSFSX_init(argc, argv); if (FindArg("-debug")) con_threshold.value = (float)2; else if (FindArg("-verbose")) con_threshold.value = (float)1; //tell cfile where hogdir is if ((t=FindArg("-hogdir"))) PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(Args[t + 1], 1); #ifdef __unix__ else if (!FindArg("-nohogdir")) PHYSFS_addToSearchPath(SHAREPATH, 1); #endif if (! cfile_init("descent2.hog")) if (! cfile_init("d2demo.hog")) Warning("Could not find a valid hog file (descent2.hog or d2demo.hog)\nPossible locations are:\n" #ifdef __unix__ "\t$HOME/.d2x-rebirth\n" "\t" SHAREPATH "\n" #else "\tCurrent directory\n" #endif "Or use the -hogdir option to specify an alternate location."); load_text(); //print out the banner title con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "\nDESCENT 2 %s v%d.%d",VERSION_TYPE,Version_major,Version_minor); #if 1 //def VERSION_NAME con_printf(CON_NORMAL, " %s", DESCENT_VERSION); // D2X version #endif if (cfexist(MISSION_DIR "d2x.hog")) con_printf(CON_NORMAL, " Vertigo Enhanced"); con_printf(CON_NORMAL, " %s %s\n", __DATE__,__TIME__); con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "%s\n%s\n",TXT_COPYRIGHT,TXT_TRADEMARK); con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "This is a MODIFIED version of Descent 2. Copyright (c) 1999 Peter Hawkins\n"); con_printf(CON_NORMAL, " Copyright (c) 2002 Bradley Bell\n"); con_printf(CON_NORMAL, " Copyright (c) 2005 Christian Beckhaeuser\n"); if (FindArg( "-help" ) || FindArg( "-h" ) || FindArg( "-?" ) || FindArg( "?" ) ) { print_commandline_help(); set_exit_message(""); #ifdef __MINGW32__ exit(0); /* mingw hangs on this return. dunno why */ #endif return(0); } con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "\n"); con_printf(CON_NORMAL, TXT_HELP, PROGNAME); //help message has %s for program name con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "\n"); { char **i, **list; list = PHYSFS_getSearchPath(); for (i = list; *i != NULL; i++) con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "PHYSFS: [%s] is in the search path.\n", *i); PHYSFS_freeList(list); list = PHYSFS_getCdRomDirs(); for (i = list; *i != NULL; i++) con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "PHYSFS: cdrom dir [%s] is available.\n", *i); PHYSFS_freeList(list); list = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(""); for (i = list; *i != NULL; i++) con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "PHYSFS: * We've got [%s].\n", *i); PHYSFS_freeList(list); } //(re)added Mar 30, 2003 Micah Lieske - Allow use of 22K sound samples again. // if(FindArg("-sound22k")) // { // digi_sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE_22K; // } if(FindArg("-sound11k")) { digi_sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE_11K; } else { digi_sample_rate = SAMPLE_RATE_22K; } arch_init_start(); arch_init(); //con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s...", "Checking for Descent 2 CD-ROM"); if ((t = FindArg("-rearviewtime"))) { float f = atof(Args[t + 1]); Rear_view_leave_time = f * f1_0; } con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "Rear_view_leave_time=0x%x (%f sec)\n", Rear_view_leave_time, Rear_view_leave_time / (float)f1_0); //added/edited 8/18/98 by Victor Rachels to set maximum fps <= 100 if ((t = FindArg( "-maxfps" ))) { t=atoi(Args[t+1]); if (t > 0 && t <= MAX_FPS) maxfps=t; } //end addition - Victor Rachels #ifdef SUPPORTS_NICEFPS if (FindArg("-nicefps")) use_nice_fps = 1; if (FindArg("-niceautomap")) nice_automap = 1; #endif if (FindArg("-mouselook")) mouselook=1; else mouselook=0; if ( FindArg( "-fps" )) // ZICO - for the indicator framerate_on = 1; if (FindArg("-renderstats")) gr_renderstats = 1; if ( FindArg( "-autodemo" )) Auto_demo = 1; #ifndef RELEASE if ( FindArg( "-noscreens" ) ) Skip_briefing_screens = 1; if ( FindArg( "-invulnerability") ) invulnerability = 1; #endif #ifndef NDEBUG if ( FindArg( "-checktime") ) checktime = 1; #endif if ( FindArg("-macdata") ) macdata = 1; if ((t=FindArg("-tmap"))){ select_tmap(Args[t+1]); }else select_tmap(NULL); if ((t=FindArg("-hud"))){ // ZICO - new HUD modes t=atoi(Args[t+1]); if(t>=0 && t 0 ) { kconfig_init_external_controls( strtol(Args[i+1], NULL, 0), strtol(Args[i+2], NULL, 0) ); } con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "\n%s\n\n", TXT_INITIALIZING_GRAPHICS); if (FindArg("-nofade")) grd_fades_disabled=1; //determine whether we're using high-res menus & movies if (FindArg("-nohires") || FindArg("-nohighres") || (gr_check_mode(MENU_HIRES_MODE) != 0) || disable_high_res) MovieHires = MenuHires = MenuHiresAvailable = 0; else //NOTE LINK TO ABOVE! MenuHires = MenuHiresAvailable = 1; if (FindArg( "-lowresmovies" )) MovieHires = 0; if ((t=gr_init())!=0) //doesn't do much Error(TXT_CANT_INIT_GFX,t); // Load the palette stuff. Returns non-zero if error. con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "Initializing palette system...\n" ); gr_use_palette_table(DEFAULT_PALETTE ); con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "Initializing font system...\n" ); gamefont_init(); // must load after palette data loaded. con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "Initializing movie libraries...\n" ); init_movies(); //init movie libraries #if 0 con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "Going into graphics mode...\n"); gr_set_mode(MovieHires?SM(640,480):SM(320,200)); #endif if ( FindArg( "-notitles" ) ) songs_play_song( SONG_TITLE, 1); else show_titles(); con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nShowing loading screen..." ); show_loading_screen(title_pal); // title_pal is needed (see below) con_printf( CON_DEBUG , "\nDoing bm_init..." ); #ifdef EDITOR if (!bm_init_use_tbl()) #endif bm_init(); #ifdef EDITOR if (FindArg("-hoarddata") != 0) { save_hoard_data(); exit(1); } #endif //the bitmap loading code changes gr_palette, so restore it memcpy(gr_palette,title_pal,sizeof(gr_palette)); if ( FindArg( "-norun" ) ) return(0); con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nInitializing 3d system..." ); g3_init(); con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nInitializing texture caching system..." ); texmerge_init( 10 ); // 10 cache bitmaps con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nRunning game...\n" ); set_screen_mode(SCREEN_MENU); init_game(); // If built with editor, option to auto-load a level and quit game // to write certain data. #ifdef EDITOR { int t; if ( (t = FindArg( "-autoload" )) ) { Auto_exit = 1; strcpy(Auto_file, Args[t+1]); } } if (Auto_exit) { strcpy(Players[0].callsign, "dummy"); } else #endif { // do_register_player(title_pal); if((i = FindArg( "-pilot" ))) { char filename[15]; int j; strncpy(filename, Args[i+1], 12); for (j=0; filename[j] != '\0'; j++) { switch (filename[j]) { case ' ': filename[j] = '\0'; } } strlwr(filename); if(cfexist(filename)) { strcpy(strstr(filename,".plr"),"\0"); strcpy(Players[Player_num].callsign,filename); strupr(Players[Player_num].callsign); read_player_file(); WriteConfigFile(); remap_fonts_and_menus(1); } else //pilot doesn't exist. get pilot. do_register_player(title_pal); } else do_register_player(title_pal); } gr_palette_fade_out( title_pal, 32, 0 ); Game_mode = GM_GAME_OVER; if (Auto_demo) { newdemo_start_playback("descent.dem"); if (Newdemo_state == ND_STATE_PLAYBACK ) Function_mode = FMODE_GAME; } //do this here because the demo code can do a longjmp when trying to //autostart a demo from the main menu, never having gone into the game setjmp(LeaveGame); while (Function_mode != FMODE_EXIT) { switch( Function_mode ) { case FMODE_MENU: set_screen_mode(SCREEN_MENU); if ( Auto_demo ) { newdemo_start_playback(NULL); // Randomly pick a file if (Newdemo_state != ND_STATE_PLAYBACK) Error("No demo files were found for autodemo mode!"); } else { #ifdef EDITOR if (Auto_exit) { strcpy((char *)&Level_names[0], Auto_file); LoadLevel(1, 1); Function_mode = FMODE_EXIT; break; } #endif gr_palette_clear(); //I'm not sure why we need this, but we do DoMenu(); #ifdef EDITOR if ( Function_mode == FMODE_EDITOR ) { create_new_mine(); SetPlayerFromCurseg(); load_palette(NULL,1,0); } #endif } break; case FMODE_GAME: #ifdef EDITOR keyd_editor_mode = 0; #endif #ifdef SDL_INPUT /* keep the mouse from wandering in SDL */ if (FindArg("-grabmouse")) SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_ON); #endif game(); #ifdef SDL_INPUT /* give control back to the WM */ if (FindArg("-grabmouse")) SDL_WM_GrabInput(SDL_GRAB_OFF); #endif if ( Function_mode == FMODE_MENU ) songs_play_song( SONG_TITLE, 1 ); break; #ifdef EDITOR case FMODE_EDITOR: keyd_editor_mode = 1; editor(); #ifdef __WATCOMC__ _harderr( (void*)descent_critical_error_handler ); // Reinstall game error handler #endif if ( Function_mode == FMODE_GAME ) { Game_mode = GM_EDITOR; editor_reset_stuff_on_level(); N_players = 1; } break; #endif default: Error("Invalid function mode %d",Function_mode); } } WriteConfigFile(); if (!FindArg( "-notitles" )) show_order_form(); #ifndef NDEBUG if ( FindArg( "-showmeminfo" ) ) show_mem_info = 1; // Make memory statistics show #endif #ifdef _WIN32 digi_stop_current_song(); // ZICO - stop all midis // hack for some onboard soundcards digi_close(); // ZICO - stop all sounds // hack for some onboard soundcards #endif return(0); //presumably successful exit } void quit_request() { #ifdef NETWORK // void network_abort_game(); // if(Network_status) // network_abort_game(); #endif exit(0); }