/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Routines for drawing the radar. * */ #include #include "error.h" #include "3d.h" #include "inferno.h" #include "object.h" #include "vclip.h" #include "game.h" #include "mono.h" #include "polyobj.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "player.h" #include "bm.h" #include "hostage.h" #include "multi.h" #include "network.h" #include "gauges.h" int show_radar=0; int Network_allow_radar=0; short Hostage_monitor_size, Hostage_monitor_x, Hostage_monitor_y; static fix radx, rady, rox, roy, cenx, ceny; typedef struct blip { short x, y; ubyte c; } blip; #define MAX_BLIPS 1000 blip Blips[MAX_BLIPS]; int N_blips = 0; fix Radar_farthest_dist = (F1_0 * 20 * 15); // 15 segments away void radar_plot_object( object * objp, int hue ) { ubyte flags; g3s_point pos; int color; fix dist, rscale, zdist, distance; int xpos, ypos; flags = g3_rotate_point(&pos,&objp->pos); dist = vm_vec_mag_quick(&pos.p3_vec); // Make distance be 1.0 to 0.0, where 0.0 is maximum segments away; if ( dist >= Radar_farthest_dist ) return; distance = F1_0 - fixdiv( dist, Radar_farthest_dist ); color = f2i( distance*31 ); zdist = fix_sqrt( fixmul(pos.p3_x,pos.p3_x)+fixmul(pos.p3_y,pos.p3_y) ); if (zdist < 100 ) return; // Watch for divide overflow rscale = fix_acos( fixdiv(pos.p3_z,dist) )/2; xpos = f2i(fixmul( rox+fixmul(fixdiv(pos.p3_x,zdist),rscale), radx)); ypos = f2i(fixmul( roy-fixmul(fixdiv(pos.p3_y,zdist),rscale), rady)); if ( xpos < Hostage_monitor_x ) xpos = Hostage_monitor_x; if ( ypos < Hostage_monitor_y ) ypos = Hostage_monitor_y; if ( xpos > Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size-1 ) xpos = Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size-1; if ( ypos > Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size-1 ) ypos = Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size-1; Blips[N_blips].c = gr_fade_table[hue+color*256]; Blips[N_blips].x = xpos; Blips[N_blips].y = ypos; N_blips++; } void radar_render_frame() { int i,color; object * objp; switch (Cockpit_mode) { case CM_FULL_SCREEN: Hostage_monitor_size = Game_window_w / 6; Hostage_monitor_x = (grd_curscreen->sc_w - Game_window_w) / 2; Hostage_monitor_y = (grd_curscreen->sc_h - Game_window_h) / 2; break; case CM_FULL_COCKPIT: Hostage_monitor_size = Game_window_w / 6; Hostage_monitor_x = (grd_curscreen->sc_w - Game_window_w) / 2; Hostage_monitor_y = (grd_curscreen->sc_h) / 2.5; break; case CM_STATUS_BAR: Hostage_monitor_size = Game_window_w / 6; Hostage_monitor_x = (grd_curscreen->sc_w - Game_window_w) / 2; Hostage_monitor_y = (max_window_h - Game_window_h) / 2; break; case CM_REAR_VIEW: //no radar in rear view or letterbox! case CM_LETTERBOX: return; } if (hostage_is_vclip_playing()) return; gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); gr_setcolor( BM_XRGB( 0, 31, 0 ) ); gr_ucircle( i2f(Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size/2), i2f(Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2), i2f(Hostage_monitor_size)/2); //other stuff added 9/14/98 by Victor Rachels for fun. gr_circle( i2f(Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size/2), i2f(Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2), i2f(Hostage_monitor_size) / 8 ); gr_upixel((Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size/2), (Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2) ); gr_uline(i2f(Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size/10),i2f(Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2),i2f(Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size*2/10),i2f(Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2)); gr_uline(i2f(Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size-Hostage_monitor_size/10),i2f(Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2),i2f(Hostage_monitor_x+Hostage_monitor_size-Hostage_monitor_size*2/10),i2f(Hostage_monitor_y+Hostage_monitor_size/2)); N_blips = 0; radx = i2f(Hostage_monitor_size*4)/2; rady = i2f(Hostage_monitor_size*4)/2; cenx = i2f(Hostage_monitor_x)+i2f(Hostage_monitor_size)/2; ceny = i2f(Hostage_monitor_y)+i2f(Hostage_monitor_size)/2; rox = fixdiv( cenx, radx ); roy = fixdiv( ceny, rady ); objp = Objects; for (i=0;i<=Highest_object_index;i++) { switch( objp->type ) { case OBJ_PLAYER: if ( i != Players[Player_num].objnum ) { #ifdef NETWORK if (Game_mode & GM_TEAM) color = get_team(i); else #endif color = i; radar_plot_object( objp, gr_getcolor(player_rgb[color].r,player_rgb[color].g,player_rgb[color].b) ); } break; case OBJ_HOSTAGE: radar_plot_object( objp, BM_XRGB(0,31,0) ); break; case OBJ_POWERUP: if(!(Game_mode & GM_MULTI)) radar_plot_object( objp, BM_XRGB(0,0,31) ); break; case OBJ_ROBOT: radar_plot_object( objp, BM_XRGB(31,0,0) ); break; case OBJ_CNTRLCEN: radar_plot_object( objp, BM_XRGB(31,31,31) ); break; default: break; } objp++; } // Draw new blips... for (i=0; i