/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * $Source: /cvs/cvsroot/d2x/main/movie.c,v $ * $Revision: 1.1 $ * $Author: bradleyb $ * $Date: 2002-01-18 07:26:54 $ * * Movie stuff (converts mve's to exe files, and plays them externally (e.g. with wine) * * $Log: not supported by cvs2svn $ * */ #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H #include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "inferno.h" #include "args.h" #include "movie.h" #include "key.h" #include "songs.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "mono.h" #include "error.h" #include "digi.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "byteswap.h" #include "cfile.h" #include "gr.h" #include "palette.h" #include "newmenu.h" int RoboFile=0,MVEPaletteCalls=0; // Function Prototypes int RunMovie(char *filename, int highres_flag, int allow_abort,int dx,int dy); // Subtitle data typedef struct { short first_frame,last_frame; char *msg; } subtitle; // #define BUFFER_MOVIE #define MAX_SUBTITLES 500 subtitle Subtitles[MAX_SUBTITLES]; int Num_subtitles; int MovieHires = 0; //default for now is lores //filename will actually get modified to be either low-res or high-res //returns status. see values in movie.h int PlayMovie(const char *filename, int must_have) { char name[FILENAME_LEN],*p; int c, ret; #ifndef RELEASE if (FindArg("-nomovies")) return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; #endif strcpy(name,filename); if ((p=strchr(name,'.')) == NULL) //add extension, if missing strcat(name,".mve"); //check for escape already pressed & abort if so while ((c=key_inkey()) != 0) if (c == KEY_ESC) return MOVIE_ABORTED; // Stop all digital sounds currently playing. digi_stop_all(); // Stop all songs songs_stop_all(); ret = RunMovie(name,MovieHires,must_have,-1,-1); return ret; } int open_movie_file(char *filename,int must_have, int *lenp); //returns status. see movie.h int RunMovie(char *filename, int hires_flag, int must_have,int dx,int dy) { int filehndl, size; int aborted=0; // Open Movie file. If it doesn't exist, no movie, just return. filehndl = open_movie_file(filename,must_have, &size); if (filehndl == -1) { #ifndef EDITOR if (must_have) { strupr(filename); Error("Cannot open movie file <%s>",filename); } else return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; #else return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; #endif } #if 0 if (hires_flag) gr_set_mode(SM_640x480V); else gr_set_mode(SM_320x200C); #endif // play! { char *buf; int len; FILE *fil; struct stat stats; char *stubfile; char *execcmd; strcpy(filename+strlen(filename)-4,".exe"); //change extension if (stat(filename, &stats)) { stubfile = "fstrailw.stub"; if (stat(stubfile, &stats)) { con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "Error loading %s, aborting movie.\n", stubfile); return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; } len = stats.st_size; buf = d_malloc(len); fil = fopen(stubfile, "r"); fread(buf, len, 1, fil); fclose(fil); fil = fopen(filename, "w"); fwrite(buf, len, 1, fil); d_free(buf); len = size; buf = d_malloc(len); read(filehndl, buf, len); fwrite(buf, len, 1, fil); d_free(buf); fclose(fil); } sprintf(execcmd, "wine %s", filename); if(system(execcmd) == -1) { con_printf(CON_NORMAL, "Error executing %s, movie aborted.\n", filename); return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; } } close(filehndl); // Close Movie File Screen_mode=-1; //force reset of screen mode return (aborted?MOVIE_ABORTED:MOVIE_PLAYED_FULL); } int InitMovieBriefing () { return 1; } //returns 1 if frame updated ok int RotateRobot () { return 1; } void DeInitRobotMovie() { close(RoboFile); // Close Movie File } int InitRobotMovie (char *filename) { int len; if (FindArg("-nomovies")) return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; // digi_stop_all(); mprintf ((0,"RoboFile=%s\n",filename)); RoboFile = open_movie_file(filename,1, &len); if (RoboFile == -1) { #ifdef RELEASE Error("Cannot open movie file <%s>",filename); #else return MOVIE_NOT_PLAYED; #endif } return 1; } /* * Subtitle system code */ ubyte *subtitle_raw_data; //search for next field following whitespace ubyte *next_field(ubyte *p) { while (*p && !isspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) return NULL; while (*p && isspace(*p)) p++; if (!*p) return NULL; return p; } void change_filename_ext( char *dest, char *src, char *ext ); void decode_text_line(char *p); int init_subtitles(char *filename) { CFILE *ifile; int size,read_count; ubyte *p; int have_binary = 0; Num_subtitles = 0; if (! FindArg("-subtitles")) return 0; ifile = cfopen(filename,"rb"); //try text version if (!ifile) { //no text version, try binary version char filename2[FILENAME_LEN]; change_filename_ext(filename2,filename,".TXB"); ifile = cfopen(filename2,"rb"); if (!ifile) return 0; have_binary = 1; } size = cfilelength(ifile); MALLOC (subtitle_raw_data, ubyte, size+1); read_count = cfread(subtitle_raw_data, 1, size, ifile); cfclose(ifile); subtitle_raw_data[size] = 0; if (read_count != size) { free(subtitle_raw_data); return 0; } p = subtitle_raw_data; while (p && p < subtitle_raw_data+size) { char *endp; endp = strchr(p,'\n'); if (endp) { if (endp[-1] == '\r') endp[-1] = 0; //handle 0d0a pair *endp = 0; //string termintor } if (have_binary) decode_text_line(p); if (*p != ';') { Subtitles[Num_subtitles].first_frame = atoi(p); p = next_field(p); if (!p) continue; Subtitles[Num_subtitles].last_frame = atoi(p); p = next_field(p); if (!p) continue; Subtitles[Num_subtitles].msg = p; Assert(Num_subtitles==0 || Subtitles[Num_subtitles].first_frame >= Subtitles[Num_subtitles-1].first_frame); Assert(Subtitles[Num_subtitles].last_frame >= Subtitles[Num_subtitles].first_frame); Num_subtitles++; } p = endp+1; } return 1; } void close_subtitles() { if (subtitle_raw_data) free(subtitle_raw_data); subtitle_raw_data = NULL; Num_subtitles = 0; } typedef struct { char name[FILENAME_LEN]; int offset,len; } ml_entry; #define MLF_ON_CD 0 typedef struct { char name[100]; //[FILENAME_LEN]; int n_movies; ubyte flags,pad[3]; ml_entry movies[1]; } movielib; #define MAX_MOVIES_PER_LIB 50 //determines size of malloc movielib *init_new_movie_lib(char *filename,FILE *fp) { int nfiles,offset; int i,n; movielib *table; //read movie file header fread(&nfiles,4,1,fp); //get number of files table = malloc(sizeof(*table) + sizeof(ml_entry)*nfiles); strcpy(table->name,filename); table->n_movies = nfiles; offset = 4+4+nfiles*(13+4); //id + nfiles + nfiles * (filename + size) for (i=0;imovies[i].name, 13, 1, fp ); if ( n != 1 ) break; //end of file (probably) n = fread( &len, 4, 1, fp ); if ( n != 1 ) Error("error reading movie library <%s>",filename); table->movies[i].len = INTEL_INT(len); table->movies[i].offset = offset; offset += table->movies[i].len; } fclose(fp); table->flags = 0; return table; } movielib *init_old_movie_lib(char *filename,FILE *fp) { int nfiles,size; int i; movielib *table,*table2; nfiles = 0; //allocate big table table = malloc(sizeof(*table) + sizeof(ml_entry)*MAX_MOVIES_PER_LIB); while( 1 ) { int len; i = fread( table->movies[nfiles].name, 13, 1, fp ); if ( i != 1 ) break; //end of file (probably) i = fread( &len, 4, 1, fp ); if ( i != 1 ) Error("error reading movie library <%s>",filename); table->movies[nfiles].len = INTEL_INT(len); table->movies[nfiles].offset = ftell( fp ); fseek( fp, INTEL_INT(len), SEEK_CUR ); //skip data nfiles++; } //allocate correct-sized table size = sizeof(*table) + sizeof(ml_entry)*nfiles; table2 = malloc(size); memcpy(table2,table,size); free(table); table = table2; strcpy(table->name,filename); table->n_movies = nfiles; fclose(fp); table->flags = 0; return table; } //find the specified movie library, and read in list of movies in it movielib *init_movie_lib(char *filename) { //note: this based on cfile_init_hogfile() char id[4]; FILE * fp; fp = fopen( filename, "rb" ); if ( fp == NULL ) return NULL; fread( id, 4, 1, fp ); if ( !strncmp( id, "DMVL", 4 ) ) return init_new_movie_lib(filename,fp); else if ( !strncmp( id, "DHF", 3 ) ) { fseek(fp,-1,SEEK_CUR); //old file had 3 char id return init_old_movie_lib(filename,fp); } else { fclose(fp); return NULL; } } #ifdef D2_OEM char *movielib_files[] = {"intro-l.mvl","other-l.mvl","robots-l.mvl","oem-l.mvl"}; #else char *movielib_files[] = {"intro-l.mvl","other-l.mvl","robots-l.mvl"}; #endif #define N_BUILTIN_MOVIE_LIBS (sizeof(movielib_files)/sizeof(*movielib_files)) #define N_MOVIE_LIBS (N_BUILTIN_MOVIE_LIBS+1) #define EXTRA_ROBOT_LIB N_BUILTIN_MOVIE_LIBS movielib *movie_libs[N_MOVIE_LIBS]; void close_movie(int i) { if (movie_libs[i]) free(movie_libs[i]); } void close_movies() { int i; for (i=0;icv_w,grd_curcanv->cv_h); gr_set_current_canvas(tcanv); gr_ubitmap(0,0,&save_canv->cv_bitmap); gr_set_current_canvas(save_canv); gr_clear_canvas(BM_XRGB(0,0,0)); memcpy(save_pal,gr_palette,sizeof(save_pal)); memcpy(gr_palette,last_palette_for_color_fonts,sizeof(gr_palette)); try_again:; ret = nm_messagebox( "CD ERROR", 1, "Ok", "Please insert your Descent II CD"); if (ret == -1) { int ret2; ret2 = nm_messagebox( "CD ERROR", 2, "Try Again", "Leave Game", "You must insert your\nDescent II CD to Continue"); if (ret2 == -1 || ret2 == 0) goto try_again; } force_rb_register = 1; //disc has changed; force register new CD gr_palette_clear(); memcpy(gr_palette,save_pal,sizeof(save_pal)); gr_ubitmap(0,0,&tcanv->cv_bitmap); if (!was_faded) gr_palette_load(gr_palette); gr_free_canvas(tcanv); return ret; } //do we have the robot movies available int robot_movies=0; //0 means none, 1 means lowres, 2 means hires void init_movie(char *filename,int libnum,int is_robots,int required) { int high_res; #ifndef RELEASE if (FindArg("-nomovies")) { movie_libs[libnum] = NULL; return; } #endif //for robots, load highres versions if highres menus set if (is_robots) high_res = MenuHiresAvailable; else high_res = MovieHires; if (high_res) strchr(filename,'.')[-1] = 'h'; #if defined(D2_OEM) try_again:; #endif if ((movie_libs[libnum] = init_movie_lib(filename)) == NULL) { char name2[100]; strcpy(name2,CDROM_dir); strcat(name2,filename); movie_libs[libnum] = init_movie_lib(name2); if (movie_libs[libnum] != NULL) movie_libs[libnum]->flags |= MLF_ON_CD; else { if (required) { #if defined(RELEASE) && !defined(D2_OEM) //allow no movies if not release strupr(filename); Error("Cannot open movie file <%s>",filename); #endif } #if defined(D2_OEM) //if couldn't get higres, try low if (is_robots == 1) { //first try, try again with lowres strchr(filename,'.')[-1] = 'l'; high_res = 0; is_robots++; goto try_again; } else if (is_robots == 2) { //failed twice. bail with error strupr(filename); Error("Cannot open movie file <%s>",filename); } #endif } } if (is_robots && movie_libs[libnum]!=NULL) robot_movies = high_res?2:1; } //find and initialize the movie libraries void init_movies() { int i; int is_robots; for (i=0;in_movies;i++) if (!stricmp(filename,lib->movies[i].name)) { //found the movie in a library int from_cd; *lenp = lib->movies[i].len; from_cd = (lib->flags & MLF_ON_CD); if (from_cd) songs_stop_redbook(); //ready to read from CD do { //keep trying until we get the file handle movie_handle = filehandle = open(lib->name, O_RDONLY); if (must_have && from_cd && filehandle == -1) { //didn't get file! if (request_cd() == -1) //ESC from requester break; //bail from here. will get error later } } while (must_have && from_cd && filehandle == -1); if (filehandle != -1) lseek(filehandle,(movie_start=lib->movies[i].offset),SEEK_SET); return filehandle; } return -1; } //returns file handle int open_movie_file(char *filename,int must_have, int *lenp) { int filehandle,i; for (i=0;i