/* * Portions of this file are copyright Rebirth contributors and licensed as * described in COPYING.txt. * Portions of this file are copyright Parallax Software and licensed * according to the Parallax license below. * See COPYING.txt for license details. THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ #include #include "maths.h" #include "pstypes.h" #include "event.h" #include "gr.h" #include "ui.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "key.h" #include "timer.h" namespace dcx { void ui_draw_scrollbar( UI_DIALOG *dlg, UI_GADGET_SCROLLBAR * scrollbar ) { #if 0 //ndef OGL if (scrollbar->status==0) return; #endif scrollbar->status = 0; gr_set_current_canvas( scrollbar->canvas ); auto &canvas = *grd_curcanv; const auto color = (dlg->keyboard_focus_gadget == scrollbar) ? CRED : CGREY; gr_rect(canvas, 0, 0, scrollbar->width - 1, scrollbar->fake_position - 1, color); gr_rect(canvas, 0, scrollbar->fake_position + scrollbar->fake_size, scrollbar->width - 1, scrollbar->height - 1, color); ui_draw_box_out(canvas, 0, scrollbar->fake_position, scrollbar->width - 1, scrollbar->fake_position + scrollbar->fake_size - 1); } std::unique_ptr ui_add_gadget_scrollbar(UI_DIALOG * dlg, short x, short y, short w, short h, int start, int stop, int position, int window_size) { int tw; auto &up = "\x1e"; auto &down = "\x1f"; gr_get_string_size(*grd_curcanv->cv_font, up, &tw, nullptr, nullptr); w = tw + 10; if (stop < start ) stop = start; auto scrollbar = ui_gadget_add(*dlg, x, y + w, x + w - 1, y + h - w - 1); scrollbar->up_button = ui_add_gadget_button(*dlg, x, y, w, w, up, nullptr); scrollbar->up_button->parent = scrollbar.get(); scrollbar->down_button = ui_add_gadget_button(*dlg, x, y+h-w, w, w, down, nullptr); scrollbar->down_button->parent = scrollbar.get(); scrollbar->horz = 0; scrollbar->width = scrollbar->x2-scrollbar->x1+1; scrollbar->height = scrollbar->y2-scrollbar->y1+1; scrollbar->start = start; scrollbar->stop = stop; scrollbar->position = position; scrollbar->window_size = window_size; scrollbar->fake_length = scrollbar->height; scrollbar->fake_position = 0; if (stop!=start) scrollbar->fake_size = (window_size * scrollbar->height)/(stop-start+1+window_size); else scrollbar->fake_size = scrollbar->height; if (scrollbar->fake_size < 7) scrollbar->fake_size = 7; scrollbar->dragging = 0; scrollbar->moved=0; scrollbar->last_scrolled = 0; return scrollbar; } window_event_result UI_GADGET_SCROLLBAR::event_handler(UI_DIALOG &dlg, const d_event &event) { int x, y, z; window_event_result rval = window_event_result::ignored; if (event.type == EVENT_WINDOW_DRAW) { ui_draw_scrollbar(&dlg, this); return window_event_result::ignored; } const auto keyfocus = (dlg.keyboard_focus_gadget == this); if (start==stop) { position = 0; fake_position = 0; ui_draw_scrollbar(&dlg, this); return window_event_result::ignored; } const auto op = position; const auto oldpos = fake_position; moved = 0; if (keyfocus && event.type == EVENT_KEY_COMMAND) { int key; key = event_key_get(event); if (key & KEY_UP) { up_button->position = 2; rval = window_event_result::handled; } else if (key & KEY_DOWN) { down_button->position = 2; rval = window_event_result::handled; } } else if (keyfocus && event.type == EVENT_KEY_RELEASE) { int key; key = event_key_get(event); if (key & KEY_UP) { up_button->position = 0; rval = window_event_result::handled; } else if (key & KEY_DOWN) { down_button->position = 0; rval = window_event_result::handled; } } if (up_button->position!=0) { if (timer_query() > last_scrolled + 1) { last_scrolled = timer_query(); position--; if (position < start ) position = start; fake_position = position-start; fake_position *= height-fake_size; fake_position /= (stop-start); } } if (down_button->position!=0) { if (timer_query() > last_scrolled + 1) { last_scrolled = timer_query(); position++; if (position > stop ) position = stop; fake_position = position-start; fake_position *= height-fake_size; fake_position /= (stop-start); } } const auto OnMe = ui_mouse_on_gadget(*this); //gr_ubox(0, fake_position, width-1, fake_position+fake_size-1 ); if (B1_JUST_RELEASED) dragging = 0; //if (B1_PRESSED && OnMe ) // listbox->dragging = 1; mouse_get_pos(&x, &y, &z); const auto OnSlider = y >= fake_position + y1 && y < fake_position + y1 + fake_size && OnMe; if (B1_JUST_PRESSED && OnSlider ) { dragging = 1; drag_x = x; drag_y = y; drag_starting = fake_position; rval = window_event_result::handled; } else if (B1_JUST_PRESSED && OnMe) { dragging = 2; // outside the slider rval = window_event_result::handled; } if ((dragging == 2) && OnMe && !OnSlider && (timer_query() > last_scrolled + 4)) { last_scrolled = timer_query(); if ( y < fake_position+y1 ) { // Page Up position -= window_size; if (position < start ) position = start; } else { // Page Down position += window_size; if (position > stop ) position = stop; } fake_position = position-start; fake_position *= height-fake_size; fake_position /= (stop-start); } if (selected_gadget == this && dragging == 1) { //x = drag_x; fake_position = drag_starting + (y - drag_y ); if (fake_position<0) { fake_position = 0; //y = fake_position + drag_y - drag_starting; } if (fake_position > (height-fake_size)) { fake_position = (height-fake_size); //y = fake_position + drag_y - drag_starting; } //mouse_set_pos( x, y ); position = fake_position; position *= (stop-start); position /= ( height-fake_size ) ; position += start; if (position > stop ) position = stop; if (position < start ) position = start; //fake_position = position-start; //fake_position *= height-fake_size; //fake_position /= (stop-start); } if (op != position ) moved = 1; if (moved) { rval = ui_gadget_send_event(dlg, EVENT_UI_GADGET_PRESSED, *this); if (rval == window_event_result::ignored) rval = window_event_result::handled; } if (oldpos != fake_position) status = 1; return rval; } }