/* * This file is part of the DXX-Rebirth project . * It is copyright by its individual contributors, as recorded in the * project's Git history. See COPYING.txt at the top level for license * terms and a link to the Git history. */ /* prototypes for function calls between files within the OpenGL module */ #pragma once #ifdef OGL #include "ogl_init.h" // interface to OpenGL module #include "gr.h" #ifdef __cplusplus /* I assume this ought to be >= MAX_BITMAP_FILES in piggy.h? */ #define OGL_TEXTURE_LIST_SIZE 20000 void ogl_init_texture_list_internal(void); void ogl_smash_texture_list_internal(void); void ogl_vivify_texture_list_internal(void); namespace dcx { extern int linedotscale; extern int GL_TEXTURE_2D_enabled; } #define OGL_SET_FEATURE_STATE(G,V,F) static_cast(G != V && (G = V, F, 0)) #define OGL_ENABLE(a) OGL_SET_FEATURE_STATE(GL_##a##_enabled, 1, glEnable(GL_##a)) #define OGL_DISABLE(a) OGL_SET_FEATURE_STATE(GL_##a##_enabled, 0, glDisable(GL_##a)) //#define OGL_TEXCLAMP() OGL_ENABLE2(GL_texclamp,glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP);glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP);) //#define OGL_TEXREPEAT() OGL_DISABLE2(GL_texclamp,glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT);glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT);) //#define OGL_SETSTATE(a,s,f) {if (a ## _state!=s) {f;a ## _state=s;}} //#define OGL_TEXENV(p,m) OGL_SETSTATE(p,m,glTexEnvi(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, p,m)); //#define OGL_TEXPARAM(p,m) OGL_SETSTATE(p,m,glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D,p,m)) namespace dcx { extern unsigned last_width,last_height; static inline void OGL_VIEWPORT(const unsigned x, const unsigned y, const unsigned w, const unsigned h) { if (w!=last_width || h!=last_height) { last_width = w; last_height = h; glViewport(x,grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_h-y-h,w,h); } } } #ifdef dsx namespace dsx { //platform specific funcs extern void ogl_swap_buffers_internal(void); } #endif //whee #define CPAL2Tr(c) ((gr_current_pal[c].r)/63.0) #define CPAL2Tg(c) ((gr_current_pal[c].g)/63.0) #define CPAL2Tb(c) ((gr_current_pal[c].b)/63.0) #define PAL2Tr(c) (((*ogl_pal)[c].r)/63.0) #define PAL2Tg(c) (((*ogl_pal)[c].g)/63.0) #define PAL2Tb(c) (((*ogl_pal)[c].b)/63.0) //inline GLfloat PAL2Tr(int c); //inline GLfloat PAL2Tg(int c); //inline GLfloat PAL2Tb(int c); #endif #endif