/* $Id: key.c,v 2006/03/17 19:53:40 zicodxx Exp $ */ /* * * SDL keyboard input support * * */ #include #include #include #include "event.h" #include "error.h" #include "key.h" #include "timer.h" #include "window.h" #include "console.h" #include "args.h" static unsigned char Installed = 0; //-------- Variable accessed by outside functions --------- int keyd_repeat = 0; // 1 = use repeats, 0 no repeats unsigned char keyd_editor_mode; volatile unsigned char keyd_last_pressed; volatile unsigned char keyd_last_released; volatile unsigned char keyd_pressed[256]; fix64 keyd_time_when_last_pressed; unsigned char unicode_frame_buffer[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }; typedef struct Key_info { ubyte state; // state of key 1 == down, 0 == up ubyte last_state; // previous state of key fix64 timewentdown; // simple counter incremented each time in interrupt and key is down fix64 timehelddown; // counter to tell how long key is down -- gets reset to 0 by key routines ubyte downcount; // number of key counts key was down ubyte upcount; // number of times key was released } Key_info; typedef struct keyboard { unsigned short keybuffer[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE]; Key_info keys[256]; fix64 time_pressed[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE]; unsigned int keyhead, keytail; } keyboard; static keyboard key_data; typedef struct key_props { char *key_text; unsigned char ascii_value; SDLKey sym; } key_props; key_props key_properties[256] = { { "", 255, -1 }, // 0 { "ESC", 255, SDLK_ESCAPE }, { "1", '1', SDLK_1 }, { "2", '2', SDLK_2 }, { "3", '3', SDLK_3 }, { "4", '4', SDLK_4 }, { "5", '5', SDLK_5 }, { "6", '6', SDLK_6 }, { "7", '7', SDLK_7 }, { "8", '8', SDLK_8 }, { "9", '9', SDLK_9 }, // 10 { "0", '0', SDLK_0 }, { "-", '-', SDLK_MINUS }, { "=", '=', SDLK_EQUALS }, { "BSPC", 255, SDLK_BACKSPACE }, { "TAB", 255, SDLK_TAB }, { "Q", 'q', SDLK_q }, { "W", 'w', SDLK_w }, { "E", 'e', SDLK_e }, { "R", 'r', SDLK_r }, { "T", 't', SDLK_t }, // 20 { "Y", 'y', SDLK_y }, { "U", 'u', SDLK_u }, { "I", 'i', SDLK_i }, { "O", 'o', SDLK_o }, { "P", 'p', SDLK_p }, { "[", '[', SDLK_LEFTBRACKET }, { "]", ']', SDLK_RIGHTBRACKET }, { "ENTER", 255, SDLK_RETURN }, { "LCTRL", 255, SDLK_LCTRL }, { "A", 'a', SDLK_a }, // 30 { "S", 's', SDLK_s }, { "D", 'd', SDLK_d }, { "F", 'f', SDLK_f }, { "G", 'g', SDLK_g }, { "H", 'h', SDLK_h }, { "J", 'j', SDLK_j }, { "K", 'k', SDLK_k }, { "L", 'l', SDLK_l }, { ";", ';', SDLK_SEMICOLON }, { "'", '\'', SDLK_QUOTE }, // 40 { "`", '`', SDLK_BACKQUOTE }, { "LSHFT", 255, SDLK_LSHIFT }, { "\\", '\\', SDLK_BACKSLASH }, { "Z", 'z', SDLK_z }, { "X", 'x', SDLK_x }, { "C", 'c', SDLK_c }, { "V", 'v', SDLK_v }, { "B", 'b', SDLK_b }, { "N", 'n', SDLK_n }, { "M", 'm', SDLK_m }, // 50 { ",", ',', SDLK_COMMA }, { ".", '.', SDLK_PERIOD }, { "/", '/', SDLK_SLASH }, { "RSHFT", 255, SDLK_RSHIFT }, { "PAD*", '*', SDLK_KP_MULTIPLY }, { "LALT", 255, SDLK_LALT }, { "SPC", ' ', SDLK_SPACE }, { "CPSLK", 255, SDLK_CAPSLOCK }, { "F1", 255, SDLK_F1 }, { "F2", 255, SDLK_F2 }, // 60 { "F3", 255, SDLK_F3 }, { "F4", 255, SDLK_F4 }, { "F5", 255, SDLK_F5 }, { "F6", 255, SDLK_F6 }, { "F7", 255, SDLK_F7 }, { "F8", 255, SDLK_F8 }, { "F9", 255, SDLK_F9 }, { "F10", 255, SDLK_F10 }, { "NMLCK", 255, SDLK_NUMLOCK }, { "SCLK", 255, SDLK_SCROLLOCK }, // 70 { "PAD7", 255, SDLK_KP7 }, { "PAD8", 255, SDLK_KP8 }, { "PAD9", 255, SDLK_KP9 }, { "PAD-", 255, SDLK_KP_MINUS }, { "PAD4", 255, SDLK_KP4 }, { "PAD5", 255, SDLK_KP5 }, { "PAD6", 255, SDLK_KP6 }, { "PAD+", 255, SDLK_KP_PLUS }, { "PAD1", 255, SDLK_KP1 }, { "PAD2", 255, SDLK_KP2 }, // 80 { "PAD3", 255, SDLK_KP3 }, { "PAD0", 255, SDLK_KP0 }, { "PAD.", 255, SDLK_KP_PERIOD }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "F11", 255, SDLK_F11 }, { "F12", 255, SDLK_F12 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 90 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "PAUSE", 255, SDLK_PAUSE }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 100 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 110 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 120 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 130 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 140 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 150 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "PAD", 255, SDLK_KP_ENTER }, { "RCTRL", 255, SDLK_RCTRL }, { "LCMD", 255, SDLK_LMETA }, { "RCMD", 255, SDLK_RMETA }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 160 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 170 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 180 { "PAD/", 255, SDLK_KP_DIVIDE }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "PRSCR", 255, SDLK_PRINT }, { "RALT", 255, SDLK_RALT }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 190 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "HOME", 255, SDLK_HOME }, { "UP", 255, SDLK_UP }, // 200 { "PGUP", 255, SDLK_PAGEUP }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "LEFT", 255, SDLK_LEFT }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "RIGHT", 255, SDLK_RIGHT }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "END", 255, SDLK_END }, { "DOWN", 255, SDLK_DOWN }, { "PGDN", 255, SDLK_PAGEDOWN }, { "INS", 255, SDLK_INSERT }, // 210 { "DEL", 255, SDLK_DELETE }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 220 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 230 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 240 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 250 { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, { "", 255, -1 }, // 255 }; char *key_text[256]; int key_ismodlck(int keycode) { switch (keycode) { case KEY_LSHIFT: case KEY_RSHIFT: case KEY_LALT: case KEY_RALT: case KEY_LCTRL: case KEY_RCTRL: case KEY_LMETA: case KEY_RMETA: return KEY_ISMOD; case KEY_NUMLOCK: case KEY_SCROLLOCK: case KEY_CAPSLOCK: return KEY_ISLCK; default: return 0; } } unsigned char key_ascii() { static unsigned char unibuffer[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE] = { '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0', '\0' }; int i=0, offset=0, count=0; offset=strlen((const char*)unibuffer); // move temporal chars from unicode_frame_buffer to empty space behind last unibuffer char (if any) for (i=offset; i < KEY_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) if (unicode_frame_buffer[count] != '\0') { unibuffer[i]=unicode_frame_buffer[count]; unicode_frame_buffer[count]='\0'; count++; } // unibuffer is not empty. store first char, remove it, shift all chars one step left and then print our char if (unibuffer[0] != '\0') { unsigned char retval = unibuffer[0]; unsigned char unibuffer_shift[KEY_BUFFER_SIZE]; memset(unibuffer_shift,'\0',sizeof(unsigned char)*KEY_BUFFER_SIZE); memcpy(unibuffer_shift,unibuffer+1,sizeof(unsigned char)*(KEY_BUFFER_SIZE-1)); memcpy(unibuffer,unibuffer_shift,sizeof(unsigned char)*KEY_BUFFER_SIZE); return retval; } else return 255; } void key_handler(SDL_KeyboardEvent *event) { ubyte state; int i, keycode, event_keysym=-1, key_state; Key_info *key; unsigned char temp; int key_command = 0; // Read SDLK symbol and state event_keysym = event->keysym.sym; key_state = (event->state == SDL_PRESSED); // fill the unicode frame-related unicode buffer if (key_state && event->keysym.unicode > 31 && event->keysym.unicode < 255) for (i = 0; i < KEY_BUFFER_SIZE; i++) if (unicode_frame_buffer[i] == '\0') { unicode_frame_buffer[i] = event->keysym.unicode; break; } //===================================================== for (i = 255; i >= 0; i--) { keycode = i; key = &(key_data.keys[keycode]); if (key_properties[i].sym == event_keysym) state = key_state; else state = key->last_state; if ( key->last_state == state ) { if (state) { keyd_last_pressed = keycode; keyd_time_when_last_pressed = timer_query(); } } else { if (state) { keyd_last_pressed = keycode; keyd_pressed[keycode] = 1; key->downcount += state; key->state = 1; key->timewentdown = keyd_time_when_last_pressed = timer_query(); } else { keyd_pressed[keycode] = 0; keyd_last_released = keycode; key->upcount += key->state; key->state = 0; key->timehelddown += timer_query() - key->timewentdown; } } if ( (state && !key->last_state) || (state && key->last_state && keyd_repeat && !key_ismodlck(i)) ) { if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_LSHIFT] || keyd_pressed[KEY_RSHIFT]) keycode |= KEY_SHIFTED; if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_LALT] || keyd_pressed[KEY_RALT]) keycode |= KEY_ALTED; if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_LCTRL] || keyd_pressed[KEY_RCTRL]) keycode |= KEY_CTRLED; if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_DELETE] ) keycode |= KEY_DEBUGGED; if ( keyd_pressed[KEY_LMETA] || keyd_pressed[KEY_RMETA]) keycode |= KEY_METAED; key_command = keycode; temp = key_data.keytail+1; if ( temp >= KEY_BUFFER_SIZE ) temp=0; if (temp!=key_data.keyhead) { key_data.keybuffer[key_data.keytail] = keycode; key_data.time_pressed[key_data.keytail] = keyd_time_when_last_pressed; key_data.keytail = temp; } } key->last_state = state; } // We allowed the key to be added to the queue for now, // because there are still input loops without associated windows if (key_command || unicode_frame_buffer[0] != '\0') { d_event_keycommand event; window *wind; event.type = EVENT_KEY_COMMAND; event.keycode = key_command; if ((wind = window_get_front())) { con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "Sending event EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: %s %s %s %s %s %s\n", (key_command & KEY_METAED) ? "META" : "", (key_command & KEY_DEBUGGED) ? "DEBUG" : "", (key_command & KEY_CTRLED) ? "CTRL" : "", (key_command & KEY_ALTED) ? "ALT" : "", (key_command & KEY_SHIFTED) ? "SHIFT" : "", key_properties[key_command & 0xff].key_text ); if (!window_send_event(wind, (d_event *)&event)) call_default_handler((d_event *)&event); } else call_default_handler((d_event *)&event); } } void key_close() { Installed = 0; } void key_init() { int i; if (Installed) return; Installed=1; SDL_EnableUNICODE(1); if (SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(KEY_REPEAT_DELAY, KEY_REPEAT_INTERVAL) == 0) keyd_repeat = 1; keyd_time_when_last_pressed = timer_query(); for(i=0; i<256; i++) key_text[i] = key_properties[i].key_text; // Clear the keyboard array key_flush(); } void key_flush() { int i; Uint8 *keystate = SDL_GetKeyState(NULL); if (!Installed) key_init(); key_data.keyhead = key_data.keytail = 0; //Clear the keyboard buffer for (i=0; i= KEY_BUFFER_SIZE ) n=0; return n; } int key_checkch() { int is_one_waiting = 0; // event_poll(); if (key_data.keytail!=key_data.keyhead) is_one_waiting = 1; return is_one_waiting; } int key_inkey() { int key = 0; if (!Installed) key_init(); // event_poll(); if (key_data.keytail!=key_data.keyhead) { key = key_data.keybuffer[key_data.keyhead]; key_data.keyhead = add_one(key_data.keyhead); } return key; } int key_peekkey() { int key = 0; // event_poll(); if (key_data.keytail!=key_data.keyhead) key = key_data.keybuffer[key_data.keyhead]; return key; } int key_getch() { int dummy=0; if (!Installed) return 0; // return getch(); while (!key_checkch()) dummy++; return key_inkey(); } // Returns the number of seconds this key has been down since last call. fix64 key_down_time(int scancode) { fix64 time_down, time; // event_poll(); if ((scancode<0)|| (scancode>255)) return 0; if (!keyd_pressed[scancode]) { time_down = key_data.keys[scancode].timehelddown; key_data.keys[scancode].timehelddown = 0; } else { time = timer_query(); time_down = time - key_data.keys[scancode].timewentdown; key_data.keys[scancode].timewentdown = time; } return time_down; } unsigned int key_down_count(int scancode) { int n; // event_poll(); if ((scancode<0)|| (scancode>255)) return 0; n = key_data.keys[scancode].downcount; key_data.keys[scancode].downcount = 0; return n; } unsigned int key_up_count(int scancode) { int n; // event_poll(); if ((scancode<0)|| (scancode>255)) return 0; n = key_data.keys[scancode].upcount; key_data.keys[scancode].upcount = 0; return n; }