/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * inferno.c: Entry point of program (main procedure) * * After main initializes everything, most of the time is spent in the loop * while (window_get_front()) * In this loop, the main menu is brought up first. * * main() for Inferno * */ char copyright[] = "DESCENT COPYRIGHT (C) 1994,1995 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION"; #include #include #include #include #ifdef __unix__ #include #include #include #endif #include "pstypes.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "console.h" #include "gr.h" #include "key.h" #include "timer.h" #include "3d.h" #include "bm.h" #include "inferno.h" #include "error.h" #include "game.h" #include "segment.h" //for Side_to_verts #include "u_mem.h" #include "screens.h" #include "texmerge.h" #include "menu.h" #include "digi.h" #include "palette.h" #include "args.h" #include "titles.h" #include "text.h" #include "gauges.h" #include "gamefont.h" #include "kconfig.h" #include "newmenu.h" #include "desc_id.h" #include "config.h" #include "multi.h" #include "songs.h" #include "cfile.h" #include "gameseq.h" #include "playsave.h" #include "collide.h" #include "newdemo.h" #include "joy.h" #include "../texmap/scanline.h" //for select_tmap -MM #include "event.h" #include "rbaudio.h" #ifndef __LINUX__ #include "messagebox.h" #endif #ifdef EDITOR #include "editor/editor.h" #include "editor/kdefs.h" #include "ui.h" #endif #include #include "vers_id.h" char desc_id_exit_num = 0; int Function_mode=FMODE_MENU; //game or editor? int Screen_mode=-1; //game screen or editor screen? int descent_critical_error = 0; unsigned int descent_critical_deverror = 0; unsigned int descent_critical_errcode = 0; int HiresGFXAvailable = 0; extern void arch_init(void); //read help from a file & print to screen void print_commandline_help() { printf( "\n System Options:\n\n"); printf( " -fps %s\n", "Enable FPS indicator by default"); printf( " -nonicefps %s\n", "Don't free CPU-cycles"); printf( " -maxfps %s\n", "Set maximum framerate (1-200)"); printf( " -hogdir %s\n", "set shared data directory to "); printf( " -nohogdir %s\n", "don't try to use shared data directory"); printf( " -use_players_dir %s\n", "put player files and saved games in Players subdirectory"); printf( " -lowmem %s\n", "Lowers animation detail for better performance with low memory"); printf( " -pilot %s\n", "Select this pilot automatically"); printf( " -autodemo %s\n", "Start in demo mode"); printf( " -notitles %s\n", "Skip title screens"); printf( " -window %s\n", "Run the game in a window"); printf( "\n Controls:\n\n"); printf( " -nomouse %s\n", "Deactivate mouse"); printf( " -nojoystick %s\n", "Deactivate joystick"); printf( " -nostickykeys %s\n", "Make CapsLock and NumLock non-sticky so they can be used as normal keys"); printf( "\n Sound:\n\n"); printf( " -nosound %s\n", "Disables sound output"); printf( " -nomusic %s\n", "Disables music output"); #ifdef USE_SDLMIXER printf( " -nosdlmixer %s\n", "Disable Sound output via SDL_mixer"); #endif // USE SDLMIXER printf( "\n Graphics:\n\n"); printf( " -lowresfont %s\n", "Force to use LowRes fonts"); #ifdef OGL printf( " -gl_fixedfont %s\n", "Do not scale fonts to current resolution"); #endif // OGL #ifdef NETWORK printf( "\n Multiplayer:\n\n"); printf( " -ipxnetwork %s\n", "Use IPX network number "); printf( " -udp_hostaddr %s\n", "When manually joining a game use default IP Address to connect to"); printf( " -udp_hostport %s\n", "When manually joining a game use default UDP Port to connect to"); printf( " -udp_myport %s\n", "When hosting/joining a game use default UDP Port to send packets from"); #endif // NETWORK #ifdef EDITOR printf( "\n Editor:\n\n"); printf( " -nobm %s\n", "Don't load BITMAPS.TBL and BITMAPS.BIN - use internal data"); #endif // EDITOR printf( "\n Debug (use only if you know what you're doing):\n\n"); printf( " -debug %s\n", "Enable very verbose output"); printf( " -verbose %s\n", "Shows initialization steps for tech support"); printf( " -norun %s\n", "Bail out after initialization"); printf( " -renderstats %s\n", "Enable renderstats info by default"); printf( " -text %s\n", "Specify alternate .tex file"); printf( " -tmap %s\n", "Select texmapper to use (c,fp,quad,i386,pent,ppro)"); printf( " -showmeminfo %s\n", "Show memory statistics"); printf( " -nodoublebuffer %s\n", "Disable Doublebuffering"); printf( " -bigpig %s\n", "Use uncompressed RLE bitmaps"); printf( " -16bpp %s\n", "Use 16Bpp instead of 32Bpp"); #ifdef OGL printf( " -gl_oldtexmerge %s\n", "Use old texmerge, uses more ram, but _might_ be a bit faster"); printf( " -gl_intensity4_ok %s\n", "Override DbgGlIntensity4Ok - Default: 1"); printf( " -gl_luminance4_alpha4_ok %s\n", "Override DbgGlLuminance4Alpha4Ok - Default: 1"); printf( " -gl_rgba2_ok %s\n", "Override DbgGlRGBA2Ok - Default: 1"); printf( " -gl_readpixels_ok %s\n", "Override DbgGlReadPixelsOk - Default: 1"); printf( " -gl_gettexlevelparam_ok %s\n", "Override DbgGlGetTexLevelParamOk - Default: 1"); #else printf( " -hwsurface %s\n", "Use SDL HW Surface"); printf( " -asyncblit %s\n", "Use queued blits over SDL. Can speed up rendering"); #endif // OGL printf( "\n Help:\n\n"); printf( " -help, -h, -?, ? %s\n", "View this help screen"); printf( "\n\n"); } #define key_ismod(k) ((k&0xff)==KEY_LALT || (k&0xff)==KEY_RALT || (k&0xff)==KEY_LSHIFT || (k&0xff)==KEY_RSHIFT || (k&0xff)==KEY_LCTRL || (k&0xff)==KEY_RCTRL || (k&0xff)==KEY_LMETA || (k&0xff)==KEY_RMETA) int Quitting = 0; // Default event handler for everything except the editor int standard_handler(d_event *event) { int key; timer_update(); if (Quitting) { window *wind = window_get_front(); if (!wind) return 0; if (wind == Game_wind) { int choice; Quitting = 0; choice=nm_messagebox( NULL, 2, TXT_YES, TXT_NO, TXT_ABORT_GAME ); if (choice != 0) return 0; else { GameArg.SysAutoDemo = 0; Quitting = 1; } } // Close front window, let the code flow continue until all windows closed or quit cancelled window_close(wind); return 1; } switch (event->type) { case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_DOWN: case EVENT_MOUSE_BUTTON_UP: // No window selecting // We stay with the current one until it's closed/hidden or another one is made // Not the case for the editor break; case EVENT_KEY_COMMAND: key = event_key_get(event); // Don't let modifier(s) on their own do something unless we explicitly want that // (e.g. if it's a game control like fire primary) if (key_ismod(key)) return 1; switch (key) { #ifdef macintosh case KEY_COMMAND + KEY_SHIFTED + KEY_3: #endif case KEY_PRINT_SCREEN: { gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); save_screen_shot(0); return 1; } case KEY_ALTED+KEY_ENTER: case KEY_ALTED+KEY_PADENTER: gr_toggle_fullscreen(); return 1; #ifndef NDEBUG case KEY_BACKSP: Int3(); return 1; #endif #if defined(__APPLE__) || defined(macintosh) case KEY_COMMAND+KEY_Q: // Alt-F4 already taken, too bad Quitting = 1; return 1; #endif case KEY_CTRLED + KEY_ESC: con_showup(); return 1; } break; case EVENT_IDLE: //see if redbook song needs to be restarted RBACheckFinishedHook(); return 1; case EVENT_QUIT: Quitting = 1; return 1; default: break; } return 0; } int MacHog = 0; // using a Mac hogfile? jmp_buf LeaveEvents; #define PROGNAME argv[0] // DESCENT by Parallax Software // Descent Main int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { mem_init(); #ifdef __LINUX__ error_init(NULL, NULL); #else error_init(msgbox_error, NULL); set_warn_func(msgbox_warning); #endif PHYSFSX_init(argc, argv); con_init(); // Initialise the console setbuf(stdout, NULL); // unbuffered output via printf #ifdef _WIN32 freopen( "CON", "w", stdout ); freopen( "CON", "w", stderr ); #endif if (GameArg.SysShowCmdHelp) { print_commandline_help(); set_exit_message(""); return(0); } printf("\nType %s -help' for a list of command-line options.\n\n", PROGNAME); PHYSFSX_listSearchPathContent(); if (!PHYSFSX_checkSupportedArchiveTypes()) return(0); if (! cfile_init("descent.hog", 1)) Error("Could not find a valid hog file (descent.hog)\nPossible locations are:\n" #if defined(__unix__) && !defined(__APPLE__) "\t$HOME/.d1x-rebirth\n" "\t" SHAREPATH "\n" #else "\tDirectory containing D1X\n" #endif "\tIn a subdirectory called 'Data'\n" #if (defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)) || defined(macintosh) "\tIn 'Resources' inside the application bundle\n" #endif "Or use the -hogdir option to specify an alternate location."); switch (cfile_size("descent.hog")) { case D1_MAC_SHARE_MISSION_HOGSIZE: case D1_MAC_MISSION_HOGSIZE: MacHog = 1; // used for fonts and the Automap break; } load_text(); //print out the banner title con_printf(CON_NORMAL,DESCENT_VERSION "\n" "This is a MODIFIED version of DESCENT which is NOT supported by Parallax or\n" "Interplay. Use at your own risk! Copyright (c) 2005 Christian Beckhaeuser\n"); con_printf(CON_NORMAL,"Based on: DESCENT %s\n", VERSION_NAME); con_printf(CON_NORMAL,"%s\n%s\n\n",TXT_COPYRIGHT,TXT_TRADEMARK); if (GameArg.DbgVerbose) con_printf(CON_VERBOSE,"%s%s", TXT_VERBOSE_1, "\n"); ReadConfigFile(); PHYSFSX_addArchiveContent(); arch_init(); select_tmap(GameArg.DbgTexMap); #ifdef NETWORK control_invul_time = 0; #endif con_printf(CON_VERBOSE, "Going into graphics mode...\n"); gr_set_mode(Game_screen_mode); // Load the palette stuff. Returns non-zero if error. con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "Initializing palette system...\n" ); gr_use_palette_table( "PALETTE.256" ); con_printf(CON_DEBUG, "Initializing font system...\n" ); gamefont_init(); // must load after palette data loaded. set_default_handler(standard_handler); show_titles(); set_screen_mode(SCREEN_MENU); con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nDoing gamedata_init..." ); gamedata_init(); if (GameArg.DbgNoRun) return(0); con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nInitializing texture caching system..." ); texmerge_init( 10 ); // 10 cache bitmaps con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nRunning game...\n" ); init_game(); Players[Player_num].callsign[0] = '\0'; key_flush(); if(GameArg.SysPilot) { char filename[32] = ""; int j; if (GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir) strcpy(filename, "Players/"); strncat(filename, GameArg.SysPilot, 12); filename[8 + 12] = '\0'; // unfortunately strncat doesn't put the terminating 0 on the end if it reaches 'n' for (j = GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir? 8 : 0; filename[j] != '\0'; j++) { switch (filename[j]) { case ' ': filename[j] = '\0'; } } if(!strstr(filename,".plr")) // if player hasn't specified .plr extension in argument, add it strcat(filename,".plr"); if(cfexist(filename)) { strcpy(strstr(filename,".plr"),"\0"); strcpy(Players[Player_num].callsign, GameArg.SysUsePlayersDir? &filename[8] : filename); read_player_file(); WriteConfigFile(); } } Game_mode = GM_GAME_OVER; DoMenu(); setjmp(LeaveEvents); while (window_get_front()) // Send events to windows and the default handler event_process(); WriteConfigFile(); show_order_form(); con_printf( CON_DEBUG, "\nCleanup...\n" ); close_game(); texmerge_close(); gamedata_close(); gamefont_close(); free_text(); args_exit(); newmenu_free_background(); free_mission(); PHYSFSX_removeArchiveContent(); return(0); //presumably successful exit }