/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * * Routines for placing hostages, etc... * */ #include #include #include #include #include "screens.h" #include "inferno.h" #include "segment.h" #include "editor.h" #include "timer.h" #include "objpage.h" #include "fix.h" #include "error.h" #include "kdefs.h" #include "object.h" #include "polyobj.h" #include "game.h" #include "powerup.h" #include "ai.h" #include "hostage.h" #include "eobject.h" #include "medwall.h" #include "eswitch.h" #include "medrobot.h" #include "key.h" #include "bm.h" #include "sounds.h" #include "centers.h" #include "piggy.h" //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Variables for this module... //------------------------------------------------------------------------- static UI_DIALOG *MainWindow = NULL; static UI_GADGET_USERBOX *HostageViewBox; static UI_GADGET_INPUTBOX *HostageText; static UI_GADGET_BUTTON *QuitButton; static int CurrentHostageIndex=-1; static int LastHostageIndex=-1; static fix Vclip_animation_time=0; // How long the rescue sequence has been playing static fix Vclip_playback_speed=0; // Calculated internally. Frames/second of vclip. static vclip *Vclip_ptr = NULL; // Used for the vclip on monitor void vclip_play( vclip * vc, fix frame_time ) { int bitmapnum; if ( vc == NULL ) return; if ( vc != Vclip_ptr ) { // Start new vclip Vclip_ptr = vc; Vclip_animation_time = 1; // Calculate the frame/second of the playback Vclip_playback_speed = fixdiv(i2f(Vclip_ptr->num_frames),Vclip_ptr->play_time); } if ( Vclip_animation_time <= 0 ) return; // Find next bitmap in the vclip bitmapnum = f2i(Vclip_animation_time); // Check if vclip is done playing. if (bitmapnum >= Vclip_ptr->num_frames) { Vclip_animation_time = 1; // Restart this vclip bitmapnum = 0; } PIGGY_PAGE_IN( Vclip_ptr->frames[bitmapnum] ); gr_bitmap(0,0,&GameBitmaps[Vclip_ptr->frames[bitmapnum].index] ); Vclip_animation_time += fixmul(frame_time, Vclip_playback_speed ); } static char HostageMessage[] = " "; static fix64 Time; int SelectPrevHostage() { int start=0; do { CurrentHostageIndex--; if ( CurrentHostageIndex < 0 ) CurrentHostageIndex = MAX_HOSTAGES-1; start++; if ( start > MAX_HOSTAGES ) break; } while ( !hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ); if (hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) { Cur_object_index = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum; } else { CurrentHostageIndex =-1; } return CurrentHostageIndex; } int SelectNextHostage() { int start=0; do { CurrentHostageIndex++; if ( CurrentHostageIndex >= MAX_HOSTAGES ) CurrentHostageIndex = 0; start++; if ( start > MAX_HOSTAGES ) break; } while ( !hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ); if (hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) { Cur_object_index = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum; } else { CurrentHostageIndex =-1; } return CurrentHostageIndex; } int SelectClosestHostage() { int start=0; while ( !hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) { CurrentHostageIndex++; if ( CurrentHostageIndex >= MAX_HOSTAGES ) CurrentHostageIndex = 0; start++; if ( start > MAX_HOSTAGES ) break; } if (hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) { Cur_object_index = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum; } else { CurrentHostageIndex =-1; } return CurrentHostageIndex; } int PlaceHostage() { int ctype,i; vms_vector cur_object_loc; //update_due_to_new_segment(); compute_segment_center(&cur_object_loc, Cursegp); ctype = -1; for (i=0; i= N_hostage_types ) //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type = 0; //@@ //@@ return 1; //@@} //@@ //@@int SelectNextVclip() { //@@ if (!hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) //@@ return 0; //@@ //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type++; //@@ if ( Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type >= N_hostage_types ) //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type = 0; //@@ //@@ return 1; //@@} int SelectNextFace() { int start = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num; if (!hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) return 0; do { Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num++; if ( Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num >= MAX_HOSTAGES) Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num = 0; if (Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num == start) return 0; } while (Hostage_face_clip[Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num].num_frames == 0); return 1; } int SelectPrevFace() { int start = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num; if (!hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) return 0; do { Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num--; if ( Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num < 0) Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num = MAX_HOSTAGES-1; if (Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num == start) return 0; } while (Hostage_face_clip[Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num].num_frames == 0); return 1; } int PlayHostageSound() { int sound_num; if (!hostage_is_valid( CurrentHostageIndex ) ) return 0; sound_num = Hostage_face_clip[Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num].sound_num; if ( sound_num > -1 ) { digi_play_sample( sound_num, F1_0 ); } return 1; } //@@int find_next_hostage_sound() { //@@ int start=0,n; //@@ //@@ n = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num; //@@ do { //@@ n++; //@@ if ( n < SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES ) n = SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES+MAX_HOSTAGE_SOUNDS-1; //@@ if ( n >= SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES+MAX_HOSTAGE_SOUNDS ) n = SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES; //@@ start++; //@@ if ( start > MAX_HOSTAGE_SOUNDS ) break; //@@ } while ( Sounds[n] == NULL ); //@@ //@@ if ( Sounds[n] == NULL ) //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num = -1; //@@ else { //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num = n; //@@ PlayHostageSound(); //@@ } //@@ return 1; //@@} //@@ //@@int find_prev_hostage_sound() { //@@ int start=0,n; //@@ //@@ n = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num; //@@ do { //@@ n--; //@@ if ( n < SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES ) n = SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES+MAX_HOSTAGE_SOUNDS-1; //@@ if ( n >= SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES+MAX_HOSTAGE_SOUNDS ) n = SOUND_HOSTAGE_VOICES; //@@ start++; //@@ if ( start > MAX_HOSTAGE_SOUNDS ) break; //@@ } while ( Sounds[n] == NULL ); //@@ //@@ if ( Sounds[n] == NULL ) //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num = -1; //@@ else { //@@ Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num = n; //@@ PlayHostageSound(); //@@ } //@@ return 1; //@@} //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Called from the editor... does one instance of the hostage dialog box //------------------------------------------------------------------------- int do_hostage_dialog() { int i; // Only open 1 instance of this window... if ( MainWindow != NULL ) return 0; // Close other windows close_all_windows(); CurrentHostageIndex = 0; SelectClosestHostage(); // Open a window with a quit button MainWindow = ui_create_dialog( TMAPBOX_X+10, TMAPBOX_Y+20, 765-TMAPBOX_X, 545-TMAPBOX_Y, DF_DIALOG, NULL, NULL ); QuitButton = ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow, 20, 222, 48, 40, "Done", NULL ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 32,"&Message:" ); HostageText = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( MainWindow, 10, 50, HOSTAGE_MESSAGE_LEN, HOSTAGE_MESSAGE_LEN, HostageMessage ); // The little box the hostage vclip will play in. HostageViewBox = ui_add_gadget_userbox( MainWindow,10, 90+10, 64, 64 ); // A bunch of buttons... i = 90; //@@ ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 26, "<< Type", SelectPrevVclip ); //@@ ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 26, "Type >>", SelectNextVclip );i += 29; //@@ ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 26, "<< Sound", find_prev_hostage_sound ); //@@ ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 26, "Sound >>", find_next_hostage_sound );i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,70, 26, "<< Face", SelectPrevFace ); ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155+70,i,70, 26, "Face >>", SelectNextFace );i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Play sound", PlayHostageSound );i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Next Hostage", SelectNextHostage ); i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Prev Hostage", SelectPrevHostage ); i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Compress All", CompressHostages ); i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Delete", ObjectDelete ); i += 29; ui_add_gadget_button( MainWindow,155,i,140, 26, "Create New", PlaceHostage ); i += 29; Time = timer_query(); LastHostageIndex = -2; // Set to some dummy value so everything works ok on the first frame. // if ( CurrentHostageIndex == -1 ) // SelectNextHostage(); return 1; } void hostage_close_window() { if ( MainWindow!=NULL ) { ui_close_dialog( MainWindow ); MainWindow = NULL; } } void do_hostage_window() { fix DeltaTime; fix64 Temp; if ( MainWindow == NULL ) return; SelectClosestHostage(); //------------------------------------------------------------ // Call the ui code.. //------------------------------------------------------------ ui_button_any_drawn = 0; ui_dialog_do_gadgets(MainWindow); //------------------------------------------------------------ // If we change objects, we need to reset the ui code for all // of the radio buttons that control the ai mode. Also makes // the current AI mode button be flagged as pressed down. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex ) { if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) strcpy( HostageText->text, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].text ); else strcpy(HostageText->text, " " ); HostageText->position = strlen(HostageText->text); HostageText->oldposition = HostageText->position; HostageText->status=1; HostageText->first_time = 1; } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If any of the radio buttons that control the mode are set, then // update the cooresponding AI state. //------------------------------------------------------------ if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) strcpy( Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].text, HostageText->text ); //------------------------------------------------------------ // A simple frame time counter for spinning the objects... //------------------------------------------------------------ Temp = timer_query(); DeltaTime = Temp - Time; Time = Temp; //------------------------------------------------------------ // Redraw the object in the little 64x64 box //------------------------------------------------------------ if (CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) { int vclip_num; vclip_num = Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num; Assert(vclip_num != -1); gr_set_current_canvas( HostageViewBox->canvas ); if ( vclip_num > -1 ) { vclip_play( &Hostage_face_clip[vclip_num], DeltaTime ); } else { gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } } else { // no hostage, so just blank out gr_set_current_canvas( HostageViewBox->canvas ); gr_clear_canvas( CGREY ); } //------------------------------------------------------------ // If anything changes in the ui system, redraw all the text that // identifies this robot. //------------------------------------------------------------ if (ui_button_any_drawn || (LastHostageIndex != CurrentHostageIndex) ) { if ( CurrentHostageIndex > -1 ) { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: %d Object: %d", CurrentHostageIndex, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].objnum ); //@@ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: %d Sound: %d ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].type, Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].sound_num ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face: %d ", Hostages[CurrentHostageIndex].vclip_num); } else { ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 15, "Hostage: none " ); //@@ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Type: Sound: " ); ui_dprintf_at( MainWindow, 10, 73, "Face: " ); } Update_flags |= UF_WORLD_CHANGED; } if ( QuitButton->pressed || (last_keypress==KEY_ESC)) { hostage_close_window(); return; } LastHostageIndex = CurrentHostageIndex; }