/* THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1998 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ /* * . * */ #include #include #include #include #include "u_mem.h" #include "fix.h" #include "pstypes.h" #include "gr.h" #include "ui.h" #include "key.h" #include "func.h" #include "error.h" #include "cfile.h" #define MAXMENUS 30 #define MAXITEMS 40 typedef struct { short x, y, w, h; char *Text; char *InactiveText; short Hotkey; int (*user_function)(void); } ITEM; typedef struct { short x, y, w, h; short ShowBar; short CurrentItem; short NumItems; short Displayed; short Active; grs_bitmap * Background; ITEM Item[MAXITEMS]; } MENU; MENU Menu[MAXMENUS]; static int num_menus = 0; static int state; static int menubar_hid; #define CMENU (Menu[0].CurrentItem+1) //------------------------- Show a menu item ------------------- void item_show( MENU * menu, int n ) { ITEM * item = &menu->Item[n]; gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); // If this is a seperator, then draw it. if ( item->Text[0] == '-' ) { gr_setcolor( CBLACK ); gr_urect( item->x, item->y+item->h/2, item->x+item->w-1, item->y+item->h/2 ); return; } if ( menu->CurrentItem==n && menu->ShowBar ) { if ( menu != &Menu[0] ) { gr_setcolor( CBLACK ); gr_urect( item->x+1, item->y+1, item->x+menu->w-2, item->y+item->h-2 ); } gr_set_fontcolor( CWHITE, CBLACK ); }else { if ( menu != &Menu[0] ) { gr_setcolor( CGREY ); gr_urect( item->x+1, item->y+1, item->x+menu->w-2, item->y+item->h-2 ); } gr_set_fontcolor( CBLACK, CGREY ); } if ( menu != &Menu[0] ) { if ( menu->Active) gr_ustring( item->x+1, item->y+1, item->Text ); else gr_ustring( item->x+1, item->y+1, item->InactiveText ); } else { if ( menu->Active) gr_ustring( item->x, item->y, item->Text ); else gr_ustring( item->x, item->y, item->InactiveText ); } } //---------------------------- Show a menu --------------------- void menu_show( MENU * menu ) { int i; ui_mouse_hide(); gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); // Don't save background it if it's already drawn if (!menu->Displayed && menu->w>0 && menu->h>0) { // Save the background gr_bm_ubitblt(menu->w, menu->h, 0, 0, menu->x, menu->y, &(grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap), menu->Background); // Draw the menu background gr_setcolor( CGREY ); gr_urect( menu->x, menu->y, menu->x + menu->w - 1, menu->y + menu->h - 1 ); if ( menu != &Menu[0] ) { gr_setcolor( CBLACK ); gr_urect( menu->x, menu->y, menu->x + menu->w - 1, menu->y + menu->h - 1 ); } } // Draw the items for (i=0; i< menu->NumItems; i++ ) item_show( menu, i ); ui_mouse_show(); // Mark as displayed. menu->Displayed = 1; } //-------------------------- Hide a menu ----------------------- void menu_hide( MENU * menu ) { // Can't hide if it's not already drawn if (!menu->Displayed) return; menu->Active = 0; // Restore the background ui_mouse_hide(); gr_bm_ubitblt(menu->w, menu->h, menu->x, menu->y, 0, 0, menu->Background, &(grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap)); ui_mouse_show(); // Mark as hidden. menu->Displayed = 0; } //------------------------- Move the menu bar ------------------ void menu_move_bar_to( MENU * menu, int number ) { int old_item; old_item = menu->CurrentItem; menu->CurrentItem = number; if (menu->Displayed && (number != old_item)) { ui_mouse_hide(); item_show( menu, old_item ); item_show( menu, number ); ui_mouse_show(); } } //------------------------ Match keypress to item ------------------ int menu_match_keypress( MENU * menu, int keypress ) { int i; char c; char *letter; if ((keypress & KEY_CTRLED) || (keypress & KEY_SHIFTED)) return -1; keypress &= 0xFF; c = key_ascii(); for (i=0; i< menu->NumItems; i++ ) { letter = strrchr( menu->Item[i].Text, '&' ); if (letter) { letter++; if (c==tolower(*letter)) return i; } } return -1; } int menu_is_mouse_on( ITEM * item ) { if ((Mouse.x >= item->x) && (Mouse.x < item->x + item->w ) && (Mouse.y >= item->y) && (Mouse.y <= item->y + item->h ) ) return 1; else return 0; } int menu_check_mouse_item( MENU * menu ) { int i; for (i=0; iNumItems; i++ ) { if (menu_is_mouse_on( &menu->Item[i] )) { if (menu->Item[i].Text[0] == '-') return -1; else return i; } } return -1; } void menu_hide_all() { int i; for (i=1; i -1 ) { Menu[0].CurrentItem = i; Menu[0].Active = 0; state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_show( &Menu[0] ); } } for (i=0; i -1)) { Menu[0].CurrentItem = i; state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].Active = 0; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_show( &Menu[0] ); return; } } void do_state_1( int keypress ) { int i; if (!keyd_pressed[KEY_LALT] && !keyd_pressed[KEY_RALT] ) { //state = 2; //state2_alt_down = 0; //Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; //Menu[0].Active = 1; //menu_show( &Menu[0] ); state = 0; menu_hide_all(); } i = menu_match_keypress( &Menu[0], keypress ); if (i > -1 ) { Menu[0].CurrentItem = i; Menu[0].Active = 0; state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_show( &Menu[0] ); } i = menu_check_mouse_item( &Menu[0] ); if ( (i == -1) && B1_JUST_RELEASED ) { state = 0; menu_hide_all(); } if ( B1_PRESSED && (i > -1)) { Menu[0].CurrentItem = i; state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; Menu[0].Active = 0; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_show( &Menu[0] ); } } void do_state_2(int keypress) { int i; if (keyd_pressed[KEY_LALT] || keyd_pressed[KEY_RALT] ) state2_alt_down = 1; if (!keyd_pressed[KEY_LALT] && !keyd_pressed[KEY_RALT] && state2_alt_down ) { state = 0; menu_hide_all(); } switch( keypress ) { case KEY_ESC: state = 0; menu_hide_all(); break; case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_PAD4: i = Menu[0].CurrentItem-1; if (i < 0 ) i = Menu[0].NumItems-1; menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[0], i ); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_PAD6: i = Menu[0].CurrentItem+1; if (i >= Menu[0].NumItems ) i = 0; menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[0], i ); break; case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_PADENTER: case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_PAD2: state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].Active = 0; menu_show( &Menu[ 0 ] ); menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); break; default: i = menu_match_keypress( &Menu[0], keypress ); if (i > -1 ) { Menu[0].CurrentItem = i; Menu[0].Active = 0; state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_show( &Menu[0] ); break; } i = menu_check_mouse_item( &Menu[0] ); if ( (i == -1) && B1_JUST_RELEASED ) { state = 0; menu_hide_all(); break; } if ( B1_PRESSED && (i > -1)) { Menu[0].CurrentItem = i; Menu[0].Active = 0; state = 3; Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[ CMENU ].Active = 1; Menu[0].ShowBar = 1; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_show( &Menu[0] ); break; } } } void do_state_3( int keypress ) { int i; switch( keypress ) { case KEY_ESC: state = 0; menu_hide_all(); break; case KEY_DOWN: case KEY_PAD2: i = Menu[ CMENU ].CurrentItem; do { i++; if ( i >= Menu[ CMENU ].NumItems ) i = 0; } while( Menu[CMENU].Item[i].Text[0] == '-'); menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[ CMENU ], i ); break; case KEY_UP: case KEY_PAD8: i = Menu[ CMENU ].CurrentItem; do { i--; if ( i < 0 ) i = Menu[ CMENU ].NumItems-1; } while( Menu[CMENU].Item[i].Text[0] == '-'); menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[ CMENU ], i ); break; case KEY_RIGHT: case KEY_PAD6: menu_hide( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); i = Menu[0].CurrentItem+1; if (i >= Menu[0].NumItems ) i = 0; menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[0], i ); Menu[CMENU].ShowBar = 1; Menu[CMENU].Active = 1; menu_show( &Menu[CMENU] ); break; case KEY_LEFT: case KEY_PAD4: menu_hide( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); i = Menu[0].CurrentItem-1; if (i < 0 ) i = Menu[0].NumItems-1; menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[0], i ); Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[CMENU].Active = 1; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); break; case KEY_ENTER: case KEY_PADENTER: state = 0; menu_hide_all(); if (Menu[CMENU].Item[ Menu[CMENU].CurrentItem ].user_function) Menu[CMENU].Item[ Menu[CMENU].CurrentItem ].user_function(); break; default: i = menu_match_keypress( &Menu[ CMENU ], keypress ); if (i > -1 ) { menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[ CMENU ], i ); state = 0; menu_hide_all(); if (Menu[CMENU].Item[ Menu[CMENU].CurrentItem ].user_function) Menu[CMENU].Item[ Menu[CMENU].CurrentItem ].user_function(); break; } i = menu_check_mouse_item( &Menu[CMENU] ); if (i > -1 ) { if ( B1_PRESSED ) menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[ CMENU ], i ); else if ( B1_JUST_RELEASED ) { menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[ CMENU ], i ); state = 0; menu_hide_all(); if (Menu[CMENU].Item[ Menu[CMENU].CurrentItem ].user_function) Menu[CMENU].Item[ Menu[CMENU].CurrentItem ].user_function(); break; } } else { i = menu_check_mouse_item( &Menu[0] ); if ( B1_PRESSED && (i > -1)) { if ( Menu[0].CurrentItem != i) { menu_hide( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); menu_move_bar_to( &Menu[0], i ); Menu[ CMENU ].ShowBar = 1; Menu[CMENU].Active = 1; menu_show( &Menu[ CMENU ] ); break; } } if ( B1_JUST_RELEASED ) { state = 0; menu_hide_all(); break; } } } } void menubar_do( int keypress ) { if (menubar_hid) return; keypress = keypress; do_state_0(last_keypress); while (state > 0 ) { ui_mega_process(); switch(state) { case 1: do_state_1(last_keypress); break; case 2: do_state_2(last_keypress); break; case 3: do_state_3(last_keypress); break; default: state = 0; } last_keypress = 0; } } void CommaParse( int n, char * dest, char * source ) { int i = 0, j=0, cn = 0; // Go to the n'th comma while (cn < n ) if (source[i++] == ',' ) cn++; // Read all the whitespace while ( source[i]==' ' || source[i]=='\t' || source[i]==13 || source[i]==10 ) i++; // Read up until the next comma while ( source[i] != ',' ) { dest[j] = source[i++]; j++; } // Null-terminate dest[j++] = 0; } void menubar_init( char * file ) { int i,j, np; int aw, w, h; CFILE * infile; char buffer[200]; char buf1[200]; char buf2[200]; int menu, item; num_menus = state = 0; for (i=0; i < MAXMENUS; i++ ) { Menu[i].x = Menu[i].y = Menu[i].w = Menu[i].h = 0; Menu[i].ShowBar = 0; Menu[i].CurrentItem = 0; Menu[i].NumItems = 0; Menu[i].Displayed = 0; Menu[i].Background = 0; for (j=0; j< MAXITEMS; j++ ) { Menu[i].Item[j].x = Menu[i].Item[j].y = Menu[i].Item[j].w = Menu[i].Item[j].h = 0; Menu[i].Item[j].Text = NULL; Menu[i].Item[j].Hotkey = 0; Menu[i].Item[j].user_function = NULL; } } infile = cfopen( file, "rt" ); if (!infile) return; while ( cfgets( buffer, 200, infile) != NULL ) { if ( buffer[0] == ';' ) continue; CommaParse( 0, buf1, buffer ); menu = atoi( buf1 ); CommaParse( 1, buf1, buffer ); item = atoi(buf1 ); CommaParse( 2, buf1, buffer ); if (buf1[0] != '-' ) { sprintf( buf2, " %s ", buf1 ); Menu[menu].Item[item].Text = d_strdup(buf2); } else Menu[menu].Item[item].Text = d_strdup(buf1); Menu[menu].Item[item].InactiveText = d_strdup(Menu[menu].Item[item].Text); j= 0; for (i=0; i<=strlen(Menu[menu].Item[item].Text); i++ ) { np = Menu[menu].Item[item].Text[i]; if (np != '&') Menu[menu].Item[item].InactiveText[j++] = np; } CommaParse( 3, buf1, buffer ); if (buf1[0]=='{' && buf1[1] =='}') Menu[menu].Item[item].Hotkey = -1; else { i = DecodeKeyText(buf1); if (i<1) { Error("Unknown key, %s, in %s\n", buf1, file ); } else { Menu[menu].Item[item].Hotkey = i; } } CommaParse( 4, buf1, buffer ); if (strlen(buf1)) { Menu[menu].Item[item].user_function = func_get(buf1, &np); if (Menu[menu].Item[item].user_function==NULL) { Error( "Unknown function, %s, in %s\n", buf1, file ); //MessageBox( -2, -2, 1, buffer, "Ok" ); } } Menu[menu].Item[item].x = Menu[menu].x; Menu[menu].Item[item].y = Menu[menu].y; if ( Menu[menu].Item[item].Text[0] == '-' ) { w = 1; h = 3; } else { gr_get_string_size( Menu[menu].Item[item].Text, &w, &h, &aw ); w += 2; h += 2; } if (menu==0) { Menu[0].h = h; Menu[0].Item[item].x = Menu[0].x + Menu[0].w; Menu[0].Item[item].y = Menu[0].y; Menu[item+1].x = Menu[0].x + Menu[0].w; Menu[item+1].y = Menu[0].h - 2; Menu[0].Item[item].w = w; Menu[0].Item[item].h = h; Menu[0].w += w; }else { if ( w > Menu[menu].w ) { Menu[menu].w = w; for (i=0; i< Menu[menu].NumItems; i++ ) Menu[menu].Item[i].w = Menu[menu].w; } Menu[menu].Item[item].w = Menu[menu].w; Menu[menu].Item[item].x = Menu[menu].x; Menu[menu].Item[item].y = Menu[menu].y+Menu[menu].h; Menu[menu].Item[item].h = h; Menu[menu].h += h; } if ( item >= Menu[menu].NumItems ) { Menu[menu].NumItems = item+1; } if ( menu >= num_menus ) num_menus = menu+1; } Menu[0].w = 700; cfclose( infile ); for (i=0; i