/* * * Prototypes for UDP-protocol network management functions. * */ #include "multi.h" // Exported functions int net_udp_setup_game(void); void net_udp_manual_join_game(); void net_udp_list_join_game(); int net_udp_objnum_is_past(int objnum); void net_udp_do_frame(int force, int listen); void net_udp_send_data( ubyte * ptr, int len, int priority ); void net_udp_leave_game(); int net_udp_endlevel(int *secret); int net_udp_kmatrix_poll1( newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata ); int net_udp_kmatrix_poll2( newmenu *menu, d_event *event, void *userdata ); void net_udp_send_endlevel_packet(); void net_udp_dump_player(struct _sockaddr dump_addr, int why); void net_udp_disconnect_player(int playernum); int net_udp_level_sync(); void net_udp_send_mdata_direct(ubyte *data, int data_len, int pnum, int priority); void net_udp_send_netgame_update(); // Some defines #ifdef IPv6 #define UDP_BCAST_ADDR "ff02::1" #else #define UDP_BCAST_ADDR "" #endif #define UDP_PORT_DEFAULT 42424 // Our default port - easy to remember: D = 4, X = 24, X = 24 #define UDP_REQ_ID "D2XR" // ID string for a request packet #define UDP_MAX_NETGAMES 600 #define UDP_NETGAMES_PPAGE 12 // Netgames on one page of Netlist #define UDP_NETGAMES_PAGES 50 // Pages available on Netlist (UDP_MAX_NETGAMES/UDP_NETGAMES_PPAGE) #define UDP_TIMEOUT (10*F1_0) // 10 seconds disconnect timeout #define UDP_MDATA_STOR_QUEUE_SIZE 500 // Store up to 500 MDATA packets #define UDP_OBJ_PACKETS_PER_FRAME 1 // Following are static defines for the buffer size of various packets. IF you change the packets, you must change the size, too. #define UPKT_MAX_SIZE 1024 // Max size for a packet - just for the buffers #define UPKT_GAME_INFO_REQ_SIZE 11 #define UPKT_SEQUENCE_SIZE 14 #define UPKT_PING_SIZE 33 #define UPKT_PONG_SIZE 6 #define UPKT_MBUF_SIZE 454 // UDP-Packet identificators (ubyte). #define UPID_VERSION_DENY 1 // Netgame join or info has been denied due to version difference. #define UPID_GAME_INFO_REQ 2 // Requesting all info about a netgame. #define UPID_GAME_INFO 3 // Packet containing all info about a netgame. #define UPID_GAME_INFO_LITE_REQ 4 // Requesting lite info about a netgame. Used for discovering games. #define UPID_GAME_INFO_LITE 5 // Packet containing lite netgame info. #define UPID_DUMP 6 // Packet containing why player cannot join this game. #define UPID_ADDPLAYER 7 // Packet from Host containing info about a new player. #define UPID_REQUEST 8 // New player says: "I want to be inside of you!" (haha, sorry I could not resist) / Packet containing request to join the game actually. #define UPID_QUIT_JOINING 9 // Packet from a player who suddenly quits joining. #define UPID_SYNC 10 // Packet from host containing full netgame info to sync players up. #define UPID_OBJECT_DATA 11 // Packet from host containing object buffer. #define UPID_PING 12 // Packet from host containing his GameTime and the Ping list. Client returns this time to host as UPID_PONG and adapts the ping list. #define UPID_PONG 13 // Packet answer from client to UPID_PING. Contains the time the initial ping packet was sent. #define UPID_ENDLEVEL_H 14 // Packet from Host to all Clients containing connect-states and kills information about everyone in the game. #define UPID_ENDLEVEL_C 15 // Packet from Client to Host containing connect-state and kills information from this Client. #define UPID_PDATA_H 16 // Packet from Host to all Clients containing all players movement data. #define UPID_PDATA_C 17 // Packet from Client to Host containing his movement data. #define UPID_MDATA_P0 18 // Packet containing multi buffer from a player. Priority 0 - no ACK needed. #define UPID_MDATA_P1 19 // Packet containing multi buffer from a player. Priority 1 - ACK needed. Also contains pkt_num #define UPID_MDATA_ACK 20 // ACK packet for UPID_MDATA_P1. // Structure keeping lite game infos (for netlist, etc.) typedef struct UDP_netgame_info_lite { struct _sockaddr game_addr; short program_iver[3]; char game_name[NETGAME_NAME_LEN+1]; char mission_title[MISSION_NAME_LEN+1]; char mission_name[9]; int levelnum; ubyte gamemode; ubyte RefusePlayers; ubyte difficulty; ubyte game_status; ubyte numconnected; ubyte max_numplayers; ubyte game_flags; ubyte team_vector; } __pack__ UDP_netgame_info_lite; typedef struct UDP_sequence_packet { ubyte type; netplayer_info player; } __pack__ UDP_sequence_packet; // player position packet structure typedef struct UDP_frame_info { ubyte type; ubyte Player_num; ubyte connected; ubyte obj_render_type; shortpos pos; } __pack__ UDP_frame_info; // packet structure for multi-buffer typedef struct UDP_mdata_info { ubyte type; ubyte Player_num; uint32_t pkt_num; ushort mbuf_size; ubyte mbuf[UPKT_MBUF_SIZE]; } __pack__ UDP_mdata_info; // structure to store MDATA to maybe resend typedef struct UDP_mdata_store { int used; fix pkt_initial_timestamp; // initial timestamp to see if packet is outdated fix pkt_timestamp[MAX_PLAYERS]; // Packet timestamp int pkt_num; // Packet number ubyte Player_num; // sender of this packet ubyte player_ack[MAX_PLAYERS]; // 0 if player has not ACK'd this packet, 1 if ACK'd or not connected ubyte data[UPKT_MBUF_SIZE]; // extra data of a packet - contains all multibuf data we don't want to loose ushort data_size; } __pack__ UDP_mdata_store; // structure to keep track of MDATA packets we've already got typedef struct UDP_mdata_recv { int pkt_num[UDP_MDATA_STOR_QUEUE_SIZE]; int cur_slot; // index we can use for a new pkt_num } __pack__ UDP_mdata_recv;