/* * Portions of this file are copyright Rebirth contributors and licensed as * described in COPYING.txt. * Portions of this file are copyright Parallax Software and licensed * according to the Parallax license below. * See COPYING.txt for license details. THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN IS THE SOLE PROPERTY OF PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION ("PARALLAX"). PARALLAX, IN DISTRIBUTING THE CODE TO END-USERS, AND SUBJECT TO ALL OF THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS HEREIN, GRANTS A ROYALTY-FREE, PERPETUAL LICENSE TO SUCH END-USERS FOR USE BY SUCH END-USERS IN USING, DISPLAYING, AND CREATING DERIVATIVE WORKS THEREOF, SO LONG AS SUCH USE, DISPLAY OR CREATION IS FOR NON-COMMERCIAL, ROYALTY OR REVENUE FREE PURPOSES. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE END-USER USE THE COMPUTER CODE CONTAINED HEREIN FOR REVENUE-BEARING PURPOSES. THE END-USER UNDERSTANDS AND AGREES TO THE TERMS HEREIN AND ACCEPTS THE SAME BY USE OF THIS FILE. COPYRIGHT 1993-1999 PARALLAX SOFTWARE CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. */ #include #include #include #include "event.h" #include "maths.h" #include "pstypes.h" #include "gr.h" #include "key.h" #include "mouse.h" #include "strutil.h" #include "ui.h" #include "window.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "compiler-make_unique.h" static int file_sort_func(char **e0, char **e1) { return d_stricmp(*e0, *e1); } char **file_getdirlist(int *NumDirs, const char *dir) { char path[PATH_MAX]; char **list = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(dir); char **i, **j = list; char *test_filename; unsigned test_max; if (!list) return NULL; strcpy(path, dir); if (*path) strncat(path, "/", PATH_MAX - strlen(dir)); test_filename = path + strlen(path); test_max = PATH_MAX - (test_filename - path); for (i = list; *i; i++) { if (strlen(*i) >= test_max) continue; strcpy(test_filename, *i); if (PHYSFS_isDirectory(path)) *j++ = *i; else free(*i); } *j = NULL; *NumDirs = j - list; qsort(list, *NumDirs, sizeof(char *), (int (*)( const void *, const void * ))file_sort_func); if (*dir) { // Put the 'go to parent directory' sequence '..' first (*NumDirs)++; list = (char **)realloc(list, sizeof(char *)*(*NumDirs + 1)); list[*NumDirs] = NULL; // terminate for (i = list + *NumDirs - 1; i != list; i--) *i = i[-1]; list[0] = d_strdup(".."); } return list; } char **file_getfilelist(int *NumFiles, const char *filespec, const char *dir) { char **list = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(dir); char **i, **j = list, *ext; if (!list) return NULL; if (*filespec == '*') filespec++; for (i = list; *i; i++) { ext = strrchr(*i, '.'); if (ext && (!d_stricmp(ext, filespec))) *j++ = *i; else free(*i); } *j = NULL; *NumFiles = j - list; qsort(list, *NumFiles, sizeof(char *), (int (*)( const void *, const void * ))file_sort_func); return list; } struct browser { char view_dir[PATH_MAX]; char *filename; const char *filespec; const char *message; char **filename_list; char **directory_list; UI_GADGET_BUTTON *button1, *button2, *help_button; UI_GADGET_LISTBOX *listbox1; UI_GADGET_LISTBOX *listbox2; UI_GADGET_INPUTBOX *user_file; int num_files, num_dirs; char spaces[35]; }; static int browser_handler(UI_DIALOG *dlg,const d_event &event, browser *b) { int rval = 0; if (event.type == EVENT_UI_DIALOG_DRAW) { ui_dputs_at( dlg, 10, 5, b->message ); ui_dprintf_at( dlg, 20, 32,"N&ame" ); ui_dprintf_at( dlg, 20, 86,"&Files" ); ui_dprintf_at( dlg, 210, 86,"&Dirs" ); ui_dputs_at( dlg, 20, 60, b->spaces ); ui_dputs_at( dlg, 20, 60, b->view_dir ); return 1; } if (GADGET_PRESSED(b->button2)) { PHYSFS_freeList(b->filename_list); b->filename_list = NULL; PHYSFS_freeList(b->directory_list); b->directory_list = NULL; ui_close_dialog(dlg); return 1; } if (GADGET_PRESSED(b->help_button)) { ui_messagebox( -1, -1, 1, "Sorry, no help is available!", "Ok" ); rval = 1; } if (event.type == EVENT_UI_LISTBOX_MOVED) { if ((ui_event_get_gadget(event) == b->listbox1) && (b->listbox1->current_item >= 0) && b->filename_list[b->listbox1->current_item]) ui_inputbox_set_text(b->user_file, b->filename_list[b->listbox1->current_item]); if ((ui_event_get_gadget(event) == b->listbox2) && (b->listbox2->current_item >= 0) && b->directory_list[b->listbox2->current_item]) ui_inputbox_set_text(b->user_file, b->directory_list[b->listbox2->current_item]); rval = 1; } if (GADGET_PRESSED(b->button1) || GADGET_PRESSED(b->user_file) || (event.type == EVENT_UI_LISTBOX_SELECTED)) { char *p; if (ui_event_get_gadget(event) == b->listbox2) strcpy(b->user_file->text, b->directory_list[b->listbox2->current_item]); strncpy(b->filename, b->view_dir, PATH_MAX); p = b->user_file->text; while (!strncmp(p, "..", 2)) // shorten the path manually { char *sep = strrchr(b->filename, '/'); if (sep) *sep = 0; else *b->filename = 0; // look directly in search paths p += 2; if (*p == '/') p++; } if (*b->filename && *p) strncat(b->filename, "/", PATH_MAX - strlen(b->filename)); strncat(b->filename, p, PATH_MAX - strlen(b->filename)); if (!PHYSFS_isDirectory(b->filename)) { PHYSFS_file *TempFile; TempFile = PHYSFS_openRead(b->filename); if (TempFile) { // Looks like a valid filename that already exists! PHYSFS_close(TempFile); ui_close_dialog(dlg); return 1; } // File doesn't exist, but can we create it? TempFile = PHYSFS_openWrite(b->filename); if (TempFile) { // Looks like a valid filename! PHYSFS_close(TempFile); PHYSFS_delete(b->filename); ui_close_dialog(dlg); return 1; } } else { if (b->filename[strlen(b->filename) - 1] == '/') // user typed a separator on the end b->filename[strlen(b->filename) - 1] = 0; strcpy(b->view_dir, b->filename); PHYSFS_freeList(b->filename_list); b->filename_list = file_getfilelist(&b->num_files, b->filespec, b->view_dir); if (!b->filename_list) { PHYSFS_freeList(b->directory_list); b->directory_list = NULL; ui_close_dialog(dlg); return 1; } ui_inputbox_set_text(b->user_file, b->filespec); PHYSFS_freeList(b->directory_list); b->directory_list = file_getdirlist(&b->num_dirs, b->view_dir); if (!b->directory_list) { PHYSFS_freeList(b->filename_list); b->filename_list = NULL; ui_close_dialog(dlg); return 1; } ui_listbox_change(dlg, b->listbox1, b->num_files, b->filename_list); ui_listbox_change(dlg, b->listbox2, b->num_dirs, b->directory_list); //i = TICKER; //while ( TICKER < i+2 ); } rval = 1; } return rval; } int ui_get_filename( char * filename, const char * filespec, const char * message ) { char InputText[PATH_MAX]; char *p; UI_DIALOG *dlg; window *wind; int rval = 0; auto b = make_unique(); if ((p = strrchr(filename, '/'))) { *p++ = 0; strcpy(b->view_dir, filename); strcpy(InputText, p); } else { strcpy(b->view_dir, ""); strcpy(InputText, filename); } b->filename_list = file_getfilelist(&b->num_files, filespec, b->view_dir); if (!b->filename_list) { return 0; } b->directory_list = file_getdirlist(&b->num_dirs, b->view_dir); if (!b->directory_list) { PHYSFS_freeList(b->filename_list); return 0; } //ui_messagebox( -2,-2, 1,"DEBUG:0", "Ok" ); for (int i=0; i<35; i++) b->spaces[i] = ' '; b->spaces[34] = 0; dlg = ui_create_dialog( 200, 100, 400, 370, static_cast(DF_DIALOG | DF_MODAL), browser_handler, b.get()); b->user_file = ui_add_gadget_inputbox( dlg, 60, 30, PATH_MAX, 40, InputText ); b->listbox1 = ui_add_gadget_listbox(dlg, 20, 110, 125, 200, b->num_files, b->filename_list); b->listbox2 = ui_add_gadget_listbox(dlg, 210, 110, 100, 200, b->num_dirs, b->directory_list); b->button1 = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, 20, 330, 60, 25, "Ok", NULL ); b->button2 = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, 100, 330, 60, 25, "Cancel", NULL ); b->help_button = ui_add_gadget_button( dlg, 180, 330, 60, 25, "Help", NULL ); dlg->keyboard_focus_gadget = b->user_file; b->button1->hotkey = KEY_CTRLED + KEY_ENTER; b->button2->hotkey = KEY_ESC; b->help_button->hotkey = KEY_F1; b->listbox1->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_F; b->listbox2->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_D; b->user_file->hotkey = KEY_ALTED + KEY_A; ui_gadget_calc_keys(dlg); b->filename = filename; b->filespec = filespec; b->message = message; wind = ui_dialog_get_window(dlg); while (window_exists(wind)) event_process(); //key_flush(); if (b->filename_list) PHYSFS_freeList(b->filename_list); if (b->directory_list) PHYSFS_freeList(b->directory_list); rval = b->filename_list != NULL; return rval; } int ui_get_file( char * filename, const char * Filespec ) { int x, NumFiles; char **list = file_getfilelist(&NumFiles, Filespec, ""); if (!list) return 0; x = MenuX(-1, -1, NumFiles, list); if (x > 0) strcpy(filename, list[x - 1]); PHYSFS_freeList(list); return (x > 0); }