// Windows video functions. #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef __GCC__ #include #endif #include "gr.h" #include "grdef.h" #include "palette.h" #include "u_mem.h" #include "error.h" #include "vers_id.h" #include "gamefont.h" //added 10/05/98 by Matt Mueller - make fullscreen mode optional #include "args.h" //removed 07/11/99 by adb - now option ////added 02/20/99 by adb - put descent in a window, sort of. Needed for debugging ////(needs a 256 color mode to be useful) //#ifndef NDEBUG //#define DD_NOT_EXCL //#endif //end remove - adb char *backbuffer = NULL; int gr_installed = 0; // Min without sideeffects. #ifdef _MSC_VER #define inline __inline #endif #undef min inline static int min(int x, int y) { return x < y ? x : y; } // Windows specific HINSTANCE hInst; HWND g_hWnd; LPDIRECTDRAW lpDD; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSPrimary; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE lpDDSOne; LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE lpDDPal; PALETTEENTRY pe[256]; //added 02/20/99 by adb - put descent in a window, sort of. Needed for debugging //(needs a 256 color mode to be useful) //#define DD_NOT_EXCL void gr_palette_clear(); // Function prototype for gr_init; static char *DDerror(int code) { static char *error; switch (code) { /* case DDERR_GENERIC: error = "Undefined error!"; break;*/ case DDERR_EXCEPTION: error = "Exception encountered"; break; case DDERR_INVALIDOBJECT: error = "Invalid object"; break; /* case DDERR_INVALIDPARAMS: error = "Invalid parameters"; break;*/ case DDERR_NOTFOUND: error = "Object not found"; break; case DDERR_INVALIDRECT: error = "Invalid rectangle"; break; case DDERR_INVALIDCAPS: error = "Invalid caps member"; break; case DDERR_INVALIDPIXELFORMAT: error = "Invalid pixel format"; break; /* case DDERR_OUTOFMEMORY: error = "Out of memory"; break;*/ case DDERR_OUTOFVIDEOMEMORY: error = "Out of video memory"; break; case DDERR_SURFACEBUSY: error = "Surface busy"; break; case DDERR_SURFACELOST: error = "Surface was lost"; break; case DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING: error = "DirectDraw is still drawing"; break; case DDERR_INVALIDSURFACETYPE: error = "Invalid surface type"; break; case DDERR_NOEXCLUSIVEMODE: error = "Not in exclusive access mode"; break; case DDERR_NOPALETTEATTACHED: error = "No palette attached"; break; case DDERR_NOPALETTEHW: error = "No palette hardware"; break; case DDERR_NOT8BITCOLOR: error = "Not 8-bit color"; break; case DDERR_EXCLUSIVEMODEALREADYSET: error = "Exclusive mode was already set"; break; case DDERR_HWNDALREADYSET: error = "Window handle already set"; break; case DDERR_HWNDSUBCLASSED: error = "Window handle is subclassed"; break; case DDERR_NOBLTHW: error = "No blit hardware"; break; case DDERR_IMPLICITLYCREATED: error = "Surface was implicitly created"; break; case DDERR_INCOMPATIBLEPRIMARY: error = "Incompatible primary surface"; break; case DDERR_NOCOOPERATIVELEVELSET: error = "No cooperative level set"; break; case DDERR_NODIRECTDRAWHW: error = "No DirectDraw hardware"; break; case DDERR_NOEMULATION: error = "No emulation available"; break; case DDERR_NOFLIPHW: error = "No flip hardware"; break; case DDERR_NOTFLIPPABLE: error = "Surface not flippable"; break; case DDERR_PRIMARYSURFACEALREADYEXISTS: error = "Primary surface already exists"; break; case DDERR_UNSUPPORTEDMODE: error = "Unsupported mode"; break; case DDERR_WRONGMODE: error = "Surface created in different mode"; break; /* case DDERR_UNSUPPORTED: error = "Operation not supported"; break;*/ default: error = "unknown"; break; } return error; } void gr_update() { DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; HRESULT ddrval; int i; int w, h; char *j; char *k; ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(ddsd); ddrval=IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(lpDDSPrimary,NULL,&ddsd,0,NULL); if (ddrval!=DD_OK) { printf("lock failed, %s\n", DDerror(ddrval)); Assert(ddrval==DD_OK); } j=backbuffer; k=ddsd.lpSurface; h=grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_h; w=grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_w; for (i=0; isc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_rowsize; //j+=ddsd.dwWidth; #ifdef NONAMELESSUNION k+=ddsd.u1.lPitch; #else k+=ddsd.lPitch; #endif } IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(lpDDSPrimary,NULL); /* while (1) { ddrval=IDirectDrawSurface_Flip(lpDDSPrimary,NULL,0); if (ddrval == DD_OK) { printf("Flip was successful\n"); break; } if (ddrval == DDERR_SURFACELOST) { printf("surface was lost\n"); ddrval=IDirectDrawSurface_Restore(lpDDSPrimary); if (ddrval != DD_OK) { printf("restore failed\n"); break; } } if (ddrval == DDERR_WASSTILLDRAWING ) { printf("was still drawing\n"); break; } }*/ } void gr_flip(void) { gr_update(); //FIXME: Add double buffer support to remove cockpit/status bar flicker } // Set the buffer to draw to. 0 is front, 1 is back // Currently unused void gr_set_draw_buffer(int buf) { buf = buf; } int gr_set_mode(u_int32_t mode) { DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; // DDSURFACEDESC DDSDesc; // DDSCAPS ddcaps; HRESULT ddrval; unsigned int w,h; if (mode<=0) return 0; w=SM_W(mode); h=SM_H(mode); if(lpDDSPrimary!=NULL) { IDirectDrawSurface_Release(lpDDSPrimary); lpDDSPrimary=NULL; } if (backbuffer) free(backbuffer); //changed 07/11/99 by adb - nonfullscreen mode now option if (!FindArg("-semiwin")) { ddrval=IDirectDraw_SetDisplayMode(lpDD,w,h,8); if (ddrval!=DD_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Hmmm... I had a problem changing screen modes... is %ix%ix8 supported? If so, try again... :-( %s\n",w,h, DDerror(ddrval)); return -3; // This is **not** good... } } //end changes - adb ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags=DDSD_CAPS /*| DDSD_BACKBUFFERCOUNT*/; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps=DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE /*| DDSCAPS_FLIP | DDSCAPS_COMPLEX*/; //ddsd.dwBackBufferCount=1; ddrval=IDirectDraw_CreateSurface(lpDD,&ddsd,&lpDDSPrimary,NULL); if(ddrval!=DD_OK) { return -4; } #if 0 memset(&ddcaps,0,sizeof(ddcaps)); // ddcaps.dwSize=sizeof(ddcaps); ddcaps.dwCaps=DDSCAPS_BACKBUFFER; ddrval=IDirectDrawSurface_GetAttachedSurface(lpDDSPrimary,&ddcaps,&lpDDSOne); Assert(ddrval==DD_OK); if(lpDDSOne==NULL) { return -5; } #endif ddrval=IDirectDraw_CreatePalette(lpDD,DDPCAPS_8BIT | DDPCAPS_INITIALIZE | DDPCAPS_ALLOW256,pe,&lpDDPal,NULL); Assert(ddrval==DD_OK); if(ddrval!=DD_OK) { return FALSE; } IDirectDrawSurface_SetPalette(lpDDSPrimary,lpDDPal); // IDirectDrawSurface_SetPalette(lpDDSOne,lpDDPal); gr_palette_clear(); memset( grd_curscreen, 0, sizeof(grs_screen)); grd_curscreen->sc_mode = mode; grd_curscreen->sc_w = w; grd_curscreen->sc_h = h; grd_curscreen->sc_aspect = fixdiv(grd_curscreen->sc_w*3,grd_curscreen->sc_h*4); grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_x = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_y = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_w = w; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_h = h; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_type = BM_LINEAR; backbuffer = malloc(w*h); memset(backbuffer, 0, w*h); grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_data = (unsigned char *)backbuffer; ddsd.dwSize=sizeof(ddsd); ddrval=IDirectDrawSurface_Lock(lpDDSPrimary,NULL,&ddsd,0,NULL); if(ddrval!=DD_OK) { return -6; } // bm_rowsize is for backbuffer, so always w -- adb grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_rowsize = w; //grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_bitmap.bm_rowsize = (short)ddsd.lPitch; memset(ddsd.lpSurface,0,w*h); // Black the canvas out to stop nasty kludgy display IDirectDrawSurface_Unlock(lpDDSPrimary,NULL); gr_set_current_canvas(NULL); gamefont_choose_game_font(w,h); printf("Successfully completed set_mode\n"); return 0; } void Win32_DoSetPalette (PALETTEENTRY *rgpe) { IDirectDraw_WaitForVerticalBlank(lpDD,DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN,NULL); IDirectDrawPalette_SetEntries(lpDDPal,0,0,256,rgpe); } void Win32_DoGetPalette (PALETTEENTRY *rgpe) { IDirectDrawPalette_GetEntries(lpDDPal,0,0,256,rgpe); } //added 07/11/99 by adb for d3d void Win32_MakePalVisible(void) { } //end additions - adb void gr_close(void); int gr_init(int mode) { int retcode; // Only do this function once! if (gr_installed==1) return -1; MALLOC( grd_curscreen,grs_screen,1 ); memset( grd_curscreen, 0, sizeof(grs_screen)); // Set the mode. if ((retcode=gr_set_mode(mode))) { return retcode; } grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_color = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_drawmode = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font = NULL; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font_fg_color = 0; grd_curscreen->sc_canvas.cv_font_bg_color = 0; gr_set_current_canvas( &grd_curscreen->sc_canvas ); gr_installed = 1; // added on 980913 by adb to add cleanup atexit(gr_close); // end changes by adb return 0; } void gr_close(void) { if (gr_installed==1) { gr_installed = 0; free(grd_curscreen); free(backbuffer); } }